Thread: Jakarta Info
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Old 16-06-2015, 05:15 AM
lost99 lost99 is offline
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Alexis spa, Club 4Play, Police road check and Bribe

First time tonight being busted by Police road check. Read past the jump for details.

Arrived 9pm to a decent selection of gals. Surprisingly busy for Monday night as all sofas full. All the standard rooms were booked, and staff downstairs 'told' me 1 hr wait for standard room, while trying to get me to pay extra 150,000 for VIP room. I said no, and the 1 HR wait magically reduced to 5 min. Chose a local indo gal which provided excellent service and tried to coax 2 shots from me - alas 1 hr is too short recovery time and just chatted and felt each other up.

If you goto Alexis, get on friendly terms with the Captain, and ask them to take you downstairs to Club 4 play to bypass the 100,000 Entry fee. Club was about 70% full at 12 midnight. Local dancers were nice but not as hot as Malioboro. Highlight was the European dancers with long legs and huge butts. I asked staff about 'takeout' ladies and all quite willing to help me. Security guard at door all of sudden became a Pimp and intros me to a girl who wants 2 million overnight. Then he says she'll take 1.5 . Waiters then brought me a mamasan who brought over a few girls for 600k short time upstairs, or 3.6 mil overnight. She may work at Alexis as she took me to the KTV floor 3B to find her 'girls' but all finished work now. I must say that even though I rejected all the girls I saw, some were decent and surely all better quality than at CJs girls.

Police Check
Decided to call it a night, and walked to the street to avoid taxi mafia inflated surcharge. encountered my first Police road check, who did a pat down. Lucky I didn't take a girl overnight or who knows what happens. They asked for ID all I had was passport photocopy (I don't risk carrying original passport). I knew they would ask for a bribe, and so I hid some of my cash away in my secret pocket in my pants. They threatened to take me to immigration - I played the dumb tourist card knowing they wanted a bribe and walked straight into the back seat of police car, acting unscarred or worried about immigration. Officer 'faked' driving away, when other officer opened door and said ' we can end now' . He spoke to me for long time in Bahasa and I kept saying I don't understand, until I made him explicitly say 'Money'. I had to make sure Officer was one who offered accepting bribe, so at least I have an ignorance/language barrier plea, and because I don't want to be charged/implicated with offering bribe to officer. They wanted 1 million , and I showed them my partially emptied wallet with about 400k rupiah (didn't have time to hide more money in pants). They took the cash and let me go. I know I took a bit of risk but hid about 750k rp which I believe they would have taken anyways . If any Bros in Jakarta going home late from Kota area, I would make these suggestions

1. Try to go home before 12 or after 5 am to avoid road checks geared towards ecstasy using club goers

2. Bring your Passport (maybe) I still think Police are corrupt and they'll still try to squeeze money from you regardless. Maybe you'll get an honest officer for a change who will let you go. I'm undecided on this issue as you risk losing your passport while carrying it, and it will cost much more in time and money to get sorted out.

3. Carry minimal cash. Rely more on credit cards if going to fancy places like Alexis, 1001, colleseum. Especially in the North Kota area where roadblocks are common.

4. Wait for Officer to 'offer' accepting bribe. Don't initiate it since you may get in more trouble, and lose the ignorance defence. Don't act scared or nervous or else you'll get squeezed for more. officers are lazy and don't want want to take you to station unless something serious.

5. (Risky but optional) When you see Police roadblock. hide your cash in back pockets or shoe. If you don't officers will squeeze you for it if they find it.

I know 2 guys recently squeezed of 2 million on their first day. I'm fortunate I wasn't squeezed for that much. I took a risk with hiding cash, but inherently knew corrupt cops are lazy, and would rather make a Little bit of dirty cash instead of driving me to station and doing paperwork for a minor infraction.

Last edited by lost99; 16-06-2015 at 12:16 PM.