Originally Posted by nhp69
Hello senior bro out there, massage place where to go? Can recommend?
To eat...
To sleep...
To fuck...
...in Batam...
Originally Posted by iicycold
fj price for hj is 4 "foreigners"
my few mths ago fj is 300k in Kings,mayb nono can verify i'm speaking the truth cos he was also there
Yes,300k for fj is not really difficult to bargain down to for me at all (so long i am willing to open my mouth). I stayed in Formosa in most of my trip,King is just upstairs... 200k HJ is difficult (i wouldnt say its easy tho) ,150k for hj may pose a challenge,and as for FJ,it's around 300k to 400k.
Once a person do not open mouth to ask for lower price,it may means he is almost destined to get chopped. I repeat what i say a long time ago,if you dont even bother to bargain for your per trip taxi fare,it likely means you will be paying a higher price for every other things in Batam,including girls.
Just a sharing.