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Old 19-11-2019, 09:34 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
Bro Birdie, u mentioned about my upcoming 10 RTFs and start counting......
i have been thinking on this and hereby answer u partially

Bro Dai Gor, Birdie, Turgid, D69, Apojaja, Omnia, Maxpriest,
Ejectjoy, Garfoo and others :
U guys are Great and take care ( i dont care whether u had secretly sabo me in any way & it does not matter, lol, i still like all of u guys)

I am not logging into the forum any more for good with immediate effect.
Whether i can quit successfully or not, i will not appear in forum anymore, lol.
I never expect that i would register in forum and write FRs spanning over 22 monrhs. It my great pleasure to be able to contribute in the Forum, though i also have my own selfish agenda.

Sorry to say that whatever the replies from who and what, i will not read and notice.

Anyway, i truly like u guys. The passionate support of Omnia, the advice from Maxpriest of my safety when i cip Apple, the care and sharings of Apojaja, Turgid and Garfoo, the cute cute lau ti ko Dai Gor ( how nice if we met and bonked at HC many yrs ago), the gd advice from D69, the Brohood of Birdie, esp in the same industry, the Great sharings from u guys and esp Ejoy pissed off me on Zhen Zhen and Ruyi (2018 May) issues, lol,

Hai Gump Sin !!

Just ignore the negative comments similar to the rights of other samsters as they can also ignore your colourful FRs.
Personally for me, got FRs better than none.

All the best to finding the balance you aim to achieve in life.

Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 19-11-2019, 11:47 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post

Just ignore the negative comments similar to the rights of other samsters as they can also ignore your colourful FRs.
Personally for me, got FRs better than none.

All the best to finding the balance you aim to achieve in life.

Good luck to another brother as he flies to a world beyond sbf. Dwelling upon his advice I am. Best wishes to all bros on this forum.
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 19-11-2019, 07:51 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Another long-ass post from the self-proclaimed cannon fairy with a penchant for whore-raping. Whined like a little bitch when reprimanded for his own stupid stunt.
What an attention-seeking twat.
Try not to rape anybody on your way out...

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
Bro Birdie, u mentioned about my upcoming 10 RTFs and start counting......
i have been thinking on this and hereby answer u partially

I am a bit frustrated due to An An's deleting my wechat.

She had sent me loving short messages when she reached Changi airport , Mainland airport and when she reached home and had then further reminded me to visit her soon.

I had agreed to visit her in Feb 2020, after Chinese New Year because she said that if i visit her earlier, she and her family members would be busy and no time to entertain me , also i have to payout lots of red packets. She was so considerate ......( for those who understand AA, am sure u will like her nature and character)

10 mins later after her last few messages when she reached home, she realized my FR of her disclosing the Raw issue and due to whatever her private agenda, she wechat called me and scolded me upside down. I was mad and before she could fully let off her steam , i off the phone. Since then , she never replied my messages and deleted my wechat a few days ago. But she didnt block me. She ever said that she would block customers if she had bad impressions of them. After deliberate considerations, its no point reconciling as the quality of relationship will be different. So i can only listen to Beatles song " Let it be " ......sigh.

Lol, we had agreed to make love outside at a private area open to sky which is of 10 mins driving distance from her home .....and now can never be materialized.

She is special to me and i feel a bit sad but its still ok to me. Frankly speaking, after Zhen Zhen and Xin Xin's incidents, i am quite immune already, though i still have not attained the power of Bro Omnia and Bro Max Priest's status of 不动如山 (as Still and Solid like a Mountain), lol.
One kind and sincere advice to Bro D69, let it be. Its really no big deal lah. If u realize your potential in your future achievment, its just an experience and its water under the bridge.

If can turn back the clock, i will not post that FR to test water. But what is done is undone. 遗憾 ! I didnt expect her to be in such a drastic emotional state ....probably affected her most tok kong Tirats and further fueled with salt and chili by her fans trying to spoil our relationship .....

Since this is the last posting of DP, i dont mind to share why AA allowed me to raw her . The following reasons were all come from her , not my presumptions and the reasons were shared over various sessions and i hereby summed them up :

1) She was grateful and sincerely appreciated my few FRs to assist her, though she already had good business then (1 long one and a few short ones on her). After i posted, i always informed her immediately.
According to her, this was the main reason of substantial weightage.

2) I was able to make her relax and feel comfortable and at ease. She said i had this special property that made me different from her other customers. In fact, Ex-Xin Xin had commented that when she met me in the 1st session, she already felt that as if we had known each other for quite sometime and she felt at ease with closeness. If u ask me what is that, i will say its chemistry and the way i speak and the use of mandarin. I speak mandarin since childhood and read large large numbers of Chinese books. When i graduated and worked at site, i was in good terms with the China construction workers. They often invited me to stay back to share their dinner.

3) I am not bad looking. Many many WLs had said so but i immediately sensed that those answers were commercialised, though their answers were not wrong, lol.
Only from 3 WLs i sensed the authenticity. Anqi (16W15, Nov 2015), Bai Yang (1606, July 2019 & i believe she is still around) and AA.

4) She said i could last long enough for her to experience the joy of sex.

I have a few more WLs to try but most likely not trying due to various reasons. They are yummy WLs recommended by senior bros , a few from 1669. One WL from 2062a Yue Yiow i am keen due to her face and body ......

Anyway, after FR from Feb 2018 till now, i have enjoyed tremendously and got what i needed, esp over the past 2 yrs. The acquaintance with An An and our shiok relationship & bonkings are what i never expect. BTW, she mentioned that she needed her man to be able to marry her and stay with her in China and ALSO with her family under the same roof. That was tough. Knowing my family condition, she said i will not be able to meet this criteria. But she still feels good that we can meet and share, till one day she has her real prince ......sigh.

I have cip a pretty WL a few times after she started work in Oct last month, a gem potential. Of course i have never mentioned her name in forum before and will never as i promised her. Sorry to Bro Apojaja.
BTW, i dont FR every WL i up. With the past shiok bonkings with many pretty girls, the bonkings with AA, the recent cips and the shiok grindings and gfe bonkings with wonderful Ruyi, i am totally satisfied and declared that i have met my GL objectives 100%.

Bro Dai Gor, Birdie, Turgid, D69, Apojaja, Omnia, Maxpriest,
Ejectjoy, Garfoo and others :
U guys are Great and take care ( i dont care whether u had secretly sabo me in any way & it does not matter, lol, i still like all of u guys)

I am not logging into the forum any more for good with immediate effect.
Whether i can quit successfully or not, i will not appear in forum anymore, lol.
I never expect that i would register in forum and write FRs spanning over 22 monrhs. It my great pleasure to be able to contribute in the Forum, though i also have my own selfish agenda.

Sorry to say that whatever the replies from who and what, i will not read and notice.

Anyway, i truly like u guys. The passionate support of Omnia, the advice from Maxpriest of my safety when i cip Apple, the care and sharings of Apojaja, Turgid and Garfoo, the cute cute lau ti ko Dai Gor ( how nice if we met and bonked at HC many yrs ago), the gd advice from D69, the Brohood of Birdie, esp in the same industry, the Great sharings from u guys and esp Ejoy pissed off me on Zhen Zhen and Ruyi (2018 May) issues, lol,

Hai Gump Sin !!
Old 19-11-2019, 10:31 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Stimsia View Post
In the good ol days FR means TRUE field report
Nowadays, a number of samsters like to talk about themselves, not the WL, i believe the right section would be adult discussion and not in GL forum?
The other thing is the bickering between samsters. Again, if not happy with each other comments, just use the ignore button instead of prolonging the antagonism?

Peace and god bless
Hello brother Stimsia, I not surprised many brothers think this DPower got problem. He not only got personality problem, but hor he oso got dick problem. Wl said he sometime hard sometime soft. So take long time to cum. He like to come in here to Tuakang, like to trumpet his dick strong can make WL Shiok until cum many times. I always LOL after reading. When I translate his FR to the WL he fucked last time, the wL said he very the pian tai one. I think he suffer from inferior complex like brother Gesch said. One brother pm me said he got low self esteem outside sbf wor. England too power for me to understand leh. Tats why he like to come in here to Tuakang. ‘‘Tis is only place he can Tuakang. He promised wl to FR so that he can get good service but he always FR himself only. Funny thing is, he always look at his watch when fucking. Something wrong with his brain. LOL!! Kumsiah FR brother.
Old 20-11-2019, 12:28 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by JuicyG View Post
Hello brother Stimsia, I not surprised many brothers think this DPower got problem. He not only got personality problem, but hor he oso got dick problem. Wl said he sometime hard sometime soft. So take long time to cum. He like to come in here to Tuakang, like to trumpet his dick strong can make WL Shiok until cum many times. I always LOL after reading. When I translate his FR to the WL he fucked last time, the wL said he very the pian tai one. I think he suffer from inferior complex like brother Gesch said. One brother pm me said he got low self esteem outside sbf wor. England too power for me to understand leh. Tats why he like to come in here to Tuakang. ‘‘Tis is only place he can Tuakang. He promised wl to FR so that he can get good service but he always FR himself only. Funny thing is, he always look at his watch when fucking. Something wrong with his brain. LOL!! Kumsiah FR brother.
I believe DPower has exited the scene. Why do you still want to carry on the bickering and meaningless comments if he is not going to read it?

I am actually not interested in whether he is hard or soft. More interested in which girl is chio and has good service. Really if you can write more FR on Girls instead, I will Kumsiah you
RTF Gals and working:
Old 22-11-2019, 06:49 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

1651 LiLi (丽丽)
22y GuiZhou
Height 1.57m Weight 45kg
Debut: 3 months ago

First impression is slim, pretty wih ample boobs. Slight resemblance to actress Yang Mi (杨幂).

Very nice pair of boobs (Natural Full B) with slightly inverted nipples. Erected when suck. Allows fondling without any black face.

Tattoos on shoulder "Freedom" and "Smoking Addition" but admit she didn't smoke.

Good attitude. Can communicate well with smiles but not chatty. No frenching but allows pecking on lips after painting.

Pussy hair trim moist with swollen clitoris.

Soft moaning and kissing my lips when high.

Sensual BBBJ (no teeth). Fingering and AR not tested.

Give me a hug while leaving the room.

RTF - Yes (Nice Boobs and Yang Mi lookalike face)
Old 22-11-2019, 08:26 PM
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Thumbs up Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by rabbitfish View Post
1651 LiLi (丽丽)
22y GuiZhou
Height 1.57m Weight 45kg
Debut: 3 months ago

First impression is slim, pretty wih ample boobs. Slight resemblance to actress Yang Mi (杨幂).

RTF - Yes (Nice Boobs and Yang Mi lookalike face)
how many percent resemblance

yangmi yummy
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Old 22-11-2019, 09:10 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
how many percent resemblance

yangmi yummy
Only slight resemblance 33% for my first impression. However it drops after the session because she didn't touch up before leaving the room. LOL.
Old 22-11-2019, 09:17 PM
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Thumbs up Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by rabbitfish View Post
Only slight resemblance 33% for my first impression. However it drops after the session because she didn't touch up before leaving the room. LOL.
one third maybe becos of makeup but no fish prawn yummy too

thanks buddy
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Old 22-11-2019, 09:30 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by turgid View Post
Hello rabbitfish:

Perhaps it will be better if you had never seen the girls without make-up.

Previously, AaronKwok123 got a “shock” when he saw some girls from 1612 without make-up.
Hi Bro, Yes, some WL on their rest days, will come down without makeup. It can be a turn off.

Those who looks good without makeup is a blessing.
Old 22-11-2019, 09:35 PM
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Thumbs up Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by rabbitfish View Post
Hi Bro, Yes, some WL on their rest days, will come down without makeup. It can be a turn off.

Those who looks good without makeup is a blessing.
early morning go breakfast or medical checkup

late night supper and night snack

kena few times quite scary too

those nice without makeup very rare
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Old 22-11-2019, 10:11 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
early morning go breakfast or medical checkup

late night supper and night snack

kena few times quite scary too

those nice without makeup very rare
That y I only select those natural look without need for make up lol
Don’t want to get nightmare when go out shopping for crocs lol
Old 22-11-2019, 11:37 PM
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Talking Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by saabking View Post
That y I only select those natural look without need for make up lol
Don’t want to get nightmare when go out shopping for crocs lol
you very bad huh
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Old 22-11-2019, 11:40 PM
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Thumbs up Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by turgid View Post
Hello unfit:

What do you mean by “no fish prawn”?
bread crumbs are fine too
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Old 23-11-2019, 01:46 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Any Feedback on 2036 girls? Many pretty faces and nice bods, but heard reviews are all kinda bad...

Anyone can dfk and/or raw rub in tt house? Thanks!

Last edited by pscpscpsc2; 23-11-2019 at 02:37 PM.
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