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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty. |
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Re: GL 150cats FRs
The two major problems with the Mercs Dai Kor Ah Peks:
Expect ppl to clap and listen to their BS. It is obvious you no budget, that's why you got problems getting frenching. Joker88 only has 20% can french him. Does this mean only 20% of WL can french? NO. WHAT A JOKE! Actually, 95% can french, easily, no problem, no drama. So must entertain his FRs about WLs who don't french? You must be dirt poor if you get govt vouchers. I must entertain your nonsense about buying Mercs if you don't go GL? Knn, you can't even afford a bicycle. But the Ah Peks here love to lick each other's ass, talking about money and sexual powress they don't have. I must listen to BigBadBird declare WLs must french or he is not interested. Ehh...more like if you don't pay up, the WLs not interested in hearing about what you expect. Online, I not your friend or your mother. I also not interested in you telling me you pay $50 and expect the WL make you cum 3x. I'm suppose to nod my head, entertain your nonsense? Please PM Turgid/ Forexswift about such nonsense. Oh you want WL to french or you don't call ah? Ah ok. Whatever. Go f yourself? Nobody here interested in what you expect for your low budget. Some idiot claim that only the clueless open room and that hotels are indiscreet. The problem with these fuckers is that they are not actually playing the game, just hearsay but never stop to think what rubbish they talk. They hear from a friend who is also not a player, from a friend who is also not a player. You are talking shit, you expect me to entertain you? KNN I your friend, you give me money, I must listen to your nonsense? If got Ah Peks want to lick your ass, in return you lick theirs, good for you. But don't expect everyone to listen to your BS. After a night out, the easiest thing to do is open room. Fuck and go, no cleaning up, morning wake up and go, no commitment. Extremely discreet. It is a big commitment to let a hooker see where you live. It has happened to me before but after 2 of them took photos because they think it looks nice and posted it of course, I decided bringing flings back was probably a bad idea. Rent condo room? Don't have other ppl living there? Got landlord let you take a room for 1 nite? You call property agent and show me how to do. Your only option is Airbnb, and it's a hassle when you need a room in an hr. Does this fucker who say don't take hotel room take condo room know what fucking nonsense he is talking? Would you rather some local landlord have your personal details or hotel who wouldn't give a fuck, just another guest? You don't open your mouth, nobody know. Once you open your mouth, it is fucking obvious you don't chiong club or have much ONS. All you know is GL and what your Ah Pek friends, who also know shit themselves, tell you. Tonight we go siamdu, at 2am you come open condo room for me. Talking cock. Know shit still say say ppl are clueless when you have no idea what you're talking about, and have never actually gone through the process. I must nod my head and entertain you when it is obvious you have no idea what you're saying? Don't teach ppl who actually play the game what to do. Just sit one corner and hush. Want to have fun but no budget, talk what? Need frenching? No issue. Let's talk about what is a reasonable tip or market rate. Then we can have fun and play. Which WL a bit more exp...etc. But don't want to pay talk what? Those few bakcais? Think OKTs should offer a discount? No problem, talk about bulk purchase. Say 5 punters each down 1.5k upfront, maybe we can make a deal with an OKT. Order 10 at one shot, joke joke with OKT don't be lanjiao nang, discount a bit leh. This is reasonable. This is call fun, got things to talk. But the Ah Peks here want a discount for ONE time, after that don't know when you can see them again. It's like going to siamdu and ordering the minimum 1 beer tower and asking for the prettiest girls, which girl can tabao and sit the longest. Minimum order, go stand one corner don't talk so much. You heng got model want to come by. Dignified69 asked a classic, "How to date WLs?" when he never gave a thought and probably didn't have an extra cent to spend. Play what? Give tip, see 2x a week, should have no issue. Need to ask? In the end, any outcome? No $$$ got what game or dating for you to play? Just ask for fun. The Ah Peks expect everyone to sink down to their pathetic low level of discussion, asking who can french when they have no budget and showing off their GST vouchers. Nobody IRL talk about GST vouchers. Most ppl never get it and those who do are too embarrased to talk about it. This forum is indeed about FRs and fucking whores. If you want to talk about your govt handouts and welfare, fuck off to a welfare charity forum. There is no great secret to whoring: $$$. The more money you pay, the more times she cum and the bigger your dick. You yandao also can. The Ah Peks have neither of the above and hence their discussions revolves around how to get free handouts. Apparently, if you have 'chemistry' or a "slightly bigger cock head" like Dpower, the WLs can overlook that you're poor, old and ugly. This is seriously boring shit. They try to think of ways to anal and french without paying. Life at bottom of the ladder is really pathetic and sad. Yawnzzzz... It's as entertaining as listening to Ah Sohs compare the price of washing detergent at NTUC and Sheng Siong. My friend say hor if you go Sheng Shiong at night sometimes you can have special deal on Dettol leh...zzzzz Last edited by gogogeylang; 28-02-2020 at 10:45 AM. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
When I first became active in this forum many years ago, these Ah Peks were so delusional, they were fucking proud they never tip and even laugh at those who tip calling them Robert. Fucking piece of sai and sia suay, still don't know and proud of themselves. Talk like they damn expert and clever, no need to tip. Ppl who tip are stupid. They most clever.
Tell me, where are the WLs? Tell me, what is the quality of the WLs these days? Come, tell me about your clever theory no need to pay more. Didn't you Ah Peks say no need to pay? Up till now still no need to pay, right? Pay more for what? Don't be stupid lah. You don't know, meh? Got 10,000 XMM on standby desperate to come to Spore to service the no tip Ah Peks but want frenching. No need to up the budget right? Tipping is against your principle wor. According to BigBadBird. They even went to the extent of asking everyone not to tip so as not to so-called spoil the market. WTF are these idiots talking? What these idiots don't realise is that those who are tipping are keeping the market afloat and making it worthwhile for the WLs to come. No lah, not just earn $80, still got tip mah. Hook a few big clients to make it worthwhile. Oh you thought they are here for DPOWER and friends? These bunch of pathetic fuckers don't know they are bottom of the ladder and nobody gives a fuck what they think. Their reputation among PRC XMM stinks so bad nobody wants to come. They can continue to hallucinate no need to pay will have good service and truck loads of fucking chio WLs queueing to come. Up to now, still talking about AR, frenching and anal... budget no change. The world has passed them by. Budget below average, expectation above average. Budget $150 and below, go f yourself. Budget $200 and above, service in GL or FL should be no issue. Listen to these Ah Peks talk like know-it-all? HAHAHA. Just a bunch of morons. Additional $50 also don't have, what fuck do they know about whoring? End result is houses either close or covert to $50 Thai. From their views on how to whore to GL, time has proven again and again that they are fucking empty and really know shit. Please tell me more about how intelligent you are no need to pay and those who do are stupid. Listen to these Ah Peks give excuses about no need to pay because they can't afford to pay, I might as well take investment advice from Grab Delivery. Earns more than Turgid. The reality is OF COURSE MUST PAY. FEI HUA. Up to now, these Ah Peks still don't get it. They ignore everything that goes on around them. No budget so can only be no need to pay. Dumb idiots who don't understand the difference between no need to pay and cannot afford to pay. No need to pay, the XMMs are fighting with each other to come. Joke. When they are not coming, it means you NEED TO PAY but because you haven't done so, they not coming anymore. Please tell me more about your AR expectations and how in the good old days can raw. Call these bunch of no money but talk loud loud idiots "Dai Kor"? Forum Lao Jiao? LOL. Nothing but KNN who IRL, you just spit on them if so suay they happen to walk by your path. Last edited by gogogeylang; 28-02-2020 at 02:14 PM. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
1606 as in Ah Yap? OR 16w6 as in Ah Lek?
Both side girls quite average recently leh. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
WAHAHAHAHAHAHA...living life on govt handout is really sad. OMFG what is this? Go Orchard Towers look for bapok. hahahaha...
OMG FUCK HAHAHAHAHA...this post really make my day. Just as I talking about how poor these Ah Peks are but like to act like expert online as if they have been around, Turgid obliges me by providing evidence of his sad fuck life. When not in GL, he goes to some shitty karchang puteh shop in Orchard Towers to fuck 30 something yr old Aunties. And all the Ah Peks so happy got this recommendation. WAHAHAHAHAHA. Looks good for $150. Sad. Hope you Ah Peks enjoy the rooms and towels. Don't forget to ask for your AR. HAHAHAHHA. From now on, everytime I having a f in the 5 star hotel with the SYT ladies in FL3, I will think of Turgid and the Ah Peks fucking a auntie hippo on a makeshift single bed inside a small shop in Orchard Towers. When your budget is only $150 and no more....HAHAHAHAHA. WTF do these Ah Peks know about whoring? Jia Jia of Orchard Towers. That's what they know. Go sit in one corner and shut up la. HAHAHAHA Last edited by gogogeylang; 29-02-2020 at 12:55 PM. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
Turgid, $150 is blood sweat money. You need to provide the online Mercs Dai Kors the following info because they are very laojiao punters and know a lot:
1. Got DFK? No DFK BigBadBird will reject. 2. Can spit in her mouth and anal? Dpower like to do both. Any space for him to take the pill or he need to go to the shopping centre toilet? She allow FR? Dpower must write FR. If she don't allow, he will revenge her. 3. Got CIM? 4. Can Raw? 5. Got AR or not ah? 6. Got shower service? 7. Can 2 shot? All these is a must for the Ah Peks. And pls hor, no tip. Ah Peks here very smart. If BigBadBird don't go GL he buy Mercs okay! Just like how if you don't go to some shit shop in Orchard Towers you buy Porsche. Lick each other asshole, nice? Don't forget. Cannot tip. This is the most important. Don't spoil market. And oh yah, can date? How to date? Forum Dai Kor Experts who don't even have the basic knowledge that $150 got nothing much for you to play no need ask so much. Either you go GL or some mini shop in Orchard Towers. Only can afford and know how to eat cai peng at coffeeshop and know nothing else, want to teach people how to go restaurant and order fish. Last edited by gogogeylang; 29-02-2020 at 11:46 AM. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
Came to look for FR on WL
but at the end get FR about cheongsters if you not happy with particular cheongsters Can you bring it offline through PM? Instead of flooding the web with non positive contributions? Just so not to make this another useless thread. Recent RTC 1654A yoyo Recent RTF 1649 meng2 W1612 co2 Both svc oriented |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
Re: GL 150cats FRs
Vocab only expletives? No go school? Kpkb. Tsk tsk.
对号入座? Again not to downgrade the thread to some wuhan virus striken brain with no positive contribution 1654A Angel Angpai, service tip top. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
she came here with a fren, but her fren already back due to not much busniess...... |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
You made the WRONG deduction that it was only expletives, either because you're blind or don't understand the meaning of the word 'only' or both; and then conclude on your wrong deduction that I didn't go to school. The fact that my posts clearly contains non-expletives already disproves that I didn't go to school. Aren't you a fucking idiot and clown? I studied all the way. You? You can't even describe and reply a simple 2 sentence post correctly. So why don't you fuck off back to kindergarten? Since you like chinese idioms, I teach you some: 胡说八道, 自作聪明 Angel has been here for ages. And as I understand it, your Yoyo don't know working or went back. So called 'recent' was how long ago? Another Bullshit Star. Thank you for your positive contribution. Now I did say if you don't open your mouth, nobody will know your standard. Once you open your mouth, everyone here know that you're also another KNN, who can't read English with no WL to recommend. Last edited by gogogeylang; 29-02-2020 at 01:50 PM. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
SRSLY, WTF IS THIS? HAHAHAHAHAHA OOOHHHhhh...so this is where all the Mercs Dai Kor go when not in GL. WAHAHAHAHAHA...Juliet Beauty House and Sala Salute sia. Ai Seh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTF IS THIS SHIT? Last edited by gogogeylang; 29-02-2020 at 02:56 PM. |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
I really have to clap hands for Turgid.
There are so many places to go in Orchard Towers. Ipanena also got FL for $250, Got Russian hostess disco and of course basement KTV. Have to say I've been to all. All this WTF shop ppl just walk past without a 2nd glance. BUT TURGID GO IN. REGULAR CUSTOMER. HAHAHAHA. If you need to find the most budget thing in an entire shopping complex, Turgid is the man. All the disco and KTV he don't go, he go for the PRC Bakcai Auntie sitting outside some shit shop. Of all the options, he is able to find the CHEAPEST and MOST SHIT available. You buy Mercs? You know how to chiong? Lanjiao lah! |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
I brought in one chair to the room. First time bonking with a WL on chair. Very lusty and erotic view of her in mirror image doing the up down thrusting motions in reverse cowgirl with her bouncing tits.
Took 4 mins of Hp video of doggie (in knees and lying flat altogather) and another 4 mins of missionary with my body vertically upright. Total of 8 mins 8 secs zoomed in on the dick and pussy closed up view, lol. She left exceeding in 3 mins. Very Shiok bonk, Yummy !! |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
The song 爱江山, 更爱美人 is very nice
![]() We are 迷恋美人的狼, hahahaha |
Re: GL 150cats FRs
any to rec? wanna make my bday special
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