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Old 30-06-2022, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by silverug View Post
Just saw the post on Jessica twitter....damn those hot ladies teaming up...surely an experience not to be missed. Hoprefully can try them in case their team work is temporary.
Fast hands fast feet had gud time. First time meeting Jessica. If you love tall dommes this team can’t be missed.
Old 30-06-2022, 09:14 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
Fast hands fast feet had gud time. First time meeting Jessica. If you love tall dommes this team can’t be missed.
Did you go for the duo session? The last time I went, was Coco+Judy combo and it was a blast.
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Old 30-06-2022, 11:29 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
Fast hands fast feet had gud time. First time meeting Jessica. If you love tall dommes this team can’t be missed.
How was the session bro? Can explain more in detail? 😁
Old 01-07-2022, 01:09 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I love how you have described her skills and she is truly a class apart. BTW you have an equal amount of skill in writing too.

Originally Posted by Az284 View Post
I am grateful to the many posters on this thread who have generously provided reviews over the years. Have been lurking now for several years and want to pay it forward by writing a detailed (and sorry, overly lengthy) review of Princess Yura. It's my first review on anyone so lots of thoughts to unload.

Caveats & Recommendation:
I feel obligated to clarify that I’m not related to Princess Yura in any way other than having served her across multiple sessions. I’m just a guy on a journey – and I’m writing for myself and for those who are also on their journey. If anything offends you, my apologies in advance and please just skip the page.

I would highly recommend Princess Yura to new subs who are seeking to explore BDSM for the first time or who want a sensual experience to start them off. She can be as strict as you like and has an amazing range and versatility to take you across an array of kinks and experiences.

It's trite but true. YMMV. Everyone is different, each session is different and chemistry with your domme matters and shapes your experience – so I wish you all the best with finding what works for you. As for me, I feel incredibly fortunate for finally finding a domme that has brought me to multiple bouts of euphoria again and again – it’s the relief of experiencing a dynamic that just works after so many failed adventures.

Nonetheless, I will continue to explore and visit different dommes, because no matter how good one dynamic is, different people truly bring out different sides of you – isn’t that what makes life interesting?

My Journey:

I consider myself a novice BDSM player and don’t enjoy pain per se. I have kinks most players wouldn’t consider extreme and frankly are just boring vanilla. For the want of a better term, I go for a more sensual type of play than strict. I started my BDSM journey a few years ago with young party dommes (equally or more clueless than I was), experimented with PRC dommes (easy on the wallet, massage-focused, but inevitably language-limited). I then cautiously moved onto some of the local pro dommes with great nervousness. Having calmed my fears, I recently started trying overseas pro dommes while on business trips.

She is incredibly hot to me and she knows it. It wouldn’t work for me if she wasn’t. There are sufficient photos on her website and social media to give you enough of a sense. The photos are obviously and refreshingly real i.e. not touched up. If you’re more of a face person like me, then unfortunately you’ll just need to turn up for a session and make up your mind.

She has a petite, slim and well-toned figure. As of writing, she maintains herself well and it shows. It plays well into my fantasy of always wanting to fuck the smaller girl / lady at school / work but having her remain perpetually out of reach. The twist is she ends up fucking you instead and leaving you in a tantalising state of always wanting more. But if like me, you also have a parallel fantasy of being dominated by a statuesque goddess and height and gym-bunny muscularity matters to you, then maybe less for you.

Sometimes it’s a particular angle where the dim light of the room strikes her body or a certain pose that just accentuates all her delicious curves, or the barely-there fabric that teases her supple skin. But at some point, the physical characteristics and what she wears are just table stakes – they simply get me in the room.

What turns me on during a session is more than looks – they are necessary but not sufficient. Once I’m in the room, what really excites me is the combination of her physical characteristics and her technique in executing the scene. There’s something unbelievably beautiful and sexy about watching the scene unfurl. It’s like watching a dancer do a sensuous dance or a painter paint an expansive vista – except your body is the canvas and you want to fuck the artiste.

While it feels and is shamefully shallow to clinically dissect someone’s looks– the whole point is that the domme is using her body as a visual instrument to help enact your fantasy. What is Jimi Hendrix without a working guitar?

Managing Limits / Kinks:
Sometimes I feel the quality of restraint in dommes is heavily underrated relative to other qualities. We often talk about whether they are hot or not, extreme or not, strict or sensual, bitchy or good-natured. I don't think we always intuit the amount of discipline, skill and self-control it takes to take you right up to your limits, step that line and maybe even just a bit beyond - all while creatively customising the session for your particular kinks and avoiding a commoditized experience.

What I admire most about Princess Yura is her restraint. She is always mindful that I’m not like her other subs and goes right up to the edge without pushing me beyond what I can bear. Too little and I don’t enjoy it. Too much and it’s genuinely excruciating agony. Hitting precisely that sweet spot in between over and over again in multiple waves - I humbly submit that’s the ecstasy you should be pursuing and ultimately paying for. My injunction to her for no permanent marks has been faithfully followed – even though that significantly limits the options of what she can do to me and forces her to be more creative within those constraints.

When I first met Princess Yura, it was with the utmost trepidation. I had read multiple reviews of how she had pushed even experienced subs to their limits. But something about how she wrote about her experiences drew me in despite all of that. So I decided to take a leap of faith. Even now, I just have an irrational, baseline fear of her that never quite goes away. It still puzzles me how someone of her size can arouse such fear. I guess that's what happens when you give someone the power to inflict pain on you. And have it spanked into your being over and over again. It burrows into your mind and stays latent.

She has a way of subtly pushing you past your limits without you realising you’ve crossed the threshold. It’s why I absolutely love being in her sessions. She’s done this with me across 2 dimensions.

For years, I wanted to try anal play, knew deep down I would enjoy it but could not insert anything sizeable without significant pain. So many others gave up prematurely on me, but she persisted because she knew how to tread that line with me. After repeated demonstrations of that restraint, I grew to trust her over time and that opened things up to different forms of experimentation.

While I don’t enjoy pain by itself, I was gradually introduced to sessions interspersing both pain and pleasure at the same time. It turned out to be one of the most sexually exhilarating experiences in my life. Combining the two heightened the pleasure in ways I never dreamt of – and I never would have figured that out had it not been for her guiding me through this limit.

You give the same list of kinks / limits to different dommes and you end up with very different sessions. What distinguishes them really is their sense of creativity and skill in execution which they bring to the session. If not, you could have a robot or non-sentient automaton perform most of the actions on you. Believe me – I’ve had sessions elsewhere that sometime feel so mechanical, because it feels like you’re just ticking off a list and going through the motions.

Where she excels is in combining multiple kinks into a scene (sometimes 2 or 3 at one go). If she knows she can squeeze in another kink when just one will do, she will do so to enhance your experience. It’s about really understanding what makes the sub tick and then hitting those buttons in an unexpected manner. Pacing the different scenes with the right tempo, knowing when to exclude a certain scene because of time constraints in order to focus on the few remaining ones. It’s also about sequencing the scenes carefully to first lull the sub into subspace, building up the tension and then maintaining the momentum of multiple highs. While this is happening, she is reacting spontaneously and creatively on the fly to how the sub responds. Finally, it’s about deciding how to close the session off with a climactic bang or leave you with blue balls as a memento and wanting more even before you’ve left the door.

She engages with your kinks across all your senses. The obvious ones are sight and touch. But she plays around with taste, scent, and sound as well in the way she runs the sessions. Both are potentially powerful factors in influencing the mood of your session. How? I leave it to your imagination or to try it out yourself.

What I respect is her dedication to her craft and perfecting it. No matter how many sessions I go for, she has the iron discipline to ask me for my thoughts on how it went immediately post-session. She’s made the effort to compound her experiences over nearly a decade and invest in the infrastructure to upgrade her skills. I’ve found it remarkably rewarding to provide dommes with as much session feedback as I can give – always positioning it as a request or suggestion for consideration. Probably nothing more frustrating to a domme than a sub who tries to exert control on the sly, completely defeats the purpose. At the end of the day, they can’t read your minds and words are the best way to let them in. The feedback provides fertile ground for them to mine ideas for the next session. Yes, it takes time to write and read the feedback, but I truly believe the best practitioners shouldn’t let any of it go to waste. There are sessions where I write something, forget it completely, only to have it pop up weeks or months later in unexpectedly pleasurable ways, because she read the feedback, internalized it and recalled it.

What’s always fascinated me about her is that she is pretty much the same person inside the session as she is outside. It’s no act. The main difference is whether you’re submitting to her or not. In other dommes, the change in demeanour sometimes is like a cliff-edge – angel to temptress in 60 seconds or less. While she clearly has to prepare herself psychologically for her sessions – every good domme does – she’s not actually digging that deep to find an alter ego. That natural dominance (if it’s your thing) just contributes to her hotness. Just thinking about it makes me DTF. If it doesn’t work for you, then her self-assuredness outside sessions can come across as a certain nonchalance.

Outside and inside the session, she is a consummate professional. For me, my own work is my craft and I respect that in others when they bring the same level of professionalism. It’s similar to how I respect the lawyer, doctor or aircon servicing man who goes about their work. While SM is taboo in our society, it’s possible but not always the case you see glimpses of that in our dommes here.

Verbal Comments:
When I first shortlisted Princess Yura as one of the local dommes to try, I was intrigued by the writing on her website. She writes beautifully and has a certain flair for words. It comes across in her social media as well. I make it a point to read everything dommes write. It’s a window into their minds and I go to sessions to be mindfucked – more so than the body itself. Going in I was expecting to hear some of this linguistic flair during the session itself, but she was surprisingly less verbal than other dommes. Some dommes positively enjoy and pride themselves on using their voice to push their subs to where they want them – the sultry tones strumming the strings of your heart and putting you firmly in your place even without physical prompts.

Verbal comments during a session have a way of melting me into subspace and relaxing me into the pain. She turned out to be less verbal than I thought she’d be. She does of course speak and speak often during the session, and she can definitely amp up the verbal humiliation so she’s certainly not deficient by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes, a well-chosen word or phrase of hers delivered at exactly the right moment is like a shot of dopamine hitting my system. But the pinnacle of her dominance is often expressed through non-verbal forms because she’s usually more focused on listening and reacting to you.

Reacting / Spontaneity:
Her approach to being a domme is an extremely well-considered one – while she is doing things to you, she is deeply sensing how you feel in that moment. My hypothesis is that unlike some dommes who bring their own experiences as a sub to the table or are switches, Princess Yura is mostly, if not exclusively, a dominant. Because of that she can’t lean into her own experiences like a method actor can to understand you as a sub. Instead, she picks up physical / emotional cues from you and feeds off your energy. The analogy I can think of is a person lacking in one physical sense (e.g. blindness), being hyper sensitive in all their other senses. If you’re not used to it, it’s a bit like a superpower – at her best moments, watching this at work is like watching someone read your mind because she has the muscle memory for it.

Favourite Scenes:
Facesitting – the sight of her gorgeous derriere fills my dreams. Pegging – despite her size, she’s like an energizer bunny and relentless, and brings an unexpected athleticism to the scenes that I experience. It feels like penance and she’s making me repent of all the previous times I knowingly pounded girls too hard to get to where I wanted to go. Foot worship – she’s made me a Damascene convert to this after years of wondering why on earth people do things to feet and staring dumbly at dommes asking me to do things to their feet. Now I long for every session with her to have this.

Playspace & Equipment:
The current playspace is a little hard to reach if you don’t have a car but is well set up. Currently not shared with other dommes, which pays dividends due to increased scheduling flexibility. The list of equipment and costumes is comprehensive – I honestly struggle to think what else she needs to add. Just knowing that I’m in a space with equipment that one day might be used on me sends chills down my spine.

It’s impeccable. The playspace and various implements are always clean because her standards are high and she gets upset if it isn’t pristine. The play can get ridiculously messy during the session, but there’s always the psychological comfort of knowing you’re safe from contamination.

Outside of sessions and dominating you remotely via text, her correspondence to scheduling and logistical matters is to-the-point, always professional, polite and firm. If she had a mantra to these matters, it’s basically “no drama”. That’s exactly how I like to conduct my affairs – save the excitement for the playspace and keep everything else chill. You’ll take this for granted and won’t know how much you value this until you’ve experienced the reverse situation.
Old 01-07-2022, 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted by bellasslave View Post
I love how you have described her skills and she is truly a class apart. BTW you have an equal amount of skill in writing too.
Thanks! Appreciate your helpful reviews as well.
Old 03-07-2022, 10:28 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Anyone tried new Luna from Locanto. Apparently she has her own place with a live in Guy.
Old 03-07-2022, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by subway73 View Post
Anyone tried new Luna from Locanto. Apparently she has her own place with a live in Guy.
Yup tried her before , think some bros here tried too 1 month plus back and almost all feedback was bad.
Old 03-07-2022, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by HeroNeverDie View Post
Yup tried her before , think some bros here tried too 1 month plus back and almost all feedback was bad.
In what way was it bad? Her price seems resonable and i thought of trying a session with her but have yet to message her
Old 03-07-2022, 06:13 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
Fast hands fast feet had gud time. First time meeting Jessica. If you love tall dommes this team can’t be missed.
Just to recheck again. She cant speak english right? Just saw her twitter profile and there are several tweet in english
Old 03-07-2022, 10:55 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Patheticboiy View Post
Just to recheck again. She cant speak english right? Just saw her twitter profile and there are several tweet in english
Her English sucks..., but she has English speaker subs, I can try some translation software or show her vids. Unless you session requires verbal humiliation or something...
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Old 04-07-2022, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Patheticboiy View Post
Just to recheck again. She cant speak english right? Just saw her twitter profile and there are several tweet in english
I just tried her yesterday. Yeah, her English isn’t good. Haven’t tried her SM session yet. But she’s willing to communicate and her place is super clean. You could try her normal massage as a trial of sorts (what I did) and see if it works between you two.
Old 04-07-2022, 02:31 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
sure bro, you can have all the politeness and pleasantries in the world until one day yr own daughter tells u she wants to become a domme then you can encourage her to follow her passion and tell her there's nothing inherently disgraceful about sex-work. and while u at it, why nt even use yrself as her first training subject to show her the ropes?( pun very intended). you can't do sex work willingly without categorically being a hoe no matter hw u sugarcoat it so get off yr high horse. yr mistress aint gonna reward u with a hoe savior badge.
You are a real charmer. You deserve the lonely life you have.
Old 04-07-2022, 02:39 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by saly3r View Post
share her wechat
Mistress OMM WeChat ID:

Please take note that she will only accept slaves who have handphone number record inside their data base. If your hp number is not inside the girls data base, you can look for another girl first and do ask her to help you key in your number with their data base first.

Her training content as follows:

脚奴(foot slave),狗奴(dog slave),足交(footjob),鞋交(shoejob),语言羞辱(language humiliation in mandarin),贞操锁(Chastity lock) 坐脸(face sitting),耳光(slap face),口水(saliva),鞭打(spanking and whip),滴蜡(wax) ,捆绑(bondage),踢裆(ballbust),虐阳(CBT--Cock and balls torture),虐肛(pegging),高跟插马眼(sounding),控精(orgasm control),坐脸(face sitting),圣水(golden shower),舔肛 等(lick mistress asshole), 黄金(Brown shower)etc. Others not listed pls negotiate with her directly.

Her favorite training category: toilet slave training ( golden shower and brown shower)

Please inform her your fetish/training content in advance when you make booking. No sex is allowed.

Damage: $150/70 mins

Other than SM女王 service, she still provide normal massage and sensual service.

Last edited by Luckyboy2008; 04-07-2022 at 04:53 PM.
Old 04-07-2022, 07:26 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Anyone know of any mistress that do suspension shibari? Only know Mistress Minky so far.
Old 04-07-2022, 11:59 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Bataille View Post
You are a real charmer. You deserve the lonely life you have.
truth is truth brothaa. im merely stating facts, dun hate the playaar hate the game. sm is def a subset of sex-work, some practitioners less hoe-ish than others doesn't change the fact that they are transacting their bodies for money. you should look up the definition of hoe if it haven't sunk in yet. someone once said only hypocrites clutch their pearls and faint when the truth is spoken.
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