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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 20-02-2020, 07:52 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Bitch , you don't have squat. Gimme a buzz if you have my contact then.Use a private number if you want to. Put up or shut up. Kinda even more pathetic that you've resorted to lying to make up for your lack of any discernible skills. You'll end up doxxing someone else entirely and then your goose will well and truly be cooked, especially when your racist comments are added to your list of misdemeanours.

The only time you've met me was probably in your fantasy whilst you were flicking your bean, seeing as to how in reality, you only surround yourself with eunuchs who are unable to please women sexually.

May want to watch Sesame street to expand your vocabulary.
I'm not the least interested in u.. Call u or buzz u? My session is packed to the brim thanks to your hostility... Go on rant further and help me bring in the cash cow... Cheers...

Love it when u are jumping like monkey.... Hahaha
Old 20-02-2020, 08:07 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
I'm not the least interested in u.. Call u or buzz u? My session is packed to the brim thanks to your hostility... Go on rant further and help me bring in the cash cow... Cheers...

Love it when u are jumping like monkey.... Hahaha
I knew it. Called your bluff. You are way too dense to come up with a believable story and thinly veiled threat. May as well have claimed to have had my credit card and bank account details. You are single handedly accelerating the global warming process with the sheer volume of hot air that comes out of you.As I always say, ain't no cure for stupid.

Last edited by REARAdmiral; 20-02-2020 at 09:56 PM.
Old 20-02-2020, 10:57 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
I knew it. Called your bluff. You are way too dense to come up with a believable story and thinly veiled threat. May as well have claimed to have had my credit card and bank account details. You are single handedly accelerating the global warming process with the sheer volume of hot air that comes out of you.As I always say, ain't no cure for stupid.
Well, they gave me your contact and told me about u. U really think I'm so free or has got nothing better to do to check on u? Gosh... I got no time for small fly like u ya...The more u dickheads post, the more money I get.... Don't stop.... I'm already fully booked for this week and have to come back next week for sessions. Continue your advertisement for me... Work like my slave.... Hahaha
Old 20-02-2020, 11:49 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hey what happened to the continous barrage???

Is it over??? Damn out of steam.... haha
Old 21-02-2020, 01:27 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Sigh.... initially wanted to post ms ana is here since last week. But the pages just go on and on
Old 21-02-2020, 02:13 AM
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Unhappy Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by raygoat View Post
Sigh.... initially wanted to post ms ana is here since last week. But the pages just go on and on
Haiz... I can only say that I won't back down until those dickheads back down. They are giving me vibes to continue this war....
Old 21-02-2020, 03:29 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
I knew it. Called your bluff. You are way too dense to come up with a believable story and thinly veiled threat. May as well have claimed to have had my credit card and bank account details. You are single handedly accelerating the global warming process with the sheer volume of hot air that comes out of you.As I always say, ain't no cure for stupid.
Stupid? Must be u! U really work like my slave! I want u to jump and u jumped! I want u to advertise for me and u did! Can't really tell u and your cock sucker gang how u guys has been played in my hand. U and your gay whores gang has generated so much publicity for me that the money I earned for this week plus next week will allow me to be off work for 2 months....

Do u and your gay whores gang ncluding my most disgusted BLACKIE have any idea how stupid u guys were? Go on using your bombastic words cos it doesn't really matter to me. So what's the big deal that u can write scripts? U dickheads are still working for me like slaves .... I'm packed with sessions to the brim and my wallet is overflow with cash while u are sitting behind the screen promoting me like crazy and yet zero cent. Thought u guys were smart but totally hopeless and used by me....
Not that difficult to get u dickheads to work in my favour.

Of course I was angry and pissed that u insulted me and my child. Instead of suffering in silence, I rather make u guys my slaves to work for me. And u guys so willingly do my biddings.... Super duper happy that u and your gay whore gang are working in my favour....

Don't stop ya... I'm having fun and money is rolling in....keep going with your post... Lmao
Old 21-02-2020, 08:56 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
Well, they gave me your contact and told me about u. U really think I'm so free or has got nothing better to do to check on u? Gosh... I got no time for small fly like u ya...The more u dickheads post, the more money I get.... Don't stop.... I'm already fully booked for this week and have to come back next week for sessions. Continue your advertisement for me... Work like my slave.... Hahaha

They must be as dumb as yourself if they think they know me. The story you cooked up was utter hogwash and reminiscent of nigerian online scams.
You have a lot in common with the "blackies" you detest in this regard. Perhaps you secretly wish to have a black 10 incher tear open your cobweb filled,disease ridden pussy .

Also, someone as vindictive and bitter as yourself will just sit on your hands while supposedly armed with my contact info? Put more effort into your lies please. It's embarrassing.
'Small fly'? I know that's how you probably pronounce it but that's not how you spell small fry. Mong. Heheh.

Last edited by REARAdmiral; 21-02-2020 at 10:07 AM.
Old 21-02-2020, 10:48 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
They must be as dumb as yourself if they think they know me. The story you cooked up was utter hogwash and reminiscent of nigerian online scams.
You have a lot in common with the "blackies" you detest in this regard. Perhaps you secretly wish to have a black 10 incher tear open your cobweb filled,disease ridden pussy .

Also, someone as vindictive and bitter as yourself will just sit on your hands while supposedly armed with my contact info? Put more effort into your lies please. It's embarrassing.
'Small fly'? I know that's how you probably pronounce it but that's not how you spell small fry. Mong. Heheh.

Love to see u up so early raising publicity for me... Get a life little boy... I was hopeful that u will continue and u did... Really, don't stop ya... I will be sipping wines at my balcony with fantastic sea view smiling so sweetly because u dickheads has made me rich..The more u victimised me, the more sessions I get. My phone has been beeping non stop since the day u dickheads gone viral with your vicious attack on me.. Old subs and new subs are sending me comforting texts and scheduling sessions. Even my overseas new/old subs are scheduling sessions to support me. HK, KL, Budapest, Vienna, Paris etc. U are truly a disgrace to your mum after all those years she has been whoring herself out to any Tom, Dick and Harry to feed u and pay for your education. No wonder u know how a disease filled pussy look like because u seen your mum being fuck or gang bang for little money. Bad childhood isn't it? With a whoring mother who pussy is so dirty and smelly must have twisted your mentality. Instead of doing your mum proud after those countless men who bang your mum to raise a pathetic lowlife creature like u, u grew up to suck cocks for BLACKIE and gay whores. I can see where it coming ya...

Continues your replies. I'm having such a good time laughing and counting money as u write. I'm living a high life staying in 4 bedroom condo with Seaview, travelling all over the world for session, getting gifts and large amounts of money. And here u are pathetic as hell doing my biddings... Soon I'll be able to afford a penthouse with your unstoppable adverts on me. Hahaha.

Small fry? Nan... I meant to say u are that irritating fly = insects. Aiyo...Acting smart don't get u anywhere...

Your contact? U must have some haters too. Otherwise why would my subs give me your details when I nvr even bother to ask. I have full details on BLACKIE and I do nothing. Why do I have to dirty my hand on disgusting dickheads? Be patience, I'm super busy scheduling sessions and counting money. Someday I will call upon your hse to let your whoring mum know how useless u are and u have been sucking cocks for BLACKIE gay whores. That's is when I'm super free and got nothing better to do. Judging from my current schedule, u and BLACKIE have to wait ya...

Oh ya, my HK sub who is a hacker wanna do me proud to track u guys. Told him I'm not interested but he insisted. I suppose that's is his hobby. Anyway, I don't know nor care what he will do to your details. Have fun...

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 21-02-2020 at 11:09 AM.
Old 21-02-2020, 11:31 AM
REARAdmiral REARAdmiral is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
Love to see u up so early raising publicity for me... Get a life little boy... I was hopeful that u will continue and u did... Really, don't stop ya... I will be sipping wines at my balcony with fantastic sea view smiling so sweetly because u dickheads has made me rich..The more u victimised me, the more sessions I get. My phone has been beeping non stop since the day u dickheads gone viral with your vicious attack on me.. Old subs and new subs are sending me comforting texts and scheduling sessions. Even my overseas new/old subs are scheduling sessions to support me. HK, KL, Budapest, Vienna, Paris etc. U are truly a disgrace to your mum after all those years she has been whoring herself out to any Tom, Dick and Harry to feed u and pay for your education. No wonder u know how a disease filled pussy look like because u seen your mum being fuck or gang bang for little money. Bad childhood isn't it? With a whoring mother who pussy is so dirty and smelly must have twisted your mentality. Instead of doing your mum proud after those countless men who bang your mum to raise a pathetic lowlife creature like u, u grew up to suck cocks for BLACKIE and gay whores. I can see where it coming ya...

Continues your replies. I'm having such a good time laughing and counting money as u write. I'm living a high life staying in 4 bedroom condo with Seaview, travelling all over the world for session, getting gifts and large amounts of money. And here u are pathetic as hell doing my biddings... Soon I'll be able to afford a penthouse with your unstoppable adverts on me. Hahaha.

Small fry? Nan... I meant to say u are that irritating fly = insects. Aiyo...Acting smart don't get u anywhere...

Your contact? U must have some haters too. Otherwise why would my subs give me your details when I nvr even bother to ask. I have full details on BLACKIE and I do nothing. Why do I have to dirty my hand on disgusting dickheads? Be patience, I'm super busy scheduling sessions and counting money. Someday I will call upon your hse to let your whoring mum know how useless u are and u have been sucking cocks for BLACKIE gay whores. That's is when I'm super free and got nothing better to do. Judging from my current schedule, u and BLACKIE have to wait ya...

Oh ya, my HK sub who is a hacker wanna do me proud to track u guys. Told him I'm not interested but he insisted. I suppose that's is his hobby. Anyway, I don't know nor care what he will do to your details. Have fun...
Point taken. You have nothing.
Old 21-02-2020, 12:17 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Point taken. You have nothing.
U ran out of words? Thought u are highly capable and creative in your accusations? I knock some sense into your fucked up brain? Feell sorry that your mum is still whoring herself now to feed u? No wonder u don't have to work and all u do all day is sit in front of the screen waiting for me and so attentive to reply me... Seriously don't be too in love with me ya.. I can't reciprocate your undying attention... Hahaha

U are getting so damn boring... Don't stop working for me MONKEY SLAVE 🙊. Money is nvr enough for me....
Old 21-02-2020, 12:32 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
U ran out of words? Thought u are highly capable and creative in your accusations? I knock some sense into your fucked up brain? Feell sorry that your mum is still whoring herself now to feed u? No wonder u don't have to work and all u do all day is sit in front of the screen waiting for me and so attentive to reply me... Seriously don't be too in love with me ya.. I can't reciprocate your undying attention... Hahaha

U are getting so damn boring... Don't stop working for me MONKEY SLAVE 🙊. Money is nvr enough for me....

Cool story, sex worker
Old 21-02-2020, 12:38 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Cool story, sex worker
Not bad for a son of a disease filled whore...
I think u dickheads are in love with the word SEX WORKER. Is it because your mother is whore and your gang of gay whores/cock suckers fuck your mother and each other mothers so satisfyingly that Sex Worker became so deeply embedded in your mind?

Seriously, how does it feel to fuck BLACKIE's black mum? Was her pussy as per your descriptions of your mother's disease filled pussy? And BLACKIE watch and suck your tiny cock trying to get u hard to bang his mother? Must be a good feeling right?

Disgusting to the max....
Old 21-02-2020, 12:57 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
Not bad for a son of a disease filled whore...
I think u dickheads are in love with the word SEX WORKER. Is it because your mother is whore and your gang of gay whores/cock suckers fuck your mother and each other mothers so satisfyingly that Sex Worker became so deeply embedded in your mind?

Seriously, how does it feel to fuck BLACKIE's black mum? Was her pussy as per your descriptions of your mother's disease filled pussy? And BLACKIE watch and suck your tiny cock trying to get u hard to bang his mother? Must be a good feeling right?

Disgusting to the max....
Whateva ya say, hooker. Enjoy your monologue.
Old 21-02-2020, 01:32 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Whateva ya say, hooker. Enjoy your monologue.
U really feeding on your mum's whoring... Don't have to work... And good monkey slave to me... Always so diligent to reply me...

Be more creative, hooker, sex worker is outdated... U can do better than that. Like how u describe your mother's disease filled pussy. I forgot to say that I had a good laugh waking up to read your mum's pussy story.

Gather your gang to work for me... Don't stop my cash register ringing. I'm laughing my way to the banks.... 😂
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