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Old 10-07-2013, 04:43 PM
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Arrow An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality service-provider.
By: tsDesiree


This blog is geared to serve as effective guidelines should someone like any other effeminate young boy who dreams of becoming a gorgeous transsexual one day and wants to give it a try to becoming a service-provider, read this article with confidence.

If you're a curious transsexual over the age of 18 and interested to join us; read on and may it help you in your quest;

If you are an interested client to this kind of lifestyle feel free to scroll down.
Although I recommend that you should be mature enough to read this, I think it would be even better if you are flexible and please avoid being judgmental.

This article I write is created based on my conscience.
I only know about the transsexual side of escorting, so it's natural that this is what I'm writing about.

Being a well-respected & effective TS escort requires a bit of maturity on the part of the escort.
Personally, I believe that girls like us are generally wiser than the real macho. Maturity still requires some years and some life experience.
Need I say more?
Experience is the best teacher.

What is an escort? What is a transsexual escort?

An escort is not the same as a prostitute (street hooker)
She sells her time and company;
An escort does not sell sex.
Sex is an option, but not the only one.
An escort and a lawyer have something in common;
We offer our time to the lonely souls in this world.

While a transsexual escort is a special kind of woman most of times referred to
as the "Best of both Worlds"; providing an alternative escorting should a married guy wants to try something new.
Most probably out of boredom, a bachelor finds us more enticing and sexually-inviting than his genetic girl friend.
Curiosity develops seeing video clips online, a girl with a cock, why not?

Just a tidbit, when I was at the age of 8, I could still recall the scenario when mom told the housemaid to get a cab from outside, together with my elder brother and younger sister, we thought we will be going to a mall then. Much to our surprise, we waited inside the cab for about 10 minutes, when she was done talking on the phone, she went out, paid the driver with the bill. Moral of the story, that incident plays a significant role on how and why I categorize an escort from a prostitute.

Guys could always pay cheaper should they decide to engage in sex alone.
But that's not always the case,
In short, I am paid for being loquacious.
He needs someone whose mouth can’t get tired after talking for long hours. lol
What else could he asks for?
"A girl next door with a little bit more"

Last edited by tsDesiree; 10-07-2013 at 11:14 PM. Reason: Incomplete entry
Old 10-07-2013, 06:42 PM
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Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

This article I write is created based on my conscience.
I only know about the transsexual side of escorting, so it's natural that this is what I'm writing about.

Being a well-respected & effective TS escort requires a bit of maturity on the part of the escort.
Personally, I believe that girls like us are generally wiser than the real macho. Maturity still requires some years and some life experience.
Need I say more?
Experience is the best teacher.

What is an escort? What is a transsexual escort?

An escort is not the same as a prostitute (street hooker)
She sells her time and company;
An escort does not sell sex.
Sex is an option, but not the only one.
An escort and a lawyer have something in common;
We offer our time to the lonely souls in this world.

While a transsexual escort is a special kind of woman most of times referred to
as the "Best of both Worlds"; providing an alternative escorting should a married guy wants to try something new.
Most probably out of boredom, a bachelor finds us more enticing and sexually-inviting than his genetic girl friend.
Curiosity develops seeing video clips online, a girl with a cock, why not?

Just a tidbit, when I was at the age of 8, I could still recall the scenario when mom told the housemaid to get a cab from outside, together with my elder brother and younger sister, we thought we will be going to a mall then. Much to our surprise, we waited inside the cab for about 10 minutes, when she was done talking on the phone, she went out, paid the driver with the bill. Moral of the story, that incident plays a significant role on how and why I categorize an escort from a prostitute.
Old 10-07-2013, 06:44 PM
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Wink Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

Guys could always pay cheaper should they decide to engage in sex alone.
But that's not always the case,
In short, I am paid for being loquacious.
He needs someone whose mouth can’t get tired after talking for long hours. lol
What else could he asks for?
"A girl next door with a little bit more"

Cyber escorting has been getting more attention in the media and I guess we should be thankful for that.
We have been given unaccustomed control over our business.
Plus we can personalize our entry, make it more creative to call the attention of the prospects.
Clients' privacy as well is protected & the risk is lowered
& to their benefit, they can scope out transsexuals from all over the world and choose precisely whom they wish to meet.

Entry into the business has become easier.
Placing an ad online has been an easy task
What's next?

The challenge starts in finding an accurate information on the things to do & what to expect.
Only few ts escorts are willing to share their knowledge about the business for one obvious reason, competition has become tougher.
Others end up with inaccurate information
So they try to spoil the market,
Lower down the rates, killing the business slowly.
That's no way to make a life-changing decision.
Old 10-07-2013, 06:45 PM
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Smile Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

Girls remember this;

Our work, like almost anything in life, is affected by how we approach it. If you ask me on the techniques to become effective in this line of work, i humbly share this experience to you.

With the extensive & thorough training I acquired from previous work,
as a team leader in doing outbound calls to market a certain insurance company in US;
I guess it has helped me in dealing clients' inquiry, which mAy include verbal harassment from bogus clients.
So, you need to prepare for this.


I did the planning and personal reflection.
Trust me on this, you will be in the right direction with minimal fuss
You can't just say it to yourself, "Que sera sera"
Oh my dear, not this time please.
Prepare ...
For you shall be in a battle, where the threshold of your patience will be tested over and over again.

Making Money

The first thing everyone is eager to know about this work is how much would they be able to make.
Well, honestly, it is beyond my knowledge.
I can't tell you that.
Further, I can't even tell you if you're suitable for the job,
It's a decision you have to make;
Don't rely on the stories you heard from others,
it maybe no truth at all, misleading & can even destroy the entire YOU...

Even if you decide this is the perfect job for you
Income depends on many factors:
Old 10-07-2013, 06:46 PM
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Arrow Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

~~*Beginners this is for you:~~*

A) Appearance or I usually termed it as "PACKAGING"

Yes, it is important for an escort to maintain proper grooming. Poise & grace is the name of the game if you want to get noticed. Possess that positive quality to stand out.

B) Location - simply means, I travel from one place to another

C) Projected image or Reputation -

It should be your signature, where you can be easily recognized or remembered by the hobbyists.
A phrase or a sentence, a magnetic catch .

* in my case, I use...

ts Desiree, your bubbly escort in town.
"I give my smile to everyone. I give my stick to the Lucky one..."
"Behind every successful man is a surprised woman... Indeed, a gorgeous TRANSSEXUAL."

Now, consider to have a signature with a touch of class.
Originality matters.

Have time to research and should be a description of the REAL YOU!

In this area, it is should be your cup of tea. The kind of service you are good at.

The list is long, I just mention those I can recall

* It could be GFE ( Girlfriend Experience )
( Bondage & Discipline; Domination & Submission; Sadism & Masochism. )

Please take note:
BDSM requires special skills and training. I have personally known a few in the industry who spent amount of money, time & effort, for they had to undergo a short term class for this.

Along the way, you will meet clients who want to try

*Golden & brown shower, etc.

I remember on the first few months, I found it gross and trashy.
But I need to adjust since I can't be a princess forever. lol

E) Professionalism & Personality -

"No man is an island".
Never assume that you are a superstar not unless proven by time. Longevity is an affirmation that you are good in providing the service.
Be humble always, it helps in most instances.
Old 10-07-2013, 06:48 PM
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Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

The money can be fast,
One time, a friend told me; " Easy money, easy gone." :-)

Everyday is a learning process.
Never stop challenging yourself.
Personally, I still had a lot to learn.

Start Thinking Now ...

You can use the list below to kick start the process.

Certain questions I drafted to guide you.

1.) Where did you first learn about transsexual escorting?
Who convinced you to be an escort?
Why do you need to be one?

Try to be honest with your answer, after all it is not the people surrounding you that will benefit of your success,
On the other side of the coin, it can ruin your life including your loved ones once you are in the actual scene.

Just wanting to earn big bucks should not be your reason.
Never let jealousy to be a motivating factor.
Just because you see the progress one transsexual escort is having, then you decide to do the same.
If that's your way of thinking, I don't think you can be effective in this field.

We have our own calling.
Do not be deceived by the facade of it.
Always consider the peace of mind that escorting can’t buy.


Believe me, those familiar scenes of rape, maltreatment & other forms of violence we've seen from movies/tv series are actually happening in the world of transsexual courtesan.

2) Should you be persistent to join us,consider this question,

"Do you have a good support system?"

The job requires a strong character & will.
Close friends or family members that you can lean on.
They should serve as your "emotional outlet" .
And a "shock absorber"
As this job does not provide it.
Old 10-07-2013, 06:49 PM
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Cool Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

3.) Are you a people person?

It means you should know how to deal with different kind of people;

In other words, being bubbly & friendly.
If your answer is YES, then you are half way down there.

This is the main requirement of the job;
& Not on your looks or how great you think you are in bed.
Be sensitive to clients' needs.
Initiate a healthy conversation.
You can be straight-forward but be in tune as not to insult your guest.
They pay for good times and not the other way around.

4) Is your life in order?

Stop being a hypocrite.
Live a simple life.
Never compete with other escorts, instead try to focus on the techniques on how to keep your clients always interested in you.
Do not bore them.
I know a plenty of the stereotypical arrogant escorts out there, but they aren't the ones who make the most money.
Let them talk in a conceited way; my piece of advice work silently and fairly.
Be hard-working and patient in dealing with clients, reaping the fruits of your labor will be a feeling of heaven.

5.) How about your health?

I remember someone who had become stingy when it comes to buying food. If not only i call her attention, she wouldn't care.
It's never been a good idea to compromise on this..
Think it this way, Needs versus wants.
Health is wealth.
Invest on vitamins and healthy foods.
Old 10-07-2013, 06:51 PM
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Smile Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

6) How flexible is your schedule?

Our work is considered to be 24/7, we are like doctors, on call.
The moment client needs our help to release his sexual tension, we
should be ready then,

7) What are your strengths & weaknesses?

You need to determine your physical/mental/emotional boundaries before you have your first appointment.
They aren't rigid rules but for your guidelines to make the (blow)job more interesting. lol

8) What is your long-term goal?

Life is but temporary, including time; it is just borrowed.
While you are earning a considerable income, make most out of it.
Save & Invest.
Live by means.
Avoid being a show-off.
Plan for your retirement, the most important thing we should nail in our mind.
As it is inevitable that a new batch of sensual, sexy, smart & fresh transsexual escorts will take our place in years to come.

9) Lastly, have you really thought about this?

The emotional stress we experienced from the environment during the transition stage of becoming a gorgeous transsexual was already traumatic, how much more if you consider the few things I just mention here that you will surely experience.
This is a make or break of your character.
No turning back once you are there.
Before the actual meeting, an escort is totally clueless as to the type of personality of the client.
Indeed, very risky.

Think of your decision thoroughly...
May the force be with you!

"I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul"
- William Ernest Henley

" I refuse to be Invisible, I do exist! "
- ts Desiree
Old 10-07-2013, 06:52 PM
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Wink Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

In behalf of my colleagues, & friends in the industry;
Our heartfelt gratitude to the generous men we had an acquaintance with.
For the trust and confidence you shared on us through the years, & maintaining such a good working relationship inspires us to continue giving our best.

To my mentors, of course you know who you are, needless to say,
you inspire me to be good in my craft. I salute you for the guidance.

I recognize the fact that i am not a perfect escort, thus;
I am open to any constructive criticism, should you see flaws in my
work, please feel free to send a message, I give you the assurance , it won't be taken against you.

Thanks for taking time to read.
I hope I have helped others specially the next generation of transsexual escorts.

Should you wish to have a copy or republish this in any websites for whatever purpose it may serve you, please have it recognized by me.

ts Desiree, your bubbly escort in town.
Old 10-07-2013, 11:24 PM
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Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.


Cyber escorting has been getting more attention in the media and I guess we should be thankful for that.
We have been given unaccustomed control over our business.
Plus we can personalize our entry, make it more creative to call the attention of the prospects.
Clients' privacy as well is protected & the risk is lowered
& to their benefit, they can scope out transsexuals from all over the world and choose precisely whom they wish to meet.

Entry into the business has become easier.
Placing an ad online has been an easy task
What's next?

The challenge starts in finding an accurate information on the things to do & what to expect.
Only few ts escorts are willing to share their knowledge about the business for one obvious reason, competition has become tougher.
Others end up with inaccurate information
So they try to spoil the market,
Lower down the rates, killing the business slowly.
That's no way to make a life-changing decision.

Girls remember this;

Our work, like almost anything in life, is affected by how we approach it. If you ask me on the techniques to become effective in this line of work, i humbly share this experience to you.

With the extensive & thorough training I acquired from previous work,
as a team leader in doing outbound calls to market a certain insurance company in US;
I guess it has helped me in dealing clients' inquiry, which mAy include verbal harassment from bogus clients.
So, you need to prepare for this.


I did the planning and personal reflection.
Trust me on this, you will be in the right direction with minimal fuss
You can't just say it to yourself, "Que sera sera"
Oh my dear, not this time please.
Prepare ...
For you shall be in a battle, where the threshold of your patience will be tested over and over again.
Old 10-07-2013, 11:42 PM
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Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

Page 2

Cyber escorting has been getting more attention in the media and I guess we should be thankful for that.
We have been given unaccustomed control over our business.
Plus we can personalize our entry, make it more creative to call the attention of the prospects.
Clients' privacy as well is protected & the risk is lowered
& to their benefit, they can scope out transsexuals from all over the world and choose precisely whom they wish to meet.

Entry into the business has become easier.
Placing an ad online has been an easy task
What's next?

The challenge starts in finding an accurate information on the things to do & what to expect.
Only few ts escorts are willing to share their knowledge about the business for one obvious reason, competition has become tougher.
Others end up with inaccurate information
So they try to spoil the market,
Lower down the rates, killing the business slowly.
That's no way to make a life-changing decision.

Girls remember this;

Our work, like almost anything in life, is affected by how we approach it. If you ask me on the techniques to become effective in this line of work, i humbly share this experience to you.

With the extensive & thorough training I acquired from previous work,
as a team leader in doing outbound calls to market a certain insurance company in US;
I guess it has helped me in dealing clients' inquiry, which mAy include verbal harassment from bogus clients.
So, you need to prepare for this.


I did the planning and personal reflection.
Trust me on this, you will be in the right direction with minimal fuss
You can't just say it to yourself, "Que sera sera"
Oh my dear, not this time please.
Prepare ...
For you shall be in a battle, where the threshold of your patience will be tested over and over again.

Making Money $$$$

The first thing everyone is eager to know about this work is how much would they be able to make.
Well, honestly, it is beyond my knowledge.
I can't tell you that.
Further, I can't even tell you if you're suitable for the job,
It's a decision you have to make;
Don't rely on the stories you heard from others,
it maybe no truth at all, misleading & can even destroy the entire YOU...

Even if you decide this is the perfect job for you
Income depends on many factors:

~~*Beginners this is for you:~~*

A) Appearance or I usually termed it as "PACKAGING"

Yes, it is important for an escort to maintain proper grooming. Poise & grace is the name of the game if you want to get noticed. Possess that positive quality to stand out.

B) Location - simply means, I travel from one place to another

C) Projected image or Reputation -

It should be your signature, where you can be easily recognized or remembered by the hobbyists.
A phrase or a sentence, a magnetic catch .

* in my case, I use...

ts Desiree, your bubbly escort in town.
"I give my smile to everyone. I give my stick to the Lucky one..."
Old 10-07-2013, 11:51 PM
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Smile Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

Page 3

Now, consider to have a signature with a touch of class.

Originality matters.

Have time to research and should be a description of the REAL YOU!


In this area, it is should be your cup of tea. The kind of service you are good at.

The list is long, I just mention those I can recall

* It could be GFE ( Girlfriend Experience )
( Bondage & Discipline; Domination & Submission; Sadism & Masochism. )

Please take note:
BDSM requires special skills and training. I have personally known a few in the industry who spent amount of money, time & effort, for they had to undergo a short term class for this.

Along the way, you will meet clients who want to try

*Golden & brown shower, etc.

I remember on the first few months, I found it gross and trashy.
But I need to adjust since I can't be a princess forever. lol

E) Professionalism & Personality -

"No man is an island".
Never assume that you are a superstar not unless proven by time. Longevity is an affirmation that you are good in providing the service.
Be humble always, it helps in most instances.

The money can be fast,
One time, a friend told me; " Easy money, easy gone." :-)

Everyday is a learning process.
Never stop challenging yourself.
Personally, I still had a lot to learn.

Start Thinking Now ...

You can use the list below to kick start the process.

Certain questions I drafted to guide you.

1.) Where did you first learn about transsexual escorting?
Who convinced you to be an escort?
Why do you need to be one?

Try to be honest with your answer, after all it is not the people surrounding you that will benefit of your success,
On the other side of the coin, it can ruin your life including your loved ones once you are in the actual scene.

Just wanting to earn big bucks should not be your reason.
Never let jealousy to be a motivating factor.
Just because you see the progress one transsexual escort is having, then you decide to do the same.
If that's your way of thinking, I don't think you can be effective in this field.

We have our own calling.
Do not be deceived by the facade of it.
Always consider the peace of mind that escorting can’t buy.


Believe me, those familiar scenes of rape, maltreatment & other forms of violence we've seen from movies/tv series are actually happening in the world of transsexual courtesan.

2) Should you be persistent to join us,consider this question,

"Do you have a good support system?"

The job requires a strong character & will.
Close friends or family members that you can lean on.
They should serve as your "emotional outlet" .
And a "shock absorber"
As this job does not provide it.
Old 10-07-2013, 11:56 PM
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Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

Page 4

3.) Are you a people person?

It means you should know how to deal with different kind of people;

In other words, being bubbly & friendly.
If your answer is YES, then you are half way down there.

This is the main requirement of the job;
& Not on your looks or how great you think you are in bed.
Be sensitive to clients' needs.
Initiate a healthy conversation.
You can be straight-forward but be in tune as not to insult your guest.
They pay for good times and not the other way around.

4) Is your life in order?

Stop being a hypocrite.
Live a simple life.
Never compete with other escorts, instead try to focus on the techniques on how to keep your clients always interested in you.
Do not bore them.
I know a plenty of the stereotypical arrogant escorts out there, but they aren't the ones who make the most money.
Let them talk in a conceited way; my piece, work silently and fairly.
Be hard-working and patient in dealing with clients, reaping the fruits of your labor will be a feeling of heaven.

5.) How about your health?

I remember someone who had become stingy when it comes to buying food. If not only i call her attention, she wouldn't care.
It's never been a good idea to compromise on this..
Think it this way,
Needs vs. wants.
Health is wealth.

6) How flexible is your schedule?

Our work is considered to be 24/7, we are like doctors, on call.
The moment client needs our help to release his sexual tension, we
should be ready then,

7) What are your strengths & weaknesses?

You need to determine your physical/mental/emotional boundaries before you have your first appointment.
They aren't rigid rules but for your guidelines to make the (blow)job more interesting. lol

8) What is your long-term goal?

Life is but temporary, including time; it is just borrowed.
While you are earning a considerable income, make most out of it.
Save & Invest.
Live by means.
Avoid being a show-off.
Plan for your retirement, the most important thing we should nail in our mind.
As it is inevitable that a new batch of sensual, sexy, smart & fresh transsexual escorts will take our place in years to come.

9) Lastly, have you really thought about this?

The emotional stress we experienced from the environment during the transition stage of becoming a gorgeous transsexual was already traumatic, how much more if you consider the few things I just mention here that you will surely experience.
This is a make or break of your character.
No turning back once you are there.
Before the actual meeting, an escort is totally clueless as to the type of personality of the client.
Indeed, very risky.

Think of your decision thoroughly...
May the force be with you!
Old 10-07-2013, 11:59 PM
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Re: An online guidelines/tips on becoming a quality Shemale service-provider.

Page 5

In behalf of my colleagues, & friends in the industry;
Our heartfelt gratitude to the generous men we had an acquaintance with.
For the trust and confidence you shared on us through the years, & maintaining such a good working relationship inspires us to continue giving our best.

To my mentors, of course you know who you are, needless to say,
you inspire me to be good in my craft. I salute you for the guidance.

I recognize the fact that i am not a perfect escort, thus;
I am open to any constructive criticism, should you see flaws in my
work, please feel free to send a message, I give you the assurance , it won't be taken against you.

Thanks for taking time to read.
I hope I have helped others specially the next generation of transsexual escorts.

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