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Old 10-07-2022, 08:11 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
as expected bitch first instinct is to default to racial slurs obv cos dats the only thing she got when all her paper tiger house of cards threats are falling apart piece by piece like her pathetic hoe life! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA where is the post/email she claims to have on me.. WHERE bitch??!? *silent crickets. YEA i tot so too. realizing her paper tiger empty threats are exactly that! just like her pathetic hoe life and now pivots to state i should support her cos she's fellow SG Chinese?!? PUIIII!!! firstly, dk wad makes her assume I'm SG or Chinese (nt saying im nt or i am), oh wait!! its cos she herself is SG and Chinese so tryna play the same race card..AHHH i see!! guys look at this pathetic hoe she has to revert to such lowly vernacular playing the race card when cornered! secondly, im def nt a racist like her and only support facts and truth unlike her that goes around slinging racial slurs and ad hominem trash and still be so proud of it. god do forgive her soul! all her beloved slaves, please look at this hoe for what she truly is. An empty paper bag of a racist cunt hoe ass bitch that has 0 regard for anyone's wellbeing and is seeing u only if it benefits her!!(FACT: her words nt mine)

its getting quite boring actually with her one trick pony comebacks and slurs with illiterate spelling and grammar that are so predictably LOW CLASS its nt even funny anymore. so apparent she has nth to offer this community. so kindly pls STFU and leave. u have outstayed yr welcome clown! TQVM. (nt dat anybody welcomed her in the first place)

as i said before, bros can check in with their own respective local dommes they are serving at the moment and hear the truth themselves. i rest my case. DEF nt as dumb as this dumbest cunt to reveal my source. all knows i only speak facts and truth, its up to them to cross check it. And she says she doesn't know any other domme??!?! OBV of course LAHHHHH!!! cos everyone shuns her like the plague brainless CUNT!! *NEWS FLASH* Its nt that she dk any other dommes, its every other domme doesn't want to know her!!! OPPPSSS did she jus CONFIRM her own unlikeness? HAHAHAHAHA LMAOOOOOOOOO.. didn't noe this hoe can still ick out one last laugh frm her stupidity!! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Hey sucker! I'm done with my sessions and back to u!

Wow!!! Keep working for me!!!
Old 10-07-2022, 10:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by micky_blues View Post
Actually I don’t want to get involved in the fight between some bros and Goddess Xenia. However, I feel that it is getting out of hand and I want to give fellow bros my side of the story.

I am the special slave that Goddess Xenia mentioned. I am actually a very stingy guy and has not served any local mistress before as I find that their charges are too high. If I can serve Mistress An Er or other PRC Mistress at $150, why shd I serve a local mistress at > $250? However after I have served Goddess Xenia 2 times, I was captivated by her and have not regretted since then. I am awed by her beauty, her personality, her sexy body and her pair of gorgeous legs. Most slaves who have served her before would agree she has sexy legs and would love to kneel down and worship them! Everytime when I think of Her’s sexy legs, my little bro would react accordingly and I feel so submissive to Her. That is the power of Goddess Xenia!!! She has basically enslaved me and I am happy to be her slave.

Since the pandemic started, life has not been kind to her. She can’t work overseas and has no income. However, as she is my beloved Goddess, I can’t bear to see her suffer. I sent her about $500 each month for her allowance. Even then it is not enough to support her. She lives in a posh condo with sea view. Why? Because there are also other slaves who contributed to her allowance. Why we do it? I think the main reason is because Goddess is very special and all of us worship, adore and love her. We can’t let Goddess suffer!

When she fell sick, I was very worried and called her many times, encouraging her to stay positive and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. I will send her extra whenever I can to let her eat and sleep well. I know is hard for her being alone, sick and locked in the house by herself for so long. I keep reminding her to take her medicine and be strong.

Back to the issue of her earning $10k. Unfortunately for the bros, it is true. I sent her back to Malaysia after her last hosting in SINGAPORE and she proudly showed me the notes. Like I mentioned before, she is a Very Special Mistress that can charge $450/hr and slaves still want to kneel down in front of her to serve her.

When the borders reopened, I went to Malaysia to visit her a few times. I persuaded her to restart her SM career. Initially she did not want to, but I managed to get her to come back to Singapore so that I can serve her better. In fact I gave her $12k so that she can settle the issues. Why the need for $12k? To settle some unforeseen circumstances plus she broke her nose on one of her relapse and she feels that she is no longer good for session having a crooked nose. I see no wrong on her nose but I understand her anxiety so I sent her money to get her fix and accompanied her to the clinic.
She hugged me and smile before she went in for her surgery, I was a little surprised cos she wasn't friendly person in private, I only found out later why she do that. I waited 2 hrs and she came out face swollen till unbelievable. Her surgeon told me to watch her because she bleed too much. It was only later that I know why?

That night she told me she is Hyperthyroidism and not allowed for any form of anesthesia because it would cost a thyroid storm and she will either die of heart failure or in coma. She told me she can't even extract a tooth in SINGAPORE or any small surgery in SINGAPORE because of her medical records in SINGAPORE database. The main reason for her mental illness was because her thyroid level is too high which led to anxiety and irritability, sadly there is no cure for thyroid. I was so adamant to get her back to SM so she took the ultimate risk to look her best for me and for session. I got scared for her health and I slept on the sofa in her living room that night and checking on her every 1 hour just to make sure she is breathing. Seeing her waking up the next morning was beautiful.

She retired but restarting SM for me and her other slaves that supported her during the pandemic. This is something I admired of her, always doing her best for work/session, this time risking her life. And this maybe the last hosting in SINGAPORE because she is planning to quit completely after touring Europe then China for sessions. She said is time for next chapter in life and she doesn't want to deal with idiots anymore.

Like I said in the beginning, I don't want to get involve and Goddess instructed me to stay out because she doesn't want me to be attack. But I feel that I have to tell the truth, I saw her when she is well, I see her getting sick and when I visited her, I see her medication, her scars on her wrist and I see her struggling to get well. If not for me who keep persuading her, and me to post her return here, she wouldn't have to be insulted and attack by ppl in here. Somehow, I felt that it is my fault. Why subject her to these unnecessary attack?

U don't believe her when she said she came back for slaves who supported her. U didn't even believe she worked hard to earn $10k in 5 days. I can honestly tell u that she has done it because I'm willing to give her $500 monthly allowance for 2 years and fork out $12k to get her back to SINGAPORE so why not her other slaves? U may think I am making up stories and attack me. My Goddess just recovered yet so strong and she took it all upon herself so I can't be coward to shift the blame for bringing her back to SM.

Lastly just to clarify. I am Goddess Xenia’s slave, I am not her bf or SB. I do not have the opportunity to make love to her (I wish I could). Bros may think I must be so stupid to spend so much effort and $ on her, but achieve nothing. However that’s me and I am just happy to serve Her.

Once again, I just want to say that I love, adore and worship Goddess Xenia and would love to be her slave forever.

Wah! So serious? 来真的? 你是不是吃了雄心豹子胆?谁给你勇气做这无谓的事?

不是跟你说不要理这些脑残的狗杂碎吗?我只是用它们练练手找些灵感调教!我会Whatsapp 你, 不要再搅和这摊浑水!!!你的真心,我心领了!


我之前告知你不要让我出山因为我实在懒的跟这些智障周旋!你偏要发帖!搞得我不能置之不理,非要展开一轮骂 战!狗的帖我看了,这论坛又不属于狗!为啥我不能在这跟狗隔空叫嚣呢?至少我是会员!

今天我有几分感触。。。今天已经是我出道6年了,扣除2年疫情就是4年工龄。这里始终没有任何改变,一如既 往的偏见和污蔑!从一开始,新国就不是我的目标也不会是我的目标,但我必须承认没有新国哪来的 开始?

容我放肆,这几天我已经达到我要的效果,约调稳定和练习成功!下面会上载奴看了这些帖的要求,不过我真很懒 所以就上载第一天和今天的吧!

大叔,您在6年前的今天在这该死的论坛给了我很高的起点!因为你先天的评价加上我后天的努力,我在这BDS M 的事业上平步青云,红红火火但却议论纷纷。7月19日2016 Hotel Indigo, 你给我送晚餐然后跟我说你不会栓着我,你会陪我这野马一起跑到你不能为止。你教我怎么爆菊,速度,姿态和表 情要面面俱到,你是我第一个采菊的人,你这奴兼友陪我征服东南亚!中国,大马,越南你辅助我,其他的国家我 孤身上路。刚刚有个新奴给我说,我是爆菊传奇,我就有点傻愣,冷静想想后我还真的是每去一个国家都采了初菊 。2018 你的马腿断了,但你忍着痛勉强陪我到2019。2019 你砸锅卖铁的补贴我一万块让我可以离开新国。2020我走了。我们相识于江湖也相忘于江湖吧。如有相逢就如 若陌路人!

大叔,上天有好生之德,2019 我见了Mickey 奴,他用3年感动我。今年他带我回新国。你觉得讽刺吗?你给我一万离开然后3年后他给了我一万 二回新。

大叔,我知道你一直都在这里。之前的喧闹不是为博你的注意,就是想有点灵感去好好工作,毕竟我真的生疏了。 好在这些脑残党还配合我,给了我一个假想敌。

大叔, 因为你我很努力去成为你的女神(女王)。我的确做到从女神到女神经病啊!我思来想去才决定在这论坛向你表达 感谢,因为你还在这。从你自我人道毁灭之后,我们再也没有联系了。

抱歉,占用这资源向您隔空喊话。你陪我怔战的3年里,我无时无刻都想辞职不干,什么烂工作啊?总是要让人品 头论足?总是要人身攻击?总是要生气!出差在机场过安检时,心里总是担心要开箱检验,机场广播我去房间开箱 时,感觉心都快跳出来了,或当场开箱时旁人投来异样眼光,我真的羞愧难当。感恩你发来鼓励的短讯让我坚持下 去。所以我尽量早到机场也避免排在小孩旁边。每次在国外下了飞机,打开手机就收到你鼓励的短讯。因为工作性 质存在危险,你我拟定了一套方案,如果我失联你知道要去那里找人。如果我被机场扣押,你会立马去帮我向边警 解释行李箱里的物件。好在每次都有惊无险的过五关斩六将。

在这的每个人都觉得我的工作很容易,不在这的人都觉得我的工作很变态!两边都不讨好!工作上被攻击污蔑,私 下又被人说我的工作兼人很变态。甚至前任也不相信我不卖身不裸露还很嫌弃我的工作行李箱,只有你相信我,鼓 励和佩服我坚持底线。你曾经问我怎么做到调教里外不被诱惑?其实大多数的奴也问我同样的问题?理由很简单, 我就是人格分裂的双面人,工作是工作,不是我的人生,私下我不搞SM。至于工作的男人我更不会有暧昧关系因 为我是被诅咒的烂桃花,去哪里都会招惹男人被人搭讪。因为我,你走遍新国的酒吧帮我寻找一个没有太多男人的 地方,让我可以安静的喝酒。

我从来没有向你道谢更别说这次的公开道谢。你做为我的奴兼友实在不容易啊!送机接机甚至陪我出差,连我家里 吃的用的你都一手包办。工作上你是我强壮的后勤,私底下是我可以倾述的对象。所以你2019离开后,我不干 了!但是抵不过金钱的诱惑,我梅开二度回来这圈子。

因为疫情封城,我被困在马国两年半,我以为这份工作可以彻底瓦解。但是我被Mickey 奴三番四次的劝说下,又要再次梅开三度。M奴说的对!这两年半是我的奴们在养着我,我欠了太多太多的人情债 ,不能一走了之。他问我征服欧洲的梦想怎么办?我放弃了?我曾经向你和我的奴们许诺我要站上欧洲SM的舞台 上骄傲的说我来自新国。我知道我永远也成为不了最好的女王,但我会努力挤入精英部队。M奴成功的激发我的斗 志,他劳心劳力,散尽金钱为我铺路。

我一个平庸的女子,何德何能?六年前有你辅助,现在有M奴辅佐。这次回新国的目的是要更新护照和银行卡所以 才会顺道调教,有约调就调教呗!没有也无所谓,拿到护照就要开始当空中飞人了。我会用一年的时间巡回马国和 周边国家去见我的奴们最后一次,然后去欧洲,怔战中国大小城市后,我真的辞职不干了。我想过正常人的日子, 有同事有聚会,女王工作总是一个人孤身在陌生的城市,新国格局太小资源太少,为了生活必须跑遍大江南北。我 想做没有污蔑没有攻击的工作哪怕薪水减半,可以每天快乐的为生活奋斗。

大叔,我能为你做的事是, 公开向你致谢。对不起,请您原谅我的过失。在追逐金钱的过程中我深深的伤害了你。我知道不管我对你说多少次 对不起,也无法抹去伤痛。欠你的,如有来世,来世再还吧。不过你要记得早点找到我哦。最后补上一句,能认识 你是我这一生最大的荣幸!你骑着你的黑马解我困难,现在我要想象你离去的背影跟你挥挥手。

Mickey 奴,谢谢你为我做的每一件事,守在鬼门关外等我从手术苏醒。当我在阎王殿遛弯的时候,不断的把我拉回来。对 于做爱那会事,等我辞职后再续吧。

养我的奴们,谢谢你们让我活下来。谢谢你们从不吝啬的关心,谢谢你们愿意银行负字也要供养我。我真心希望这 回程能见到你们,吃饭喝咖啡或调教(不收费)也可以。我想正式道谢和道别,尽可能还清人情债。这次因该是最 后一次在新国调教了。

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 11-07-2022 at 02:34 PM.
Old 10-07-2022, 11:11 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
Wah! So serious? 来真的? 你是不是吃了雄心豹子胆?谁给你勇气做这无谓的事?

不是跟你说不要理这些脑残的狗杂碎吗?我只是用它们练练手找些灵感调教!我会Whatsapp 你, 不要再搅和这摊浑水!!!你的真心,我心领了!


我之前告知你不要让我出山因为我实在懒的跟这些智障周旋!你偏要发帖!搞得我不能置之不理,非要展开一轮骂 战!狗的帖我看了,这论坛又不属于狗!为啥我不能在这跟狗隔空叫嚣呢?至少我是会员!

今天我有几分感触。。。今天已经是我出道6年了,扣除2年疫情就是4年工龄。这里始终没有任何改变,一如既 往的偏见和污蔑!从一开始,新国就不是我的目标也不会是我的目标,但我必须承认没有新国哪来的 开始?

容我放肆,这几天我已经达到我要的效果,约调稳定和练习成功!下面会上载奴看了这些帖的要求,不过我真很懒 所以就上载第一天和今天的吧!

大叔,您在6年前的今天在这该死的论坛给了我很高的起点!因为你先天的评价加上我后天的努力,我在这BDS M 的事业上平步青云,红红火火但却议论纷纷。7月19日2016 Hotel Indigo, 你给我送晚餐然后跟我说你不会栓着我,你会陪我这野马一起跑到你不能为止。你教我怎么爆菊,速度,姿态和表 情要面面俱到,你是我第一个采菊的人,你这奴兼友陪我征服东南亚!中国,大马,越南你辅助我,其他的国家我 一人上路。刚刚有个新奴给我说,我是爆菊传奇,我就有点傻愣,冷静后想想还真的是每去一个国家都采了初菊。 2018 你的马腿断了但你忍着痛勉强陪我到2019。2019 你砸锅卖铁的补贴我一万块让我可以离开新国。我走了。。。我们相识于江湖也相忘于江湖吧。如有相逢就如若陌 路人!
Old 11-07-2022, 01:15 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
no lah i just hear stories frm bros ard here dat her public image aint the cleanest /low profile either. just like xenia (domme with kids), wonder how they will react when they one day find out bout their hoe mom. so much for her coming on here and spewing her bs everywhere just reflects even more upon their hoe-ness when their kids eventually finds out lol

Bro, Goddess Xenia is a very normal lady outside session. I think the main reason is because you mentioned her kids.

All the bros who enter this thread have fetishes, including you. How would your mother and children (if you happen to be married) if they know you engage in those activities.

If you have served Her before, and not satisfied with her skills, you are fully entitled to comment on her in this forum. Goddess is willing to accept criticisms inorder to imporve. But why do you want to comment on her kids.

If you stop that, she will also stop hers.
Old 11-07-2022, 02:01 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by micky_blues View Post
Bro, Goddess Xenia is a very normal lady outside session. I think the main reason is because you mentioned her kids.

All the bros who enter this thread have fetishes, including you. How would your mother and children (if you happen to be married) if they know you engage in those activities.

If you have served Her before, and not satisfied with her skills, you are fully entitled to comment on her in this forum. Goddess is willing to accept criticisms inorder to imporve. But why do you want to comment on her kids.

If you stop that, she will also stop hers.
Because he is fucking useless to the max!!!! loser!!!
Old 11-07-2022, 11:13 AM
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ILemonic has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by micky_blues View Post
Bro, Goddess Xenia is a very normal lady outside session. I think the main reason is because you mentioned her kids.

All the bros who enter this thread have fetishes, including you. How would your mother and children (if you happen to be married) if they know you engage in those activities.

If you have served Her before, and not satisfied with her skills, you are fully entitled to comment on her in this forum. Goddess is willing to accept criticisms inorder to imporve. But why do you want to comment on her kids.

If you stop that, she will also stop hers.
thr is nth categorically wrong with what i wrote, why cant i mention her kids?? if she can come on here and spew her garbage so brazenly then why so afraid her kids finds out?!? what a hypocrite of a HOE!! i did nt use any profanities or spread any falsehoods on her kids unlike this low class hoe or put them in any unstable position their mom has alr put them in by profusely spewing garbage here. fyi she was the one who dox her own kids last time wif some other bros and her cb mouth dat cant stop digging her own grave deeper and deeper so want to blame who??! cant take the heat then dun start it in the first place lahh!! still tryna cover it up as some marketing campaign? PUII!!!

btw whatever u exp outside of sessions with her is only yr own POV and does nt equate to hw she treats everyone. there's a reason why she's shunned by the local dommes and a large part of the local subs/community too. use yr big head instead of yr dickhead for once.

Last edited by ILemonic; 11-07-2022 at 02:45 PM.
Old 11-07-2022, 03:00 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I don’t want to interrupt your fight.

And I don’t care how do vanilla people outside think of dominatrix as a profession.

However I find that those men who address dominatrix as whore, but on the other hand, need to constantly engage dominatrix to fulfil their fantasy and unleash their desires, are very disgusting.

They are pathetic worms that can’t live normally without those “whores”.
Old 11-07-2022, 03:06 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I don’t want to interrupt your fight.

I don’t care how those vanilla people outside think of dominatrix as a profession.

However I find that those men that address dominatrix as “whore”, but on the other hand, need to constantly engage those dominatrix to fulfil their fantasies and release their desires, are very disgusting.

They are pathetic worms that can’t live normally without their so called “whores”
Old 11-07-2022, 03:07 PM
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I don’t want to interrupt your fight.

I don’t care how those vanilla people outside think of dominatrix as a profession.

However I find that those men that address dominatrix as “whore”, but on the other hand, need to constantly engage those dominatrix to fulfil their fantasies and release their desires, are very disgusting.

They are pathetic worms that can’t live normally without their so called “whores”
Old 11-07-2022, 04:42 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
h/t brotha for finding it in yr heart to love such a creature. there is def nth wrong in yr devotion and hw u wanna spend yr money on her. but pls advise her to get off the forum and stop spewing garbage every chance she gets. this forum and community is nt her free campaign stage! bitch doesn't noe wen to STFU when it's so obv she's jus digging her own grave deeper and deeper. if u truly care for her, pls make sure she is mentally sound first before even thinking of doing any activity that can trigger her psychosis.

这论坛确实不是我该来的,我,一个人怎么可能沦落到要待在狗圈里耍狗呢?我又不是训犬师?把你卖了还热心的 帮我数钱呢!要求调教里被骂的奴还真不少哦!


女王,谢谢你劝说我入行还拉着另一个女王给我洗脑。这些年我从没有跟你道谢因为我就是你说的高傲,目中无人 。其实我就是不善人际关系更不善言辞,但我的的确确感恩于你。你耐心的教导我调教程序,给我当场演示。谢谢 你在看到我上传广告后发短讯恭喜我出道。谢谢你在我第一个调教日的早上发一个鼓励短讯也在同天晚上我下班后 发恭喜短讯给我。那刻,我是感动的。。。

在与你相处的时光里,我总是装疯卖傻因为我不想深交但你的热情打动了我。你还建了一个群聊让我们三个一起聊 天,后来我自己退群了。我从几个奴口中听说了你对我的不满,第一个,我不相信,到第三个奴时,我相信了。我 没有寻问你或尝试解释,我安静的离开。当时的我一心只想往外往远处的国家闯,我实在不想浪费时间在八卦上, 既然你不喜欢我,那我也没必要自讨没趣。我不知道你是否变心了但我始终保持初心。我自认我卑微的道德修养还 是存在的,没被这圈子里的狗同化。我不知道你听说什么?至始至终我没有向我的奴们评论你,我每次都笑着说我 们俩不熟悉以杜绝追问。为啥今天要坦白?因为我不想你被有心人利用来攻击我。另外就是我这次之后我真不想干 了,再不说就没机会了。还有我欠你很多感谢和一个道歉。

感谢你对我的教导,尝试与我交友。在你的不懈努力下,我在这职业生涯里停停走走了六年,只因你当初的鼓励和 怂恿。然后对不起,我没有询问你谣言的真实性就蓦然离开群,删除微信和电话。对不起,当时我不想知道真相如 何也不想知道前因后果,我只想潇洒的往前走。至今我仍然不想知道也不再计较谁对谁错?抱歉,这五年里我们没 有联系没有交集。希望你能释怀和原谅我的任性。。。

女王,谢谢你一起劝说和怂恿我入行。感谢你带我参加SM聚会也拉来你的奴一起劝我入行。我被你的一个洋奴说 动了因为他解释到我无法挑剔,至今我仍然引用他的名句安抚第一次见我的奴。至于贱狗说的鬼话,我不会相信的 。我们认识时间不长但你也会跟我说你经历的惨事,那刻我们是知心朋友。对你,我还是有信任的。

对于为啥自我疏远,退群?做着做着,走着走着,然后飞着飞着,我发现我不合你的群,感觉自己是异类所以潇洒 的离开,不用过问也不用解释。所谓道不同,不相为谋。没什么大不了的更没啥对不对。 不过还是感谢你的教导和分享。我真心祝福你们俩继续造福奴们,把协会办得红红火火。我想完成理想然后回归平 淡,所以接下来的路我得自己走了。。。


嗨!素未见面的奴,对你我实在是非常内疚。六年前你在微信上找到了我,招聘我入行,还给我找女王导师但我们 从没有进行调教。我知道你在这里所有以向你喊话来见我!

谢谢你不辞劳苦的拉两个女王来劝说我入行。转眼已经过了这么多年我从没寻你,但是也从没忘记你。希望你看到 我的帖后联系我,吃饭喝咖啡或调教(无费)都可以的。欠你的人情债,我想还了。因为我完成理想后就辞职不干 了。

不说你不知道,你改变了我的人生。茫茫人海中你找到了我,拉我入圈所以我才有幸认识我的黑马和Mickey 奴。如果没有你,我不可能活得那么精彩!真心感谢你。。。我等你哦!
Old 11-07-2022, 09:14 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by micky_blues View Post
Bro, Goddess Xenia is a very normal lady outside session. I think the main reason is because you mentioned her kids.

All the bros who enter this thread have fetishes, including you. How would your mother and children (if you happen to be married) if they know you engage in those activities.

If you have served Her before, and not satisfied with her skills, you are fully entitled to comment on her in this forum. Goddess is willing to accept criticisms inorder to imporve. But why do you want to comment on her kids.

If you stop that, she will also stop hers.
Sorry if I interrupt the fight, I am just a guy who have the same kink here.

Not siding anyone but in anything argument, why get people families menbers involved? Nobody likes that especially a mother.

Dominatrix don't sell their body but time to cater for us kinks. We are also selling time to work for people, No?

Goddnessxenia says she is suffering from a certain condition so why be a troll and lead her into an endless argument?

Shouldn't we be more emphatic to each other? Life is already difficult, why attrack each other? Of cause Dominatrix is somehow sex related but hey, they help people with special kinks with the service they provided and I think we should be grateful someone can provide this.

So why not be gracious and not hurt each other verbally. I hope I don't offend anyone from this as I am already in the red after being multi zap by trolls accounts. Hope this can be a good forum to share rather than to gossip or attack each other like hardware zone.

Cheers and hope everyone is happy. Peace 🙏
Old 12-07-2022, 01:59 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

[QUOTE=RayCom;21445923]Sorry if I interrupt the fight, I am just a guy who have the same kink here.

Not siding anyone but in anything argument, why get people families menbers involved? Nobody likes that especially a mother.

Dominatrix don't sell their body but time to cater for us kinks. We are also selling time to work for people, No?

Bro thanks for your comments. You are absolutely right that we should not mention family members as they are not involved at all.

This forum is for us to comment and share our fetish experience, the skills and professionalism of the mistress...

It should not be degraded to a personal attack forum.
Old 12-07-2022, 02:26 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
thr is nth categorically wrong with what i wrote, why cant i mention her kids?? if she can come on here and spew her garbage so brazenly then why so afraid her kids finds out?!? what a hypocrite of a HOE!! i did nt use any profanities or spread any falsehoods on her kids unlike this low class hoe or put them in any unstable position their mom has alr put them in by profusely spewing garbage here. fyi she was the one who dox her own kids last time wif some other bros and her cb mouth dat cant stop digging her own grave deeper and deeper so want to blame who??! cant take the heat then dun start it in the first place lahh!! still tryna cover it up as some marketing campaign? PUII!!!

btw whatever u exp outside of sessions with her is only yr own POV and does nt equate to hw she treats everyone. there's a reason why she's shunned by the local dommes and a large part of the local subs/community too. use yr big head instead of yr dickhead for once.
Hey loser, u are so poor!!! U can't fight me and had to resort to using my children to satisfy your sickening mind! Pedophile!!!

I feel sorry for your mother, really sorry for her.... Spending all her money to get u educated but u ended up a hooligan and a disgusting pedophile!

Do u have mirrors at home? Do see yourself? Suddenly I feel sad for u.... At least I admit I got mentally sick and fight it! U are totally rotten... Even God can't save u!

If u are what u claim then let's meet. Your time, Your place!

Little boy, stop trying to prove your worth. Ugly, fat and unlikeable is your fault! Don't take it out on others especially me a beautiful woman for your ugliness. Go blame your parents ya!

And don't drag other dommes in for your pathetic fight against me. Some dommes msg me to clarify hor. Stop taking your hearsay to attack me, no one stood up for u! I forgot TheBlackOne rooted for u! Oh? Is he Pedophile like u too? Should I call the police? Cos u guys lust for young children.... OMG! Totally disgusting!!!

U are sick, so sick and fucking sick! Pls visit a doctor!

Another thing, attack Mickey? He sent me $12k and u feel inferior? Don't have to tell him how to spend his money because u are so fucking poor that u can't afford to be a premium member! Don't have USD20? Walao eh! No money yet still wanna talk big! Can't even afford to see any local dommes and cry father cry mother in here! Bo Liu then shut the fuck up! Knn! 你不要脸也不要丢脸丢到家!

Ask TheBlackOne to fuck u lah! And sucks his black cock to satisfy your fantasy since both of u are so cheapskate! Aiyoh! U are jealous of me! I throw u a banana and u never failed to dance like the monkey in the circus...

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 12-07-2022 at 03:32 AM.
Old 12-07-2022, 03:09 AM
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Smile Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by RayCom View Post
Sorry if I interrupt the fight, I am just a guy who have the same kink here.

Not siding anyone but in anything argument, why get people families menbers involved? Nobody likes that especially a mother.

Dominatrix don't sell their body but time to cater for us kinks. We are also selling time to work for people, No?

Goddnessxenia says she is suffering from a certain condition so why be a troll and lead her into an endless argument?

Shouldn't we be more emphatic to each other? Life is already difficult, why attrack each other? Of cause Dominatrix is somehow sex related but hey, they help people with special kinks with the service they provided and I think we should be grateful someone can provide this.

So why not be gracious and not hurt each other verbally. I hope I don't offend anyone from this as I am already in the red after being multi zap by trolls accounts. Hope this can be a good forum to share rather than to gossip or attack each other like hardware zone.

Cheers and hope everyone is happy. Peace 🙏
Thank u for speaking your mind. I'm apologetic if by speaking out get u attacks.

This idiot is already beyond reasons. Those dommes and subs he quoted is just his imagination... No one can save him, rotten to the core.

Anyway, u take care ya...
Old 12-07-2022, 03:48 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by nwn123 View Post
I don’t want to interrupt your fight.

And I don’t care how do vanilla people outside think of dominatrix as a profession.

However I find that those men who address dominatrix as whore, but on the other hand, need to constantly engage dominatrix to fulfil their fantasy and unleash their desires, are very disgusting.

They are pathetic worms that can’t live normally without those “whores”.
Spot on! Honestly, this idiot is 10x more pathetic because he hasn't seen any Mistresses due to No Money. He can't afford sbf membership of USD20 so where got money for session? He goes around reading and stealing information from other sub's FR and hypnotized himself into believing he attended sessions...装逼却成了傻逼!

Thank u.....
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