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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 22-11-2023, 12:53 PM
AdamG3 AdamG3 is offline
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Originally Posted by elementz View Post
U seem to hold more personal grudges for caittrin more than me n bro otherone
Shall not feed this fake taiwanese rly bo liao create a clearly satire acc

i rmbr that luna alr got lawyers against kurt liao
Got nothing against you bro. But replying “fake taiwanese” does sound like you’re a prodom yourself. It’s suspicious la
Old 22-11-2023, 09:37 PM
caittrinfanclub caittrinfanclub is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by elementz View Post
Wow bro thanks for shoutout. Forgot i got post this. Alot change after many years cfm some laojiao bros can see the differences also who r the remaining ones who is actually serious about being a domme but this is my two cents la for the current batch of girls & trans. only singaporeans hor

Same la alphabetical for easy ref. Some i met once or twice, some is my thoughts but nvr met before/can roughly guess them as a person based on who they hang out with. think is quite common now they have cliques. Then i will state those who left/why/what happen roughly

Amber (Miss)
left cos she marry her bestfren husband then migrated to france as she prefer to live 24/7 slave. When she restart prodomme after jutejugs is purely monetary cos she is unemployed when she left teaching

Ayla (Mistress)
actually started out when caittrin intro to her since they both in the kink scene together (old pics on tumblr) but decided to jump to amber then she share the play space with her afterwards. her style is abit more niche kinks of needles & electro & playful. Not quite dominant cos she is a sub to begin with so can tell is quite robotic/expected as a domme. i would say more of a service top la so can cater to ur kinks easily. Body wise abit bah bah though can tell she try to slim down so her pics is still misleading cos looks skinny. also more transactional not full time. she is supported by the dom boyfriend

Aubrey (Miss)
half of jutejugs. Initially amber posted on twitter she is not interested to pro but here she is now. She & ayla took over amber space when she left & all her clients so she dun even have to lift a finger to find her own much. she is definitely friendlier & not fake in terms of confidence than ayla. Much older & those who prefer to serve a more mature hot blonde domme then she is the right one. Fun to play with la but she does needles also. Body wise might have done boob job also but decent size/looks natural compared to most

Aerie/Jasmine Raine (Mistress)
openly trans. If u want to try advanced bondage she is the best domme to request a sesh out of every1 in this list. She does escort also la & porn vids but her pricing on the high side but tbh is worth what u pay for. Her body is not bad for a guy transitioning to female. She used to teach the local kink comm ropes before transitioning so is one of the best rigger around in sg & gay comm

Ashley (Goddess)
used to say she trans when she is a sub but not now when she turn prodomme so theres some drama that is catfish or scam. Personally i feel she is fake friendly esp on twitter & try to make frens with every1 & recruit dommes so she can have this glorified to be mentor but she is not even involve in the local kink scene comm that much & did bunch of interviews with mainstream media. She probably wan to hav bdsm to be out there & be a spokesperson. Her style is more towards very fetishy & latex especially & she got her own playspace but note that this space is shared with alot of other kinky people (not just her mentee) so tbh not quite discreet la. The place quite old & dodgy tbh but if backalley clinic is her marketing then yes la it works. She does medical fetish play so those who such fetish will suit her n dun mind trans

Caittrin (Mistress)
from my old post she divorce la like amber. she evolve to be more refine/classy cos she in her early 30s liao. no need intro la she being the first to tour around the world speaks of how diverse her subs/skills/popularity. used to have playspace cos bo hua to keep paying rent when she travel. she is the local kink comm leader now & teach in hong kong comm also. not a service top so bro who just want the quick kink fetish fix wont suit her but her style gear towards power exchange, sensual but discipline strict not sadistic kind and holistic cos sometimes she do therapy work also during sesh. Host at atas hotels which is y her rate more ex la like what bro havanna mentioned last time. Her hygiene is good also and neat. she gear towards bros who r more established in their career if not v hard to communicate since she is quite knowledgeable about world affairs & got psych background.

Charm (not sure)
Fetish escort so u like simple fetish to dom u & fuck then she is good choice cos she def can do hj or fj but she abit pricy la but worth if u want to touch the domme

Dahlia (Goddess) Lain's mentee
Lain had to leave cos her interview outed her & she dun have much pain subs for her to keep up running full time.
Like lain, Dahlia is super sadistic, infact the most in sg but she is very friendly though sometimes she got bad day and will be pissy. She have better equipments for electro & impact play and all the extreme kinks than all of the dommes in this list and ya some bro mention she prof tattoo so she know her needle quite well but not perfect. The blood turns her on rather than the needle act. She is hot bbw if u dun like skinny girls and mixed blood not angmoh mix hor cos some bros pm me to ask about her looks. Full body tasteful tattoo. She look scary la but she not

Estella (Mistress)
kena stalked by some bros and her knife/impact play with no prior training also unsafe. Same as the current luna. Kena complain cos physical damage to some bros not just 1 hor. Then u know la y she got forced to retire. Singaporean but prc origin so she tall and ex model but really beauty is just skin deep. Then she collab with yura & amber for playspace but the subtle fight/hate among themselves lol so irony

Emmelia (Mistress)
Also same abit robotic/expected for a domme esp her twitter posts words & wah cb i thought got new hot domme then she recently post needle play cibai. Sry is very turn off for me. The only left with Ashley

Elya (Goddess)
Minah looking domme also on & off recently preg then give birth. V young and she is more fetish provider not very dominant

Haze (Mistress)
mma trained so bros who want wrestling/chokehold sesh can try her. Body not feminine cos she more bodybuilt kind but tall la. Face not the prettiest but decent got tomboy feel. she is vegan so bros who wan to impress her shud know what to buy food for her. She started as a sub oso and not into impact play cos she scared to hit people

Frens with ashley but is origin with vexa and not full time. She got the lesbian look

Luna (Mistress)
not to be confused with the retired older Luna. Idk where she got her training from but cb her edge play sibei unsafe sia & unsterile based on twitter. She charge lowest among all local dommes in sg but is really up to u la on ur own risk. She got her own space but very old also. Then drama the kurt saga somemore not dommy la tbh just fetish provider

Lucelle (Lady)
i think the oldest age among all the dommes in sg. No doubt aunty la but she is well groomed still the nicest feet. oso on and off not full time can request for sesh if u can host

Minky (Mistress/Queen)
no longer prodomme cos now she organise events for the expat kink comm

Roxy (Queen)
also into impact play but she is more havoc than dahlia not lady like. she is friendly la and eloquent smart la no doubt but not natural domme just bossy. also on and off but tbh discretion is an issue cos she post pics on her space quite obv. oso y she charge low la cos she dun do much kinks or pegging

Rinn/Liliana/Etc lost count (Mistress/Goddess/Etc)
idk la bros can gauge for urself for someone who keep changing name and on and off sesh and say retire then say no. Her style more playful but sadistic and open to more kink/fetish provider does brown shower so if u can tahan the unknown whether she want to sesh then sure go ahead. Her looks nice la cos she did her nose and boobs if u like the influencer chinese douyin look

Rose (Mistress)
left cos the boyfriend dun like her prodomme

Sierra (Goddess)
dis one dam havoc idk what she doing sia esp the roxy saga thing. nvr met before but if u wan to be instructed by havoc girls who have no knowledge about the basic bdsm protocol then go ahead. plus she try to intro more girls and be a mentor. Speechless…

Vera (Mistress)
Same la intro by ashley then this one disappeared. Nvr try her heng ah. Got ahlian vibe also

Vexa (Mistress)
the remaining domme left from purgatory but she also on and off cos prodomme is not her main thing. now she show her face liao tho back the she alr lowkey dun care about people know about she do dis. Her style is mix sensual and sadist abit playful kind not really dominant so is more towards fetish provider kind. Tbh her fake accent trying too hard angmoh influence quite a turn off no doubt her body is hot la for a syt

Wei (Mistress)
used to be under ashley before she did panty selling. She is latex obsessed but literally thats her entire personality but i mean she is not the first to explore latex in sg lah. V chi influence those raised up in traditional chi fam but not much angmoh influence and she speak like typical Singapore accent. Playful also not dominant so is more of fetish provider. like her mentor, also does med fetish

Yura (Princess)
still around but i realise i didnt include in my old post. Lian looking if u like & princess attitude. Sadistic and got her own space also with decent equipments. More fetish provider not really into power exchange or dominant just bossing u around is like going through the motion. not actually friendly so it feels like she forever bossing if u like that kind then ok lor. is just personality but i say before la actual dominant dun hav to prove they can be dominant the whole time. Her skills not bad la if u just want to play & not serve a domme. Her price on high side to reflect & she been quite some time too so it make sense la to increase

Yuki (Mistress)
Some bro say she lian i oso tink so but she also on and off since last time. Not my cup of tea

Overall, imo ropes is the essential skill most established dommes have so no need worry if u want to be tied. I suggest to do your research who u think u can click with not just based on looks la cos meeting local domme vs prc is different experience & price

Prc is really wham bam thank u mam kind so no connection before after the sesh so u horny then want to jerk off quickly then is the best n worth. If u wan to build long term connection or have proper conversation about kink then it make sense to meet the local dommes and just stick to 1 or 2 unless u r the kind who like to ONS

Hmmm elementz (caittrin) writing a whole ass essay wherein she only speaks well of herself + is the longest 'review'. I mean lol look at the writeups for every other single domme. Not a single good word put in. SUS AF

Please keep telling us about your psych background we clearly haven't heard about it enough from you constantly mentioning it on sbf.

shameless self promoting and thinking we wouldn't notice LMAO
Old 22-11-2023, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by elementz View Post
Wow caittrin did impromptu with a stranger rope play performance in lesbian party club last night didnt expect her to be so popular among the queer crowd in sg... But generally sg dommes r queer or have bi tendencies.

What do u think of dommes that are lesbian but they take in male subs for sessions? Overseas western quite common
Hmmm... given all the allegations, tis statement is suspicous.

Yes i look back and look thru.
Old 23-11-2023, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by d2pre View Post
got meh? where???
sgfollowsall.backup Instagram ,scroll down a bit
Old 23-11-2023, 01:52 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by d2pre View Post
got meh? where???
Old 23-11-2023, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by ahnickah View Post
Lol wtf hahahaha
Old 26-11-2023, 01:40 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Nina doesn't reply WhatsApp 😭
Old 27-11-2023, 02:16 PM
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Old 27-11-2023, 03:48 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Anyone know who is "Andrea" here? The "Cassy" aka Cass seems to be Mistress Ash (the trans domme), but which of her clique is Andrea?

Last edited by otherOne; 27-11-2023 at 04:02 PM.
Old 01-12-2023, 12:11 AM
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Smile Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hi, does anyone know how to book Nina? I texted her but no reply although my number was used to book sglonelyguy MLs several times. Feel free to PM me if you have any info

Thank you!
Old 01-12-2023, 04:37 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Anyone know who is "Andrea" here? The "Cassy" aka Cass seems to be Mistress Ash (the trans domme), but which of her clique is Andrea?
the only full time teacher is amber..pretty obv
Old 01-12-2023, 11:05 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
the only full time teacher is amber..pretty obv
Old 03-12-2023, 01:30 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ILemonic View Post
the only full time teacher is amber..pretty obv
tot amber retire?
Old 03-12-2023, 10:52 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hi can anyone here share OMM contact?
Old 03-12-2023, 10:58 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hi can anyone share OMM contact?
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