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Old 02-01-2012, 05:21 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Tg Balai


DISCLAIMER: Most information in this post are just my compilation of the tips and advices given by the Senior Bros here. If any of the guides below have loopholes, please do not hesitate to point it out.


I would like to write a guide comprises of most of the Advices and tips from the Senior TBK Cheongsters and also a Thorough GUIDE on your virgin journey to the Holy Land of Non-Stop Bonking Island.

I’ve read far too many Newbies (INCLUDING MYSELF) asking the same question over and over again and it really irritates me (In fact, I’m kinda disgusted by my own question). Hence I’m writing this Guide which I’ve complied most of the tips and advices given by the Masters of TBK.

If any Newbies asked a question where the answers can be easily found in this post, which means YOU DID NOT READ. Than please do not blame the Master of TBK here to pass down judgment on you (ZAPdos, I Choose You!).

I really respect the seniors here for having the patience and effort to give the same answers over and over again. If not for you guys, I bet this thread will be full of Cobwebs.

So next time, when a Newbie ask question like "can give me tips on what to look out for in balai blah blah blah blah". Senior bros can just send them the link of this post and ask them to read and that settles! Instead of feeling fed-up and writing the same tips to them over and over again lol.

At least after they read, they will ask more advanced questions like "which pubs or FLs blah blah blah" where the question seems more challenging to you

Before I Begin, I think it will help if I clarify some Acronyms here which I myself have problems understanding at first when I step onto this thread.

Acronyms/Terms Specially for TBK:

1) TBK – Tanjung Balai Karimun
2) Ceweks – Girls
3) Ruko – House in TBK where you pick your Ceweks
4) Villa – Same as the above
5) Ojek – Taxi
6) Supir - Driver
7) Bravo – The only Disco in TBK
8) MP – Massage Parlor
9) RP - Rupiah, Indonesia Currency
10) Mas – Bro
11) CD – Condom (DUH)
12) Papis – The Person-In-Charge of the Ceweks
13) Mamak – Same as the above
14) Pak – Uncle
15) Sifu - Master
16) TCSS - Talk Cock Sing Song

Old 02-01-2012, 05:29 AM
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Post Re: Tg Balai


The following guide is only serve to guide you a decent & hopefully a smooth journey to TBK. Please do not think that after reading this, you are going to expect a Journey where it can fulfill your fantasy needs or to rise as a Master of TBK. YOU DO NEED MORE KNOWLEDGE about that island to achieve your ideal journey and to gain more knowledge is to EXPERIENCE IT FIRST-HAND, nothing can beat experience hands down. At least, that what I think.

I will start with the procedure I personally experienced:

1) The only quickest route to TBK is by Ferry Located at Habour Front Ferry Terminal. And currently, there are only 2 operators which will ferry you from S’pore to TBK and back to S’pore.

i) Indo Falcon Shipping & Travels
ii) SINDO Ferry (Formerly known as Penguin Ferry)


Monday – Sunday (including Public Holidays)
1) 8:00am
2) 11:40am
3) 3:00pm
4) 6:20pm

Monday – Sunday (including Public Holidays
1) 7:30am
2) 11:00am
3) 2:00pm
4) 5:30pm
(Please visit:



Monday – Sunday (including Public Holidays)
1) 11:40am
2) 6:20pm

Monday – Sunday (including Public Holidays
1) 7:30am
2) 2:00pm
(Please visit:

Please note that the check-in time will be 30mins before the Departure Time. However, I very kiasu, I check in 1 hour before departure time

Prices are the same from 2 operators:
1-way: $31 (Inclusive of $6 Tax)
2-Way $56 (Inclusive of $6 Tax)

The Duration of Ride is 1h & 30mins. My head was singing "Right Round" by Flo Rida after I reach TBK.

Once you reach Balai, just follow the crowd to the Indonesia ferry custom.

Here there will be 2 Queue lines. One is for Local Indonesian and the other line is for Foreigner. I actually queued at the Local Line until someone kind enough to point out to me I'm at the wrong queue lol. And I became the last person at the foreigner line
The queue lines were not categorized which is for local and which is for foreigner. I guess I was not observant enough

- Never bring out your mobile phone UNTIL you're out of that ferry custom
- Avoid wearing Singlet, shorts, slippers.
- Refrain from chatting loudly with your bros

Best thing to do is just keep quiet all the way and pray the officer do not target you.

Old 02-01-2012, 10:39 AM
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Post Re: Tg Balai

After you survived the ordeal, follow the crowd to the exit and you will be greeted by MANY stranger asking where you wanna go. Reject them nicely and..
For newbies, I highly recommend that you find a Chinese Driver whom you can communicate with and ask him to drive you to either of these hotel listed below:

1) Hotel Paradise Tel: +62 777 23111, 23222, 2333, 23555

2) Paragon Hotel Tel: +62 777 21688, 31688, 31488

3) Hotel Rasa Sayang Tel: +62 777 323881

4) Gabion Hotel Tel: +62 777 326222, 326250, 31874

5) Hotel Wiko Tel: +62 777 21186, 31528

6) Hotel Palapa Tel: +62 777 326868, 326898

7) Hotel Maximillian Tel: +62 777 328028

(Credits to Bro Baby! Extracted from

The reason to find a Chinese driver is mainly due to the fact that you are able to Communicate better.

I paid 25k to reach Gabion Yeah, I knew I was Chopped but I still willing to take this particular chinese driver because I had a lot of questions in my mind and he certainly is the best candidate to enlighten me.

The cab fare should be around 10k to 30k to reach your desired hotel.

For Budget Newbies, I highly recommend Gabion Hotel. It's only S$21 per night! I paid 295k for total for 2 nights. They have WIFI and Driver to bring you to Ruko & Villa. However, their Wifi is only available at their restaurant which is behind the reception.

For Wealthier Newbies, TBK Master Bros here highly recommend MAX Hotel for newbies. They have KTV, PUB, Sauna, Spa, WIFI, Beautiful Scenery and better Breakfast than Gabion.

There are other modes of transport but.. I will not go into that as I myself have no experience in that. I am still a newbie (Maybe some senior bros can give a thorough guide on the mode of transport in Balai? With the prices and how to engage their service)

For information regarding other hotel listed by Bro Baby, any senior bros care to list down as well?

I think what a Hotel priority needs are:
3) Have good restaurants (SEAFOOD!) and Money Exchange nearby.
4) Near town area, not some ulu places where you cant get a cab

To me, Gabion satisfy the top 3 needs and is especially cheap. That why personally, I love Gabion. If there is any other hotel that provide this 3 most important needs, please kindly share it with us!

Okay.. So now, once you reached the Hotel and check in. Just go to the reception and tell them you wanna go Ruko or Villa.

RUKO - This place is for MILF lovers. If you are a Sucker for SYT, than you might be a little disappointed here.

Price Range: 300k - 700k

Villa - Some people would skip Ruko and head straight to Villa because here you'll almost definitely able to find pretty and young ceweks.

Price Range: 500k - 1.2Juta

NOTE: Price may Varies as I do not know how much is the MOST expensive Ceweks there.


1) Always Bargain
2) Make it a habit to get the OKT Number - They do have decent exchange policy, but please discuss this with the OKT beforehand whether the exchange policy applies.
3) After booking your Ceweks, hunt for backups in case you think your current cewek sucks.
4) Chemistry plays an important role - Get a ceweks who will look at you and at least smile at you or will talk to you or will put in the effort to seduce you.
5) Discuss with the OKT on your requirements (Service Oriented.. No smoking.. No Disco.. etc..)
6) Be realistic, cant expect a ceweks to be as gentle as a japanese girl and a body of Beyonce and a face of some angelic girl you probably think of in your fantasies. (by Bro XD)
7) If you found your princess, make sure to ask her to come nearer to you for further inspection, some bros here was conned by ceweks who looks good from afar
8) After asking her to come near you, talk to her and see how's her response. If her responses are unfriendly, no matter how attractive, try not to book her unless you have the utmost confidence of winning her heart.

I will not list down any houses or villas to avoid, as Bro XD always quote "One man's meat is another man's poison.". I will also not defame any OKT as I heard this from a wise uncle while I was at TBK "If the Girl is good, Dun care too much about the OKT." Of course i know this only applies if YOU KNOW the girl is REALLY GOOD.

Old 02-01-2012, 10:43 AM
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Post Re: Tg Balai

Okay, so the procedure goes like this..

1) You enter the house
2) OKT will try to sell you their ceweks
3) Once you found your fantasy princess, tell the OKT.
4) Always Bargain the price.
5) Once the amount is mutually agreeable, Pay the OKT upfront. Than tell him your hotel name and Number. Dun forget to get his no.
6) You can actually tell the OKT what time you want your ceweks to be sent to your hotel. Senior Bros here have also mentioned that you can try Short-Term (ST) with the ceweks, if happy, go long-term(LT) with them. Payment for ST will be half of LT. And if you wan LT, Pay another half to the Papis who will come to your hotel room to collect the cash.

After everything is done. It's Free & Easy! You can go back to your Hotel room and wait or if you set a particular time for the ceweks to come, than you can go explore TBK or the vicinity around your hotel.

Once the Cewek reach, she will go to your room no. and knock on the door. After that, just try to TCSS with her and break the ice. And eventually, they will pounce on you and your musculine hormones will rage and you know what's gonna happen next

The ceweks will be with you until the next morning around 7am - 8am.
Tips for cewek range from: 50k - 100k. But as some of the senior bros here pointed out, most ceweks nowadays expect 100k tips.


1) Do not turn violent with the ceweks. You may get into BIG trouble. Please refer to the link below and see the post by Master S.B.Y.1.

2) Try to change most of your money in Indonesia as the rates there are higher compared to S'pore where they will take more commission from you.

3) Go TBK on a weekday to enjoy the "Seller Market". Everything will be cheaper.

4) Try not to take the last ferry back to S'pore. The indo custome will 'chop' you.


Once you reach the last day of your paradise, just tell the reception your ferry timing to Singapore and than go down to the reception 30mins before your departure time. Their driver will bring you to the ferry terminal. You are advised to tip the driver 20k from the hotel however, you can choose not to do so.

I guess that is basically what you need to know for Newbies! I will not include the guides for Disco, Pubs, MPs, Restaurants in this guide as I do not have the knowledge for that.

Only the Master of TBK have the expertise to give advanced guides.


And to all Senior Bros who read this freaking long post. Please correct me if any of my part is wrong or need to be changed.

Please also give credits to the following Bros for the Valuable Tips & Advice:

1) Bro Xdecep
2) Bro Baby
3) Bro S.B.Y.1
4) All other Senior Bros who contributed

P.S.: If any bros think that I copy-wrote their advice in this guide and want their names to be in the credit list. Please PM me lol. I'm sorry as I'm too lazy and tired to reread the whole of post 60 - 100. Please no offense.

Old 02-01-2012, 04:21 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post
Good evening to all TBK bros!

My first time in Balai and my first Cewek and i tio one with super high temper.
Will give a detailed FR once I'm free as I'm leaving house now to meet up with my buddies for new year countdown celebration together.
Hi LoverSon,
First and foremost.Good compilation writeup Bro.TBK newbies will surely find the infos useful..including your upcumming FR.

May I suggest that we also set a 'Caution:Best avoided Cewek List in TBK'.This will help TBK newbies from a unpleasant trip..of course..we ask only those cewek who display serious unreasonable behaviour/service attitude to be in this list.

I will set the list rolling.All TBK Bros pls add in only cewek with serious problems.

Caution:Best avoided Cewek List in TBK
1)Icha-Beautiful girls joint-Ruko(wif buck tooth-tan milf Reason:wacko)*Saw her name appear few times.

* I have a few other cewek nominated by other bros from another forum..will try to get more info before updating their names*

Bro.Pls choose one.

Do you want a Upz from me or Pixs/gprs of My Red Ferrari Sex Machine?

Last edited by kristoa7; 02-01-2012 at 04:26 PM. Reason: XXX
Old 02-01-2012, 05:17 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by kristoa7 View Post

Bro.Pls choose one.

Do you want a Upz from me or Pixs/gprs of My Red Ferrari Sex Machine?
Hi Bro Kris. Thank you for the offer. I'll like the Upz

And yes. I will write a FR soon. As today is the last day of my long Hols from work. I'm going out to party one last time with my bros first!
Old 02-01-2012, 09:56 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post
Hi Bro Kris. Thank you for the offer. I'll like the Upz

And yes. I will write a FR soon. As today is the last day of my long Hols from work. I'm going out to party one last time with my bros first!
Upz.Waitin for the 'drama'...
Old 02-01-2012, 10:36 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post
2 thumps & 2 toes up, will UPz u later for your effort
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Old 03-01-2012, 12:27 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

Great job @LoverSon

Any bros got any idea if Chinese New Year is a good time to go to TBK?
Old 03-01-2012, 01:22 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post
And yes. I will write a FR soon. As today is the last day of my long Hols from work. I'm going out to party one last time with my bros first!
Thanks for the dummy guide. I may have to change my itinery to Balai due to the flooding in Hatyai. Your guide will certainly help me alot.
Old 03-01-2012, 02:41 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Leading a Team of 7 to assault TBK soon..Hope to share the 'spoils of war' with My Bands Of Brothers

FRs/Pixs galore surely..

Last edited by kristoa7; 03-01-2012 at 02:44 PM. Reason: XXX
Old 03-01-2012, 02:47 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

when bro...can i join too...
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Old 03-01-2012, 03:03 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by Comjuka View Post
Thanks for the dummy guide. I may have to change my itinery to Balai due to the flooding in Hatyai. Your guide will certainly help me alot.
I am going on 24th Jan... hehehehe
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Old 03-01-2012, 03:10 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by Rainman View Post
I am going on 24th Jan... hehehehe
Then Pak will tell all cewes to go back to their kampongs
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Old 03-01-2012, 03:47 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Then Pak will tell all cewes to go back to their kampongs
Pak Jangan(don't)If like that than TBK will be 'Ghost town'
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