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Old 10-05-2011, 10:59 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by copymark View Post
Any bros here attending the Prison Roleplay event n 6 May Fri?
I did not make it, keen to hear FRs from the event.
Old 10-05-2011, 04:49 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by kbearsg View Post
I did not make it, keen to hear FRs from the event.
Hope to hear FRs on the prison roleplay. Kudos to those who made it possible here in SG. That is progress!
Old 11-05-2011, 10:11 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Heard that the prison roleplay event was called off
Old 11-05-2011, 01:05 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Well, i would suggest they dont let the sub meet each other . Cos even after the session meeting for feedback will also see each other ,no privacy. If the prisoner transport ard with hood on still acceptable but identity must be kept safe. And no prisoner shd be keep in the same room looking at each other body or comparing size hahaha. I small no choice. I hope ms minky will be informed about such privacy as it is my main concern. We can exchange pointers tru the internet but not in real life especially just after a mass prison session. thats my concern. i am chicken hahahaha
Old 11-05-2011, 03:35 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Bro sgneed, thanks for your sharing! I have upped your points to reward you for writing such a detailed FR that I enjoyed reading. I am currently trying to finalise my session timing with Mistress Sin who will be my second local dominatrix.

I can tell from your experience with her that Mistress Sin is serious about providing good service for us. This is good news as we have too few local dominatrix. One of my wish is to have more local Singaporean ladies converting to dominatrix so that we can have both variety and quality service.
Thanks to Bro TBogard who posted on 19th February about Mistress Sin Cee Cee offering domination services, I PM Mistress Sin my request a couple of days later. At that time, she told me that she does not have a pair of boots to kick my balls with but that she might have a pair of boots come mid-March.

However in mid-March when I contacted her, she apologised and told me that she has not found the ideal pair of boots. I told her to keep me informed once she has bought a pair of boots so we can arrange our session.

One month later, she PM me telling me that "it is impossible to buy nice looking boots in Singapore" and asked me for lobang. Thankfully, I do know a certain place that sells a wide variety of boots at reasonable prices and I recommended her to visit. The interesting thing about that PM was she said "Lastly I have not forgotten you" - this makes me very happy indeed!

And so the story goes that she did managed to find a suitable pair of boots at the place that I recommended her to go. When I asked her to describe her boots to me, she gave me a detailed description of the boots she bought. She also asked me to pay her extra $50 to help her cover the cost of the boots. In fact, she had specifically bought the boots for me as no one else has asked her for boots. I told her I will be happy to pay the extra $50 and went about arranging our session...

(To be continued)
Old 11-05-2011, 07:40 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Fmcane View Post
I think Mistress Minky have. Can only confirm when i meet her for the 1st time on this wed. Excited excited
I can assure you M.Minky has floggers and crops However she does love the cane, so better beg nicely . .

And rubber floggers - make your own!! Get a large tire innertube, cut some rectangles, then make some small ones, some long ones, whatever. Cut one end into strips (as thick as you like) then roll it up and tape the handle. Trust me - it works. Some rubber matt shops around here too if you need heavy duty thicker. Cheap and easy !!

Shops will cost you $$$ and quality not very good here.

Old 11-05-2011, 11:40 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Thanks to Bro TBogard who posted on 19th February about Mistress Sin Cee Cee offering domination services, I PM Mistress Sin my request a couple of days later. At that time, she told me that she does not have a pair of boots to kick my balls with but that she might have a pair of boots come mid-March.

However in mid-March when I contacted her, she apologised and told me that she has not found the ideal pair of boots. I told her to keep me informed once she has bought a pair of boots so we can arrange our session.

One month later, she PM me telling me that "it is impossible to buy nice looking boots in Singapore" and asked me for lobang. Thankfully, I do know a certain place that sells a wide variety of boots at reasonable prices and I recommended her to visit. The interesting thing about that PM was she said "Lastly I have not forgotten you" - this makes me very happy indeed!

And so the story goes that she did managed to find a suitable pair of boots at the place that I recommended her to go. When I asked her to describe her boots to me, she gave me a detailed description of the boots she bought. She also asked me to pay her extra $50 to help her cover the cost of the boots. In fact, she had specifically bought the boots for me as no one else has asked her for boots. I told her I will be happy to pay the extra $50 and went about arranging our session...

(To be continued)
Glad you enjoyed your session bro, we are all share and care in here
Old 13-05-2011, 02:27 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
Ask her yourself,, it seem that she does not belong to any sm club anymore, but she perform show last friday of every month, PRIVATE SALON · NATSUKISS By appointment
salon the day of release, 4th Friday each month 19:30 PM

There are many mistresses in La Siora and Sweet devil that will satisfy your needs, so many that you have no enough time or physical energy to squeeze them all in your schedule.
I did email her but no answer so far. I fear she may not understand English, as the website was mostly in Japanese.

However, I did get replies from both La Siora and Sweet Devil, and it seems the Mistresses at Sweet Devil cater more to my preferences.

Can anyone recommend a Mistress from Sweet Devil? Remember that I'm looking for one with a clear sadistic streak.

I'm torn between Mistresses Benio, Luah and Kaoruko. Any reviews or feedback about them? Thank you.
Old 13-05-2011, 03:48 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by karlitos View Post
I'm torn between Mistresses Benio, Luah and Kaoruko. Any reviews or feedback about them? Thank you.
For your needs, kaoruko and benio for sure.

you have to search this particular thread, there are reviews of her when she's in La siora.

the meeting point is confusing, as confusing as la siora meeting point , shinjuku train station, walk out to north, then keep walking pass prince hotel, keep walking straight for 10 mins. Entrance of that train station, on the right are many love hotels where they do the damage on you.

spain just have an earthquake right? next big one in tokyo, but it can be tomorrow or 100 years later.
Old 13-05-2011, 03:56 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
In fact, she had specifically bought the boots for me as no one else has asked her for boots. I told her I will be happy to pay the extra $50 and went about arranging our session...

(To be continued)
I will ask for her boots. knee high right, black corset, with black g-string, black long glove, knee high black boots with heels, my fav request.
Old 13-05-2011, 11:16 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
. . . For your needs, kaoruko and benio for sure.
. . . .
Have only seen MBenio, and she WILL deliver if you enjoy pain Do be advised, she is very slim, so depending on your preference for body type . .

Either way, let us know !!

Old 13-05-2011, 01:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
I will ask for her boots. knee high right, black corset, with black g-string, black long glove, knee high black boots with heels, my fav request.
Bro ydgduo, as you and other bros know, most of my experiences are from FLs in GL. In terms of engaging a professional dominatrix, I have limited experiences. My only request is thigh high / knee high leather boots which sadly, not all professional dominatrix (at least those that I have contacted) have. This includes Mistress Sin Cee Cee but she has taken the effort to scout for a suitable pair of boots just for me (I am her only client who have such an unique request).

Back to our session (exact date and time will not be revealed), I met Mistress Sin in public (letting her finished smoking 1 stick) before checking-in a hotel that requires 2 IDs. In case you bros are curious, Mistress Sin holds a pink IC - I think I can count with 1 hand the number of times I have checked in a hotel with a lady holding a pink IC.

Mistress Sin requested me to book for a 3-hour session as she was rather tired and wanted to catch a nap after our 90-minute session. I agreed and paid $40 for the room. Usually, I will ask the lady to leave first so I can wash up and return the key personally (at the same time, she can have more business as a FL). The reason why I allowed Mistress Sin to return the key on my behalf is I trust her and it is also my way of thanking her for having bought the kind of boots that I like.

Although she was dead tired, she did not show one bit during our session. I wonder why she did not postpone our session but I guess she is mindful that I have to juggle my schedule to meet her and she does not want to keep me waiting since my first PM to her in February.

Mistress Sin asked me if I mind her smoking and as I am a non-smoker, I told her that I do not like her smoking during our session but I understood that she has to smoke. Particularly if she was so tired and have another engagement later on. I told her to go ahead and she was pleased with my reply.

When I first met Mistress Sin, she was dressed simply with minimal make up (and slippers) but carrying a big bag. Inside this bag of hers, was the pair of thigh high boots that she had bought specifically for me. Besides the boots that was totally brand new and in the box, there were other toys such as whip that she had brought.

She asked me if I require the toys and I told her "No." She produced a ball-gag (still wrapped and unopened) and asked me if I wanted to use it. I smiled and said "No need." She further told me that she wanted to get a ball-press so that she can use it on me while she takes a smoke (or two) during our session. Again, I told her there is no need as my main criteria is her boots.

Mistress Sin laid out a laced black corset and a brand new matching black panty hose (that she just bought prior to meeting me). She told me that she takes joy in dressing up for me (and her other clients as well, I believe) particularly since I do not want sex. She said that the visual appreciation is very important and I agree fully with her. She added that she feels "hot" (as in sexy kind) when she is dressed in a corset and again, I agree that she does look hot. This is in huge contrast to the dressed-down look when I first saw her and I must say it is an absolute turn-on seeing her getting ready...

(To be continued)
Old 13-05-2011, 07:52 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Had a session with local dominatrix sin cee cee sometime this week...first time trying such a was a good and unique experience...

Met up with her to break ice before the session, asked me what roleplay i want...told her prison warden and inmate roleplay.......steaming experience with her dressed up in stocking and corset......

Asked me to like stand in attention, kneel down, crawl towards her and lick her feet like an innocent child being punished...shall not reveal all the details in case she wants to reuse the plot....

Come to the steaming part is the caning part....must try her using the hard cane, after less than 10 strokes and i needed to shout the safety word to stop her further.....her caning is continuously, initially wanted her to do those judicial caning styles with pauses in between but with ferocious hard lashes but i couldn't even tahan her softer and continuous strokes....if do judicial style i think i may die on the spot....over good and unique experience....

ended up $250 poorer....but it's money well spent....
Old 14-05-2011, 02:15 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by karlitos View Post
I did email her but no answer so far. I fear she may not understand English, as the website was mostly in Japanese.

However, I did get replies from both La Siora and Sweet Devil, and it seems the Mistresses at Sweet Devil cater more to my preferences.

Can anyone recommend a Mistress from Sweet Devil? Remember that I'm looking for one with a clear sadistic streak.

I'm torn between Mistresses Benio, Luah and Kaoruko. Any reviews or feedback about them? Thank you.
I have tried Mistress Benio. She is good, but a tad skinny. Very professional and if you love pain, she can do all sorts of things to you.

If you want more choices, you can try Mistress Rinko's club ( I think they are also based in Shinjuku and some of the dommes speak English.

Mistress Natsuki is based in a club in Roppongi. ( Never had the chance to serve her though
Old 14-05-2011, 02:05 PM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by cheongsterjon View Post
Had a session with local dominatrix sin cee cee sometime this week...first time trying such a was a good and unique experience...

Met up with her to break ice before the session, asked me what roleplay i want...told her prison warden and inmate roleplay.......steaming experience with her dressed up in stocking and corset......

Asked me to like stand in attention, kneel down, crawl towards her and lick her feet like an innocent child being punished...shall not reveal all the details in case she wants to reuse the plot....

Come to the steaming part is the caning part....must try her using the hard cane, after less than 10 strokes and i needed to shout the safety word to stop her further.....her caning is continuously, initially wanted her to do those judicial caning styles with pauses in between but with ferocious hard lashes but i couldn't even tahan her softer and continuous strokes....if do judicial style i think i may die on the spot....over good and unique experience....

ended up $250 poorer....but it's money well spent....
Bro cheongsterjon, thanks for your sharing. I have upped your points.

Mistress Sin is an easy-going person who does not put on any airs. I must say she really excels in role-playing. She told me she used to have a boyfriend who was into submission and thus, she has been exposed to BDSM to a certain extent. I guess we all have to thank her ex-boyfriend and I do hope there will be many more local girls who may consider becoming a pro-domme like Mistress Sin.

Back to my session, the most exciting part was seeing Mistress Sin wear her thigh high boots. Actually, they are more of over-the-knee boots rather than thigh high boots. She told me she simply cannot find thigh high boots in Singapore but I told her that it is ok.

Before the kicking, she smoked 1 more stick (she was smoking while she was getting ready as well) and asked me to touch her boots that will be giving me lots of pain later on. I like such naughty talk by her. After she has finished smoking, it was time. She had told me via our PM that she is worried about injuring me. I like it when a lady have such a concern as it shows deep down, she does care about my well-being.

I told her not to worry and start out slowly so she can gauge how hard to kick me. Mistress Sin deliberately used her instep to kick my balls instead of the toe part but I asked her to use the toe part instead. Yes, I thrive on pain, you see. She told me that kicking me is akin to going to a gym as she gets to work out her legs. She also told me she aims to please and asked if I was happy with her kicks. Yes, I replied, kick me more!

Most of the ladies and dominatrix I have tried tend to be stronger in 1 leg but interestingly, Mistress Sin is powerful and accurate with both legs. I was in a world of pain thanks to her toe kicks and yet, I was aroused. When I was too weak to stand, she placed her boot on my back as a sign of dominance. She also made me worship her boots.

Besides being kicked via the front, she also used her heels to back-kick me while I was lying on the floor. At my request, she trampled full weight on my balls and she told me she saw my face "turning red". She also used her heels to poke and squash my swollen balls.

Time flies when one is having fun and before I know it, I had overshot my time. But Mistress Sin is not a clock-watcher and told me I can have another 30 minutes as she had spent some time dressing up for me. I replied that I do not need another 30 minutes as I am very satisfied with her powerful kicks and besides, I know she must be dead tired from her own activities prior to meeting me as well as her other activities following our session.

To conclude our session, she had me stand up and take a couple of her powerful kicks. Tried as I could, I cannot take more than 2 full force kicks before dropping to the floor - I am sure she can kick me even harder but I have more or less reached my pain threshold. It was really fun despite the pain throbbing in my balls. Interestingly, Mistress Sin is still new to giving footjobs/boot jobs. I guided her and before long, I shot my load and showed her that my injured balls can still produce sperm.

I spent a total of $290 for my session ($250 for Mistress Sin and $40 for the room). Comparing to a certain overseas dominatrix I have tried recently, I would chose Mistress Sin over that overseas dominatrix any day despite the higher cost.

The downside of Mistress Sin is she smokes too much for my liking (my clothes reek of smoke after my session). In terms of body shape, I prefer slimmer dominatrix like Mistress Minky for instance. But I am grateful for Mistress Sin for making our session possible (by buying a pair of boots just for me) and this FR is my way of thanking her.

For bros interested in engaging her services, do drop her a PM via her profile
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