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Old 10-07-2016, 02:16 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
This is a tough call. The lady was advertised in the Local Massage Service Directory, and while she offers massage she also offers FJs. I'm inclined to let such posts remain because it is in the correct forum. If the lady is from FL1, 2, 3 etc then it's a straight no no.

I can also state the rule no FJs allowed in here, but sometimes knowing that a ML does FJs might make some bros less inclined to visit them, because they might face upsells. So got pros and cons lor.

Any opinions on this?
It's a slippery slope. There's a lot of FL masquerading as ML already. Website put massage, but barely 15 minutes in will ask you want top up or not, then rush to end you by 30 minutes if you don't want, because the next bro already downstairs. "Fast food" as they so call it.

Like another bro said, let's not kid ourselves, most of the "massage" is just press here press there, just whether got strength or not and the service gam or not.

If you allow one FL, allow two, soon all the FLs will just come here, claim can massage with extras, earn your ML rate, then ask top up or rush job, then in the end what's the difference between ML and FL? The original purpose of the thread would be gone by then.
Old 10-07-2016, 05:42 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by faithless View Post
It's a slippery slope. There's a lot of FL masquerading as ML already. Website put massage, but barely 15 minutes in will ask you want top up or not, then rush to end you by 30 minutes if you don't want, because the next bro already downstairs. "Fast food" as they so call it.

Like another bro said, let's not kid ourselves, most of the "massage" is just press here press there, just whether got strength or not and the service gam or not.

If you allow one FL, allow two, soon all the FLs will just come here, claim can massage with extras, earn your ML rate, then ask top up or rush job, then in the end what's the difference between ML and FL? The original purpose of the thread would be gone by then.
This is where you should exercise your right as a customer and refuse to pay or reduce payment amount if the ML shortchanged you on time. As for the quality of massage, I seriously doubt there is many that can provide decent massage. Most of us only consider massage as the appetizer before the main course anyway.
Old 10-07-2016, 06:07 AM
Javabeans Javabeans is offline
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Re: Compilation Thread Clone spotted

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
Speaking for myself I asked the boss to allow me to moderate this thread and he kindly agreed, and I do this FOC without any financial reward. Only reward is for this community to have a steady source of good FRs. I agree that there are more and more fake posts, but I'll be honest - I start another thread and it'll become the same thing again.

Unless this becomes a PAID subscription only site, then it'll be expensive for OKTs/runners to continue to create new IDs. I'm sure boss will be happy for it to be paid only, but I think too many others will not want it.

So status quo? I'm open to suggestions, eg I can routinely delete any new posters (say anyone under moderation, under 50 posts etc) but that disadvantages genuine newbie cheongsters. I believe Javabeans is far more discerning and will not link any FRs that are suspicious. If this thread doesn't exist, JB would have a much tougher job of going through all the OKT posted ads, so having this thread is good for him too.

I guess, use your own big head when reading FRs. Trust those bros here who are regulars. Maybe we can compile a list of regulars that can be trusted?
This fake FR/MR issue is even worse in GL forum. Their moderator, Comm, even suggested some mechanisms to decide suspicious/disputed FRs. But in the end, none of the suggested methods are viable. Therefore, everything is status quo over there.

Closing this thread does not help also. Fake MRs will still be posted to each individual OKT thread. And we will lose the platform for info sharing. For me, I will definitely not consolidate the MRs from the advertisement threads. Too much efforts to go through them and the threads will be deleted once the girl RTC.

So, for the moment, my sentiment is also use your own big head when reading FRs.

Last edited by Javabeans; 10-07-2016 at 06:24 AM.
Old 10-07-2016, 06:12 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by faithless View Post
It's a slippery slope. There's a lot of FL masquerading as ML already. Website put massage, but barely 15 minutes in will ask you want top up or not, then rush to end you by 30 minutes if you don't want, because the next bro already downstairs. "Fast food" as they so call it.

Like another bro said, let's not kid ourselves, most of the "massage" is just press here press there, just whether got strength or not and the service gam or not.

If you allow one FL, allow two, soon all the FLs will just come here, claim can massage with extras, earn your ML rate, then ask top up or rush job, then in the end what's the difference between ML and FL? The original purpose of the thread would be gone by then.
That is why a field report (FR) is important. It is really nothing wrong with 15-minute massage but the costumers have all the right to know what kind of service he is about to receive. Do not rely on the info on the advertisement a.k.a. thread as it does not reflect the actual service provided by the ladies. Only one or two stables who still give a little care of whether the costumers are short-charged.

I think it is fine for a freelancer (FL) who usually provides sex to work as a masseuse. But how good is her service to meet up our expectation -- again, FR is needed.

My point is, you might find it is a mess in this industry as you would encounter wide varieties of different services provided by a group of ladies called "ML", but it is always the FRs that hint little or less the quality and the true encounter of the session.

Originally Posted by aries3288 View Post
This is where you should exercise your right as a customer and refuse to pay or reduce payment amount if the ML shortchanged you on time. As for the quality of massage, I seriously doubt there is many that can provide decent massage. Most of us only consider massage as the appetizer before the main course anyway.
Although I feel something isn't right about refuse/reduce payment, but I could not think of a better solution. After all, this is a black market... the ladies can do nothing about any dispute of payment and we can do nothing neither about any dispute of their service.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 10-07-2016, 07:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is there any good ones in the west?
The ones here seems like mostly in the East/central.

Usually had to visit other sites for west services, but they don't really makes you feel like rtm-ing.
Old 10-07-2016, 08:51 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
can't wait for her to change, current place not convenient to smoke lol
Someone else we know was contemplating to shift to this place; I stopped her immediately... lol

Mango, Tomato
Old 10-07-2016, 09:09 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
keep the bad comment, delete the good ones afterall it is only natural they provide good service.
They have deleted that thread last night and created a new one. Although the new one still have part of the contents extracted from my thread, it is acceptable now.
Old 10-07-2016, 09:47 AM
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Re: Compilation Thread Clone spotted

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
Speaking for myself I asked the boss to allow me to moderate this thread and he kindly agreed, and I do this FOC without any financial reward. Only reward is for this community to have a steady source of good FRs. I agree that there are more and more fake posts, but I'll be honest - I start another thread and it'll become the same thing again.

Unless this becomes a PAID subscription only site, then it'll be expensive for OKTs/runners to continue to create new IDs. I'm sure boss will be happy for it to be paid only, but I think too many others will not want it.

So status quo? I'm open to suggestions, eg I can routinely delete any new posters (say anyone under moderation, under 50 posts etc) but that disadvantages genuine newbie cheongsters. I believe Javabeans is far more discerning and will not link any FRs that are suspicious. If this thread doesn't exist, JB would have a much tougher job of going through all the OKT posted ads, so having this thread is good for him too.

I guess, use your own big head when reading FRs. Trust those bros here who are regulars. Maybe we can compile a list of regulars that can be trusted?
Wah bro u too helpful le. Personally I think no need to go to the extend of compiling this list of bros.

A little bit of effort to check thro past posts from the bro can tell you who are the trustworthy ones, and anyway those who look through the thread can tell who are the ones who can trust. Personally for me I always look out for posts from bros like you,javabean, Derrickboy, mactamer, generic, etc won really go wrong.
Old 10-07-2016, 10:29 AM
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Re: Compilation Thread Clone spotted

looks good. anyone tried?
Old 10-07-2016, 10:36 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

If you don't read the Sunday Times today, there's a large 2 page spread on online vice and geylang, and the new revision to the Woman's Charter - Section 146A:

Remote communication service operated or maintained for offering or facilitating provision of sexual services, etc.
146A.—(1) A person in Singapore who, in the course of business, operates or maintains in Singapore a remote communication service that —
(a) offers or facilitates the provision by a woman or girl to another person of sexual services in return for payment or reward; or
(b) organises, manages or supervises the provision of sexual services referred to in paragraph (a), which may include inviting others to receive or participate in providing those services,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction —
(i) to a fine not exceeding $3,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both; and
(ii) in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both.
(2) To avoid doubt, the reference in subsection (1) to the provision by a woman or girl to another person of sexual services in return for payment or reward includes, but is not limited to, a reference to the prostitution of the woman or girl.
(3) In subsection (1), “remote communication service” means —
(a) any website, web service or Internet application;
(b) any service using voice telephony;
(c) any service using a messaging system; or
(d) any other kind of electronic or other technology for facilitating communication.
This will make it more challenging for websites to continue, especially if it is operated or maintained (in the course of business) by a Singaporean.
My Favorite Massage Girls thread Thread REMOVAL criteria
Remember Boss SBF's advice.
Old 10-07-2016, 11:12 AM
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Re: Compilation Thread Clone spotted

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
So status quo? I'm open to suggestions, eg I can routinely delete any new posters (say anyone under moderation, under 50 posts etc) but that disadvantages genuine newbie cheongsters. I believe Javabeans is far more discerning and will not link any FRs that are suspicious. If this thread doesn't exist, JB would have a much tougher job of going through all the OKT posted ads, so having this thread is good for him too.

I guess, use your own big head when reading FRs. Trust those bros here who are regulars. Maybe we can compile a list of regulars that can be trusted?
I guess you're right. It's a rock and a hard place. Not easy at all.

I also think if any counter measures were thought up, they will just have new ways to address them and it'll become even messier and more confusing. At least now, it's so easy to identify who they are... So easy it's quite funny actually .. Funny but annoying hahaha.
Old 10-07-2016, 12:10 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

If you see currently webmaster are smart enough to hold their website outside Singapore, so they can easily escape this
Old 10-07-2016, 01:33 PM
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Re: Compilation Thread Clone spotted

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
I guess, use your own big head when reading FRs. Trust those bros here who are regulars. Maybe we can compile a list of regulars that can be trusted?
The biggest problem is differentiating who is the real ones.
Last time it used to be ids with less than 10 posts and zero power.
Just join recently...but of course if genuine newbies then LL liao.

a more tedious method will be to sieve thru all the posts made by this particular chap.
those who regular posts with cheonging info on other threads could be consider real?

Compiling a list will be good...but how to see which ones are the real ones?
Old 10-07-2016, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
The biggest problem is differentiating who is the real ones.
Last time it used to be ids with less than 10 posts and zero power.
Just join recently...but of course if genuine newbies then LL liao.

a more tedious method will be to sieve thru all the posts made by this particular chap.
those who regular posts with cheonging info on other threads could be consider real?

Compiling a list will be good...but how to see which ones are the real ones?
Think is quite difficult unless u really go thru the history posts or familiar to trusted bros posts. Nowadays really have to apply your own judgement and experience
Old 10-07-2016, 04:08 PM
jimmycool jimmycool is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

My humble support for Bro LeeHsienLoong on this FR.
Yes, Distinctive is milf, massage is very amateur, skin is definitely not 'very fair' as mentioned, only regular fair, almost no boobs at all, with big round dark nipples, seems a little how lian, the way she talks, maybe her business is too good, btw she sms and used the phone in total 6 times during our session. Surely will not spend my $110 on her again.
Thank you for reading.

Originally Posted by LeeHsienLoong View Post
My MR on Distinctive.

Location is central and discreet.
Relatively near the MRT station however parking can be challenging.
Unit is clean and spacious.
Shower is in good condition and clean too.

Her facial features was a disappointment for me and it is clear she is a MILF.
Massage was below average and this is definitely not a forte.
Teasing was minimal and roaming is very limited.
HJ was quite rushed which made me sad.

Conclusion she is not a $110 category ML.
No RTF for me.
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