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Old 04-11-2010, 11:24 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Bro K: you don't always think hotel hotel, if you want max fun .. go park, movie, and then sometime just jalan jalan. The girl need to be treat nice and romance, not just as f machine ..
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Old 04-11-2010, 12:29 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

if just straight proceed to hotel no fun for them. They also enjoy some casual activities since they can only go out max once a week.
Mostly they book-out around 10am then book-in 6pm like that.
So they also hope to maximize the outing rather than a 2 hours session.

Any bros ever brought maids to Johor Bahru?
Got one Indo MILF chio me this month end. They can go oversea?
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Old 04-11-2010, 01:13 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

bro kengarou, put urself in the gal shoe , then u will know wat to do in order to maintain the relationship
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 04-11-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
if just straight proceed to hotel no fun for them. They also enjoy some casual activities since they can only go out max once a week.
Mostly they book-out around 10am then book-in 6pm like that.
So they also hope to maximize the outing rather than a 2 hours session.

Any bros ever brought maids to Johor Bahru?
Got one Indo MILF chio me this month end. They can go oversea?
ehh... they allowed passports meh?
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Old 04-11-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by TheGreatOne View Post
ehh... they allowed passports meh?
Yah.. mostly employer will hold on to thier passport.
But she said she needs to visit a relative in JB.
Are they even allow to travel oversea without employer's accompanying them?
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Old 04-11-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

yet to see a chio one
nice figure ones, yeah saw a few, but cant seems to bring myself to whip out my sword at them....
Old 04-11-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
Yah.. mostly employer will hold on to thier passport.
But she said she needs to visit a relative in JB.
Are they even allow to travel oversea without employer's accompanying them?
ya exactly what im wondering... which employer feel safe with their maid requesting to go JB? sekali they decided to run then the employer have to bear some cost, is that?
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Old 04-11-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
Yah.. mostly employer will hold on to thier passport.
But she said she needs to visit a relative in JB.
Are they even allow to travel oversea without employer's accompanying them?
Yes they can go JB without any problem but must make sure they carry along their work permit as the custom officer will want to see that.

I've brought 2 pinay to JB together and do not encounter any problem at all. But majority of maids do not have access to their passport as the employer kept it.
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Old 04-11-2010, 10:15 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by thomas88 View Post
I've brought 2 pinay to JB together
you lucky devil. Tarma izzit
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Old 04-11-2010, 11:09 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
you lucky devil. Tarma izzit
No lah....I only bring them go Kulai for food and shopping. Cannot everytime must go Hotel right?
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Old 05-11-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by thomas88 View Post
Yes they can go JB without any problem but must make sure they carry along their work permit as the custom officer will want to see that.

I've brought 2 pinay to JB together and do not encounter any problem at all. But majority of maids do not have access to their passport as the employer kept it.
You are right bro - maid who have passport in hand, and work permit, can go JB, without Employer - but to be on safe side, make sure she is not making story .. later if she decide to disappear - no comments

Last time me too have taken maid on weekend trip - their employer Ang moh and don't care as long as the maid is at home only when the employer is in Singapore ..

One way to check is causally ask for passport and see how many time she cross the border - if never then be a bit beware ..
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Old 05-11-2010, 10:11 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

well, done bro K.

holiday season coming in, bros. Hunting season is ON!
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Old 08-11-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Bro K you should not be asking this question. Did you ever think its all about sex baby?

No baby no its not all about sex.... Its more than sex.... Unless the 2 of you are really in love that is when she will possibly agree to meet you direct at hotel to save time and ofcourse get more time with precious YOU.

But for othercases you must be a hot stud who must have it in his bones the killer looks and ofcourse the killer fuck... Easier said.... dude you know they are humans not objects.... treat them as human.... not all about sex and you will be truly rewarded....just get them into the mood it does not have to be expensive though... you know....

even a park (if you dun wanna spend) is FOC. in addition as night time comes along chances are that it will be a lot more than a simple walk in the park....

So come on bro k....

Bro etsys well said as usual... You never go wrong etsys...

Originally Posted by kengarou View Post
Nice one bro quinsy, anyway guys I manage to screw my hot indon milf maid, like around 2 weeks ago. Brought her to fragance at Balestier , 30 dollars for two hours. I now actually want to meet her again for another session on her off day , but she say to me "go hotel again , so boring , can go somewhere like a park or movie? " what have i done wrong brothers, what must i do in order to convince her again ? I feel she like not interested in the sex anymore... I do brought to orgasm on first attempt, make her high and shoik . Or should i just bring her to a park or movie for so called like give her more feeling and romancing , then suggest bring her to hotel again? I don't understand on how to keep the spark alive.
Old 08-11-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
But for othercases you must be a hot stud who must have it in his bones the killer looks and ofcourse the killer fuck... Easier said.... dude you know they are humans not objects.... treat them as human.... not all about sex and you will be truly rewarded....just get them into the mood it does not have to be expensive though... you know....
Yes you're right bro ! I'm not a looker (I'm fat/big size) , not rich but I know how to sweet talk girls and not neccessary to have sex with them just to make them happy to be with you
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Old 08-11-2010, 07:54 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Usually maids do not have access even to their work permit card let alone their passport(s). In a vast majority of cases from what i have heard or seen there is a very small percentage of those who have passport(s).

Now amongst those who have passport(s) you must be able to find that maid who will give you the GFE, the feeling that she is your GF or your wife.... and make your experience.... truly memorable....

For guys who have followed my thread closely from the start will know somewhere along the lines i had spoken of Ta Pauing maid.... And i did that... But she was a slender beauty.... Slim all of 25 and willing to be a great gf.... Now if you can find this category then thats the best category.... Slim slender petite GND.... But you can find them and you work on them.... and you can travel with them...

And to tell you guys that i have done it several times to the point of being an expert at it is not a joke... And possibly why i am Truly the LOrd.... hahah...just kidding else i rub someone the wrong way....

i would have liked to reveal more details but pinays these days are net savvy and they have all the time in the world to read the whole of this thread and piece 2 and 2 together and discover that you were talking about them.

The girl i had then ta paud was more than a weeklong trip.... and since then there have been many such... i have done quite of few of these trips this year as well....

You guys must work on it....

This is the challenge to move on to the next level...

but most importantly you gotta choose the girl you wanna travel with you would not wanna travel with any girl you may not like...
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