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Old 09-06-2004, 01:23 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Here are 4 ONS contacts.....try at your own risk.

於 2004/06/09(06:10) 發表:









配合度100% - 年齡約19 - 25左右.










天心- 精心為你安排-最貼心的服務
天心- 電洽:0915-080-458-電洽:0915-080-458

信箱:[email protected]
楊..小..姐** 於 2004/06/09(12:25) 發表:

"現 在 標 榜 學 生 妹 的 越 來 越 多 ... 但 都 是 一 些 高 職 生 ..
高 職 生 都 是 一 些 半 工 半 讀 的 ..
有 的 甚 至 是 一 些 出 了 社 會 又 在 回 去 唸 書 的 ..
想 想 .. 一 點 意 思 都 沒 有 ... 我 們 是 從 事 伴 遊 的 ..
所 應 徵 的 女 孩 子 都 以 大 學 專 科 為 條 件 ...
不 然 就 是 櫃 檯 小 姐 兼 差 居 多 . . 我 們 沒 有 模 特 兒 ..
也 沒 有 空 姐 等 一 堆 幌 人 的 職 業 .. 但 有 專 櫃 .. 貿 易 公 司 總 機 小 姐 ..
屈 臣 氏 櫃 檯 .. 很 多 的 大 學 專 科 生 ..
如 果 你 是 要 找 純 一 點 .. 乾 淨 一 點 ..
就 過 來 .. 我 們 的 姑 娘 以 乾 淨 清 秀 為 要 點
如 要 辣 妹 .. 或 打 扮 的 很 花 枝 招 展 的 .. 請 不 要 打 來 ...
我 們 沒 有 店 面 .. 不 用 擔 心 ..
一 律 約 在 外 頭 見 面 . . 價 格 四 千 起 ...
.打 來 不 要 再 問 是 台 灣 的 嗎 . 一 律 是 台 灣 的 ...
也 不 會 用 大 陸 的 騙 你 ...
楊 小 姐 ... 台 北 0 9 2 1 4 8 3 0 5 5**

C O C O 於 2004/06/09(06:27) 發表:
















配合度100% - 年齡約19~25左右









生仔 於 2004/06/09(04:23) 發表:


經紀模特兒.在校女學生-在職女秘書- 4K -




..0926-364-439- (醫生)
Old 09-06-2004, 02:06 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Here are 3 FR on Kaoxhiong - hope it is relevant.


周亂倫 於'04/05/31 19:16:45 發表



小Allan 於'04/05/31 22:11:29回應

王子騎白馬 於'04/06/05 15:40:20回應


Old 09-06-2004, 06:06 PM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Bro gigantik,

Our friend is posted to TaiChung and not Kaoshiung. They are quite far apart you know ???? At least 4 hrs by road.

So these info may not help him very much.....
Old 10-06-2004, 12:31 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Originally Posted by Sinoview
Bro gigantik,

Our friend is posted to TaiChung and not Kaoshiung. They are quite far apart you know ???? At least 4 hrs by road.

So these info may not help him very much.....
TaiChung - near the SUN MOON Lake there are some musical lounge and HDS
usually catering for tourist and were happenings there, dun not if these
establishment still alive, I visited there since 1992 lor.
Old 10-06-2004, 08:44 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Here are 2 TaiChung FL contacts - I have yet to try, so at your own risk.

( 台 中 市 )我 叫 琦 琦 . 今 年 20 歲 .
身 高 162 公分. 體 重 47 公斤 .
胸 36C. 外 型 : 中 等 美 女
~最 滿 意 自 己 的 眼 睛 和 皮 膚 ~
琦 琦 專 線 : 0926~ 019690
{ 無 誠勿試! 謝 謝! }


你想要 我想要
你知道 我知道
想想 0915 182 460
Old 10-06-2004, 10:26 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Here is another list of contacts for TaiChung..............................


各位乾哥哥 乾弟弟, 美眉何處有?
麥擱問那麼多 就是這裡啦! "兼茶棧"找甘姊
清純大學生 - 專櫃小姐 - 檳榔西施 - 模特兒
OL上班族 - 酒店公關 - 學生援妹 - 漂亮辣妹
年齡18~23 歲 純兼差 我們都是做"外出"
服務百分百 配合度高 包君滿意
請速撥 甘姊專線::0970-160968 <<限大台中>>
歡迎外縣市"聞香客" 一起來"喝茶"
預先告知 不會讓你迷路 等你哦!
甘姊專線: 0970-160968 <<限大台中>>



( 沒事做滴閒女 )
台 中 市





限台中 @ 0915-575-248
(如要*特級優茶*來電時請先預約我們將為您*STAND BY*)



星星 月亮 太陽

漂 亮 三 姊 妹

可 愛 寶 貝

貼 心 貼 意

台 中 0915~110940
Old 12-06-2004, 05:31 PM
glgoer glgoer is offline
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

[QUOTE=gigantic_tk]Here is another list of contacts for TaiChung..............................
--- snip ----


Alot of these contacts are owned by OKT organisations. And most time, different numbers are held by the bloody same lady who answer your call, but they may use different names.
The price range will be min >4K for ttwn gals 50 mins. 3K-3.5k for mainland gals. The twn gals will normally work for 1-2 months before they call it off, becos they have cleared their debt.

Stick to the same OKT. Make frends w/ her. She will giv u discount and let u know if there are freshies if u r her regular customer. It will be easier for u to change gal if she is not to yr liking.

And if u insist on local twn gals, and the resulting is not twn but mainland, u must immediately call the OKT and inform her. Do note that some mainland gals can legitimately claim that they are taiwanese, simply becos they are married to a local taiwanese man. As usual, those marriages are on paper.

Anyway, these organisation nowadays also stress on customer-relationships !! As said, it is to yr advantage to build rapport w/ yr OKT.

I really miss those days in twn. But anyway, sin gals are also attractive !!
Old 14-06-2004, 09:38 AM
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Talking Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Here is an old FR, might still be relevant, else just for your reading pleasure lor..:

Taichung Other Dated Added: Wed Nov 22 2000 Submitted by: Local guy

Hi,there, As being a Taiwanese, I would like to contribute some info regarding some interesting activity in Taichung, the center of Taiwan.

1. Little Stickers: What is that? you may ask. well, in the center of this city, if you park your car on the road side for one hour or two at night, when you return to your car, you will find those little stickers (flyers) with a telephone number, and you dial up, someone will access the phone and direct you to the location service including Nude Bathe, finger and tongue massage, BJ (with rubber) and straight, 50 minutes, and the girl is young, (have not found any older than 25), price: about NT 3,000 ( a bit less than 100 US)

2. Sauna Club: You will enter to a massive spa area, enjoy the spa and jaccuzi, sauna...(by yourself), then when you enter the second floor, some guy will approach you to ask if you would like to have a "oily massage", (of course they speak Mandarin only) and say yes, you will enter a discreet room with a massage bed, a girl will come for service. Service is the same, be noted Chinese girl does not do anal, price is 4200 NT (140 US) (one hour special service and you can stay in the sauna for as long as 8 hours, even free supper at night), girls there a bit older but skillful, but no one older than 30.

3. Call girl: Don't try it, my advice

4. Club girl: These girls are the best, mostly beautiful and sexy, and willing, but expect to spend up to USD 400 for a whole night.

5.Massage parlour: Well, unless you are in desperate and trying to save money, price: NT 2500~3000, (80~100 USD)
happy fuck; Local guy
(Review # 2337)

Note: The price has been escalated over these 3 years - minimum for Massage Parlour would between NT 2.5k ~ 5K lor............................................... .....gigantic_tk
Old 17-06-2004, 10:05 PM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

While it is great that some of you are sharing information, I am wondering how ture and how safe the leads are. There are a lot of traps and rip off places in Taipai so it is better to be very very careful.
Old 18-06-2004, 11:13 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

To my knowledge, at Taipei City it is safer, if you stay at Toa Yuan you need to be extremely careful even you board a taxi. Last time when I was at Toa Yuan my overseas suppliers always advise me if possible not to roam around at night and not to take Taxi there. It is a notorious place but at night there are many activities & happenings there.

Anyway every cities there are good and bad guy there, but pay extra careful while travelling lor.
Old 22-06-2004, 04:20 PM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

You seems to know alot about Taipei's sex scene... I'm from Singapore and posted to Taipei for 3 years... looking for place to cheong...

R u in Taipei now? Maybe you can bring me around... by the way, where is the barber shop u mentioned? Can I have the address? Being here for almost 2 mths already and have not even bonked any TP gal yet... dun want end up return back to Sg empty handed... if possible, can advise on how to get ONS or part time lover...
Tks in advance.

Old 01-08-2004, 03:43 PM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Hello Bros .. some updates on my experiences .. tried almost all avenues in TaiChung!!!

1. Little Stickers on windscreen of car .. called one of the numbers .. the girl on phone ask me to go to a location in the city .. so I drove there (with another SG friend). Later noticed got 1 ah-beng spying on my car from a distance .. later got 1 scooter with 2 ah-lian came up to me .. both so-so looking and very skinny .. like underage drug addict. I open window and they say to check my ID .. i flash them my SG IC to prove I'm foreigner but they want to take my IC and look .. then I ask them screw themselves and I drove off .. bad experience .. and very dangerous feeling

2. Sauna Club. Damage : NT$3200 for whole package including can sleep in one of the sleeping bunks for 12 hours. Very clean and nice place ..Its called Toto along ChongDe Road. Massage cum fuck for 1 hour .. girl about 25 but quite professional and nice. This one worth it .. coz can slowly laze around ..

3. Call girl. Called a few of the numbers provided by the Bro here .. mostly con jobs ... asking ridiculous prices .. and very hard to guarantee no problem .. and heard from locals very dangerous .. so never go ahead

4. Club Girl. KTV club girls are freaking chio and sexy. Along DaYa road .. got this KTV call "Hua Hi Lu Ho" (Hokkien for Kai Xin Jiu Hao - English As Long as You're Happy). Very fun place .. pick a card and if you pick right card . the girls sit with you naked .. got some cards never wear top or never wear bottom .. the ultimate card ... she sit with vibrator inside. Posh establishment and very wild. Can do many many unthinkable things. 6 people go there for 2 hours .. you can bring one girl out free to fuck. But damage very severe : about NT$50,000 for 2 hours for 6 people and drink only Gao-Liang.

5. Massage Parlour. Cheapest option .. normally damage about NT$2.5k to 2.8k only. You pay the parlour NT$1.5-$1.8K, the remain NT$1k give the girl if you want to fuck her. But I learn one trick .. ask her BJ you until you cum den no need to fuck and pay NT$1k extra. BTW, they like you to CIM. Problem is .. normally one parlour about 6-7 girls only and not all of them are pretty.

6. Disco (like the Pig Pen a bro recommended). Here must work one. See a girl, maybe must buy drink den talk to her .. preferably in English and try to make your chinese sound terrible... I got to know one .. on first date ask her go eat lunch on Saturday .. after that we go drink around some mountains ... after that I say tired and want to rest .. and got to one of those Drive-In Motel .. Damage NT$1800 for 12 hours (but extremely nice deco) .. go to room den everything become SOP .. basically do nothing except fuck for next 12 hours ...

My experiences in TaiChung so far .... will offer more when learn more
Old 05-08-2004, 02:44 PM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Additional info:

Along Zhong Gang Luo:

Suana place. Near to Sogo Second store, next to Jing Ming Yi jea. Around for more than 10 yrs now. NTD 3500 on arrival, then go to room. The gal will wash u on a bed and the rest SOP.

Suana Place, Hao Yi Suana. Same as above... and about the same price.

Ying Chai Lu:

Opposite the cultural center. Suana place but cheaper... NTD 2500 no bed in the bathe room. Local gal as well.

I tried to find FL in chat room before... kana con by NTD2,000. Give u a powderrub until u shoik then terik back to say got membership. For a full course must pay NTD 10,000 first. Did not agreed ...some more ask OKT to persuade me. So in the end got to part with the NTD 2,000 for a powder rub.
Old 26-08-2004, 08:16 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

Originally Posted by tony00
hi guys ...

i going to Taipei this weekend ... anywhere to intro where can find young girls for ONS .... please help k thanks

Your request have been answered in your new thread?
Try not to post in to too many threads for an answer.
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Old 07-09-2004, 08:43 AM
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Re: Posted to Taiwan :(

The stickers on a scooter can be very dangerous. I would not recommend following up on that unless you are with a local and maybe even a group
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