Originally Posted by Xtremist
Pls allow me to share, I've had this similar problem since 2003, I've tried the following items with variable results:
1. Playboy cream, applied below penis head, slight burning sensation n followed by numbness, ditched it after using it twice.
2. Samsu oil, a drop or 2 applied below penis head, slight tingling sensation n followed by mild numbness, using it till today, 2 thumbs up.
3. Sex tissue (5 diff brands), a quick wipe below penis head, mild tingling sensation n followed by numbness, still use it occasionally.
4. Indian Sex God oil, spray on penis head, major tingling sensation n major numbness, can last a long long long long time n sometimes cannot cum, use only if partner is commando.
5. Tiger Sex oil, spray on penis head, mild tingling sensation n mild numbness, use it when I run out of samsu oil.
6. Procomil (small, medium n large bottles), spray on penis head, no tingling sensation for me n mild numbness, use it when I can't get samsu or tiger sex oil.
7. Super Biuol oil, a few drops below penis head, hardly works n poured the rest into toilet bowl.
8. Herbal Cordyceps pill, take 30mins before n usually last till the next day, I take it for weekend bonking sprees or when I'm in china 1 dragon service joints, it gives enough power for me to go 3 rounds in 1 session.
My humble discoveries to share bros, my life is gonna be short, hence I go all out to try all the stuff that I can get my hands on n bonk all I can till it's lights out for me.