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Old 08-08-2015, 03:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
The Eagle has landed in Batam.
OMMMM.. GARUDAaaa... whoomPAHT~~~

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Bros coming together and sharing similar frequency and yet can cheong together are where the most FUN comes from. Agree?

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Must insert in a disclaimer at this stage; bro Micmac and I (etc etc) ..... to enjoy the awesome offerings of Marine Live...
The smart/experienced ones shall have already known this liao. Besides, local friends have attested to MLS's freshness and good-prices (Denny also dare not pull any stunts towards locals if he wanted to - not that he has ah!). On top of that, my partner and her sis, indonesians grew up in a kelong where their father is a fisherman, atest to the freshness, taste (no MSG yet mantap) and value (in downtown batam) and spreading word liao.

MLS a friggin' seafood GEM worth promoting.

Let the ignorant postulate what they wish - and get their carrot-heads chopped by convincing-drivers who take mass-commissions from *those seafood joints* LOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
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Old 08-08-2015, 04:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Next stop will be BeiLong. If BeiLong is as good as BaiLong as Nono/LaoErGer mentioned - BeiLong would be my choice in the twin-Dragons shootout only because of environment factor. Will see soon. Happy to try !!!
Thought i should hurriedly tell you in advance 1st,dont hold too high hope for Bei Long noodle cos they also have the Ketchup version like you see in Bai Long. And my liking are more towards the tomato version (which is common during the 80s in sillypore,it brings back good memories,hehehe..) rather than the chilli version,hence till now i wasnt able to rate which of all the noodle stores mentioned in Batam are the BEST.

Hehehe...i eat to live,our taste bud were obviously different..."one man's noodle can be another man's poison",hehehe....

To me,all the mentioned noodle stores are equally good (batam) becos they suit me,and the only noodle stores in sillypore that could come close to them from my "eat to live" views were Fei Fei Wan Tan Noodle and the Zhen Ben or Ben Zhen noodle,hehehe...

Notice there is a similarity in all those noodles i am talking here? They were all hand-made,and not done by machine thru mass production. Take note of the texture of their noodles and compare with those from Batam...

From Fei fei

From Ben Zhen aka Potian


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Old 08-08-2015, 04:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 View Post
Bought the Goreng Pisang to snak with a cup of copi. Guys must try this. Cost Irp3-4K only.

Where exactly is this place. It looks very very familiar (like the one I often go to ta-bao).


Nasi-Padang (in Batam) is the main food culprit (not only-culprit) of food-poisoning. Won't go into specifics, but if wanna eat Nasi-Padang - going to a high-traffic nasi-padang joint will have lesser chance of contracting it. high-customer-traffic joints usually means food-turnover/purchasing/replenishment high as well as locals trusting the food-hygiene.

Each time I kena FPoison is always from trying Nasi-Padang (and have observed to be from less-popular / little-customer-traffic joints). LOL!
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Old 08-08-2015, 04:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Nono bro, now that most of the joints around Formosa has closed down, would u still recommend it as the best place to stay for newbies? Any other hotel that has a few joints around them?
You asked a good question,bro. I am also looking for a hotel that can be called centralize to all booking joints but found nothing so far (except Formosa).

I was thinking of Goodway Hotel,but goodway are closer to Gold Bird,Blue Moon and Memory. It will be too far to walk to the rest of other joints

Then there is Utama Hotel,which is close to Bunga Massage,Shellina,Indah2 and MM. But it will be too far to walk to Gold Bird,Blue Moon and Memory.

Both hotels will still be a distance from Happy 8 Massage ,Permata Indah and New Berry.

If i stayed in Formosa,Happy 8 will be 10 mins walk away,New Berry too. Gold Bird will be 15 mins walk away. (not forgetting there is still Plan B at Alishan KTV after 7pm if all else fail)

Permata Indah will be closer to Da Vienna or further down at Hai hai 2/Windsor food court.

It appears that all overnight booking joints are spreading further and further away from the tourist area of Nagoya Hill Mall.

So now,most newbies going Batam will be unable to cover most booking joints,wont have much chance to choose unless they join seniors. Today i usually advise newbies to grab taxi to head to the closest respective hotels near to the joints they like to pick the girls if they stayed in Formosa hotel.Formosa is still a not bad choice as a hotel even after Dynasty,New Berlian and Queen has shut down.Not many newbies actually book girls from Dynasty,New Berlian and Queens over the year in case you havent notice.

I need to redraw the "boundaries",hehehe...i am currently also looking for Formosa alternatives too.

My would-be-choice are likely to be Hana Hotel (a new hotel),directly opposite is New Berry that takes 20 secs walk,10 mins walk to Gold Bird,15 mins to Memory,15+ mins to Happy 8,less than 10 mins to Blue Moon. But Hana Hotel will kill me off for plan B (plan B = back up plans in cases of fail) unless my approach is No name.

As for why,becos MM in my opinion is temp Banned for newbies,Indah2 didnt often have anything really "incredible",Bunga Massage is a carrot chopping joint tho reliable,Shellina isnt even a proper

After calculating all the options,Formosa Hotel is still the best choice for newbies (for now).

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Booking Joints with nearby hotels :

Gold Bird (aka Sedona): Goodway Hotel (next block further down, look for Lai Lai Hotel) or just behind Lai Lai Hotel (beside Lai Lai is Batam Star Hotel).
Blue moon : Behind Harmoni Hotel (diagonally opp will be Goodway hotel)
New Berry : opp Hana Hotel or beside Gold view Hotel (not golden view hotel hor)
Bunga Massage : Behind Utama Hotel row of shop houses
Happy Massage 8 : Biz Hotel or Hans Inn nearby but a bit further from Formosa Hotel
Memory : At Memory Hotel
Indah2 and MM Massage: I know how to walk there but didnt know any hotel nearby.Nearest i could think of is Newton Hotel.
Shellina : Same block as S hotel.

Good luck when in Batam this coming weekend,you will need it.


*be there early (before 12pm) or you might end up with the worst.

**read my signature links for details before you go Batam (if you got time)

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 08-08-2015, 04:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Harmoni Hotel. It's opposite to Goodway Hotel which means it's relatively near to Gold Bird, New Berry. And should not be too far from Indah2 and the rest. And it's less than 3 mins walk to Blue Moon. Only thing is it's quite far from Permata Indah and it cost much more than Formosa.
Old 08-08-2015, 06:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
So now,most newbies going Batam will be unable to cover most booking joints,wont have much chance to choose unless they join seniors..

First time I went to Batam in my life, I simply grabbed an ojek and made a tour of all joints just to see how they looked like. The ojek driver knows where joints are located.
I don't understand why a newbie would need seniors just to cover booking joints...
Old 08-08-2015, 08:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Thanks bro Nono for the comprehensive reply, thinking of making my solo trip to Batam very soon, its likely i will still book a room in Formosa and follow bro Nono's advise in getting a driver to visit the joints, even though the booking fee would be higher due to the driver's cut just make sure to negotiate with the papa/mamasan anyway. Its like paying school fees i guess lol.
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Old 08-08-2015, 11:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by justfun View Post
Awaiting Summary .... Drooling
Hehehehe...they are out!! They are out... !!
(on my signature)

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Basically trying to tell u not to have sexual activities. But no one bothers.
You mean its not trying to tell massage customer "No Smoking"?

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Thoroughly enjoyed reading the summary. Is great to read, in-summary, someone enjoying at levels consistently available to all - costs, venues, timings, and in a group with disparate OTOTs too.
Yea,some would want their girls early,some would want them later.Lets not forget,if i get my girl early,i cant go loitering around massage shops to rest and relax,and i have to "feed" my girl one extra meal,hehehe...(i know,i am stingy)

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
hahahaha. In fact, it just psychologically makes me just want to go do it even more knowing that it has the reluctant capacity to discretely accommodate "bad think" , LOOOL!
Hmm...any chance you would know anywhere in Batam got sell that "cute signage"? Its a good souvenir to buy back to Sillypore and put in my room,hehehe...maybe even my office

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Yesterday, mysteriously ended up at CityWalk when trying to walk to Indah2 to pick up my pre-booking. Alas.. Ella wasn't around in the salon.
So naturally walking past City naturally...hehehehe...

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Mission Impossible is being shown in the theatre in Batam already. But, didn't manage to catch it as my girl didn't wear anything long, don't want her to be shivering in the theatre. Anyway, have already arranged with another bro here to catch the movie next month.
Next month still got Mission Impossible in Batam? Hehehe...i doubt.

Hopefully got "Hitman: Agent 47" by end of this month.

Wait,i think Fantastic 4 should be on its way before Hitman 47 hits the theatre...hehehe...say maybe next week?


Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Yesterday's trip started well, but ended disastrously due to my having to catch the early ferry. (Note to self: no more rushy 2D1N trip)...
Looks like you also got the Batam Curse like me,hehehe....(just joking)

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Old 08-08-2015, 11:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I don't understand why a newbie would need seniors just to cover booking joints...
Simple answer, how sure are you that you had covered all booking joints in batam at that point of time with the ojek driver?

Example, newbie will never be sure of how many KFC are there in batam...

So far, I came across 14 KFC outlets in batam...

The reason that one should not depends on driver too much is because they tend to bring you to those joints that offered them highest commission than the lower ones. .

Disclaimer : I'm not saying I'm a senior or regular, I consider myself still a learner in batam..
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Old 09-08-2015, 12:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I will be going to Batam ALONE from Sat 29 Aug to Mon 31 Aug 2015 .... check into Fomosa Hotel at about 5pm on Sat 29 Aug .... any Samsters interested to meet up with me to go makan together and explore Batam / Nagoya City together .... send a PM to me with yourvname and h/p no. .... Cheers !

( I would like to thank Bro nono1973 for his advice and guidance to me with his very useful tips )
Old 09-08-2015, 02:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
I will be going to Batam ALONE from Sat 29 Aug to Mon 31 Aug 2015 .... check into Fomosa Hotel at about 5pm on Sat 29 Aug .... any Samsters interested to meet up with me to go makan together and explore Batam / Nagoya City together .... send a PM to me with yourvname and h/p no. .... Cheers !

( I would like to thank Bro nono1973 for his advice and guidance to me with his very useful tips )
I am free on that weekend but I am looking for ceweks only. Katoeys or LBs are not my taste so I will not be joining you.
Old 09-08-2015, 07:49 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Day 2...

My companion for last night just went back...
And leaving me tempted to extend my adventure for one more night

Anyway, day 2 started at 11am where I crossed the street to check New Berry. Like yesterday, nothing caught my eye so I went back outside. As I wait for my ride, I sat outside Hana Hotel and got a nice view of people walking in and out and in and out of New Berry, which is quite interesting

1120am my taxi arrived and I asked driver to bring me around yet again. We ended up in Bunga Massage. There were lots of girls inside, more than 15. There were a few eye-catching ones, so I enquired to mami about them. One is new from Medan and the other one is apparently a DJ, and BOTH are prized at 1.8m
She later dropped in down to 1.6m but still, what the heck. (later on the day I saw bro Nono's post about this place being carrot chop place, I agree hurhur)

Next we arrived at a place that I have never heard in the thread before. It's called Hawaii Karaoke. Went in and there were about 7 girls, only 1 SYT. So I started talking to the mami about that SYT. Mami told me that she's 1.2m and will settle for 1m. After that, I stayed put and the papi came to sit next to me. He claimed that the SYT is "still growing" so quite ex, which is 1.5m I chuckled a bit and told him mami already quote me 1m. Mami stick to her promise and papi relented. So I got one SYT with 500k "discount" Paid up, asked her to be delivered later and leave

My driver then brought me to BCS Mall so I can watch PIXELS. Nothing much after that. Had my lunch amidst the SG tourist wave then I went back hotel to rest while waiting for my taxi driver to bring me my SYT.

She came at 530pm. We TCSS for about one hour before she pleaded me to bring her to DC Mall. I was going to go get dinner anyway so why not. While I was showering she played with my phone and took like tons of selfie (kids these days....) Driver picked us up and off to DC Mall. Accompanied her shop for a while (about 200k spent) and then grabbed my dinner before heading back to hotel yet again.

Back to Hana Hotel, she right away went to shower to prepare for Rd 1. Action time.
Finish then TCSS again, she told me her boyfriend in Jakarta sick and on and on.
I wanted go somemore but girl claimed she tired from not sleeping the day before and then just hugged me to sleep. Morning comes and I wanted to play somemore, but she rejected reasons being she still young so cannot do much... I am disappointed already at this point... she then washed up, pack up and kissed me goodbye (luckily she didn't ask for money)

And then I started writing this post... maybe I really should extend and test luck
Old 09-08-2015, 08:02 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ramadel View Post
I am free on that weekend but I am looking for ceweks only. Katoeys or LBs are not my taste so I will not be joining you.
I didn't say that I am going to Batam to look for LBs .... BTW, didn't know that Batam got LBs .... where do they hangout so that I can avoid them .... if not, wrongly think that they are "ladies"and choose them .... like what hapoen to a lot of tourists in Bangkok .... they pick up "ladies"from Sukhumvit Road who later turn up to be LBs
Old 09-08-2015, 09:49 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
I didn't say that I am going to Batam to look for LBs ....
Fret not as you can tell the difference between cewes
and LBs in Batam
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Old 09-08-2015, 09:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
where do they hangout so that I can avoid them ....
Apparently they can be mostly found in BengKong . . Sounds similar to Bangkok isn't it. Haha, by the way they are also known as bencong or waria. Those ladyboy that operated via wechat usually put waria behind their names.. So they did actually inform beforehand, Bros please look out for it or else hehehe...
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