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Old 26-12-2015, 11:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Just cusious, anyone heard of this or tried this before in batam?

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Old 26-12-2015, 12:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Eric Kwek View Post
Just cusious, anyone heard of this or tried this before in batam?

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Old 26-12-2015, 05:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
went to marine live in the evening to have dinner and enquired about the entire episode out of sheer curiosity. Got the full picture now. They also noted their fault in that they should have managed/set customer's expectations better prior to ordering so that there be no misgivings.
Good job,bro. Instead of running down a place or a person,you attempted to try to make things better. Providing a solution to a problem is always better than pushing the problem away and blaming or shooting down one another. No one gets any win if they do that but if a problem is resolved with one or few provided solution/s,and things improved,everyone's a winner.

Just my personal point of view.

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Do talk to denny or acquaint with denny ....
This is something i dont like to do,hehehe...a courtesy "Hi", "bye", "how are you" is almost all the interaction i have with Danny or Denny. Its the same reason why i often uses a different name to book the same hotel which i often stayed in. Reason is i prefer to see things in a "normal" view therefore able to try to gauge a situation as fairly as possible. I dont like the idea of playing emperor who would give advance announcement to his people that the "Emperor" himself is coming. That way,the emperor will only get to see all good things and no bad in the country he is running.

Now i reminded myself that i have some hiccups during hotel booking in City Central Hotel sometime ago. i used a different name to book a particular special room with my friends,and when i reach the reception attempting to check in ,they told me that my special room has ALREADY been reserved by someone else. I told them its reserve by ME,they checked my passport and say "No",not reserved by ME,hehehe...i ask them if its reserved by Mr XXXX,they didnt dare reveal customer details...and end up i open up my laptop to show them my confirmation email they sent me before they let me have my room...

I learned something from that incident that not many would have. City Central Hotel do protect their customer's basic particulars (eg. names,contacts etc). And if they can protect such stuffs,i am sure they could also do basic protection for my belongings if i leave them in their counter too. I also get to see how they would respond to a last min "crisis" with me insisting on staying in that particular room too.

By the way,i knew most of City Central Hotel staffs as much as i knew those from Formosa Hotel and i wasnt hogging up the reception queue due to that "crisis" as there was no one waiting in line beside my friends.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
In Windsor 933, I got one negative experience years ago. I found a kerapu overpriced in the bill (I guess its reported weight was double than real). The discussion with the cashier did not yield to anything acceptable for me, except a minimal discount. The conclusion for me was BAN. I never went back.
Good information. If only you have shared this earlier. Then again,its still not too late as by far,most of my meals from Windsor were paid by my part ime boss,hehehe...

Thank you for sharing.

Originally Posted by Xhuuya View Post
1.To buy kueh lapis , most important point is to try the free sample they give us. Mostly shop in nagoya hill or other shopping mall had sample

2. to make sure the Quality of kueh lapis is same with the sampler, Some shop give better and tastier sampler . recommended to buy small (half portion) so you can try it right there.

3.Never buy the lapis from Taxi or Tour !!! Many kue Lapis in Batam giving commision !! Some of them giving about $2 - $7 for each Kueh Lapis !! the normal place average is about Rp 150.000 - Rp 200.000 for Original one !!

4. Buy it from the store that sell only Kueh lapis , not some restaurant or bread store selling em.

For your information , many store in Batam buy kue lapis from single baker and sell with higher price , dat "single baker" didn't open store, they focus on reseller and send some to singapore.
Sincerely thank you for sharing your known information. Tho i may currently have no use of this information but whatever you shared today may help those who wish to buy Kueh Lapis in Batam later. Reason why i have no use for it now is becos i have some Indonesia customers from Jakarta who keeps buying Kueh Lapis as a form of gift for me (and my boss) on a monthly or by-monthly basis. My colleagues and me eat until scare and it isnt exactly very healthy to eat too much Kueh Lapis daily as each complete cake uses up to 40 eggs to make them. I dont exactly exercise a lot unless i am in Batam (intensive exercise on the bed),hehehe...

Nonetheless,i thank you for sharing the information. It is good information for my future trips to Batam.

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Old 27-12-2015, 02:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
See you quietly lurking around in this thread,all of a sudden pop up with so much information almost causing an indigestion on my information collecting vault, hehehe...
Really ...

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
When you see me quote this part of your post,i believe you will know what i wish to ask already. Whats a "kuat" massage?
means Strong pressure massage, hehehe

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
After reading this paragraph a few times,i find that the Massage place aka Theraz Massage Parlor dont seems to like regular customer/s.They planned to do only one time business. Its not the 1st time i came across this kind of situation. Some of these kind of shops (mostly from hotels) chop a customer so hard that he swore never ever to return. But who cares,since the hotel can always bring in new customer who didnt know about the situation.
Possible. However, Theraz Spa offers 30% discount for in-house guest and for massage only (scrub & packages don't have discount) during weekday from 10 am to 5 or 6 pm (can't remember exact time).

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Here's my solution, i leave my HP number there and tell them, once it is my massage girl's turn to massage the next customer, reserve her for me and call me immediately. The thing about Indonesia service industry is 1+2,they will know it is 3 and they will always stick by the "1+2 = 3" rule. Try using 2+1 the next time. Surprisingly their "answers" at most time can become 4 or 5, whole idea is if i got stuck in a situation, i try to MOVE around it. A little more time used, a little more effort required, but well...i still get what i want and reach my destination.
like this idea as you may never know what you get - could be a surprise, hehehe
Old 27-12-2015, 02:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
..... Next trip,go try and see if things improve. If they dont,i wont return.
I may try this coming Tuesday!

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I go to Kings Massage and when i pick "those girls" not in their photo album,i wasnt allow to choose too,hehehe...applies for Gideon Hotel too.
At Gideon Hotel's Jasmine Massage, behind the counter is a room with door normally open, is where most ML rest. You just walk there and take a look, then tell the counter staff who you prefer. Otherwise, if you see ML at the sattee, on the left side, in-front of the counter, you can sit there and chat with them and subsequently tell the counter staff who you prefer. They will normally oblige.

Note: Most Jasmine's ML are smoker and like to play with handphone. If you don't like the ciggy smell on their finger when massaging and don't like the SMS alert sound disturbing you, you may not want to put Jasmine in the top of your priority list. However, once in a blue moon to check it out would be fine.

I am writing this based on my experience 2 years ago and have not visit them until now. Things may have changed for good.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
How's the massage at Sakura,bro? Pricing and amenities to share?.
For massage, I will quote your key phase "One man meat is another man poison". I like the massage because of the therapists there but others may find so so only.

Sakura has around 20 therapists, including Zen Spa, belonging to the same Singaporean boss. I used to make friends with few good therapists and over the years, most have left to go back to their home town and now only 2 good one available (I meant massage skill). One has even ask me to visit her in Bandung but somehow my then Sony mobile always auto restart by itself and finally clashed, I lost her contact number.

The rest of the therapists are mostly new, young and some are pretty. For massage skill, I don't know as I didn't try them. To go for look and get chop or to go for massage skill, one to decide. The therapists that I have don't fall on the pretty list. As a friend to the 2 therapists, I will not disclose their names here.

I have a photo of the price list but do not know how to post it here. Sometime ago, you (nono) have posted a step to step guide in this tread but I can't find the page.

As for amenities on the ground floor, Sakura has curtained layout for 4 massage mattresses lying on the floor behind the counter. Behind this curtained drawn room, you can see 1 VIP Spa room with shower plus long bath. In the VIP room, there used to be 2 standing massage beds properly space out but due to frequent tripping, the S'porean boss put a generator, boxed it up with concrete and making it smaller. Instead of the standing bed, he puts the 2 mattresses on the floor and one of the mattress is just outside the louvre door of the generator room. Don't know whether can smell anything if doing massage when your face is next to the louvre door. I have never use this room after the boss put in the generator.

Another room is at the 1st level, the boss converted 1 hotel room to massage room. The other VIP Spa room with long bath is on the 5th level, an opened air roof top, with a makeshift tent. For those who wish to do massage in the open with the tent covers lifted up, this will be a one of a kind experience. Hehehe...

Between Sakura and Zen Spa, Zen has better facilities but need to pay Rp50k for using VIP room unless one goes for package.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Good information here. Competition benefits the end user. If Theraz is iHotel's in-house Spa,they have no worries about competitions. They easily have a steady good flow of customers from iHotel's staying Guests (just like Kings Massage at Formosa Hotel).
Indeed it is and definitely no worries about competitions because one has to play by their rules. On the contrary, during the day, most rooms are emptied when I was there. Hope that was only what I see during the small window of time and do not represent the entire day business.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Has it ever occur to you that Theraz Spa is inexperience in this trade? In fact most hotel in-house massage shop has no worries about having no business especially those more renowned and popular ones.
Nope, if that is their way of managing a business. There has to be a reason. So, I don't think it is going to affect them much. And certainly, they have no worries. So, do I, hehehe....

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
..................dont share it with all the negativity like "i am going to burnt that hotel down" type of You have also share most of the stuffs in detail too.
wow, can't be that serious, LOL

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Before i forgot to ask,whats the massage pricing like in Theraz Spa? The ambience? (should be pretty good since its new?) ...
30% as stated above. Unless, I have a chance to take picture of the menu prices and the spa itself ......

Spa ambience is definitely up lifting. Cool, calms and fresh with nice fragrance of burned aroma oil.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

May heaven bless your next trip to Batam be even better than your current.
Thank you and looking forward to your heavenly bless. Hehehe...

Last edited by MovingTarget; 27-12-2015 at 11:29 PM.
Old 27-12-2015, 02:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tabamo View Post
Grand Atalanta Spa Club, small compare to delta spa.
Service wise about same. Facility wise, Delta Spa is better

The only diff is

Delta spa charge you 550000 for massage and HJ
Atalanta Spa charge you 270000... special is optional (Separately discuss with masseur, she can quote you 400000 - 500000 for HJ depending on your nego skills)
(Anyway, I visit them both on diff days just to try out) - There is this girl Sophie looks pretty

Grand Atalanta Spa Club & Health Massage - Complek Citra Permai Block B No.8 ( In front of Novotel Hotel) Sei Jodoh – Batam Island 29432 Indonesia Phone + 62778433711 Fax + 62778433722

Delta Spa -
Don't mind if I ask: why until 400-500k for HJ? I thought just 100-200K only?
So, how much is FJ?
Old 27-12-2015, 09:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ubikayu View Post
Don't mind if I ask: why until 400-500k for HJ? I thought just 100-200K only?
So, how much is FJ?
400k - 500k = almost never bargain at all

100k - 200k is a guideline after bargain

FJ in altalanta spa can be up to 100SGD if never bargain

Can bring dwn to as low as 350k as got pple have it before

Never bargain anywhere in btm for special = I love getting chop carrot
Old 27-12-2015, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by FreshJives View Post
Hope I will be able to join u too (if I dun go jb over the weekend hehe) and we can go for some nice food in ferry back to SG...current 3d2n trip just usual routine, masage, sleep, book...only go one joint (new berry) on 2nd day and staright book a for clean massage, went to relax and got to know they only being trained for 1week and was told that sport massage need 3 months wise nothing much cos solo, just settles my 3meals at nearby coffeeshop and road side stall and I got my hair cut at v salon on Monday instead, went over on Sunday but too many people..see u again Batam...
wheres the V Salon guys? any address would be nice :3
Old 27-12-2015, 10:39 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
Ah can someone help me with hide function
Any step by step with screenshots for easy reference
Here's hw if u interested to learn -

& the hide button looks like tis -

Good job in editing your post.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Never bargain anywhere in btm for special = I love getting chop carrot
Well said!
Old 27-12-2015, 12:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I am planning to go Batam again on the 1st New Year day, anyone going? Went solo first time on Xmas Friday to look look see see.
Old 27-12-2015, 01:21 PM
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Anyone going tomorrow? I will be there first time 2D1N.
Old 27-12-2015, 01:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

For sharing.

Picnic(ing) in Batam Beaches/Bay - Sembulang Beach

We decided to have a picnic as it's a holiday, and *away* from the crazy-crowd during this time of the year. The outspoken Ibu wanted to take/show me her meaning of chillout/relax (not pub, lounging around, parking the ass at a coffeeshop drink kopi), looooooool.

13 of us (me being the only foreigner) , 3 cars, drove out of the main island along the Barelang bridges. The drive was uneventful : usual sights - long windy roads, vehicles, hills, plants, etc. Then we took an unfamiliar left turn. The road became narrow. Same uneventful drive.... and then saw the sea horizon - the sudden change of imagery was ecstatic. We reached.

Grabbed out mobile to see where we were :

Sembulang Beach. Rightmost end of the island

There are (a few) shelters that people would have their picnic. So we took one. Really not many people as you can see from the photos below and it is a public holiday.

Got jettys if one wanna "walk out to the ocean".

There is a seafood kelong here to buy back cheap seafood to cook at home, or eat there.

However, Ibu's friends brought picnic :

Homemade fragrant nasi lemak, ayam bawang, vege, sambal, chilis, ikan bilis

**Not For Sale**

The group chat, laughed, made horny/corny jokes. Ibu looked at me with that "so how ? nice ?" face . I smiled back. We spent some time here.

Just as I was thinking "I am feeling real lazy now....", Pak said : "ok.. pack ... we go all the way" (to the end).
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Old 27-12-2015, 02:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Picnic(ing) in Batam Beaches/Bay - Pantai Cakang

The drive wasn't as long as felt - bcs I was excited. We drove along the road thru the bridges.

Imagine driving on such a main road; no turns, no detours.... and then see this :

End of the "highway" road

It was breathtaking to see the ocean from the parking lot.

Grabbed mobile :

Right at the southern most tip

The only entrance down to the picnic/bay area :

More people than at Sembulang beach but still nonetheless not crowded.

The smell of the ocean.... the relaxed environment... the strong ocean breeze...

We had our picnic here as well, and (thank goodness for the only stall looool) had coffee, teh-o-beng/panas, etc.

Watched the sunset (no photo - camera phone not good at taking sunsets), and then packed up and drove back.

The drive, this time felt loooooooong. It took about 50mins @ average 85 km/h (very little traffic) to reach the first bridge - an indication of the distance. The entire journey, in-total, took out 3 bars of the fuel tank of a 1.5L car.

For sharing.

Note - Only mobile signals detected at Pantai Cakang were : Telkomsel, IndoSat, XL.
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Last edited by micmac888; 27-12-2015 at 02:27 PM.
Old 27-12-2015, 03:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Nice.....Batam also can have it's quiet relaxing beaches....
Old 27-12-2015, 04:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
That what I like about Batam.....partly also my tendency to avoid tour group infested areas.
My every meal so far had been nasi goreng or mie goreng and frankly speaking....I never get tired due to fact I tried different places.
Honestly,base on an “eat to live” perspective of mine, Warung Sunda Bu Joko beside Lai Lai Hotel has the BEST general indo food in Batam. Practically all the more commonly found indo food can be found there and no,they are not just good tasting...they are cheap too. (note : when i say cheap here,i also mean its cheap to the locals) People tends to complain lots of people (mostly locals) goes there to eat (crowded) but the last few times i was there,there were no more than 3 tables occupied. It all boils down to right time,right place,hehehe...

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Even those normal coffeeshop also can dish out nice very cheap price.
I raise my 2 hand and legs to agree with you on this,hehehe...

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Next time, I will try the Murtabak at IndoRasa....
Indo Rasa Murtabak should be good,but i will give the prata a miss. I have tried both since the beginning of my Batam trip in 2014. Other than the Murtabak,the prata (egg or no egg) is no match to the same thing with those from Jalan Kayu in Sillypore. And it cost more too. (this place is also in one of my earlier summary)

Indo Rasa Food Court has lots of other good food. Need to go there a few times to try their other food to know.

Just my perspective.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Tis part i totally agree,SGreans tends to look dwn on indonesians when it cms to spending power & earning power. These r the same ppl tat brings "i'm richer than u & tat i can easily own u" kind of attitude to Btm & have lots of demands ,goes everywhere in the world comparing & complaining.
Many Sillyporean has the impression that the residents in Batam were very VERY poor people,hehehe... They forgot when they talk about Batam locals,they were in fact talking about those who were born and grew up there (batam),not those that came from other Indonesia's provinces or other countries. I have never once doubt Batam resident's earning and spending power.

I observed the Chinese and non-Chinese closely during my every interaction with them. Most of them were definitely not poor people. Comparing Batam's poorest versus Sillypore poorest,Sillypore poorest may not be as poor,but comparing the average income earner on both side,Batam's average definitely earns and can spend comparable with Sillypore,if not better. (lets not forget they pay S$0.50 for an apple in Batam where Sillyporean pays S$1.50 in Sillypore)

And Batam has a little over 1 million population if we minus out the tourist and those that came from other provinces of Indonesia. So Sillypore's population surpass Batam's by quite a few times.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Most of these type can't tell the difference between gd & no gd.They only knw abt tourist spot area like nagoya hill mall radius.They can't bargain too.
When a person has that mentality that he/she is far more superior than any others,he/she can never look at things in an objective way. His/her sight is then limited to the things on what only he/she wish to see.

Nagoya Hill Mall is the top of a shopping pyramid in Batam. Illustration : An apple that cost S$0.40 becomes S$0.60 when it reaches the hand of an exporter. When it reaches the hand of a wholesaler,it becomes S$0.80. And when it finally reach the retailers at the top of the Pyramid,it will be sold to the one who eats them at S$1.00 or more.

I still prefer my S$0.50 apple,hehehe...

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
SG/Msia/China tourists (sibei xia suay chinese) makes the most noise n raise a ruckus everywhere in Batam.
Thats what i constantly remind bros who use my Beginner's Guide to navigate Batam.

1.Be humble (talk nicely w/o raising their volume)

2. Be nice (but not stupid) and friendly (smile).

3. Do not hold a high expectation (drop expectation by at least 50% for 1st timer)

4. Always bargain the price down (turning down the 1st 2 quoted price if possible)

I am a Sillyporean and i know many not-so-good etiquette most Sillyporean have during their travels. i know it would be near impossible to one day be able to hear that majority Sillyporean will be taken as being nice humble people in this lifetime but the least i could do is i could let people who interact with me in Batam knows i as one individual Sillyporean is not a no good lousy negative person. i start with myself 1st.

I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to
do the something that I can do.– Helen Keller

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