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Old 03-08-2008, 01:07 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

walao eh, bro ts ... noticed ur no came out in 4d starter prize 2day ... hope u won sum money ...

Old 11-08-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Originally Posted by jng8338 View Post
Bro---that wat i'm talking abt.. i'm saving while expanding.. my biz

Btw i'm 25yo and she is 28... (I got a weakness for older ladies i guess)
Bro, i was almost in the same predicament as you. Also contemplating if i should move to china and settle down there. BUT, i was thinking what job could i find there. Secondly, like you i am 25, i was thinking if i am able to sacrifice my whole life ahead just for her. The answer was no, because i barely know her. Whereas for you, if you really know her and feel that she is the one for you then go for it.

For me, i am quite 'sick' of the life in Sg. We work so hard and yet theres so little entertainment, i was very keen to move if given the chance, but to uproot to another country and not be able to support myself there seems to be a very disturbing thought for me.

All i can say is that, you have already conquered the two 'ifs' that i had. Money and the relationship. Good luck in whatever decision you make.
Old 12-08-2008, 09:00 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Ah siah kia and eldest grandson want a PDMM, you wanna ki si your grandparents ...

So loaded, give her a couple of millions, buy a big bungalow here lor, then apply for PR
Old 15-08-2008, 09:53 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Whatever the reason, once deported before means kena blackmark liao .... the chances of coming back is slim if not zero ... easiest way is to make investment here lor ...
Old 15-08-2008, 10:00 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

I would say chances is 30%. I got a buddy married a Chongqing gal who was deported 8 months ago and she now here on Green Card.
Old 15-08-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Brother, we do not know each other.
But just believe me one time. Losing an arm is better than losing a life.

Cut off this relationship and start a new one. There will be endless problems.
Old 15-08-2008, 03:32 PM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

under immigration act. anyone kena remove from spore, must hav a written permission from the authority to re enter spore.

havin a visa does not mean automatic entry.
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Old 16-08-2008, 09:53 PM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

TS, u know her 6mths only????

Cool down.........

Listen. During the period while she is serving her sentence, cool down and think and i MEAN THINK....see she is the right woman for you. After she have served her sentence and deported back, again see she is still the one for you, if YES, go China and visit her for a short period, visit her home, her parents, friends....etc....

After all these, if everything ok, then do what u want. Got it?

No need for me to say so clearly, just cool down and THINK.
Hasta La Vista, baby!
Old 17-08-2008, 12:16 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Maybe before you actually proceed with anything, just get your family together and tell them the "TRUTH" about this woman blah blah.......
We'll see how it goes from there.

One day, you'll be a dad, turn the tables and think what you'll do......

Like what me old man use to tell me when i was much younger and did stoopid stuff:
If i knew you're gonna do blah blah to dishonour our family name, I shud have STRANGLED you at birth....strong words but now that I'm a dad myself, I totally understand where he's coming from.

Keep her as a lover in my opinion.
Give it a few years if it can last that long and see how it blossoms then decide.....till then, enjoy every inch and moment of her........

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How you kick away will still crawl back one...that's called MAN! or in my book....MCP MAN hahahaha like me hehehe
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Old 23-09-2008, 11:59 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

To all Bro who hv given me advice!!!

Sum it up

I juz return from Chong Qing went there for a mth stay in her hse and met her two sister ( Damn Chio plus Super SYT )

Get to know her better and more..

Plus point.. She is willing to sign pre-marriage paper with me.. not wanting anything at all.. hmmm.. Can give advice on this matter..

I will be going again in Oct to see hw things are.. will post asap..

tks u for all your wonderful time and effort for reading my long post and giving me feedback as well..

Old 23-09-2008, 05:29 PM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Originally Posted by jng8338 View Post
Plus point.. She is willing to sign pre-marriage paper with me.. not wanting anything at all.. hmmm.. Can give advice on this matter..
If you divorce her in Singapore, surprise surprise, the pre-nuptial agreement that you sign is not worth the price of the paper it is written on. I am not sure what is Chinese law on this issue. You better check to make sure. If you intend to live in China permanently after marriage but retain your Singapore citizenship, chances are you can probably choose to file for divorce either in China or Singapore. Now which country to choose will depend which law is more favourable for you.

Unlike in the States, pre-nuptial agreements will not be enforced in Singapore. The rationale is that one enters into a marriage with the intention that it lasts, hence your vows "till death do us part". Signing a pre-nuptial agreement goes against that whole idea of sanctity of marriage.

So, if you think that by signing a pre-nuptial agreement, you can protect your assets from her later on, you are sorely mistaken my friend. Perhaps your girl is aware of this hence she readily agreed to sign the pre-nup with you? If she is the one filing for divorce later, she can choose to have it filed here if Singapore law is more favourable for her.
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Old 24-09-2008, 12:54 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Bro, wat comes fast goes fast.
Nothing in life comes without a price.
Dun jump the gun.
Like my siggy, wats yours will be yours so dun worry.
Take your time to know her better inside out including those close around her.
Scared no time to marry meh?
You know why they call it ROM?
Cos the gov dun care abt any dumb mistakes one makes but this one, you better register!!!!!
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Old 24-09-2008, 04:13 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Originally Posted by jng8338 View Post
To all Bro who hv given me advice!!!

Sum it up

I juz return from Chong Qing went there for a mth stay in her hse and met her two sister ( Damn Chio plus Super SYT )

Get to know her better and more..

Plus point.. She is willing to sign pre-marriage paper with me.. not wanting anything at all.. hmmm.. Can give advice on this matter..

I will be going again in Oct to see hw things are.. will post asap..

tks u for all your wonderful time and effort for reading my long post and giving me feedback as well..

Please treat your girl well. She sounds like a good girl.
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Old 24-09-2008, 10:09 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

Originally Posted by Darkstorm View Post
Please treat your girl well. She sounds like a good girl.
What made you say that bro? I can't find anything in his previous posts suggesting that she is any better than all the other WLs. You think she is a good girl simply because she said she was willing to sign a pre-nuptial agreement? That could also be let go long line to catch big fish. You'll never know.
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Old 24-09-2008, 11:09 AM
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Re: Bros' If my Chong Qing Gal Kanna Deported back..Is She Able to Come Back

PRC girls all fucking smart at cheating money. Dun fuck ard with them. But i love fuckin ard with them. Dun have much money to let them cheat. hhoowowow
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