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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 02-06-2004, 04:28 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sadfa
My brudda just courted and hook a prc ktv girl as a girlfriend. I only date them but never have long term relationship with them b4.

i told him she will suck his money dry sooner or later, but he dont believe me. Anyone here with any experience or horror stories about these relationship so i can knock some sense into him. if got happy stories about them, let me have them too.
My gf oso ktv girl,last time i courted her & nw we r still 2gether. Nw she wk normal job, and we oso bear all the hard time 2gether.
Old 03-06-2004, 12:19 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Smooth
My gf oso ktv girl,last time i courted her & nw we r still 2gether. Nw she wk normal job, and we oso bear all the hard time 2gether.
You r lucky bro...! My ex oso ktv gal...we share some hard times 2gether..more den a year...but cant go any further...even when the happy moment r on the way....mine i only can say is dat...she cant make up her mind and oso not determined to gif up the kind of life she having...when times to come..haf to break it up,so as a personel advise...,if a ktv gal can changed her job n lead a normal lifestyle wif cherish her....coz she had put in lot of effort wif u!! Bless u ,bro...
Old 03-06-2004, 12:46 AM
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Smile Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

If you have the charm, anything is possible. You do not need to splurge money, give allowance or be gorgeous looking.

I am maybe just above average looking but tall and strong looking. Over the years I've had many mid to long term relationships with China girls. Some are here on student passes and you get to be with them from one to three years.

Met most of them from Tiananmen and one two other ktv joints. Have bonked all of them (at least 50) without forking any $$. If they like you, they will treat you like a true bf.

Some come and some go.

At this point in time, I have `steady' gfs who are studying at SIC, APMI, AITA and one at a school in Peninsula. Plus my sing ones, it is quite fun juggling the roster and noting their period schedules.

Hee hee..

You can if you want to. There is a secret to conquering these china dolls..
Old 03-06-2004, 01:24 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by hotbod8
Met most of them from Tiananmen and one two other ktv joints. Have bonked all of them (at least 50) without forking any $$. If they like you, they will treat you like a true bf.


SALUTE !!!! bonked at least 50 !!! foc !!!

WCWG company !!! wake up !!!
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Old 03-06-2004, 01:29 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by fun4evergood
SALUTE !!!! bonked at least 50 !!! foc !!!

WCWG company !!! wake up !!!
definitely a wakeup call..
Whole company adds up also dunno got 50 or not.

We should do a stock take... Where the fxxk is our CIA?

Old 03-06-2004, 01:30 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by manfon
definitely a wakeup call..
Whole company adds up also dunno got 50 or not.

We should do a stock take... Where the fxxk is our CIA?

Lets recuit hotbot8 to be out chief advisor !!
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Old 03-06-2004, 01:46 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by iluvktv
I hv been cheonging prc ktvs for some time liao and had my fair share of gfs, long and short term ones. Some will bleed you, some just want to have someone to be with when they are here and there are others who will even give u money. Tell your friend to be open with the gal, if he is not rich say he is not rich, dun pretend. Most of them will try to get u to pay or buy things for them. They may give you FOC or dun take tips from you when they sit with you in the ktv or go out with you, but they get u to pay for their school fees, rental, daily expenses, buy cosmetics, clothes, branded goods, etc. All these expenses could be more than just pay them tips. If ur fren has spare money to splurge on them fine, but if he has to draw on credit cards or ODs, ask him to forget it, he will run dry in the end and get himself into trouble.

Not all PRC ktv gals are bloodsuckers, now I only have two long term gfs and both have passed me a few Ks to help me tide over bad times before and most of the time without me asking for it. Of cos, I always return to them with more when I had the money. End of the day, it's a matter of luck how u treat them, but for the bloodsuckers, u can tell after being with them for a while, when the demands start flowing in.
Bet u can smell a bloodsucker miles away.......
Old 03-06-2004, 11:00 AM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Managed to speak to my brudda over the holiday. Just as i suspected, he gave her money ($1,000) due to some 'emergency'. This is on top of the money he spend on her like her meals, clothes, cosmetics and being her personal chauffeur. Somemore the bitch kao pei not enough!

he says he has to do this, to proof his love to her and its a one-off
'emergency' anyway. but they only going steady for about 1 month and I know he is tight cos he never go ktv or makan with us now and never bet on soccer (he say he not free etc). but the funny thing is he blames the whole world for having no money, but dont blame her.

Maybe i am just biased against these girls, but i think the blood-sucking has begun.

so whats the verdict here guys? true love or just blood-sucking?
Old 03-06-2004, 11:02 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by sadfa

Managed to speak to my brudda over the holiday. Just as i suspected, he gave her money ($1,000) due to some 'emergency'. This is on top of the money he spend on her like her meals, clothes, cosmetics and being her personal chauffeur. Somemore the bitch kao pei not enough!

he says he has to do this, to proof his love to her and its a one-off
'emergency' anyway. but they only going steady for about 1 month and I know he is tight cos he never go ktv or makan with us now and never bet on soccer (he say he not free etc). but the funny thing is he blames the whole world for having no money, but dont blame her.

i think the blood-sucking has begun.

so whats the verdict here guys? true love or just blood-sucking?
Its time to test out whether it is true love....... ask him to stop providing her money......if she still with him for another month without asking money....then bingo.....
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Old 03-06-2004, 11:04 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by fun4evergood
Its time to test out whether it is true love....... ask him to stop providing her money......if she still with him for another month without asking money....then bingo.....
dunno whether he can tahan or not? haha.
Old 03-06-2004, 11:07 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by sadfa
dunno whether he can tahan or not? haha.
I always qoute to my gals..... talk money hurt relations......
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Old 03-06-2004, 11:14 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by fun4evergood
I always qoute to my gals..... talk money hurt relations......
thanks for your input, fun4evergood.
anyway i am tired of this thing. he so old already. he should know what to do and bear the consequenes if he dont.

not going to bother to talk to him about this unless he ask me. scarly people here say i am the same brudda. haha!
Old 03-06-2004, 11:22 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by sadfa
thanks for your input, fun4evergood.
anyway i am tired of this thing. he so old already. he should know what to do and bear the consequenes if he dont.

not going to bother to talk to him about this unless he ask me. scarly people here say i am the same brudda. haha!
1K??? Hiazzzzz, ask him for a loan c wat he replys u......
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 03-06-2004, 11:33 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by sadfa
thanks for your input, fun4evergood.
anyway i am tired of this thing. he so old already. he should know what to do and bear the consequenes if he dont.

not going to bother to talk to him about this unless he ask me. scarly people here say i am the same brudda. haha!
Care to tell me which age group he belongs to? Married?
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Old 03-06-2004, 11:33 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by naemlo
1K??? Hiazzzzz, ask him for a loan c wat he replys u......
Can u lend me 1k??
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