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Old 10-11-2005, 02:06 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by big_bear
...I have also a VN girl of my own now but i still dunno if i should ROM with her as what Bro Lament's did... i'm so confused...And with all those factors like having to support her poor family and herself kept on suggesting marriage to me, i guess i also have to think deeply on what is my next approach...

Decide what you want.
1)Is she is a WL?
2)Why/what she wants you to marry her other than "LOVE" that she may claim (Maybe you are her ticket to her getting her PR, free lodging, other convenience from a marriage to you...etc).
3)Can you provide for her? Her family, uncles, aunties, cousins etc....the whole family tree. If not she may have to continue working as a WL if she is already one.
Believe you can think of more or maybe other bros will contribute more factors for your to consider.
Maybe u should meet Lament for a cup of coffee and he may offer you insight from another perspective.
Of course, it is your story between you and her but my advise will be "serious" thoughts before commiting....Look ahead as well, such as factor in what are your potential losses if the marriage does not work out.
Good Luck. Cheers!!
I left as a fallen angel, will return as the devil.
Old 10-11-2005, 09:45 PM
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Talking Re: Retired ............

Originally Posted by lament
thanks a lot ...this is is the path i choose and if 1 day it turns out bad, I have no regrets. She is my last roll of dice .....
pui pui pui!!!..... all ur karma sutra can throw into the drain.....
Blatancy with subtlety - a sublime phase... easy to say but hard to master~!
Old 11-11-2005, 09:49 AM
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Re: Retired ............

Originally Posted by japboy
pui pui pui!!!..... all ur karma sutra can throw into the drain.....

All the Best to Lament!
Sooooooooooo long no Open Mob OTOT liao hor.
Old 11-11-2005, 07:00 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by big_bear
Bros... i finally read thru the 1st few and last pages of Bro Lament's vietnamisation program. I have also a VN girl of my own now but i still dunno if i should ROM with her as what Bro Lament's did... i'm so confused...

i'm a newbie to their language and culture and i also not sure how to support for her in the long run as i dun think i can earn enuf for us both...

And with all those factors like having to support her poor family and herself kept on suggesting marriage to me, i guess i also have to think deeply on what is my next approach...

an advice to u... i not sure if u know vn culture as well as i do in the first place, i have played with enuff to know wat i am doing.

i m not sure where u know her but from wat u say that she keep suggesting u to marry her. if this is the case and if she is a working ger then i suggest u take a step back......unless u willing to share more info then i can diagnose the case for u.

for my case, i was the 1 to suggest the words of my dear, she says she is still considering the whole issue. so its not really confirmed that i will sign on the dotted line yet. but i do wish she will agree to it.
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Old 11-11-2005, 08:46 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
i have played with enuff to know wat i am doing.
An experience worker does make mistake too.

Originally Posted by lament
unless u willing to share more info then i can diagnose the case for u.
Unless u can read her mind. Diagnose is just another guessing.

Originally Posted by lament
for my case, i was the 1 to suggest marriage.
Easy prey....
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 11-11-2005, 10:44 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by naemlo
An experience worker does make mistake too.
Good advice
Old 13-11-2005, 02:53 AM
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Talking Re: Retired ............

Originally Posted by plman2002
but he's no 英雄 wat!!... kekeke.. all d best 2 u bro!!..

and he still got a few months to think it thru!!
Blatancy with subtlety - a sublime phase... easy to say but hard to master~!
Old 13-11-2005, 07:11 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
an advice to u... i not sure if u know vn culture as well as i do in the first place, i have played with enuff to know wat i am doing.

i m not sure where u know her but from wat u say that she keep suggesting u to marry her. if this is the case and if she is a working ger then i suggest u take a step back......unless u willing to share more info then i can diagnose the case for u.

for my case, i was the 1 to suggest the words of my dear, she says she is still considering the whole issue. so its not really confirmed that i will sign on the dotted line yet. but i do wish she will agree to it.
How can u know the vietnamese culture that well when u are in Singapore all the time? Being in Joo chiat and knowing those Vn working gals there doesn;t give u a good understanding of their culture Bro. Even with a vietnamese wife and spending 3 years in Vietnam, i still wouldn't dare to say that i know the vietnamese culture well enuff

One thing to note that you have to think it over twice, if a vietnamese lady proclaims that she loves you but yet has to think it over when you propose to her, i do not think that the love for u is deep enough.
Old 13-11-2005, 03:37 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Anyone know where to buy English Vietnamese Dictionary, I know theres one on the net, but I need a hard copy.

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Old 13-11-2005, 04:03 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by SingViet

One thing to note that you have to think it over twice, if a vietnamese lady proclaims that she loves you but yet has to think it over when you propose to her, i do not think that the love for u is deep enough.
Yes maybe she does not love him deep enough but they have known each other for less than 3 mths, n suddenly a question popped out, asking her to marry him. First thing in a WL mind, she can't work as WL to earn money. Understanding Lament's condition, I guess he also can't provide much money to her too. U can't live life just on love. Money still makes the world goes round.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 13-11-2005, 04:41 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by naemlo
Yes maybe she does not love him deep enough but they have known each other for less than 3 mths, n suddenly a question popped out, asking her to marry him. First thing in a WL mind, she can't work as WL to earn money. Understanding Lament's condition, I guess he also can't provide much money to her too. U can't live life just on love. Money still makes the world goes round.

Living on love alone doesn't work in this world anymore. As a WL, she will expect Lament to provide for her and her family so that she need not work anymore. And if anyone knows, Vietnamese families are huge... i really mean huge. Most of the WL provides for their whole family, even their brothers and sisters who are healthy refuses to work and just wait for them to bring the money back. I will advise bros who has Vietnamese WL as gf, do not jump into marriage unless u can provide for her and her family. Its no use getting married for a year or two, get divorce because she cannot stand a life w/o money.
Old 13-11-2005, 05:20 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by SingViet
I will advise bros who has Vietnamese WL as gf, do not jump into marriage unless u can provide for her and her family. Its no use getting married for a year or two, get divorce because she cannot stand a life w/o money.

Yes, that is why she choose this line, cos money is easier n faster. If family is able to support themselves, I guess most gers will rather study instead of working as FL.

It is always a headache to 'love' a WL.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 13-11-2005, 06:18 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by brs_worid
Anyone know where to buy English Vietnamese Dictionary, I know theres one on the net, but I need a hard copy.



I got mine from Boarders. Pretty good and handy type of Dictionary.
Old 14-11-2005, 10:46 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Hi bro lament,
I am looking for a vietnamese language private to share if you know anyone.(You can PM me). Because i have check out Lingo language school but their times
schedule is too early for me. Many thanks
Old 15-11-2005, 02:04 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by mikemike
Hi bro lament,
I am looking for a vietnamese language private to share if you know anyone.(You can PM me). Because i have check out Lingo language school but their times
schedule is too early for me. Many thanks
why not u pm me and i ask some of vn friends if they willing to help ....

they are not jc gers but proper gers in sillypore lor ......

u negotiate the fees with them but you may alternatively bring one back from joo chiat ......they do work late ......
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