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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 31-07-2013, 01:29 PM
calbts calbts is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I am in Bangkok so let me offer some advice -

Bar Bar used to be ok about 5 or so years ago but now I cannot recommend unless you enjoy paying for overpriced drinks and weak skilled so-called Mistresses that are not very good looking at all.
You can sit in the bar and watch the lame action but the focus there is plying you to buy expensive drinks for yourself and the ladies.
You can go to a private room upstairs and have a session ( says 4000 flat rate on website I think) but that does not include the 900 baht admission charge. I also think the updated barfine for taking a girl to your hotel room is now 2500(which makes this on the high side for Bangkok). Does not include what you pay the girl for her time.

The situation is a little better at Demonia but not by much. From my experience, the head ladies there are more negotiable for takeouts.

And stay away from the horrible,ripoff, and rude people at the Castle at Pattaya. I have never had any good experiences there.

All in all I do not recommend these bars for serious or even good play.
They are for novice BDSM lookie -loos who like to throw away money on overpriced drinks.
In fact the whole gogo bar scene geared towards foreigners in Bangkok has become mercenary and overpriced with a focus on quickie bad service and getting as much money out of the customer as possible. Really a sad state of affairs compared to how it was in the 1990s but that is getting off subject here.

For BDSM play in Bangkok you might want to try Midori's, Thaidomina, or Thai goddess.
Midori has the best dungeon setup I think.
There are no dungeons to rent but bring your own equipment and turn your hotel room into a dungeon.

Although I am accustomed and used to the Japan scene and Japanese Mistresses, I personally have not seen a Thai Mistress in a long time. They just don't compare to Japan and I wait until I can go back there to experience it again

Last edited by calbts; 31-07-2013 at 02:55 PM.
Old 31-07-2013, 05:45 PM
totolim totolim is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I guess bro calbts would be the best person to judge

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
Never tried her or Rie, but through their employees, i can tell you 100% Rie gals have much better skill.
Old 31-07-2013, 05:47 PM
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Talking Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

They have 2 new mistresses, Makoto and Lum.

From the photos would love to try Makoto in my next visit. Seems good for face sitting

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
We have to annouce very sad news today.

Domina Reiko and Coco, who had been taking vacation, are leaving La Siora.
We know you all will miss them so much, but please support their decision.

We got their comments for you translated.
Please take a look if you ever met them before.
"When was the first time I heard about La Siora...?

La Siora's philosophy, attitude, sense of beauty and elegance make a clear distinction from other clubs.
I think it is amazing that all the dominas got very high skill and flexibility to have various type of session.

La Siora's BDSM is wonderful products to export from Japan to worldwide as car and electric home supplies! lol

I think that's why La Siora is loved by so many people all over the world.

I learned a lot of things at La Siora although I was not there for long term.

I want to thank with all my heart to Ms. Asagiri, reception staffs, dominas and all the members who supported us,
Big thank and love to everyone I met through this club.

I have to quit now because of my personal reason, but I will support La Siora from outside as one of the big fans!

P.S. Ms Asagiri, Ill be waiting for the chance you would introduce me my future husband some day! lol

Kinky Forever!
Rira bien qui rira le dernier.

"Hello, this is Coco, long time no see.
It turned out that I have to decide to leave La Siora now.

I want to thank to people who had been waiting for my comeback, and I'm really sorry for not being able to see you all again although I had been taking "temporary vacation" for long time.

My reason of leaving is very usual, that it seems I cannot handle my private life and time at La Siora at the same time. I couldn't make a decision earlier since I had a conflict in my mind. I will write about those feelings on my blog soon.

I was at La Siora just for half a year, but I would like to thank again to everybody I met during that period. Thank you all for sharing very, very fun time together.

I wish happiness to everyone who love domination. Let's keep enjoying our life.

Old 31-07-2013, 06:37 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Yes Mistress Rie is the best "Head Mistress" in the world.

I was lucky ( or may I say unlucky as it was painful) to be on the end of her whip during a session with Mistress Benio many years ago and developed a friendly relationship with her.

Out of the many many sessions I have had at La Siora over the past decade or so, I cannot remember any bad experiences. If anything ever did go wrong( like Mistress late for session, etc. ), they made it up to me one way or another. Rie's number one goal is to make her clients go away satisfied. She succeeds since the growth and popularity of La Siora keeps going up. I was worried when they temporarily shut down in 2008 that they would go away but thank god they are thriving. There are always new Mistresses coming up through her ranks. And I still am fascinated that Mistress Shinju is still there along with other longtime Mistresses like Akiho, Murasaki, etc. . I sessioned with Shinju in 2002-2003 - 10 years ago!!

On the subject of Mistress Hibiki - I have not met her personally so I cannot say anything particularly bad about her.
But my one session at Club Absolute last year was quite disappointing and I will not make any special trips back to Nagoya in the future.
Old 31-07-2013, 08:07 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Sweet Trip View Post
Thanks for the feedback mate. Yes all the reviews in this forum seem to point at that direction for demonia. But surely since that establishment has been surviving for some time, there must be some attraction. Btw, where is a good place to rent a dungeon in bkk? Cheers.
Sukumvit Soi 4....pick up a free Bangkok book in your hotel, you will be able to see advert for a dungeon rental...I think is 2000 Baht, have some equipment.
Old 31-07-2013, 08:53 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by corm View Post
Ok bro, I just pm you
Bro,can pm me also?
Old 01-08-2013, 03:15 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by totolim View Post
I guess bro calbts would be the best person to judge
why are you saying such thing, i went to both sm clubs for many times. I have been to absolute club, years before he did, and i told him not to waste his time to go to nagoya. He went there and yeah he did not like it as much as siora.
Old 01-08-2013, 03:24 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

there seem to be a possibility to visit another sm club in shinjuku if you cannot speak english. Maybe, i cannot check it out, because i have no time to go to tokyo. But there are some english in their blog and in their website.


mistress sakura english speaker with some english comment

photos of their play

By looking at their website, i think this is soft sm club, because they charge
extra to lick their pussy and arse. If you like soft sm, you can try them out. I do not know if they are like la siora until someone try it out, but based on my experience in many sm clubs, this is a soft one.
Old 01-08-2013, 03:29 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by calbts View Post
Yes Mistress Rie is the best "Head Mistress" in the world.
She is at the very top for sm club manager in the world, but managers of sweet devil and prezis are very friendly too. They are both man and can speak english too. Let not forget the managers of Avalon in Berlin.
Old 01-08-2013, 03:09 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Sorry bro. Didn't know u been to absolute.

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
why are you saying such thing, i went to both sm clubs for many times. I have been to absolute club, years before he did, and i told him not to waste his time to go to nagoya. He went there and yeah he did not like it as much as siora.
Old 01-08-2013, 07:05 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ydgduo View Post
why are you saying such thing, i went to both sm clubs for many times. I have been to absolute club, years before he did, and i told him not to waste his time to go to nagoya. He went there and yeah he did not like it as much as siora.
Yes I have to give it to bro ydgduo for his extensive travels and experience in Japan and Europe.
Even with his advice, I still had to check out Absolute for myself. Needless to say - he was right. Nagoya is not worth the special trip.
I will also give it to ydgduo for being able to experience a Japanese Mistress in a German dungeon - the best of both worlds - a rare and enviable experience I might say.
Old 01-08-2013, 07:16 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro's..........greetings....just heard some good news.....Mistress Akiho from La Siora plans to visit Singapore towards the end of out for details in her or Lasiora blog.....i cant wait!
Old 02-08-2013, 05:53 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Just curious if anyone has sessioned with her before? Seems like she's a soft Domme and look like genuine too.....and she's tall as well
Old 03-08-2013, 03:26 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Much had been said about our visiting Mistresses and La Siora Mistresses. Maybe it's time for me to share my experience with our 2 local promising Mistresses. My fetishes are pretty simple and thus, my sharing would be limited. Hope fellow BDSMers won't mind.

Btw, both our local Mistresses are now listed as pro-dommes on the world map.
Check it out at (click the dropdown under "rest of the world")

Mistress Luna

Caning - I just love her canings. She can be severe and would draw blood if you so needed.

The pix above was from a recent session. I'm hardcore, so don't worry. Mistress Luna will surely tailor to her sub needs… with safe words provided .

Face slapping - Felt kinky and humiliated while kneeling in front of Mistress Luna. Hard slapping but pain to my Mistress hand too.

Face sitting - Mistress Luna has a nicely shaped full moon. I was in heaven when face seated by her. I WANT MORE during my next session !!

Mistress Luna had her own dungeon, purchased and shipped in toys from overseas site. I guess her enthusiasm to her work really shows.

Bros interested can find out more from Mistress Luna blog at
2nd up: solopop Arse-nal Rasta Marley smoky7 MichaelWinn

Last edited by Fmcane; 03-08-2013 at 04:33 PM.
Old 03-08-2013, 03:33 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Mistress Scarlett

Caning - Can give you a good trashing if necessary. Mistress Scarlett seems to be more of a sensual dominatrix and had admitted that leg, foot and heels worship makes her tingle and excited when done right. (Sorry Mistress Scarlett, borrow me this sentence from your blog).

Face slapping - Slapped equally hard as Mistress Luna.

Face sitting - Not try so can't comment. But Mistress Scarlett does have a slim and shapely figures to die for..

IMHO, these two Ladies are friendly and sincere outside of session and are professionals when engaging during a session. I guess I'll be sticking to both since I'm so far away from La Siora.

Bros interested can find out more from Mistress Scarlett blog at
2nd up: solopop Arse-nal Rasta Marley smoky7 MichaelWinn

Last edited by Fmcane; 03-08-2013 at 04:35 PM.
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