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Old 16-06-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Originally Posted by GTOKING View Post
yo bro , my next trip will be on 29 Aug ~ 06 Sep.
How about u , when is your date/
me leaving on 20 June.......

looks like we miss each other again....
member of the kaypoh clan.......
Old 18-06-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed


Those ONS are FREEbies. Been staying in SZ for past 4-5 yrs and I also have close to 10 SIN buddies living here in SZ. All of us have Free ONS no matter whether you are Fat, Ugly, Skinny. Most important is that you must be daring and friendly.

Just to quote you an example. 1 SIN friend is aged around 42 and he is very fat (around 40" in waist), don't understand 1 simple English word (only use Hokkien and Chinese), and his ONS hit rate in pubs such as YES, SOHO, City Cowboy is 70%. Seen him returned to apt or hotel with various types of gals aged from 19-38 so many times.

There was once he don't have money to pay for hotel and the MILF he picked up from YES Bar paid for his room.

Actually, there are many women in SZ who are quite rich. You can often see women in groups of (3-6) partying in these pubs and paying for their drinks. They are aged around 20-35 and very attractive. If you see these gals, just talk to them and sometimes, they will also buy you drinks (bottle of Chivas/Black Label/Hennesy).

To quote another example. My current SZ GF always party with her friends, always around 3-8 gals. They buy their own drinks (Hennesy/Black Label) and do not spend guys money. When I go drinking with them anywhere, they will pay for all the drinks. They only want us to party with them. To them, all these expenses are trivial as they are seeking for fun.

In fact, there are many such gals in SZ and I know and had several of such GF since the past few yrs. Many are running their own business / corporate women / from rich family. Some of these gals, when they go shopping, they bring cash RMB 20k-100k CASH.

Thus, partying in SZ is quite similar to BKK. SZ gals are friendly, just like Thais.

You don't need to spend much to get gals.

JUST BE FRIENDLY and DARING. Anyway, you don't have anything to lose.

However, some pubs in SZ also employed some gals to sit around the bar counter etc to attract customers. You will most probably see these gals ordering soft drinks instead of hard liquor and you can also find them being extremely friendly, playing dices, chatting with customers etc. So these gals could be working in the pubs. So beware and open your eyes and target accordingly.

Good Luck.
Old 19-06-2008, 12:02 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

anyone got hotel to intro at shenzhen? hopefully near to the train station and nearby some good shopping mall
Old 19-06-2008, 12:07 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

anyone got hotel to intro at shenzhen? hopefully near to the train station and nearby some good shopping mall
Old 19-06-2008, 03:27 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Originally Posted by xphone View Post
anyone got hotel to intro at shenzhen? hopefully near to the train station and nearby some good shopping mall
Shangrila Hotel loh.
Old 19-06-2008, 03:34 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Originally Posted by Jazz View Post
Those ONS are FREEbies. Been staying in SZ for past 4-5 yrs and I also have close to 10 SIN buddies living here in SZ. All of us have Free ONS no matter whether you are Fat, Ugly, Skinny. Most important is that you must be daring and friendly.
Hi Jazz,

Was in Shenzhen yesterday just walking around but have not checked out the discos and pubs yet as headed back to HK around 9pm. Rainy day as usual so hampering alot of cheonging activites. I've heard of the ONS thingy from a PRC girl. There must be some truth in it. Easier than BKK? And the girls don't leech on you? Wow that's better than BKK where you need to spend money on girls. The rich PRC girls are really a class on their own.

Will reece the discos next trip and feedback here. Thanks.
Old 19-06-2008, 09:38 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Originally Posted by Looksee View Post
me leaving on 20 June.......

looks like we miss each other again....
Me back liao.....raining every day there
Tiko #62
Old 19-06-2008, 02:07 PM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Originally Posted by aman View Post
Me back liao.....raining every day there
i know.....packed my swimming trunk liao....
member of the kaypoh clan.......
Old 20-06-2008, 10:01 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

till now i got no luck of meeting a local sz girl, all are from other provinces run to many girls are very cautious too since they know sz very messy and that hk men spoil market...big and deep pockets
my current squeeze: the sales consultant

litres of fuel for exchange. leave your nick to be topped up, if i forgot to top u up, plz pm me

to topup:
Old 20-06-2008, 12:04 PM
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Talking Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Visited SZ quite frequently 2 years back. Really like the entertainments and happenings there. Too bad now change job and have not got chance to go again. Any bros have good recommendations on jobs that can frequently visit SZ? HeHe
Old 20-06-2008, 04:00 PM
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Smile Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Sammyboy is blocked and I cannot access in my SZ apt. I used but its not stable and always log me out and my FR on CP and SZ last weekend was not posted on Sammyboy after I have typed for than 2 pages long A4 size. Also cannot access my PM.

Any good proxy site to bypass? Thanks.

Anyway, to continue on the pub scene in SZ. Just a little suggestion to Bros which are shy to ask the gal whether she would like to go back with you after clubbing. Maybe you ask her whether she would like to go to Spa/Sauna like those I listed earlier such as Pacific, Queens, Maya, Gold Coast, etc.

Benefit of using this is first, to create a better feel / understanding between you and the gal, to break the ice and also to see whether the gal is interested in you. This also helps to enhance your gentleman image rather than to let the gal see you as an anxious and perverted animal. We have done this countless times and it works almost all the time. Maybe because we like the feeling of courting a gal rather than straight down to sex as I find it very boring.

I personally find the Spa in SZ certainly helps to create a good excuse to continue where you left off in the pubs. For instance, you can meet the gal in Queen’s Spa big pool and raba raba in the pool and playing water with her etc. You can also use the Couple or Lovers Seat (all those Spa usually have single seat in the Main Hall where you can watch movies / massage leg etc but these Lovers Seat are 2 seats adjoining) in Pacific. You can use the chance to also raba raba her while using the towel for cover when having leg massage and etc. You can also book the room in Maya (some of these Spa do have rooms for you to spend the night, i.e. rooms like Hotel room but you have to pay extra and not those small individual cubicle) and then bonk her.

I find that this is much better than BKK. In BKK, you probably can only go to those underground clubs to continue partying after 2-3 am or those small scale KTV in Intramara Sois to continue drinking etc. These Spas in China offer better variations. There are pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, steam, pool table, internet, restaurant etc inside and its 1 stop shop. This will minimise the chance of the gals looking for excuse to leave.

These Spas are also good pick-up joints. I know of many female friends and Ex-GF who like to frequent these Spas. They are decent gals (not those working at night) who are Uni Gals or Business women. I always see gals in small groups of 2-4 in these Spas.

I have a Ex-GF who spend 6 months staying in these Spa back in 2007. She has 2 Apartments in SZ but she rented them out while she stays in these Spas everyday. She told me that she is bored staying alone and this not only gives her opportunity to meet more guys, kill her boredom but also generate more income. She leaves all her stuffs and clothes in her car.

Example : The cheapest Spa is only RMB 48 ( around that price) for a night and multiply by 30 nights, you only pay RMB 1,500 a month. Whereas a furnished 1 bedroom apt in Futian and Luohu is around RMB 3,000 to 3,500 monthly.

For Bros, who are good in Chinese, you should also join the QQ group. QQ is a Chinese software and in fact, there are many HK, TW, Local Chinese who meet through QQ groups and meet up regularly. These meetings are held weekly, fortnightly, monthly.

For instance, a guy pays RMB 300-500 EACH for each session while the gal either pays a small amount of RMB 50 or FREE. Its Drink all you can and of course the organiser will stand to earn some commission from drinks etc but who cares. You only go for the gals. The group will meet up for Karaoke in either pubs or KTVs and this is a great chance to pick up ONS too. Many of my HK and Local friends pick up gals from these sessions. Most of the gals are aged around 18-25 in QQ groups. On average, some groups could have 10 guys and 15-20 gals but it all depends on the group. So this is pretty interesting cos you never know how many pretty gals will turn up.

I remember seeing some pretty chicks in Soho Club in 2007 Halloween night. Beside our table was around 13-15 gals and only 5 men. 3 of the gals are pretty and we did chat with these gals and they told us they met through QQ group.

Besides the pubs, QQ meet-up session, Spas, you can also use those Expat site or dating sites like My friends and I have also met several pretty and successful women (highly-educated, well-travelled, rich, some driving expensive European cars, some having 3-8 apts, some having several companies). These women usually do not post their photos online for fear of embarrassment but they will send you private message.

Good Luck in hunting
Old 20-06-2008, 04:33 PM
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Smile Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Bro Topfuel,

Of course SZ dun have many Local SZ gals. SZ only started to flourish back in the 80s. My term of Local SZ would mean that they have been living in SZ for more than 10-15 yrs. Almost all the gals you see in SZ have only been in SZ for 2-8 yrs (max). Most are from Sichuan, Hunan, Dongbei or neighbouring Guangdong cities such as Huizhou.

SZ is the most evil or sin city in China. However, innocent or naïve a gal is, when she stays in SZ for more than 2-3 yrs, you will see how much she has changed. You can simply chat with any gal in SZ and she will tell you how evil SZ is or how much she has changed since coming to SZ.
Old 21-06-2008, 01:20 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

Originally Posted by Jazz View Post
Sammyboy is blocked and I cannot access in my SZ apt.
SBF is also blocked on CTM Network in Macau.

Thanks for the hunting tips!
Old 21-06-2008, 01:39 AM
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Luohu Village

Just giving an update on this place called Luohu Village (罗湖村) near Shangri-La Hotel. Was there this Tuesday on a rainy day. A few BBS can be found here and many female OKTs on the street will approach you and bring you to view the girls in the apartments. Girl quality ranges from 5-7/10. Was quoted RMB120 for short time in the room. However I'm concerned about safety and request to go to a motel but the girl was new and scared to go. So I left hurriedly as time is too precious.

Later saw the OKT downstairs and she cursed and swear at me because I rejected the 3 girls she recommended. Only 1 can make it. Of course I retaliated and hurl abuse back at her. Damn PRCs you must raise your voice at them to make a point. If not they will makan you. Haha.

Not sure if any guys have checked out this place and what is your feedback? Heard you could get blackmailed here.

Found an FR circa 2006 from a chinese forum.

羅湖村 100蚊的囡囡

早幾日在這看到有C兄 講 羅湖村 120 蚊的
又有人回應說只是 100 便可以
剛好 前天老友的小弟痕癢 須要找囡囡上癢
便去 看看 是否 100蚊便可以
去到時 先有鴇母 前來搭訕 ( 當時正同朋友講在這看到的資料 )
開價 120蚊 ,小弟為了不被搵笨 ( 加上小弟是 格價之王 )
便還價不是 100蚊 咩! 甘鴇母 便回 好啦 100蚊也可以
那小弟說 先行一圈 先! 甘便知道行程的 只是 100蚊 便有囡!
朋友說先起 醫肚 也可在 看看街外 邊件女正 !
食飽左 便起行 為小弟弟止癢
一出餐廳門口 已有一件 睇得上 還可食用的駂母前來
問價 又是開120蚊 . 當然不是甘笨啦
說剛才有 100 蚊的! 她說好啦! 先上樓看看囡囡 再說!
上到去 原來是無女的 , 要等囡囡上來!
那便先視察四周 安全 及房間還景!
又幾正 ! 有四間房的 有兩間更是套房有浴室
而另外一間沒有 . 一間要行出房至到浴室 ! 那便同沒浴室 共用!
上來時 見一囡囡開門 很無聊 看看我們
問駂母 她什麼料 原本是早上至到來 還沒做過的!
依~ ~~甘 啱我啦! 算是處wor! haha ~~
駂母同她說了一會 , 她很怕丑的 入去了房!
除衫 ~~嘩~~粉紅 lin 喎 ! 正
叫她吹 , 她說不會!
甘我說 我教妳 好嗎?
上床 她很陌生的不知點做
我便叫她 含啦! 好像食冰棒那麼樣
我更 拿她的 手指 示範給她看 !
真的 聰明 一看便明
只是 比較生疏...
揸她的 波波時 她很怕丑的 縷零
吹了一會 夠了 叫她訓下 我一口的啜她的粉紅lin lin
她即時很大反應的 依依~~哦哦
再用手指 插她的 妹妹是 真很窄 只是沒水的
問她 為何 , 她說 很緊張呀!
那便帶套上馬 ~~ oh~~ 真的很窄 !
不一會便出水! 收工!
出廳等朋友 完事時! 她也不會問我要錢 !
我給她 時玩她 說 等下再吊時一起付
她也不會怎樣的 怕丑的面紅紅!
放下 100蚊 她很怕丑的收下!
問她 原是在湖南 工廠做包裝 牛仔褲 只是 400蚊 工資
由朋友 介紹她到 羅湖 找多D 工資的工作 便是.....
唉~~又一火坑 蓮 ( 她真的很清純 不是wet 妹樣的! )
新來的 囡囡只沒技術 ! 但有另一感覺法 就是 鮮嫩!

Last edited by Tony Stark; 21-06-2008 at 01:56 AM.
Old 26-06-2008, 08:20 AM
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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed

flight delay due to typhoon.....

strong winds and heavy rain for the next few days.....
member of the kaypoh clan.......
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