An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
I am just back on the island and wrote this piece on the plane. I am not ecstatic landing in this sterile and boring island where the soul of the nation is "sold" away cheaply by the government of the day.
Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about those Singaporean idiots who behaved like "deaf-blind" passengers who rushed to board the plane at Suvarnabhumi even if it is not their turn.
For heaven's sake, boarding is always in this sort of (or similar) order for most, (if not all) airlines in the whole world.
1. Priority Premium Passengers and First and Business Class
2. Children, Elderly and Disabled.
3. Back rows Cattle class
4. Front rows Cattle class
So if you are Cattle class, sit down and wait till your Row number(s) is announced, or Row number boards being flashed by the Ground staff (unless of course you are a priority card passenger taking Cattle class).
Goddamnit! Stop standing in my path or block the boarding door at the holding area. Stop behaving like some uneducated third world passengers, or maybe you are just one!
And for those of you who think that jumping boarding queue can give you more "space" in the overhead compartment, Fxxk you, Swine!
Stop buying so much rubbish Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mdm Kiasu Kiasi Kiabo Singaporeans. If you really need that overhead space so badly and want to board first, ask for seats at the back of the plane during check-in, so that you can board first in the damn Cattle class.
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