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Old 23-02-2008, 09:03 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

i'm not sure what you're referring to - the nana plaza girls, or the girl i flew here to meet. but either way, you are probably wrong.

firstly, the girl i flew here to meet, we definitely clicked. we were on very good terms when she was in singapore, and we chatted on the phone before i flew here. which explains why i'm puzzled as to her current behaviour now that i'm alr here.

secondly, the girl from nana last night, we clicked very well as well. but from the start i wanted to pay her for LT but she told me she has to go hospital to take care of her mother in the morning, so asked me not to waste money on LT and just pay for ST. i believe what she said, despite what some cynics might think. there was no sign of her trying to wring money out of me. e.g didn't ask for my thai mobile, didn't give me her thai mobile, asked me to go ST instead of LT because she knew she couldn't stay unlike some girls who will ask you to pay LT even if they knew they couldn't stay.

Last edited by everywhere; 23-02-2008 at 09:14 PM.
Old 24-02-2008, 12:10 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by everywhere View Post
despite my best efforts not to sound desperate - because i'm not - still you have to go there. it's okay, i guess it's the way i phrase things.

anyway, my experience with the bargirls mostly is that they'll fuck and leave. i'm looking for more of a erm..holistic experience, if you will. i am bored out of my wits here because i flew here simply to meet the girl with whom i had a wonderful time when she was in singapore. i had no intentions of shopping, sightseeing, etc other than to go to the tailor, which i alr did today. the rest of the time was initially planned to just spend with the girl and let her take me around. now it looks like she won't be fulfilling her end of the deal (figuratively speaking. there was no actual 'deal' to speak of, although she did agree to spend a certain designated period of time with me but i don't recall any solid promises), so i'm trying to get another girl to fulfil her role so that i can still have the holiday i planned.

enough off-track. can someone with real info help me out here? or maybe there's a certain set of words i should say/ask the girl. or is it truly your luck on whether she's 'free' for the next few days? are there specific places i can go so that the girls tend to be more 'free'? once again i ask, i assume bargirls will not be able to do so right? although logically speaking, if i undertake to defray her barfine for all the days she accompanies me, it should be okay too isn't it?
For GFE, you're much better off going to Dong Guan. BKK's sex industry is much more mature and commercialize, while DG are mostly factory girls and migrant workers who often on the job for a few months before saving enough money to go home.
Old 24-02-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by everywhere View Post
okay so here's what i need: i keep seeing angmohs with thai girls - presumably working ladies - walking in the streets, and i want how can i find a girl who will accompany me for the rest of the trip? i assume the bargirls need to work so they won't be able to be with me 24/7. so i should find freelancers,yes?
I know some farangs actually talk to the girl, offer her LT rates daily and on top of that, will "take care" of her.....You may want to do the same. If she likes you and is available, chances are will stay with you. If your girl is from a bar or pub, you will need to pay the daily barfine as well.

I had a couple of experiences on this. For girls in gogo bar, after the girl agreed, I got the mama-san to arrange for barfine for the next few days. My girl will be all dressed up awaiting for me to pick up every evening (I sent her home as I needed to work during the day). You can talk to the girl to stay with you thru-out, same price, but chances are not the first night since they need to go back home to change (usually about 2-3 hours)....unless you willing to bring her go shopping and buy clothes....

The interesting ones I had has been FLs which I pick up from pubs and discos. I had great fun with them on the first nite, buy drinks and treated them like my gf with some "decency". After the night, I asked them to stay behind....many agreed....unless they had to work next day. I even had girls sent me off in the airport ! They would also leave their mobile behind for me to call in future trips. Damage is LT price (est 3,000 baht) daily + meals, etc.
Old 24-02-2008, 01:13 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
you should look at your PR skill lo. If u can click, no need pay also people will wanna hang out with you. If you cant chat tactfully, got money also people will tell u buffalo has a fit and needs to go hospital.
Totally agreed.....if you behave like a typical Singaporean "kiasu" attitude....good luck !

My experience with thai working girls is that if they like you, they will be willing to stay with you. If intention is purely get her to your room to screw.....she will leave when job is done.
Old 24-02-2008, 01:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
you should look at your PR skill lo. If u can click, no need pay also people will wanna hang out with you. If you cant chat tactfully, got money also people will tell u buffalo has a fit and needs to go hospital.
Totally agreed.....if you behave like a typical Singaporean "kiasu" attitude....good luck !

My experience with thai working girls is that if you treat them well and they like you, they will be willing to stay with you. If intention is purely get her to your room to screw.....she will leave when job is done.
Old 24-02-2008, 03:25 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

those who replied to my post constructively, appreciate it very much thanks. i guess i read too many stories about how if the girl likes you, they will not charge you 'law by law' rates - e.g normal LT 3000 baht, 5 days same rate x 5. instead, they will give you big discount because they go out with you and you pay for all their expenses. i guess i was just being a hopeless romantic.

now i realise: no matter what, you still have to pay them proportionate rates. my thai FL is still not responding, and i really had fun with my first night girl so i think i will do what some of you guys suggest and pay her bar fine every night at the moment she start work. she prob still won't be able to stay overnight with me, because i believe her mother's ailment is real, but at least she has told me that she is willing to stay with me until at least 2-3am from the opening hours (about 7pm). she even said that i want 4-5 times also no problem, lol.

for the rest of those who replied sarcastic/cryptic remarks, all i can say is whatever.
Old 24-02-2008, 03:36 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

anyway, something to contribute. a mini-FR i guess.

i headed to soi cowboy just now. one word: SUCKS. the girls are all ugly and/or fat and/or old. i actually clicked with one of the girls who brought me in but she wasn't really a looker so i wasn't willing to pay too much for her. offered her 2000 total including barfine to stay overnight with me, she declined. i said ok. i offered 2k baht because i thot that's all i had, turns out i had 3k, but i didn't raise my offer because like i said - she was cute and was fun to hang out with but i wouldn't want to bang her for the standard price, so i passed.

went to most of the soi cowboy bars. all the girls are ugly as hell. the good ones are taken quite early, so i guess if i went there at about opening time - 7-8pm - it might have been better.

subsequently headed to nana plaza again. checked out the nana hotel carpark, all the girls were ugly albeit very very rare fat ones. about 80% katoeys, beware.

speaking of katoeys, beware of a bar called 'obsession'. it's an all katoey bar. i didn't know this because most of the katoeys look SO pretty (seriously). only after i went in i started realising how come all so pretty but no men inside. so i boldly asked the girl who was clinging on to me, is this a ladyboy bar. she said yes, you didn't know? then i said no i didn't know, then she laughed. but she still kept trying to make me take her out, i politely declined. she eventually left and so did i.

walked around all other bars, all the girls who off-form tonight. good ones were once again, taken early. and i suddenly realised that if i wanted good performance and a general good time, i should actually come early to take the girls so that they are not already tired from dancing and walking and entertaining. it's not like the usual mantra of coming late so it's more bustling. it's actually better to come at opening time.

but disclaimer: i think it also depends on your luck. because for me, my girl has alr agreed to go semi-LT with me for the price of ST, so it's ok for me. but if you take a girl ST during opening hours, she would most likely try to come back to the bar after you're done so she can potentially earn more money from another man, unless er.. you got so-called 'PR SKILL' - according to one of the 'gurus' above - then you can make her stay.
Old 24-02-2008, 11:12 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by everywhere View Post
speaking of katoeys, beware of a bar called 'obsession'. it's an all katoey bar. i ..
yeah, so is DT, casanova and a few others on the 2nd floor.

Basically in nana, avoid all except the few tested bars.. unless you wish to recce for hidden gems :P

1st floor: playskool, rainbow 1, 2
2nd floor: angelswitch, rainbow 3,4, mandarin

the rest.. can check out la but like yokosi and us mentioned.. not really worth the trouble
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Old 24-02-2008, 12:26 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

yeah it's pretty freaky. it's still ok when u see katoeys who are obviously katoeys, but when you see those who absolutely look AND sound like girls, it's scary and sometimes you don't know if you should ask. i figured that in order to prevent misunderstanding i asked anyway, but i think in some situations it might be awkward to ask because if they're not, it would be almost tantamount to an insult - e.g you're implying that the lady looks like a man.

i am curious about one thing though: why is it that SO MANY katoeys work as whores? i always thought that katoeys want to change to become ladies because apparently they think they're girls born into men's bodies. but if that's the case, why would they change into girls, and then work as prostitutes? unless they actually think they're female whores born into men's bodies? it's really interesting, although for the record yes i do realise not ALL katoeys become whores, some do work regular jobs i know. but from my personal observation, it seems like more than 90% of the katoeys are involved in the adult/sex industry somehow. to pay off their debt incurred when they underwent operation maybe?
Old 24-02-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by everywhere View Post
now i realise: no matter what, you still have to pay them proportionate rates. my thai FL is still not responding, and i really had fun with my first night girl so i think i will do what some of you guys suggest and pay her bar fine every night at the moment she start work.
You need to realise, at the end of the day, they are doing it for money and their livelihood. Moreover, if she is working in gogo bar, she needs to report to work and barfine is necessary.

You may talk to her about the rates...may not end up proportionate rates....much depends the chemistry between you and her. For me, I do not take for them for granted. If you do and she is angry, dun be surprised she might even walked out on you in your room...even without payment !

For me, I had girls who stayed with me thru-out for a few days....some FL I had even had a car and drove me around. Some sent me to airport......

Take care of her....she will take care of you.
Old 24-02-2008, 06:32 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

yes i am fully aware of how to be a gentleman, and my mantra has always been to make it fun for my partner, and she will reciprocate. i have always been respectful to my girls, which is why i'm still baffled as to why that god damned FL is flying my aeroplane. we discussed extensively about my visit over the phone when i was still in singapore: she asked how long i'm staying, address of my hotel, where i wanted to go in bkk, etc. i figured that i'm not so suay. somemore when i arrived, we talked on the phone a little bit so i never imagined she would simply just flip out on me like that.

whatever. i'm going to meet my nana plaza girl later, hopefully this one won't play me out also. not exactly in the mood for sex either, so i'll probably just take her out to dinner and we'll see how it goes. now i will go and rest and recharge, esp after the soapy i had this afternoon (which was nothing special btw).

thanks for all help.
Old 25-02-2008, 10:00 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by blursam View Post
some FL I had even had a car and drove me around. Some sent me to airport......
The FL there are rich, esp the prettier ones. I know of one who is driving a civic FD.
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Old 25-02-2008, 11:40 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

that's what i thought about ALL the FLs too, but it doesn't appear to be true all the time. the nana plaza girl i met was carrying a LV bag, i assumed it was real but she told me it's a copy and it's only 600 baht from the street stalls. she said it was a gift from her mamasan, and if she was to buy, she can't afford 600 baht. she said 200-300 baht ok, but 600 baht too expensive. this baffles me because i have met FLs who can easily afford expensive cell phones, expensive authentic designer goods, etc. she could've been lying i guess.

anyway i did speak to the nana plaza girl and discussed about a longer trip for me. and yes, most likely the rates will be proportionate. in fact, she even told me it's already 'discount', because the rate i'm paying is actually short-time rate, but she'll stay with me 24/7 for my next trip if i want. that's 2000 baht a night. i told her that if i want to come back for one month, i can't see her for the whole mth because it's too expensive. i hinted to her that i can pay her barfine every night, but i cannot pay her 2000 baht every night. i expected her to say something like 'every night only 500 or 1000 baht' but she didn't, instead she said it was alr cheap.

don't mistake me for a cheapo singaporean, you must understand if i go for one whole month, it's not right to expect to pay a proportionate rate because firstly, i do not get a variety of girls. secondly, i'm paying for her convenience i.e she does not have to report to work, i pay for her meals and daily expenses while she's with me, presumably i'll be paying for her shopping as well. i've read on other forums that daily rates should NOT be proportionate, it should in fact depend on several factors such as how much shopping we did and whether i paid for it, and on average, 1000 baht a day is sufficient for extended company.

lastly, last night when i went to rainbow bar to find her, i saw another girl who is damn damn beautiful. too bad it's the same bar, i can't bring myself to go to rainbow to get that girl, while my previous girl with whom i clicked watches me choose other girl over her.
Old 25-02-2008, 02:14 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by everywhere View Post
yes i am fully aware of how to be a gentleman, and my mantra has always been to make it fun for my partner, and she will reciprocate. i have always been respectful to my girls, which is why i'm still baffled as to why that god damned FL is flying my aeroplane. we discussed extensively about my visit over the phone when i was still in singapore: she asked how long i'm staying, address of my hotel, where i wanted to go in bkk, etc. i figured that i'm not so suay. somemore when i arrived, we talked on the phone a little bit so i never imagined she would simply just flip out on me like that.
wake up lah....

if the girl tell you she love you and want to marry you and want to have kids with you, you believe her is it?

It's quite common for these girls to play people out. So just forget about it and move on and stop complaning again and again...

The first time I went there to meet a girl also didnt turn out as I had expected. But at least she met up with me. However the GFE was not there and she didnt stay the night with me. The next morning she called to check and see how I am and I didnt even bother to pick up her phone.

So many girls in bangkok and you can't find anyone to give you a "holistic" experience then you must be damn "suay".
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Old 25-02-2008, 03:21 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by everywhere View Post

whatever. i'm going to meet my nana plaza girl later, hopefully this one won't play me out also. not exactly in the mood for sex either, so i'll probably just take her out to dinner and we'll see how it goes. now i will go and rest and recharge, esp after the soapy i had this afternoon (which was nothing special btw).

thanks for all help.
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