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Old 01-01-2024, 10:14 AM
Ecuader Ecuader is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

22 for exchange

No queue
Min power 5 for exchange
Old 01-01-2024, 10:27 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Welcome bros / sis with min 10 points for exchange.
Old 01-01-2024, 10:57 AM
zip4671 zip4671 is online now
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

I love to log in daily to exchange points as well as up 2 different bros/sis everyday.
Do leave your nick to permit me to up u back in return.
No Q currently.
Cheers ... !!
Old 01-01-2024, 11:13 AM
kcy69 kcy69 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

12 points to trade daily, no queue, can return immediately. Any points can exchange (6971)

Need latest post in order to return:
o0o00oo; ippt; kingston_81; glenn553

Already upped following bro, waiting bro to return:
beemer2018; Dragonbal; Canetra; guan303; Dekwaen; Footballax; Dougles;
Tangramz; ladgaga; ultraboyz; oppaman; kidate3028; fishheader;
applestarz; linconbarack; spaceant; Chaosss; bluraywriter; gorilladmz; voram93; ownage9898; Zetyalpha;
FAA8130; Quasimodo; Ravenzano; chidoryx90; mao9999; simpletouch; FWDstriker; liebherr; heavenmothz;
bigbangbro; PrimeSuspect; meninblack2; hakim88; william99; sexylover; gingerdcat; 1shot1kill; Thaksin; hoian;
neopets; setib88; mrkimm; gameboyxp; tsunamigo; babyonboard; valerossi; DeusExMachina; whitebread; vihaanreddy;
Zeith; jijimomochi; tallandshort; digitaltvlg; MegaMan991; Hipposarus; sweetytomato; monsterblow; inventry; cornporn;
kissgoodbye; hdmi4k; whackithard; beanbeanx2; wangfeihongg; TCCA; Justin Bieber; hasaan; GreenieHulk; merelyevil;
mightyys; Pandahero; Doggoman; unfriend; essray; Aroithai69; rvd_always_rulz; enzomatrix; taroo1; cablefl;
FitPartner;palvin; changed;panthermoon; slickdick87;
jjch; Happyboi123321; frostfuryz; Jubei777; Win23; subwaymeltz; Justshut; shadokil; LaBiXiaoXing;
SBFqualityctrl; 3107;
Old 01-01-2024, 11:17 AM
rawmaster101 rawmaster101 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

11 pussies to trade daily, any pussies can trade, fast return (6423).

Return Lists (Need New Post)
Doggoman; Alexander1987; dewnasing; Douglas;

Waiting for return:
rvd_always_rulz; Aroithai69; essray; unfriend; Pandahero; mightyys; merelyevil; Lpman; Cheeserath; Justin Bieber;
KT3248; drslump99; hdmi4k; cornporn; monsterblow; inventry; sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; digitaltvlg;
tallandshort; davidbeckham123; Zeith; vihaanreddy; whitebread; valerossi; babyonboard; setib88; neopets;
hoian; prvrtdud; Thaksin; gingerdcat; sexylover; kingking28; william99; meninblack2; PrimeSuspect;
bigbangbro; heavenmothz; liebherr; FWDstriker; mao9999; chidoryx90; Ravenzano; cmmaster; Amazo6469;
Zetyalpha; Chcknbbq; ownage9898; gorilladmz; voram93; bluraywriter; cookieghost; Chaosss; spaceant; linconbarack;
iphone168; fishheader; oppaman; ultraboyz; ladgaga; GreenieHulk; southpark99;
Dougles; Footballax; guan303; Dekwaen; Dragonbal; Canetra;
beemer2018; changed; greenteapokka; panthermoon; slickdick87;
Kid1214; jjch; Happyboi123321; kick_ass; frostfuryz; Flash28; Jubei777; alover; chubbysueSpeedy; Win23;
subwaymeltz; Justshut; shadokil; LaBiXiaoXing; SBFqualityctrl; 3107;
Old 01-01-2024, 11:21 AM
marklui520 marklui520 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

6 points exchange daily. Any points welcome. Fast return (5535)

Need new post:
andylee87; Douglas;

Waiting for return:
iobtohunfriend; Limping; walterwong; Udonit; Pandahero; classyact; 99hitaircombo; merelyevil; Ippt; PrimeSuspect;
GreenieHulk; MarkStrothard; chichihan; Lpman; FWDstriker; D0ppleganger; whampoa74; loyang222; KT3248;
drslump99; TCCA; beanbeanx2; sisig123; bestrobber97; sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; digitaltvlg; tallandshort;
davidbeckham123; Zeith; hitman1891; babyonboard; setib88; neopets; Thaksin; 1shot1kill; sexylover; kingfisher666;
bigbangbro; heavenmothz; liebherr;simpletouch; Ineed69tonight; chidoryx90; el88; EASADOA21; cmmaster;
Amazo6469; Chcknbbq; gorilladmz; voram93; bluraywriter; cookieghost; Chaosss; spaceant; linconbarack;
iphone168; Lurvebyt; kidate3028; oppaman; ultraboyz; ladgaga; Tangramz; southpark99;
memorablez; Dougles; Dragonbal; Canetra; guan303; Dekwaen; blossomgun;
beemer2018; panthermoon; greenteapokka; slickdick87;
Kid1214; jjch; Happyboi123321; frostfuryz; Zxpd; Flash28; Jubei777; 小邪13; alover; chubbysueSpeedy; Win23;
subwaymeltz; Justshut; shadokil; LaBiXiaoXing; puddinghamster; SBFqualityctrl; 3107;
Old 01-01-2024, 11:25 AM
alanjames alanjames is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

No worries. Cheers and Happy 2024!

Originally Posted by Moderator88 View Post
Apology. can't up you second round yet. Thanks and happy 2024
Old 01-01-2024, 11:51 AM
Koizumi Koizumi is online now
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Happy New Year.

Min 2 points to trade. You upped my points first and I will return.

Thank you.

Waiting for return: elvis, ppt2
Never return: undergroundtree, 18sons, qwerty1213, SaintTKP, kungfuman, mightyys, Littleyk, lipe, gianttissue, Warzboy, SoftRiceKing, babyonboard
Hot Videos!!! - Links are valid for 10 days

Min Power 2 to trade.
【Waiting for Return】
【Never Return】18sons | kungfuman | mightyys | Littleyk | babyonboard | elvis | ppt2 | arbitrageur

【BLACKLIST】Shan Shan, 慧玲 (Hui Ling)
Old 01-01-2024, 12:05 PM
AlMinH AlMinH is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Only 2 pts for exchange. Anyone?
Old 01-01-2024, 12:10 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

17 pts for exchange.

Upz me first & I will return back
Old 01-01-2024, 12:10 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Min 3pts 4 Xchange. No Q.
Old 01-01-2024, 12:11 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Min 3 pts for exchange.

Old 01-01-2024, 12:44 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Minimum 5 points for exchange
Please take note there is a limit of 2 people we can up reputation per day, so please give it some time and I will definitely return back all the exchanges

If the next person in queue does not have a recent post for me to up their reputation, I will proceed to up the next person in line

Currently queued for rep return (based on order):
No queue for tomorrow

Bro's that need to make new post for me to up their rep:
zhaoxin, NamWee, Banaber, Dougles, hongkongdoggy, lt0l0tl, ah rat

Bro's that need to return my rep: -

Rep returned to the following bro's:
Steventan, Ecuader, sgGem, DrVapeee, overlord9898, Havanna Slicks, crackpod, Prejudiced, CLouboutin, Milobing, Samkieu, SirLance, bpafree39, Oppailover13, owen10, guest68, OnlyOnePerfect, ejectjoy, jaydenboy, Eumiru, AhMin, beginat63, zip4671, Javabeans, darkmania, slicker69, Sgoh, ThisIsMelwood, Zek85, Wankjanice, kcy69, heng49, esssinine, hamsapkwai, alanjames, tang4203, rawmaster101, marklui520, Me Siam Bu, Joined2005, Tinybee, Ricky_Torres, biostar, edmundhello, WOOHOO, Swagelock, heige, sammyrocks, PinkOcean, DigitalTV, Kiss4you, Love 6969, NZKiwi, QT169, love2paint, Paradisal, bigbirdbird, The Old Nite, zendra, Zakarum, owl888, wally888, szczesny, qazxcvbnm, kopigaogao, 69sex, Sex1314, koizumi, kason, tropiccana, noobpoke, loneyheart, dyelook, fastshot, Super00, ShaTauKokDog, Bigbird123, BC77, Power666, humsuplou69, MrAves, moderator88, candle2000, anitamui, zhengxiumei
SYT hunter bustin all kinds of nuts
If you think my FR's are fake and exaggerated, I take that as a compliment
Thank you to all bros that helped to +rep for my FR's, I truly appreciate it and will return the favor whenever I can
Old 01-01-2024, 01:24 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Tinybee View Post
Points Exchange

Min 2 power
Returned up. +16.
Old 01-01-2024, 01:32 PM
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sex crusader sex crusader is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by hpotter View Post
Returned up. +16.
25 instant exchange if you are keen.


7 pointers and above
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