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Old 28-06-2007, 04:51 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Gorken View Post
Got power liao.......okok, must bribe you with come beer joint so that u will return me some point...

6 can of Heineken sell at 48 bucks. Got Karaoke, got PRC, just that it is too bright to TNN there, BUT, if you dare to do, i guess she will let you do that ok kah?

Non-drinker no need to PM me, u won't enjoy the scene
will me enjoy or not
Old 28-06-2007, 04:57 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by bigalow View Post
Thanks Bro Shiok1968 in advance for ur points up.
After reading some FRs here, i have 1 question? In sillypore, i find that our bros there really can lick pussy. I know the legal geylang got checked but what abt those freelance? Also, bros in msia also lick??? i m not doctor but i know that body fluid also cud transmit STD or AIDS. If you dare to lick, then might as well do raw oledi, since no difference in the chance of getting STD. I was stupid enuf to did it once (raw) and i was lucky it was only minor STD. I will never do that again!!
I say, most of them dont do regular check up, is not a must, OKT normally don't force them to do. But that is NORMALLY, still depend. 1 question i got to ask, do you let WL do BBBJ to you? If yes, you are expose to STD too. So? Do u quit cheonging?
Old 28-06-2007, 06:11 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Bro Bigalow and SanMiguel,

Interesting topic you have here, which i would like to put in my input as well.

Before you lick a pussy, obviously you have to get close to one right? And if it is a sick pussy, it will either smell or show sign of sickness (Such as swollen, discharge, spots or Off-skin color).

Example : If restaurant serve u a rotten fish, you also won't eat right?

But of course, taking precaution is also good la.....but kill off a lot of pleasure lor.

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Old 28-06-2007, 06:19 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

about 69, if any brudder get STD fr cum licking, it is up to him. 4 me, i think better avoid. no way u can tell if dirty or not cos smell is only one of the symptoms, sometimes may hv just contracted virus from somewhere else n pass 2 u. not nice to have sore mouth and lips from dat. anyway, gud luck
Old 28-06-2007, 09:30 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

After I have my first cunnilingus, I felt so regret after that (actually after one damn friend tell me that it can transmit HIV!). I read a lot info on this matter. Constrasting point of view by the expert. Some said it definately can transmit HIV, but some said there are no concrete evidence for it. STD is a definate transmission.

After 2 weeks of sleepless nite, i make myself to go for the HIV test, although i know that there result will be -ve for sure (windows period for HIV to infect the body and become detectable is 3-6 months). Go and test again after 3 months, still -ve, and the final test is 1 year after the encounter. Phew!!!!!!!!!!! -ve. I am safe.

During this 1 year, i feel so suffering. I didn't go cheong for the whole year! For bros info, if you are scared of STD and HIV from cunnilingus, you can use dental dam or "cutted" condom.

Another point that i want to highlight is to remember about the HIV infection windows period of 3-6 months. For an example, if a WL tell you that she have tested her HIV status and the result is -ve on today, it doesn't mean that she is not HIV+. The result only means that up to 6 months ago, she is 95% free of HIV. If she contracted the virus 2 months before, the result will still be -ve.

Happy cheonging
Old 28-06-2007, 10:12 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by shiok1968 View Post
Will up points to the following bros for their contributions :

1. SanMigual
2. D@rk Sniper69
3. bigalow
4. SchneiderWeisse

I will try to write a FR, you remember up my points hor? hur hur hur
Old 29-06-2007, 09:07 AM
Bored_Sg_Guy Bored_Sg_Guy is offline
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

I was looking thru the MY threads and happen to notice this thread. Looks like can post FRs here regardless from which country. Beow is my only FR which I posted in SG but so far not much response. Maybe bcos too cheap.

Any MY bros who are coming down to SG and would like to have a cheap contact can PM me. However note that she is very petite in size so her request is that she cant really click with guys 80 kgs and above. Btw I have RTF her 2 times already and it gets better and better each time. If got time will post the other 2 FRs.

[B]MY FR :

Have been surfing SBF for quite a while already but never registered before. Just did so this morning and wanted to pass some contribution back to SBF bros.

I was at Lor 10 yesterday aft with a good fren for kopi. He had to leave at 4pm plus for an appointment and left poor me alone. Before he left, he told me that if bored can check out Amrise Hotel. Me blur blur cos dun even know where is Amrise. He laugh and told me to follow him cos his car parked near there. Amrise Hotel is facing Sims Ave in between Lor 13 and 15. Pretended to walk past and my eyes settle on a very small size gal with B-cup boobs. I was not sure about procedure so just pretended to walk near her. She saw me and waited till I was just beside. She then smile and ask if I want to have some fun. As usual, my question was "How much"? She just smile and said "$30". OMG...sure or not? Since only $30, decided to give it a try.

Followed her thru the hotel entrance and then up the stairs to the 3rd floor. Entered the room and sat on the bed. Had a short chit chat session, then she told me to remove my clothes as she started to remove hers. Once done, she just told me to lie down and took out a condom. WTF....I thought normal procedure was to take a bath first.

Anyway, she started licking my nipples and then down to my junior. Slipped on the condom and then a fast but furious BJ. After about 3 mins she then ask me to bonk her. Wah!! so fast but what to expect from $30. Started doing her missionary and one plus point for me was that she will lift her legs high so that you can bonk her deeper. She will also concentrate on your two nips by licking them and teasing them as you screw her.

Continue missionary for about 10 mins then flip her to doggie. Went in slow and steady and another plus point was that you can feel her pussy squeezing at the same time. After about another 10 mins, decided to unload. After that wash up myself.

Name : Ah May
Ht : Not more than 1.5 so only for bros who like petite gals
Boobs : 6/10 (A - B cup but natural)
Looks : 6.5/10 (One man's meant another man's poison)
Age : Dun know never ask but not more than 25 yrs (I guess)
Bj : 5/10 (too fast)
Fj : 6.5/10 (Quite responsive)
Frenching : Never try
Cost : $30 + $10 tips cos hotel room dun need to pay.
RTF : maybe cos only $40.

Only for those bros who want to have a cheap bonk. Duration was about only 30 mins. Really remind me of those Petain Rd bonks except that this is PRC.
If you want to zap me, please let me know what was my mistake. Only then can I improve.

My only FR for the moment :
Old 29-06-2007, 09:21 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Bored_Sg_Guy View Post
However note that she is very petite in size so her request is that she cant really click with guys 80 kgs and above.
Damn, if i do her, she will become pan cake.....
Old 29-06-2007, 09:25 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by stephan View Post
I will try to write a FR, you remember up my points hor? hur hur hur
Dun be like that, we junior mar. Shoik just being nice. BTW, thanks for the points from Ciblover and Drydust.
Old 29-06-2007, 09:41 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Brudder Bored_SG_Guy,

Referring to your FR, you said you shower alone, but did she shower? Sorry for my ignorance here ("Wat Kung Chai, Wat Chut Cheong" cantonese for draw picture until you draw the intestine).

Coz, if she didn't shower after you bang her....imagine, she had a customer earlier, meaning she's not clean....whoa.....i am concern here la.

Unless she also shower and was herself la......then, different story la.

SG30 a bonk is indeed a good deal but have to play safe too la.

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Old 29-06-2007, 09:43 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Had another round with Ah May yesterday aft. This would be my 3rd time with her this week. As mentioned in my previous FR, the service level from her gets better and better with each visit.

Although I have her number, I did not want to call her as I wanted to just walk around the area to see if there are any more cheap gems like her. However today's stock looks really bad so decided to give her a ring. Before I could take out my hp, I saw her walking round the corner. She saw me from afar and started smiling. Without even saying anything, she just took my hand and we walk thru the hotel's main doors and up the stairs to her room.

Thank goodness the air-con was on full blast cos weather outside really damn hot. We sat down on the bed and started to chit chat. Forgot to mention in my first FR that she is on student pass so will be in SG for quite a good period of time. Funny thing is that she rents the hotel room for $60 a day just to service customers and then rents another place elsewhere for $10 a day just to sleep at night. I ask her why, she just says that bcos the hotel too noisy to sleep cos middle of nite also got alot of customers walking in and out.

Anyway, I went to take my bath cos feeling very sticky and when I came out she was already naked lying on the bed. I quickly dry myself and lie down beside her. As mention, it's get better each time. From no frenching to lots of frenching. However pls note that she has smoker's breath so non-smokers might not like this. Me also smoker so dun really mind.

Her tongue then started travelling and although my hands were also busy, I decided to stop and just lie back and enjoy her services. This time her cat bath lasted at least 10 mins and from Bj to Bbbj with alot of balls licking and sucking. Really so farking enjoyable that I told her to stop after 10 mins.

She then told me it's my turn to service her. Okie okie....since she ask for it...let's not waste time. Started with her neck, ears and then down to her nipples. Was planning to go down south then suddenly remembered that she did not take her bath. Knn...should I or should I not?? WTF lah just go down south then see how. Reach the main objective and approached carefully. Looks like she did take good care of that area cos no smell and very juicy. Started slurrppping away and could see that she was enjoying cos she started playing with her nipples and quietly moaning away. However it appears that she is very sensitive in that area cos just after 5 mins, she decided that she cant take it any more and requested that I entertain her with little junior instead.

Slipped on the condom and started to slide little junior in slowly. Could see from her facial expressions that she was really enjoying it. At first, I just pretended to do just normal missionary in order to see how she would react. As expected, she started to lift both her legs up high and beg me to move faster. I could really feel her pussy gripping tightly and she was really starting to moan. She was also trying to lick my nipples at the same time. Normally I would like to change to other position but this time I just wanted to see her facial expression as I slowly screw her. Really tried to delay for as long as I could but heart is willing, flesh is weak. After about 20 mins, I had to surrender.

Took another short bath, this time together and then dressed up and left. Really did consider paying her $50 this time round but was worried that I will spoil the market so just paid her $40 as usual. Did promise to bring her out for a meal when I am free so most likely might consider tonite.

Pls note that this is my 3rd session with her within a week and that would explain the chemistry. It was totally different from my first session and I guess this would be normal for most WLs.
If you want to zap me, please let me know what was my mistake. Only then can I improve.

My only FR for the moment :
Old 29-06-2007, 09:49 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by D@rk Sniper69 View Post
Brudder Bored_SG_Guy,

Referring to your FR, you said you shower alone, but did she shower? Sorry for my ignorance here ("Wat Kung Chai, Wat Chut Cheong" cantonese for draw picture until you draw the intestine).

Coz, if she didn't shower after you bang her....imagine, she had a customer earlier, meaning she's not clean....whoa.....i am concern here la.

Unless she also shower and was herself la......then, different story la.

SG30 a bonk is indeed a good deal but have to play safe too la.

Sniper Always Get His Target.
Totally understand what you mean.

All 3 times that I was with her, she will only shower after the session. However pls note that all 3 times was in the early aft and she did mention before that she starts work only aft 3pm. She always tell me that I am her first customer and I should think I can accept that (if not where can visit her 3 times already).
If you want to zap me, please let me know what was my mistake. Only then can I improve.

My only FR for the moment :
Old 29-06-2007, 09:52 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by SanMiguel View Post
Damn, if i do her, she will become pan cake..... heavy are you??

As mention, she is only about 45kg and about 1.5m in height. A really small petite size gal.
If you want to zap me, please let me know what was my mistake. Only then can I improve.

My only FR for the moment :
Old 29-06-2007, 10:33 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Nice FRs also from Bored_SG_Guy. Will include you in my list.

For those bros in my list, pls bear with me cos quite a number of bros to up. Just continue to post and I will find you.
Old 29-06-2007, 10:35 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by vaxvms View Post
will me enjoy or not
Call him lah cos I already PM you his number.

If you dun enjoy pls let me know, then I will not pass him anymore DVDs.
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