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Old 21-04-2019, 11:23 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

If you are (1) feel wasteful to go to KTV because you do not drink (2) seldom come to China so once you are here you will want the extreme beautiful ones (3) being tasked to care of your bosses or associates. Congratulations you have come to the right place. We can make all kind of arrangements including overnight/short time, we welcome any inquiries.

以上等种种原因,恭喜你找对人了,中国全国各地最好模特都可以帮你安排好,有短钟有过夜,欢迎 咨询我们。
Old 22-04-2019, 10:57 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

During the Canton Fair period, there are a lot of name card cheats, we would advise not to take the bait as quality always come with a price tag. Way too many customers have shared their horror stories from being cheated few hundred dollars of transportation fees to tens of thousands including bodily assaults. You can see many of such incidents on the forum, so we urge you to be very careful when you are out here for fun. Always look for reliable services from well known sources, do not just add nearby weChat blindly.

广交会期间,这些派名片的骗子特别多,出来玩,不要贪小便宜,一分钱一分货。之前有很多客户给我分享过他们 的遭遇,幸运的话被骗几百块交通费,不幸运的话遇到仙人跳被敲诈几万RMB还被打一顿,论坛上已经有很多这 类的报道,出来玩切记一定要找靠谱安全。。

Last edited by japantvb; 28-04-2019 at 07:44 AM.
Old 25-04-2019, 10:34 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Those of the KTV arrangements that I make will have total transparency of spending details. I will check it myself to make sure no one add on any extra items in the bill. As a customer you just need to enjoy yourselves and we will have people taking care of you, making sure you won’t get a shock when it comes to payment.

只要我能安排的KTV, 消费一定透明,

Last edited by japantvb; 28-04-2019 at 07:56 AM.
Old 26-04-2019, 11:08 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Gentle Reminder

Recently quite a bit of people asked me if it is worth the trip to play at Chaozhou or Qingyuan area, I run a quick check and found that quite a lot of Danshui Mummy and Associates actually had sales target over those areas, my personal opinion is that those places are not for catered for overseas guests from Singapore and Malaysia, safety is a well known issue over there and if anything happened who is going to help you?

It is not wrong if you have old friends there who you wanted to render your support, but for me there is really no strong reason to bring groups of friends there to risk at KTV over the ulu-ness, the prices are not a lot cheaper where the transportation options are limited with risk of personal safety.

Latest KTV status
Shenzhen - Business as usual
Huizhou City- Business as usual
Huizhou Boluo- Business as usual
Danshui - Still No No !
Changping - Viewing in real person and choosing from Photo Album.
Guangzhou - Business as usual
Zhuhai - Business as usual

Welcome to all brothers who come to Guangdong Province for fun, please look for us for your bookings, we will make sure you get good price with proper arrangements.


最近很多人问我值不值得去潮州或者清远地方玩,我查了一下,原来淡水很多妈咪和业务跑去那边,我只是温馨提 醒一下你们,那些地方不适合我们新马人去开心放松的,除了治安很差以外,如果是发生了什么事情,谁会来帮忙 到你?
有些时候特地跑去那么远地方支持老朋友的场是没错,但是带着一班朋友去冒险去那么ulu地方玩ktv,三思 而后行,毕竟价位不便宜而且交通不方便然后又不是很安全。。

Old 28-04-2019, 07:45 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Some brothers ask me recently that how come Danshui has not recovered since the CNY. Indeed if we look at the situation it is about 3 months of very dificult time, but I heard some good news that Emerald KTV will start operations again on 7 May 2019. It is however still a rumour, only if it is really back to normal track I will then share this officially on the forum with you guys. There are also recent rumours that Legend and Grand Skylight can be arranged, with limited number of 50-70 working ladies where you can't bring them back to the hotel, just a word of cautious, is it really worth the risks? We have connections with the KTV in various part of China, when it comes to the concern of satefy. Whichever KTV that are safe for fun, we will be able to make arrangements for you. Those that cannot play, we will not go near it, your safety and happiness are our ulmost priorities. When you come to China for fun, you can leave the itinerary with us, we will provide services that exceeded your expectations.

其实算一下,也有3个月不正常了,不过好消息的是听说5月7日翡翠KTV会开回,不过还是听说,要等到那天 开了而且正常运作了几天我才会在论坛上报道。
最近也传言说丽景和格兰云天可以安排,不过每天50-70个上班,而且还不可以带回酒店,你敢去吗? 我们跟全国地区KTV都保持着密切良好关系,可以放心安排的,可以安全玩的开心的,我们都会安排,所以来中 国玩KTV的话,请把你的性福和开心安心交给我们安排。。

Last edited by japantvb; 28-04-2019 at 07:56 AM.
Old 29-04-2019, 11:48 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Latest alert, at 1am on 26 April, one of the KTV was raided at Huizhou Boluo area, 120 people were arrested. Those who come to Huizhou for fun please be safe and watch out for latest info. Danshui is now at the stage of secret arrangement on DJ uniform company, however the hotels are still unsafe. Please consider properly before taking the risk. KTV in Huizhou town can still be arranged, but you need to know those reliable agents who can organize the trips for you. Watch our weChat space for further updates on Huizhou KTV situation.

最新通知,4/26晚上半夜1点,惠州博罗某KTV出了事情,被带走所有人120人左右,所以出来惠州玩的兄弟,还是要注 意安全。。
淡水现在处于偷偷安排穿DJ衣服试台,不过酒店方面还是不安全,所以玩的时候必须慎重考虑清楚 。。
惠州市中心KTV还是可以安排,不过找靠谱的人安排最重要,进一步惠州所有地区KTV的更新,请加我微信咨 询。。

Last edited by japantvb; 02-05-2019 at 12:46 PM.
Old 01-05-2019, 11:43 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Huizhou Notice 1 May 2019

Huizhou Boluo area is not available for exploring at the moment
Huizhou Danshui can play secretly, when it is slightly better we can try to explore a bit, when it is fully available we will sure share it over the forum.
Huizhou city KTV is safe to play, those who are keen please contact us we will make sure everything is organized nicely for you.
Other than this, those who needed company to be sent to Huizhou, we can also make arrangement. It does not matter if you want to play at the KTV or the beach or the Hotspring, we are resourceful enough to cover all these. One stop shop service from transportation to hotel to your companies.



另外,有需要美女伴游送去惠州的,我们也可以安排,不管去KTV或者沙滩或者去泡温泉,我们都有丰富资源, 可以一条龙安排交通/酒店/美女伴游随同。。

Last edited by japantvb; 02-05-2019 at 12:45 PM.
Old 02-05-2019, 12:47 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

很多人问我,除了淡水,惠州哪里还有好玩,就好像以前的常平一样,东莞还有长安和厚街也是不错 的。
那么惠州除了淡水,还有惠州市区也不错,我们开发有一年多了,带了不少客户去消遣,这边不用那么拥挤,而且 不会容易见到熟人,有喜欢隐私的朋友们,如果不喜欢被人看到的,这家酒店是首选。
消费价位和淡水差不多,酒店是5星 ,我们可以给你比网上便宜的客房还有帮你安排好ktv, 户外活动也可以帮你全程交通安排好,距离淡水只需要40分钟路程,如果玩腻了淡水,可以试下这边,飞利浦团 队为你全程护航!!

Many people have asked me except Danshui are there better place to play at Huizhou, something like the Changping scenes last time. Actually Houjie and Changan still not the bad choices at Dongguan. There are also Huizhou City area where we have explored for more than a year. We have brought quite a number of customers there. It’s not crowded and not easy to bump into someone you know. Those who prefers privacy, you can consider Huizhou City area. The expenditure is about the same as Danshui, with 5 stars hotel. Our hotel room price is cheaper than those you got online. We also offer on stop shop services to settle transportation, outdoor activities, KTV room booking etc. It is only 40 mins away from Danshui. If you are tired of Danshui, you can give this place a try. We will ensure your interests are taken care of the whole trip.
Old 03-05-2019, 12:04 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

很多人问我,除了淡水,惠州哪里还有好玩,就好像以前的常平一样,东莞还有长安和厚街也是不错 的。
那么惠州除了淡水,还有惠州市区也不错,我们开发有一年多了,带了不少客户去消遣,这边不用那么拥挤,而且 不会容易见到熟人,有喜欢隐私的朋友们,如果不喜欢被人看到的,这家酒店是首选。
消费价位和淡水差不多,酒店是5星 ,我们可以给你比网上便宜的客房还有帮你安排好ktv, 户外活动也可以帮你全程交通安排好,距离淡水只需要40分钟路程,如果玩腻了淡水,可以试下这边,飞利浦团 队为你全程护航!!

Many people have asked me except Danshui are there better place to play at Huizhou, something like the Changping scenes last time. Actually Houjie and Changan still not the bad choices at Dongguan. There are also Huizhou City area where we have explored for more than a year. We have brought quite a number of customers there. It’s not crowded and not easy to bump into someone you know. Those who prefers privacy, you can consider Huizhou City area. The expenditure is about the same as Danshui, with 5 stars hotel. Our hotel room price is cheaper than those you got online. We also offer on stop shop services to settle transportation, outdoor activities, KTV room booking etc. It is only 40 mins away from Danshui. If you are tired of Danshui, you can give this place a try. We will ensure your interests are taken care of the whole trip.
Old 03-05-2019, 10:36 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

这个酒店有市内室外泳池,还有健身房,早餐晚餐都很丰富!除此以外,除了ktv晚上节目安排以外,还可以帮 你安排特别的70分钟情趣身体按摩,手法独特,技师漂亮(需提前找飞利浦预约),这些都是淡水找不到的下午 消遣节目,很多客户都很满意这边的按摩。

This hotel have indoor and outdoor swimming pool, gym and with sumptuous breakfast and dinner. Except the usual KTV session, we will also arrange special 70 mins sensual massage by special skilled pretty masseurs, but you will need to Book via Team Phillip early. All these are something not available in Danshui, many customers have good feedback on the massage services.
Old 04-05-2019, 01:04 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

HUIZHOU Six Star Hotel~ Sandalwood Resort Huizhou

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店选址于双月湾绵延海岸线上风景最为秀丽、最为人所渴慕的绝佳目的地之一,紧 邻全球大陆架唯一的国家级海龟自然保护区。

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店被葱郁的热带园林所拥抱,可全方位观赏壮丽海景及享受延绵不断晶莹洁白近3 00米私属沙滩。酒店成功入选美国权威旅行杂志——《CN旅行家》(Conde Nast Traveller),是中国唯一上榜全球十大度假酒店名单的度假酒店。

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店是美国温德姆豪生集团旗下的一家奢华型海滨度假酒店。由迪拜大师Jason 设计,以“海浪拍打沙滩形成的五朵水滴”为创意理念,形成标志性建筑“水滴酒店”。酒店拥有417间海景客 房、百米高层直瞰大海无边际天顶泳池、百米高空“檀悦”空中SPA以及无可比拟的华南最大酒店泳池群。为来 自全球对生活独具品位的旅行者提供超越期待的体验。

Surrounded by the beauty of mountain and sea, Sandalwood Resort Huizhou conjured a sense of tranquillity throughout the hotel. A modern resort with a creative blend of modern and a touch of oriental elements, this resort emerges as an oasis of luxury and serenity.

A sensuous approach spacious lobby celebrates nature – dotted with designer pieces influenced from modern tropical elements to create a stunning yet relaxing environment. The juxtaposition of raw yet richly textured and polished surfaces envelope the entire resort. Earthy tones unite with subtle hints of nature-inspired colour complement the overall breathtaking ambience.
Old 04-05-2019, 01:05 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

HUIZHOU Six Star Hotel~ Sandalwood Resort Huizhou

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店选址于双月湾绵延海岸线上风景最为秀丽、最为人所渴慕的绝佳目的地之一,紧 邻全球大陆架唯一的国家级海龟自然保护区。

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店被葱郁的热带园林所拥抱,可全方位观赏壮丽海景及享受延绵不断晶莹洁白近3 00米私属沙滩。酒店成功入选美国权威旅行杂志——《CN旅行家》(Conde Nast Traveller),是中国唯一上榜全球十大度假酒店名单的度假酒店。

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店是美国温德姆豪生集团旗下的一家奢华型海滨度假酒店。由迪拜大师Jason 设计,以“海浪拍打沙滩形成的五朵水滴”为创意理念,形成标志性建筑“水滴酒店”。酒店拥有417间海景客 房、百米高层直瞰大海无边际天顶泳池、百米高空“檀悦”空中SPA以及无可比拟的华南最大酒店泳池群。为来 自全球对生活独具品位的旅行者提供超越期待的体验。

Surrounded by the beauty of mountain and sea, Sandalwood Resort Huizhou conjured a sense of tranquillity throughout the hotel. A modern resort with a creative blend of modern and a touch of oriental elements, this resort emerges as an oasis of luxury and serenity.

A sensuous approach spacious lobby celebrates nature – dotted with designer pieces influenced from modern tropical elements to create a stunning yet relaxing environment. The juxtaposition of raw yet richly textured and polished surfaces envelope the entire resort. Earthy tones unite with subtle hints of nature-inspired colour complement the overall breathtaking ambience.

Old 04-05-2019, 01:06 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

HUIZHOU Six Star Hotel~ Sandalwood Resort Huizhou

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店选址于双月湾绵延海岸线上风景最为秀丽、最为人所渴慕的绝佳目的地之一,紧 邻全球大陆架唯一的国家级海龟自然保护区。

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店被葱郁的热带园林所拥抱,可全方位观赏壮丽海景及享受延绵不断晶莹洁白近3 00米私属沙滩。酒店成功入选美国权威旅行杂志——《CN旅行家》(Conde Nast Traveller),是中国唯一上榜全球十大度假酒店名单的度假酒店。

惠州双月湾檀悦豪生温泉度假酒店是美国温德姆豪生集团旗下的一家奢华型海滨度假酒店。由迪拜大师Jason 设计,以“海浪拍打沙滩形成的五朵水滴”为创意理念,形成标志性建筑“水滴酒店”。酒店拥有417间海景客 房、百米高层直瞰大海无边际天顶泳池、百米高空“檀悦”空中SPA以及无可比拟的华南最大酒店泳池群。为来 自全球对生活独具品位的旅行者提供超越期待的体验。

Old 05-05-2019, 12:47 AM
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japantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

HUIZHOU Six Star Hotel~ Sandalwood Resort Huizhou

酒店客房的设计新颖,房间面积700呎,最难得的是打开窗户就是面对无敌海景,还有开放式浴缸可以泡温泉。 到了晚上时间,你可以跟你的伴侣一起鸳鸯浴。

Hotel room with modern and slick design, as big as 700 feet square, unparalleled sea view outside of windows, equipped with open concept bathtub, that you can enjoy romance bath with your love ones at night. We will of course make sure find you a compatible partner according to your liking, making sure you are comfortable with your trip.

Old 05-05-2019, 11:18 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
Samster (A)
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japantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

HUIZHOU Six Star Hotel~ Sandalwood Resort Huizhou

酒店客房的设计新颖,房间面积700呎,最难得的是打开窗户就是面对无敌海景,还有开放式浴缸可以泡温泉。 到了晚上时间,你可以跟你的伴侣一起鸳鸯浴。

Hotel room with modern and slick design, as big as 700 feet square, unparalleled sea view outside of windows, equipped with open concept bathtub, that you can enjoy romance bath with your love ones at night. We will of course make sure find you a compatible partner according to your liking, making sure you are comfortable with your trip.

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