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Old 22-04-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Loon khor View Post
I've a pinay maid contact that's keen to chat with single guy (35yrs & above). Single man please because she'll sms u as and when she's free.

Have you met her before ? How does she looks like ?
Old 23-04-2010, 10:13 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

hey all, i would like to bring a maid to a cheap hotel, anyone have any recommendation for the hotels that have cheap hourly rates?
Old 23-04-2010, 01:51 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

so guys, how is the progress on the 35 year old maid?
Old 23-04-2010, 05:26 PM
Loon khor Loon khor is offline
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Re: Screwing maids

Have pass her bros that provide their no. and she may pass some contact to her friends too. Good luck bros.
Old 24-04-2010, 02:22 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

hi all... had been following this thread for along time.. n thanks for some senior introducing some web site n tips of picking up maids from here... well i actually had few contacts, about 4 to give out for sharing purposes... time to return favour i guess..

pls note that some i got to know from DIA, some known maid pass my contact nos ard n unknow maid call me.. some upped n some not yet meet b4... so whether u all can make it ornot is really up to individual skill liao... so.. pls no framing k. dun curse n swear behind me....

last but not least... pls pls pls... make sure u keep as a secret on how thier nos come abt.. cook up a story urself... no requirement all r welcome to pm me but of cos i would give to those bros with some contribution in this thread the priority.
Old 24-04-2010, 07:58 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Quinsy View Post
Haha true, One pinay maid I bonked, always try to jump on me before I can put on my condom. A bit weird.

Her name's Lynn.

Tomorrow I'm going for another one, already plan out with her the sex stuff. I just got to be present and enjoy.

Oh yarh, did I report yet? Last month, I got a bbbj from sweet Ana at Bishan Park, and she let me cum in her mouth. Syiok. And to think that some morning joggers saw us. Hehe.
Now then i know that all my country mate are having fun here whilst working as a maid here.
Old 24-04-2010, 11:55 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

hi all, contacts had been given out to bros liao... those bro that have it gd luck in trying... those that i did not pass on pls do not b angry k. thanks.
Old 24-04-2010, 02:35 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

I not angry ... believe everyone are just so jealous .... Haha ...
Old 24-04-2010, 08:46 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

I've been following this thread since I joined this forum. Good tips I guess.

Now I need some help from seniors here,

Just now, I was walking back from a shop when I saw this average looking pinoy maid. She was with her grandma's friends so I waited and sat infront of her block and kept looking at her. When I was walking past her to buy a drink, she stared at me and when I sat infront of the block, she also steal some glances.

So, I wait hoping for her to leave the company and walk home(at this point, i didnt know one of them is her employer). So waited like 45 mins, look at each other no smile, but she gave me that positive type of stare.

So when they started to leave one by one, I realised her employer was with her. So I followed her silently and she caught me following her. But I was far form her. So she went up her block and when she went her flat, she looked down at me and I walk away cos I might scare her off as a stalker.

Now, my problem, how do I ask for her number? I know where she lives but dont wanna be a freak and go up and ask her number? Her place is of walking distance form mine.

Old 24-04-2010, 10:25 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

ya ya ya too ....trying hardly also cant get SATU
Old 24-04-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

been try many time over CPand LP dun know how to start with them...
Old 25-04-2010, 05:27 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Critical View Post
I've been following this thread since I joined this forum. Good tips I guess.

Now I need some help from seniors here,

Just now, I was walking back from a shop when I saw this average looking pinoy maid. She was with her grandma's friends so I waited and sat infront of her block and kept looking at her. When I was walking past her to buy a drink, she stared at me and when I sat infront of the block, she also steal some glances.

So, I wait hoping for her to leave the company and walk home(at this point, i didnt know one of them is her employer). So waited like 45 mins, look at each other no smile, but she gave me that positive type of stare.

So when they started to leave one by one, I realised her employer was with her. So I followed her silently and she caught me following her. But I was far form her. So she went up her block and when she went her flat, she looked down at me and I walk away cos I might scare her off as a stalker.

Now, my problem, how do I ask for her number? I know where she lives but dont wanna be a freak and go up and ask her number? Her place is of walking distance form mine.


Hmm,i have encountered this kind of thing before, anyway if you were to see again in future (recommended if she alone and best if nobody around is looking since you are so near to her place) , just walk up to her but not too close , smile and say hi , it is that simple really...

Then say , " I just happen to notice you around and you seem very friendly to talk to, my name is blah blah blah. And you ? " I will proceed to shake her hand. If she does that, then probe her with more questions like, " so now you busy ? Where are you going to? Buying groceries ? Fetching kid from school ? You get the drill.... How do you find singapore so far? But not until like interview lah , must sound and seem natural. I know this is hard but this comes with lots of approaches and practice and countless of failed approaches on maids. With more exposure , you will talk like a natural , trust me on this one. Judging on her reactions answers and body language if you feel it is positive then go for the kill already and say...

"Hey it is nice talking to you really , you know what i have to go now , in a hurry for work (or something equilvalent to that) . So what's your number ? We can talk somemore on the phone later." This part is important as you must say this with confidence like a natural. If done properly , most will willingly give you their number.

If they said why? Be a little persistant and playfully say "Aiyah! Give number so difficult ? Is it an offence to get to know somebody new? "

I know this line may sound weird , but it works on many of my approaches like magic. If still cannot , just smile and say , it is ok , nice talking to you anyway and just walk off.

By the way , seriously it is not advisable to shit where you eat , but since i done this kind of thing twice successfully , you may go ahead if you want to, but just do take care and keep a very low profile as much as you can.
Old 25-04-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: Screwing maids


Hit my target. Saw her same place, same time from my house balcony. So I watched her from my balcony, until she starts to move. She was surprisingly with her old employer. Suppose to be her employer's parent. So I was sian-ed. But I was determined to get her number.

So as she was looking around, sitting alone while her employer was talking with her friends. She was obviously bored. So around the same time yesterday, she starts walking her old granny back and I quickly run down pretending to buy a drink. So I ran until I was visible to her from a distance. So both of us stared and stared until I showed her the "telephone" sign using my hand. I didnt even know where I got the courage to do it. Wow. At that point, my heart was at my mouth. What if she reject and told her employer there. Im dead meat. BTW, Im still in my late teens.

She obviously saw but cant reply. I guess she was chuckling away. She showed me the wait sign. I looked as she walked back to her unit. We both kept looking at each other. Now the fun part. She went up, looked at her window. She pretended to fold the curtains in the living room. Then suddenly, her room light was on. She looked at me. She was doing something beside the window. I was scared and thought that she call police or what. But no, she was writing her own telephone number.

After that, she looked like she was about to throw something. So I quickly ran under her block and there it is, she threw a paper with her HP number inside. There stated her name, HP number and the word Philippine.

I was so shocked. I didnt know where I got this courage from. Now, for the kill. I must be patient. Thanks to bros here for the tips. Will do a FRs. Loads of them I guess.

Btw I rate her looks - 7/10. Good looking with nice hair and legs. Tanned skin. Face abit pimple but her beauty makes up for it. Tune in for my FR.
Old 25-04-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Willing to share some of my (already being screw by me) pina maids around. Now i change my target of pina drafter working in engineering film.
Old 26-04-2010, 02:19 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

bro critical , good job on the first part. Would love to hear about your advances soon...
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