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Old 08-04-2011, 12:10 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Then again ... maybe that's the reason I log in
Old 08-04-2011, 12:32 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Bro Nara, I am afraid you have misunderstood my intentions. When I say I hope to unite all BDSM-minded bros, the end result that I hope to achieve is that all dominatrix will strive to give us value-for-money BDSM services.

How can we achieve this? By a single bro, like myself for instance, there is little I can do to influence a particular dominatrix to improve on her services. After all, there will be other customers she will have and she will not mind losing me as her customer. However, if all of us can unite together, the dominatrix will have tremendous motivation to please each of us as that means substantial business opportunities due to the sheer numbers involved.

As you most probably know, any lady can easily declare herself as a dominatrix. However, to be a really good dominatrix requires proper skills and knowledge. Experience is also very important as certain BDSM activities might result in death or serious injury (Example: asphyxiation).

Now my question to you is whether do you think it is worth us supporting our local dominatrix so that the BDSM standards in Singapore can be increased for the sake of our future enjoyment?
Unless your Mistress with a dungeon can get her business registered with ACRA, your devotion and ours just might also equally lead to mean that when something goes wrong in that LOCAL dungeon, the LOCAL authorities will also have tremendous motivation to haul the whole united lot in. since so easy. Be careful robert. Stay nimble.
Old 08-04-2011, 08:08 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

What's all the commotion about bros? Peace. Let's just keep sharing and sharing that's what it's all about
Old 08-04-2011, 03:34 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Schrodinger View Post

As with many things, implementation is a lot more difficult than theory.

How would you suggest we 'put up a united front'?

Even if we are talking about a single domme, there will be some who find her skills sub-standard, and others who are satisfied, or even happy and willing to guide. Even if she was universally accepted as sub-standard, she could go on preying on first-time customers and newbies and not give two shits about repeat customers. The problem is compounded many-fold when there are many dommes involved.

Then comes the financial bit. We have seen folk who are willing to pay top dollar to test an unknown quantity, while others may not wish to pay past $200 for a tried and tested, quality domme.

Safe to say there is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to punters' requirements - which makes it extremely difficult for a 'union' type movement to work.

All we can do is let market forces do its thing - and post honest FRs so that the good ones will get more business, while the supposedly 'poor' ones get a 'enter at own risk' banner. This same shit has been happening with people complaining about local FLs getting too expensive. And calls for boycotts, etc. Has it worked? I don't think I have to tell you....
Bro Schrodinger, you are right in saying the devil is in the details. However, this does not mean we, as paying BDSM lovers, should just sit around, lamenting the fact that Singapore has so few good dominatrix and rely on the few overseas dominatrix dropping in now and then or having to travel to countries like Japan, Thailand to get our BDSM fix.

When I say we as BDSM lovers should unite, this simply means we will form our own circle in which we share information and recommendations freely. There are no membership fees involved and I certainly do not envisage any form of collective bargaining. In its purest form, a forum like SBF does serve as a good platform for such information sharing but there are two major drawbacks.

Drawback number one is the honest FR posted by any bro may not reach the SP. I understand from the more senior bros that there is this SBF code that SPs should not be referred to their FRs. In so, how can the SP know where to improve on her services? The SP will most probably continue her own ways, good or bad they may be, and the next bro may or may not enjoy his session depending on his luck. If the SP is diligent in searching for her own FRs, there is a possibility she might read and improve. But there is no guarantee.

Now BDSM is a very specialised field unlike sex, where it is pretty straightforward. As I have mentioned previously, it is easy for any lady to declare herself as a professional dominatrix but to achieve a certain standard will require a fair bit of training and guidance from a more experienced dominatrix. Hence, this leads me to drawback number two which is how we as BDSM lovers can help raise the local BDSM standards. Unfortunately, the only solution is we, as paying customers, and our local dominatrix will need to work hand-in-hand. How? By we telling them our honest FRs and they, in turn, improving their services. Currently, there is one local dominatrix who is very active in the local BDSM scene and is committed to maintain a certain standard.

I have a simple thinking which I would like to share with you and other bros: For a local lady who is considering to be a FL due to whatsoever reason, she might as well provide BDSM services to us if she knows that there are enough customers and she need not provide sex. Yes, I know this may sound impossible for now but that is my dream.
Old 08-04-2011, 03:44 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by PeterCetera View Post
I have to fully agree with Bro Schrodinger.

All you can do is post your FR's and let the readers make their own decisions. There will not be a "punters" union who will stamp their collective feet and demand change.

This is an underground economy ... there ain't no collective bargaining agreements ... LOL!

Some guys just don't care and will pay top dollar for garbage. Jesus, in America guys go to strip clubs and spend huge amounts on silly lap dances ... and go back and back.

Bro Schrodinger is right when he says to "let the market forces do its thing".

A good domme will be good because she wants to be ... not because of any staged united front and fear of losing business.

Back in the U.S. at least, most doms are just sex workers working the job de jour. One week they're dancers, a few months later they're escorts, next year they do erotic massage, then they join a dungeon for a while ... back to dancing, escorting etc. etc.

The real deal like this shit ... and do not bop around stripping and dancing ... then escorting. They'll do a good job because they want to.

Prices are prices, the market is NEVER wrong.

Here in Thailand for Christ's sakes the expats have complained for many years that the prices specifically in Nana Plaza (BKK) have gone up to 4,000 Baht (current exchange rate would be $120 USD) for the real nice lookers -- and that's for ALL NIGHT! They blame it on the Japanese tourists who throw money around ... take the girl to their rooms and do nothing but sit with a silly grin all night.

1,500 - 2,000 Baht is about right in Thailand anyhow. Go to Pattaya ... better selection and the above range is never a problem.

I remember taking home bar girls for 1,000 Baht ($25 USD at the time) for "Long Time" ... I remember taking home one real petite cutey and she REFUSED my 1,000 Baht and said only 700 Baht ($18 USD) ... again for ALL NIGHT ... and then she came back to my room the next afternoon for FREE!

But, this is Thailand.

All that said, I do believe Bro Robertchua will reap what he sows with his efforts and maybe more ... at least on an individual level. I believe he can help LQD develop into something really good. But, he has to be proactive and the women have to want his assistance. He says Minky and company are sincere and I believe him. Sometimes the girls need a little help ... doesn't everybody in their early career.
Bro PeterCetera, my wish is to allow us as BDSM lovers to have more choices in Singapore. Right now, there is a lack of critical mass. Before this thread, which was started back in 2004, there are so few options available to us. Thanks to the inputs from many bros here, we have twenty-odd dominatrix to choose from!

However, not all the dominatrix are worth paying for. There are some who require either additional training or perhaps even an attitude adjustment so that their clients can enjoy themselves and RTBD.
Old 08-04-2011, 03:55 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Nara View Post
Unless your Mistress with a dungeon can get her business registered with ACRA, your devotion and ours just might also equally lead to mean that when something goes wrong in that LOCAL dungeon, the LOCAL authorities will also have tremendous motivation to haul the whole united lot in. since so easy. Be careful robert. Stay nimble.
Bro Nara, yes, let us be careful. I certainly do not want to run afoul of the law either.

Another wish of mine is that someone will set up a legal BDSM club. Not sure if that will happen during my lifetime though!
Old 08-04-2011, 04:05 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by copymark View Post
What's all the commotion about bros? Peace. Let's just keep sharing and sharing that's what it's all about
Bro copymark, there is no commotion. Just healthy discussions. Like you, I have been exploring the idea of corrupting innocent minds. However to make it more attractive, she cannot depend on just the two of us to make it commercially viable, right?
Old 08-04-2011, 04:06 PM
micky_blues micky_blues is offline
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Unhappy Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Bro Nara, yes, let us be careful. I certainly do not want to run afoul of the law either.

Another wish of mine is that someone will set up a legal BDSM club. Not sure if that will happen during my lifetime though!
Bro robertchua, this may not happen to us in this lift time. Cos Sillypore is a fxxxxxx conservative society. Don't talk about Japan, we cannot even compare with Thailand, HK and Taiwan. The domitrix here don't even dare to show their photos!

I have seen some dominas website in HK and Taiwan showing their photos. Hopefully they are the real ones. But at least they dare to show. Not like here. We have to second guess...
Old 08-04-2011, 04:33 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by submarine View Post
throughout these years, i have paid sinful amounts to dommes who simply were not worth my time, but also had a fair share of worthwhile sessions when i least expected them, and on the cheap as well.

i agree that an honest FR is the best way for everyone to judge and make their decisions...

i guess we have to realise that unlike a normal FL session, a femdom session is too complicated for a commonality to be established. Certain dommes are better in certain areas cos they have had more experience in this area, or perhaps they simply enjoy doing this particular activity more.

i think this applies to dommes everywhere. i tried mistress benio and didn't really enjoy her session as much as i enjoyed my sessions with mistress akiho or ayatsuki. And not to forget the fact that benio is supposed to be much more established compared to most la siora mistresses.

one man's meat is really another man's poison i guess.
Bro submarine, though we are all different in our BDSM interests, we do want our BDSM session to be an enjoyable one in which we would want to RTBD and recommend to other bros as well.

As my BDSM interest is rather unique, I am afraid my honest FRs will not be that useful to most of the bros unless they are specifically into my fetish as well. So far, there are only 3 bros that I got to know in SBF who may benefit from my sharing.

I recall my past sessions with the many GL PRCs that I have tried and one particular incident haunted me which I like to share with you and other bros.

She was standing at Talma Road when I first spotted her from afar thanks to her white leather knee high boots. I asked her if how much and she told me. I replied I am fine with her price and requested her to kick my balls with her boots instead. She told me "No problem, I have been trained in Japan for such an activity". I was so happy to hear that and wasted no time in going to the hotel with her.

In the room, her attitude totally changed after I have paid her - I usually pay before my session. She kicked me once very lightly and said "This is too dangerous, I am not doing it." I asked her "But you told me you have been trained in Japan and you are willing to kick me very hard?" She told me she was lying as she just wanted to get out of the rain (yes, it was a rainy night when I found her).

I told her to return my money so I can find another lady. She refused to return me and insisted that I have to pay her a rejection fee. I told her I am not rejecting you. It is you who has wasted my hotel room and now you still want to get paid. She threatened to call her "Ma Fu" and say I bullied her. You can imagine how frustrated I was arguing with her in the room.

In the end, I told her to get out of the room and I sat there thinking what to do next. I was thinking whether I can re-use the room but I did not see any other PRCs wearing boots near the hotel. So I tried my luck searching for another lady wearing boots but it was negative. I had to return to the hotel to return the room key since the time was almost up.

The irony was I still see her at the same place for my trips to GL. She remembered me as well. In fact, I engaged her friend (well, the one she stands with) who was wearing brown suede over-the-knee boots to kick me instead. Her friend must have told her about me as the next time I went there, she volunteered to kick me.

I told her "Even if you are the only lady in GL, I will never engage you".
Old 08-04-2011, 04:40 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by micky_blues View Post
Bro robertchua, this may not happen to us in this lift time. Cos Sillypore is a fxxxxxx conservative society. Don't talk about Japan, we cannot even compare with Thailand, HK and Taiwan. The domitrix here don't even dare to show their photos!

I have seen some dominas website in HK and Taiwan showing their photos. Hopefully they are the real ones. But at least they dare to show. Not like here. We have to second guess...
Bro micky_blues, in case you are interested, there are some old photos available in the link that I have provided you in my PM. Do register and I hope you like what you see.
Old 08-04-2011, 05:41 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hey bro sub,
I can understand your feeling about having a special energy with certain dominatrixes.
For me in Japan, I like trying out new doms every once and awhile. I find that I go through a honeymoon period with a new dominatrix and it lasts for about 4-5 sessions, more if she is really good. Then there is usually a session that "jumps the shark" - it is a very subjective feeling on my part. Then I want to try new experiences with new doms.
For example - I used to session with Benio quite a bit when she first started at La Siora a few years ago. But I stopped after about 2 years. I don't have much of a desire to session with her again. That is not to say that she messed up or that she is bad - just the energy between us changed.
Thank god Rie keeps getting beautiful and excellent new girls to work for her. Likewise the choices in Tokyo and Japan have never been more extensive for foreigners. There is always a new young hot Mistress to experience. On my last trip that was Goddess Miki at SMclub. I just don't like to session with the same Mistress after awhile - and that is just me.

My problem here in Thailand is that I am afraid to session with a Thai Mistress since they will not hold up to my high expectations that I experience in Japan. But that is just something that I must deal with on my own. Once you have had the best, it is hard to accept anything inferior.

Bro Peter Cetera - In my opinion, things in Bangkok took a turn for the worse
starting in 2006-2007.
The gogo bars in Nana and Cowboy used to be a fun place. Now they are all a rip off as the girls are more mercenary than ever and drink prices are comparable to the West. Also I still don't know the purpose and value for the customer of buying lady drinks. I guess it is similar to buying a lap dance in the US?? Today I never go to those areas as they are strictly for tourists who don't care about blowing all their money.

I find that if I ever want a sexual fix - the massage parlors are a much better deal - Hotter chicks - set price - set time - no buying of over priced drinks.
I also have Thai friends that take me to the Thai places - much cheaper and of course hotter girls.
Of course when living here there are plenty of free options too as hotties abound in the shopping malls, universities, etc.. But I am married so I really cannot do that type of stuff.

And yes it amazes me how much money guys waste at tease joints in the US. But hey America is land of the fee and home of the pay - especially when it comes to pay for sexual pleasure.
Old 08-04-2011, 07:10 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro calbts,

Yeah, I was living in BKK in 2005 and your right in 2006-07 Nana and Soi Cowboy went downhill. Now I live/work in Phuket.

That's why I mentioned Pattaya in my above post instead (or even Phuket where I live ... but Pattaya is better IMO). Jillions of girls and many are hot. In Pattaya, for bargirls $50 US maybe $60 with barfine should still be good for 'longtime' (the night) ... and that's for tourists with little time to spare looking around! I don't drink much so $6.00 for diet cokes is immaterial. Plus, you can check, see, and interact with them first. See if you really want to be with them. AND have time to develop a rapport with her so she feels totally comfortable and is happy to be with you.

Now, compare that with guys who are paying $300 PER HOUR for some girl he hasn't met and perhaps saw some of her pics on the internet ... many times misleading.

$300 is good FOR A WEEK in Pattaya!

I only mention this cuz bros here are paying top dollar for an hour ... and many times bad experience. Thailand, is not as spectacular as it used to be ... but its still FAAAR better than the US and what I'm reading on these pages.

Perhaps, they treat themselves to a trip to Pattaya for a week ... can get a pretty decent hotel room for $50 US per day.

It's a party atmosphere all around, the girls are waaay cheaper even at tourist prices, and yes ass worship, toe sucking, and ballkicking are available.

And yes, for the guys who live here, the malls etc. are fertile ground to meet a woman the normal way.
Old 08-04-2011, 07:39 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

To add to my above post --

If any of the guys here ever do go to Thailand ... its 100% worth it to take the bus or taxi ride to Pattaya and skip BKK altogether.

The key in Thailand is just to have fun (sanuk) ... with Thai's if something isn't sanuk its not worth doing. So be relaxed, be clean, wear a smile ... be polite, play games, do some magic tricks, and don't get drunk -- they'll 'love you longtime'.

If you are relatively young and in decent shape all the better. The girls will rather be with you than the obese, loud, drunk Germans ... and especially the Arabs.

I remember sitting in a bar on walking street (that's a street about a half-mile long in Pattaya blocked off to traffic at night so everyone can roam freely) ... and a few Arabs walked in and two girls immediately jumped in may lap so as to appear 'taken'.

As an example of the mindset here as opposed to anything in the west and I'm sure Singapore included ... it's considered a faux pas to go back to the same bar from which you took a girl the night before and select a different one to take out -- the girls get insanely jealous and they lose face (as they must not have done a good job).
Old 09-04-2011, 12:05 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by PeterCetera View Post
To add to my above post --

As an example of the mindset here as opposed to anything in the west and I'm sure Singapore included ... it's considered a faux pas to go back to the same bar from which you took a girl the night before and select a different one to take out -- the girls get insanely jealous and they lose face (as they must not have done a good job).
i have to agree with this. In the Philippines this applies as well. And speaking of the Philippines, it is a great country too, just like Thailand. Granted, I dont think that the Filipinos are as sophisticated as the Thais to know what's femdom all about but for the amount of money blown in Thailand, it could do the same magic in the Philippines, and perhaps more. Not only do they speak English, but I find that the Filipinos are fun to talk to as well, and certainly open to many new ideas.

And yes, there had been a few occasions when the girl i booked the previous night was already taken by another client. She was terribly apologetic, although it wasn't her fault at all. I will always book the same girl, especially if she has done a really good job the night before.

The only concern is to stay focused and not get addicted and swayed by the sweet nothings they whisper in your ear. At the end of the day, it's your money they are after..

As the song goes 'nobody nobody but you'
In the Philippines its usually 'yourmoney yourmoney not you'
Old 09-04-2011, 12:23 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by calbts View Post
Hey bro sub,
I can understand your feeling about having a special energy with certain dominatrixes.
Yes, this is the most important factor for me. It's not just the chemistry, cos this becomes secondary once the session starts.

Let's just give an example...If I rest my head against her bosom in the middle of a session, I will expect her to either smother me or cuddle my head like a little boy. However I will be disappointed if she commands me to kiss or lick her breasts.

Basically, it's the instinct that the domme possesses and the things she does as a result of a slave's reaction and body language. She will need to read into a slave's mind. Not easy, but the best dommes are able to do that with a fairly high degree of accuracy and success.

And continuing to do this over an extended number of sessions is not easy. That's when you have to look for someone new...and the process starts all over again
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