I went to a spa with rooms with walls but door is curtain.
Name: Xiao Fei, she is the highest ranking, in charge of the branch there it seems.
Location: X* Spa, Chinese garden MRT
Looks: photos is syt but filter gao gao, turn out to be late 30s. C to D cup, but turn off liao cos not syt.
Massage: solid strength
Damage: $58(inclusive of oil)+ $50
I reached at 2.19pm, took cheapest massage at 58 per hour for 1 hour. I went to the washroom first after that, so earliest timing that massage could have began was 2.30pm cause she was busy with other stuff before coming into room .
When I flipped over it was 3pm, I know the time because there was a clock in the room. She only got GFE when asking gq. When texting she could not care less. After massaging my hands she popped gq. Initially she quote $50, but I negotiate to $30, but back to $50 again because I wanted autoroam. I thought it was worth it because normally $50 does not include autoroam at some places. Please advice if this is a price that is worth or not. Does anyone know if hj is always include using oil?
Initially she don't want to lift up bra but finally relented. She also don't allow sucking of nipples cause too itchy supposedly.
Took very long to cum cos she could not find the rhythm plus she didn't know my sensitive spot was balls. When I finally left the place it was only 3.18pm. can you imagine if I had cummed fast? I would have been cheated of at least 20 minutes of session time. I was her first customer of the day somemore, she whole morning doing nothing, yet her service so lackluster.
I don't think I will be returning cos of heavy filter photo plus cheating of time. Overall I might quit chionging altogether also cause it is very expensive.
Wah bro didn't think of that. RIP.
she does listerine often but maybe to be safe I skip this weekend first haha
No wonder my lil bro itchy since one year ago until now. I think most ML will clean themselves after serving every customer but there is always a small chance that they don't. Btw she serves local indians also. Remember the saying that having sex with someone means having sex with their previous partners as well? Lol.
.. how this thread became relationship/ bonking for starter thread LOL.
mai aneh la, bring some balls, set up the date go dinner go movie and go 'rest'.
no need to be overnight that kind but keep it manageable from 9pm-12am that kind.
anyway share about FR. curtain joint if LUCKY you can find those 2 lady or single lady one.
Then no distraction liao. else, it is as what other bros shared, confirmed plus chop will be distracted... and if you fancy that ML/WL, aim for some off-hour makan, go somewhere else.
Also, for this advice is it first date or subsequent dates? Cause odds of first date having sex is not high/not the norm in conservative Singapore?
You realised u have been posting and answering yourself? Do you really lack the attention? Can someone please zap this guy till red?
You kept saying u shd jerk off but you kept going to ML when your cock is still itchy.. u want to spread to other bros?
3. Those youtube content you watching are not meant for you unless the gals you are targeting are teenagers or bimbos. If these are the gals you looking for, please continue to listen to them and skip our advice here. You are 34 years old and have O levels so I would suggest you work on your book smart or street smart as soon as possible.
That said, even if you want more IG followers, how are you going to get them if you are neither rich or outgoing? If you are rich and outgoing, you wouldn't have issue getting gf in the first place. It's a chicken and egg issue.
5. The fact that you are on this forum asking us how to find a gf, I would think you are definitely nowhere near having a gf as yet, so don't waste your time thinking of such scenarios. Even if you have a gf now, it would take a lot for the gal to pay first and expect you to step up. No pride eating soft rice anyways.
You are right abt the 2 statements which you shared. Those are words of encouragement to console you.
The hard truth is you need to work on yourself, to be a better version of yourself everyday.
Between Love and Bread, bread would almost always come first. Even if you have ntg now, you need to prove to the girl you have some sort of potential before she wants to committe to you.
You also need to work on your social skills as it seems to be lacking based on your replies to the other bros here.
You need real friends to show that you are likeable and so that ppl willing to intro girls to you.
That said, no harm visiting ML or hookers to lose your virginity or to destress until you can find a gf.
Why is Austin Dunham and fitxfearless for teenagers and bimbos? I doubt it is only just for them.
Btw I think there is harm visiting ML before we find a gf, because we might associate sex with just money, instead of with someone we really love or are in a relationship with.
As a male, I can't even work in a student care as a stop gap measure because I will be seen as a sexual predator plus it it a job where most other teachers are female, we can't fit in the environment if almost all other teachers are female.
This is how oppressed and discriminated males are in sg. Sg is not a country for male.