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Old 14-03-2013, 01:23 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Just back from CP but somehow kinda miss AC...haha...
Old 14-03-2013, 01:53 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
If you're lucky, you will be given 2 choices.

One is that the duty not paid cigarettes are destroyed by a simple cut through half the length of the whole carton with a box cutter, done in front of you.

Two is that you pay the duty on the cigarettes, to bring them in. With the duty imposed, the cost of each pack will be the same as if you had bought them in Singapore (i.e. SGD 12 per pack).

If you arent lucky, the relevant Singapore Statutes will apply.
My experience is they offer you compound fine to be paid on the spot. Or you can fight the case and go to court.

My case was that I came back from Batam but had forgotten about an unopened 20stick pack of Marlboro in my backpack. When I was at the customs lane, the officer asked me got anything to declare and I replied no. He then asked me to open my backpack and while rummaging in it he found the pack of Marlboro. Immediately seized the Marlboro and my passport and asked to follow him into a room.

Was guarded inside the room until a female officer came at about an hour later to interview me and record my statement. After recording my statement, she told me that although she believe my story but she has to follow procedure and charge me. Since it is only 1 pack of Marlboro for my own personal consumption, she will offer to compound the offence into a fine. I have a choice whether to accept the compound fine or to seek legal representation. I choose to pay the fine.

KNN... they count the fine by the number of sticks of cigarettes. My pack of Marlboro had 20 sticks so they x 20 the amount. Total fine = S$400.00
After paying the fine she warned me that since I already have a record in their database, if I am caught with duty unpaid cigarettes the next time it will be charge in court.

I gave up smoking that very same day.
Old 14-03-2013, 01:55 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ashworth View Post
Airport tax on departure from Singapore is priced in the ticket purchase price. Tax from Philippine airports are collected on departure. Separate payment. Except for Cebu airport where tickets bought after Mar 1 has the tax included.
Thank you. How much is the departure tax from Philippines?
Old 14-03-2013, 01:59 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by JadeBird View Post
Thanks to all the bros who supported me..... looking forward to coming out of moderation soon.
Thank you to all those brudders who pushed me out of moderation.
Arigato Gozaimasu!
Old 14-03-2013, 02:25 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
Just back from CP but somehow kinda miss AC...haha...
We miss you too. Come visit us soon.
Old 14-03-2013, 03:58 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by PREM8619 View Post
My experience is they offer you compound fine to be paid on the spot. Or you can fight the case and go to court.

My case was that I came back from Batam but had forgotten about an unopened 20stick pack of Marlboro in my backpack. When I was at the customs lane, the officer asked me got anything to declare and I replied no. He then asked me to open my backpack and while rummaging in it he found the pack of Marlboro. Immediately seized the Marlboro and my passport and asked to follow him into a room.

Was guarded inside the room until a female officer came at about an hour later to interview me and record my statement. After recording my statement, she told me that although she believe my story but she has to follow procedure and charge me. Since it is only 1 pack of Marlboro for my own personal consumption, she will offer to compound the offence into a fine. I have a choice whether to accept the compound fine or to seek legal representation. I choose to pay the fine.

KNN... they count the fine by the number of sticks of cigarettes. My pack of Marlboro had 20 sticks so they x 20 the amount. Total fine = S$400.00
After paying the fine she warned me that since I already have a record in their database, if I am caught with duty unpaid cigarettes the next time it will be charge in court.

I gave up smoking that very same day.
sorry to hear this bro. but thanks for sharing this unpleasant experience.
Old 14-03-2013, 04:13 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by WhitePaper View Post
I am a Malaysian based in Singapore so I would not know about any travel advisory issued in my homeland. Thanks for the alert. Guess I'll have to change my itinery to LOS or INA for the time being.
I too bought tickets to travel to AC in April together with a whole bunch of Malaysians who work in the civil service.. they have all been advised not to go and have cancelled plans to go.. I'll try to pay a bit more to change the dates of my travels - maybe to May..

Chatting to my Filipino friends online, they seem to have the impression that Malaysians are bad and killing Filipinos in Sabah! (Well partly true), but they forget these are the same terrorist that the Philippines government have been fighting and killing for years in Mindanao! Elements of the MNLF... Alot of bad news reporting.

I'd avoid AC for a while... I'd rather stay out of things and just enjoy the wonderful Filipino hospitality in AC when I visit.
10/11-14/11- Looking forward to my next trip to AC
Old 14-03-2013, 04:18 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by PREM8619 View Post
My experience is they offer you compound fine to be paid on the spot. Or you can fight the case and go to court.

My case was that I came back from Batam but had forgotten about an unopened 20stick pack of Marlboro in my backpack. When I was at the customs lane, the officer asked me got anything to declare and I replied no. He then asked me to open my backpack and while rummaging in it he found the pack of Marlboro. Immediately seized the Marlboro and my passport and asked to follow him into a room.

Was guarded inside the room until a female officer came at about an hour later to interview me and record my statement. After recording my statement, she told me that although she believe my story but she has to follow procedure and charge me. Since it is only 1 pack of Marlboro for my own personal consumption, she will offer to compound the offence into a fine. I have a choice whether to accept the compound fine or to seek legal representation. I choose to pay the fine.

KNN... they count the fine by the number of sticks of cigarettes. My pack of Marlboro had 20 sticks so they x 20 the amount. Total fine = S$400.00
After paying the fine she warned me that since I already have a record in their database, if I am caught with duty unpaid cigarettes the next time it will be charge in court.

I gave up smoking that very same day.
Sorry to hear about your experience.

As I said, "if youre lucky..."

In my case, I guess I was.

For me living in Vietnam it is much more difficult to quit smoking than when I was living back home in Singapore. Here, a pack of Marlboro is VND 20.000 (about SGD 1.20) whereas the same in Singapore is SGD 12. Basically the cost of one pack in Singapore can buy you a carton (10 packs) in Vietnam.
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Old 14-03-2013, 04:33 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by PREM8619 View Post
My experience is they offer you compound fine to be paid on the spot. Or you can fight the case and go to court.

My case was that I came back from Batam but had forgotten about an unopened 20stick pack of Marlboro in my backpack. When I was at the customs lane, the officer asked me got anything to declare and I replied no. He then asked me to open my backpack and while rummaging in it he found the pack of Marlboro. Immediately seized the Marlboro and my passport and asked to follow him into a room.

Was guarded inside the room until a female officer came at about an hour later to interview me and record my statement. After recording my statement, she told me that although she believe my story but she has to follow procedure and charge me. Since it is only 1 pack of Marlboro for my own personal consumption, she will offer to compound the offence into a fine. I have a choice whether to accept the compound fine or to seek legal representation. I choose to pay the fine.

KNN... they count the fine by the number of sticks of cigarettes. My pack of Marlboro had 20 sticks so they x 20 the amount. Total fine = S$400.00
After paying the fine she warned me that since I already have a record in their database, if I am caught with duty unpaid cigarettes the next time it will be charge in court.

I gave up smoking that very same day.
last year chinese new year i went to batam, i bought a pack of marlboro back and was caught at the singapore custom, lucky the officer only ask me to pay tax instead of fine,

i think depand on officer who caught you or chinese new year?
Old 14-03-2013, 04:53 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
last year chinese new year i went to batam, i bought a pack of marlboro back and was caught at the singapore custom, lucky the officer only ask me to pay tax instead of fine,

i think depand on officer who caught you or chinese new year?
bro so your taxes add up to be about the same as a normal pack price outside?
Old 14-03-2013, 04:59 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Gem08 View Post
bro so your taxes add up to be about the same as a normal pack price outside?

nope, still cheaper

i alway brought 2 cartons to ac, come back then pay tax and is cheaper

100stick cigarettes 12.50+38.50
Old 14-03-2013, 05:10 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
last year chinese new year i went to batam, i bought a pack of marlboro back and was caught at the singapore custom, lucky the officer only ask me to pay tax instead of fine,

i think depand on officer who caught you or chinese new year?
Originally Posted by Gem08 View Post
bro so your taxes add up to be about the same as a normal pack price outside?
I think Gem08 was asking about your Batam trip where you said you brought 1 pack back and that the officer asked you to pay tax - how much taxes were you asked to pay?

Then how come became 100 sticks?

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
nope, still cheaper

i alway brought 2 cartons to ac, come back then pay tax and is cheaper

100stick cigarettes 12.50+38.50
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Old 14-03-2013, 05:33 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by CoutinHo View Post
Thank you. How much is the departure tax from Philippines?
is 450php.. pay b4 the immigration counter.. for Clark airport..
Old 14-03-2013, 06:40 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Found a taxi service who will transfer from Clark airport to Fields hotel for 300p. Of cos vice versa. Will post his contact later for those interested. I at videoke at checkpoint now. His card in hotel room.
If anyone is interested. Contact Rey +639157152361/+639266926112.

As usual, offers may not last forever. Double check the price upon booking.
Old 14-03-2013, 07:16 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by CTOA3728 View Post
So where are the pcs?
What PCs are you referring to? Do I know you?
I dun have any idea what you are talking about!
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