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Re: All you need to know about STD
I would like to know if a -ve syphilis test at 6 week since exposure is conclusive?
Re: All you need to know about STD - updated May 2011
100% agreed with you. Best not to anyhow eat, the more you eat, the more problem you will have. How safe is still unsafe.
Re: All you need to know about STD
Talk about myself then, many months ago because I'm a Tzu Chi (Singapore) Buddhist Foundation volunteer after all, I went ahead and got myself medically screened during a health screening - in fact the nursing medical professional was very good at her job, she noticed that I was around 33 years old, good enough to die whether you believe in Jesus Christ, or simply why all adult men eventually ought to die, so without any newer questioning, the Tzu Chi Health Screening automagically included HIV/STI testing as part of the requirement, in fact even though I survived that testing the report simply told me that it was high cholesterol and moderate blood pressure readings, you see the thing is in the context of Buddhism or even Singapore law denying or hiding things is worse than coming clean, I used a condom before, and it's just a matter of time before sickness comes again this way, even if the medical screening may have suggested that I appear healthy enough, if you walk into any other non-free health screening providers like SATA they'll also tell you that the first six months one may appear healthy, as long as one partakes in what I was educated as "sexual misconduct", it's just a matter of time, if I survived a test few months ago I'm just being lucky, few months down the road honestly what would have and still do perplex me is less about me confessing that I may be sicker than I thought, what is perplexing is how even if I'm sicker than others who may be older than me, it's perfectly alright because I probably deserved it - accepting one's karma, i.e. cause and effect, is actually more challenging than accepting one's medication.
Re: All you need to know about STD
There was some rich guy who collect 3D molds of the vagina he upped. ![]() |
Re: All you need to know about STD
Very informative and rather detailed.
![]() Eye opener for me. Bump up to raise awareness. Practice safe and not harm your loved ones, others or your ownself ![]() |
Re: All you need to know about STD
Looking for a clear answer. Girl has syphilis. Hands and feet peeling. Went to doctor and was tested. Given shots in the butt (ouch)! Now after over one year seems to be OK but Doctor says it could still be in the blood.
QUESTION: Can she still infect a partner with the syphilis? Yes, of course use a condom, but what if it breaks, comes off etc? Is the syphilis still active in her and can it be transmitted by any means? Not me, but she would like to get married some day, have kids, etc, but she feels lost right now and is going day to day without any hope? |
Re: All you need to know about STD
Syphilis is either successfully treated or it isn't. Once it is successfully treated there is no risk of the disease being transmitted. However there are still antibodies in the blood and I think this is what the doctor is referring to. Dr Tan can clarify when he pops by.
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: All you need to know about STD
Re: All you need to know about STD
Good question. I love questions about Syphilis testing. It is so complex. This is going to be a long one so bear with me.
You must first understand that there is NO test that actually detects the Syphilis bacteria in the body. We have 2 types of tests to diagnose Syphilis: 1. Non-Treponemal tests (VDRL, RPR etc) This test was developed in 1906 (WTF!!! And Doctors are still using it now?! YES we are). Some smart guy found that blood from a person infected with Syphilis will react with pieces of Ox heart and cause the test tube fluid to foam. The level of disease activity of Syphilis can be determined by seeing how much you can dilute the patient's blood and still get a foamy reaction. If you dilute it 2x and still get a reaction it is reported as 1:2. If you dilute again it's 1:4 then 1:8 all the way to 1:256. You get the idea. As you can obviously see, this test is very prone to false positive. People can have all sorts of antibodies in their blood that reacts with Ox heart. So if a person tests positive on VDRL or RPR, the result is always confirmed with another test called..... 2. Treponemal tests (TPHA, TPPA) These tests are more specific for antibodies to Treponema Pallidum which is the bacteria that causes the disease Syphilis. So if a person is positive for both VDRL and TPHA, he/she is diagnosed as having a Syphilis infection. They are then put on treatment. Now comes your question: How do we know that they are cured or not? You might think the answer is obvious. Both these tests will become negative! Right? Uhh. Not right. Both these tests will remain positive for many many years. Sometimes for a lifetime. That is because both these tests test for antibodies which we know will persist in the patient's body long after the infection is gone. So how? Well, current guidelines say that if we see a 4-fold drop in titer of the VDRL within 3 to 6 months of therapy, we can assume the patient is no longer infected. (eg. if the person tested 1:8 before treatment, the number has to drop to 1:2 after treatment - 4 fold drop). However, the patient has to be followed up for a total of 2 years ensuring that the VDRL titer stays low before he/she is discharged from care. This is a very rough overview. There are many details and caveats to Syphilis testing. It is still best to see a doctor for your specific concerns. WRT your question, if it was me, I would not touch the girl for at least 2 years if she has been diagnosed with Syphilis. And she had better have the 6 sequential blood tests to prove that she is cleared before thinking of getting into any action. However, once the 2 years is over and she is certified clear, she can lead a completely normal life. Except when she goes for health screening, the Syphilis will always test positive and she will always have to explain to the doctor her past medical history of having had Syphilis and received treatment. |
Re: All you need to know about STD
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: All you need to know about STD
Re: All you need to know about STD
Did something really regretful.
Went for massage in ho chi minh contacted from wechat. Reached the shop/house. Got led by a lady to the top floor and stripped for massage. The feel is just like geylang but adding a little rubbing in front. Standard catbath and bj then riding me. After a while, condom came loose so stopped to do hj. I rub her vigina while hj and think she horny so just ride me without condom till i came in her. Can i ask how long doe it take to show all/any symptoms before i should go check and confirm all is safe from hiv and stds. |
Re: All you need to know about STD
https://www.aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics...xis/index.html If the 3 day window has passed you should still see a doctor straight away and tell him what happened. He will then advise what tests need to be done and when they should be conducted. Many STDs (HIV included) have no symptoms so you won't know that you're infected until it is too late. Do not delay.
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: All you need to know about STD
i think you are in the high risk category... these are the type of exposure that fulfill all the ticked for PEP.
symptoms doesnt really tell much... do the 4th gen test after a month, but note that it wont be 100% accurate. Quote:
Re: All you need to know about STD
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