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Old 17-12-2006, 01:22 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

These are the latest updates to the DIY website.

* Various video clips from youtube has been added to the following pages:
1. About Hatyai
2. Eating Place
3. Place of Interest (Wat Hatyai Nai)
4. Thailand Public Holidays
5. Newbie's Guide (DIY guide for scenario one)

* Two new field reports have been updated in the distinguish field report page.

Old 17-12-2006, 07:07 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

This is the full detail of what thaivisitor posted in his blog.

Flame War Still On In SBF

Wow! I haven’t been to SBF for so long so thought I just look thru it and what did I find? The flame wars is still going on!

I also see the flame wars with Mr.Romantic and Mr.Romance and Mr.Romance hinting that I am a liar. Well, guess I should not hide the truth right? Or else he’ll continue to call me a liar.

You see, I had to lie to his present wife that he did not booked any other girl when he came to Hat Yai eventhough he did book girls from Hi Society Club in Hansa, CP4 and also a farm girl from See Kim Yong. I had to lie to him about girls giving “raw” in Hat Yai and said that they gave it to him only because he is “special” and that they don’t give to others. I had to lie to him and told him his wife is Thai eventhough I knew that she was using a fake Thai IC and was just earning a living, etc, etc.

Mr.Romance is definitely NOT a liar. So I hope he tells the truth and admit that he did tell me and other samsters that singrakthai’s GF was a ladyboy which he met them with his Poseidon GF and that even she verified it.

Mr.Romance is such a truthful samster which is why periodically, the samsters that were “brudder brudder” with him have all fallen out probably because they are the problem, not him?

Maybe one day if I come back to SBF, I’ll post the incidents of what samsters do behind their “tiraks” back and vice versa and how I had to lie and assist them. Also if
I happened to meet them on the steets, I sohuld just tell them the truth on what happened in the past. You think that will make them feel better knowing the truth about each other? Eeeeeeeek! Shivers down my spine!

PS: I hereby apologise to bro singrakthai for not telling him the truth when he asked me. Now that I have opened up, I’m sure Mr.Romance will praise me for telling the truth.

well, i would say that i'm not a bit surpised at all. it only prove one thing, how low can roger go. bro C@, it is your call now, remember what you promised?
Old 18-12-2006, 08:57 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by The Oracle View Post

You see, I had to lie to his present wife that he did not booked any other girl when he came to Hat Yai eventhough he did book girls from Hi Society Club in Hansa, CP4 and also a farm girl from See Kim Yong. I had to lie to him about girls giving “raw” in Hat Yai and said that they gave it to him only because he is “special” and that they don’t give to others. I had to lie to him and told him his wife is Thai eventhough I knew that she was using a fake Thai IC and was just earning a living, etc, etc.

PS: I hereby apologise to bro singrakthai for not telling him the truth when he asked me. Now that I have opened up, I’m sure Mr.Romance will praise me for telling the truth.[/COLOR]

well, i would say that i'm not a bit surpised at all. it only prove one thing, how low can roger go. bro C@, it is your call now, remember what you promised?
2 headed snake's wife is an illegal migrant??? not very nice to mingle things with families ..
Is teevee going to call up ICA now to get even lower?

Last edited by Raak; 18-12-2006 at 09:14 AM.
Old 19-12-2006, 03:44 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

My oh my.....

This Mr Romance love to cut and paste from TV's blog so now someone actually cut and paste from TV's blog again.....but this time is on what Mr Romance said.

So now i see Mr Romance is the one going around to badmouth Singrakthai's gf saying she is a ladyboy.

I really would like to know has Singrakthai ever offended Mr Romance to warrant such an accusation from Mr Romance?

And this Mr Romance actually go and tell Suteerak1099 about this too. In which Suteerak1099 came and said Singrakthai's gf is ladyboy and even say I fucked his gf behind Singrakthai's back.

Very good... very very good...

Mr Romance must be very very very very proud of what he did.

My advise to Mr Romance. Next time want to badmouth people, do it tactically lah. Badmouth skills so lousy until the whole world knows. If wrong liao just admit. Don't admit mistake and still dare to say we shall see we shall see. U want us see what? See how you make lanjiao mistakes?

I really "admire" Mr Romance in the sense that he can badmouth people he met up with and has never offended him.

I really want to know why Mr Romance want to badmouth Singrakthai.


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Old 19-12-2006, 09:08 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

It is always never too late to know that, SC.
Many of his bros aleady know his pattern. It is only when he step on the tail and now things coming back at him.
What goes around, comes around.

He got his own dirty laundries too.

I hope we can just get to come here and explain with 'fairy-tales' with his 'We shall see' story headers.
Old 19-12-2006, 10:27 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Raak View Post
2 headed snake's wife is an illegal migrant??? not very nice to mingle things with families ..
I'm more interested to know if our Mr.romance married Fon already? Its a joyous occassion, why didn't I get invitation? Any bros here got invited?
Old 19-12-2006, 10:47 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

I think hatyai is not a boring place. BKK is equally bored if you have been too many times. Hatyai life style (started early and end early) is different than BKK (started late in the afternoon and end late also). To me both are ok as long as you dun go so frequently. Some saying Vietnam and Cambodia is better. I think is the company that is important. If you have very good friends, about 2 to 4 in a company, then I think is fine, should have a fun time.
Old 19-12-2006, 12:29 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by JediMaster View Post
I think hatyai is not a boring place. BKK is equally bored if you have been too many times. Hatyai life style (started early and end early) is different than BKK (started late in the afternoon and end late also). To me both are ok as long as you dun go so frequently. Some saying Vietnam and Cambodia is better. I think is the company that is important. If you have very good friends, about 2 to 4 in a company, then I think is fine, should have a fun time.
It actually varies depending on each cheong style, our group could easily party till wee morning 5~6 am almost every night. Right, the companion and cheong buddy make the difference.
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Old 19-12-2006, 12:36 PM
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Bar Berry Hatyai

Bar Berry just opened their door last Thursday in Hatyai, located at main entrance to Hanza area where Paragon is located. Operate by the same Management. The concept is similiar with Bar Berry Danok where it have 30+ sexy coyote dancer & bikini dancer with shower show, with beam and flower hanging starting from 100baht. Personally I still prefer Bar Berry in Danok as it has variety of shows, not just coyote dancing that could get bored sometimes.

Beers selling at 140b/bottle, price is reasonable. Crowd start to come around 10pm+, much later than Danok one but that's the timing for Hatyai night joint. Fully packed for first few days of opening, I guess it could surely give other joint like Hi So a challenge but Bar Berry seems to attract more foreign cheongsters than locals.
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Old 19-12-2006, 05:08 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Raak View Post
2 headed snake's wife is an illegal migrant??? not very nice to mingle things with families ..
talking abt families, just like our dear Mr Roger Lim aka Tee Vee..he just loves bringing people's families into low can he get?very low,very very low!

funny it seems.the whole money issue of the investors have been conveniently forgotten and swept under the carpet by the conman. So how,when is thaivisitor gonna issue a receipt to all the investors?waiting and waiting,talking cock again and it so hard to issue a receipt or it is because it's all a great con job?
Beware of this SBF conster Roger Lim aka Thaivisitor aka Midnightiger.
Old 19-12-2006, 05:15 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Nucleus2006 View Post
I'm more interested to know if our Mr.romance married Fon already? Its a joyous occassion, why didn't I get invitation? Any bros here got invited?
married liao.
I also never got invited. and i know why la.

I am also interested to know if she is not Thai, she from Laos, Burma, or CAmbodia??
Like that can still married meh? or teevee talking crap? or ...
Old 19-12-2006, 05:19 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Noni Juice View Post
talking abt families, just like our dear Mr Roger Lim aka Tee Vee..he just loves bringing people's families into low can he get?very low,very very low!

funny it seems.the whole money issue of the investors have been conveniently forgotten and swept under the carpet by the conman. So how,when is thaivisitor gonna issue a receipt to all the investors?waiting and waiting,talking cock again and it so hard to issue a receipt or it is because it's all a great con job?
aiyoh. both ROmance and teevee are 'BAN JIN PA LIANG"...come from same shit holes.
If both got no shits, how come no one go and speak ill to others.?

Both are also snakes. One is 2 headed..the other multiples heads.
Old 19-12-2006, 10:08 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by The Oracle View Post
well, i would say that i'm not a bit surpised at all. it only prove one thing, how low can roger go. bro C@, it is your call now, remember what you promised?
Yes, bro The Oracle...etc, I remember what I promised you guys. It seem to be me that you guys are right and I'm wrong all this while. I was hoping that my "live and let live" method will work on Roger, hoping that after his exit from SBF everything will cool down, that's why I don't bother to engage myself too much in things happening in the forum and restraint you guys from doing it also.

But it seem to me that he is not willing to lay low and started creating some issues. Now, I have to do something about it. Roger, damn you for forcing me to do what I have to do.
Old 19-12-2006, 11:13 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Kingstar
To be fair to TV, the incident for the Hatyai Face Off he really did not contribute much in the information collection. I manage to get the Hotel information, but I did not call any body. And Cyberaid ask me to post a PM on his half to KLKool and TD, but only one PM send out successfully. But as for the juicy part on what TV involvement is, I will not say it here but let Cyberaid tell his part of the story.
I will slowly organised what I have and posted according. First I start off by posting about the hatyai KC face off incident.

That morning when I was in my office, Roger called me up and informed me that TD, KLKOOL and Ciblover is having coffee in DP. Roger urged me to get some "help" down to DP to "settle" TD and friends. I called up some "help" and start to drive back to hty (my factory is 30 minutes drive away from hty).

But when I reached DP, TD and friends had already left, so I called off the "help" and spend some time chit chatting with Roger and a few samsters who is also in DP. Some policeman (I called them also) arrived after a while and I belanja them makan and tell them to go off after the meal since there is no mess for them to clear up.

What happened later in the afternoon is what bro Kingstar stated in his posting. I asked him to send PM on my behalf and I'm the one who called up to the hotel room which KLKOOL answered my call.

On that night, Roger called me again to tell me that he was sitting on the next table (with some samsters) beside TD and friends. He urged me to get "help" to deal with TD and friends once again. I was with bro Kingstar, Junglerider and bro R in DP when Roger called me. Bro R knock some sense into my head by telling me it is not worth to help Roger like that. I took his advice and go KC with them and try to resolve the outstanding feud of TV and TD without any "help".

I have all evidence to prove what I'm saying, there is no room for Roger to deny anything. My h/p number is company registered, I had original copy of detail incoming and outgoing calls. I have witness and SMS to prove everything.

The SMS that Roger send me giving me TD's particular to post in SBF is still intact, actually I have the chance to show it to the realm bros when I'm in KL last week (company annual general meeting in KL) but I did not wish to do that as I would not want things to turn more ugly for Roger, hoping my belief in "live and let live" will work out.

I dare Roger to challenge me in his blog that all I've mentioned here is not the truth. Since Roger is so "honest" nowadays, I think my little honesty won't hurt him also.

I have too many things about Roger. From his PM to me after I declared I'm no longer his friend in SBF, to real life informations I've collected about him in hty. I'm more willing to be honest like what Roger is trying to do now.
Old 20-12-2006, 04:38 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Cyber@id View Post
I have too many things about Roger. From his PM to me after I declared I'm no longer his friend in SBF, to real life informations I've collected about him in hty. I'm more willing to be honest like what Roger is trying to do now.
please share with us what this low life scum is lke and all his shit and all his skeletal in his closet.

live and let live aint gonna work on tis fella...he is the champion in distorting facts and manipulating the forum and samsters for his own personal benefits.

he out from sbf as claim??haha,no way,it should be he stop using thaivisitor nick but is always here in another incarnation.
Beware of this SBF conster Roger Lim aka Thaivisitor aka Midnightiger.
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