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Old 01-05-2021, 11:14 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
up you bro, you flied to phil to visit her right, good partner, and all the best to both of you.
There was a roller coaster grand mother story when I first flied to Manila via Bangkok, And we supposed to meet there. I'll tell you the whole story when I'm free to open. Cheers..
Old 02-05-2021, 02:09 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

This is the story about the roller coaster virgin flight to Manila to meet the maid.

With her few months before she decided to back for good. So thought that is just a short happening like everyone in here.
Met her the night before leaving and she was really sad to part, and could felt that is really from the bottom of the heart. Next day when she is at the airport before departure, was on the phone for hours and she cried like a baby. So touched.
Still in contact after she was back at home and everything was on the negative. To cheer her up, I decided to plan a trip to Bangkok with her. I arrange everything from flights to accommodation with her name to make sure she could leave her country due to the strict rules in php.
She left home the night before flight time due to the poor transportation system at the province, and spent the night in airport. She took the first flight from her place to Manila for transit to the flight to Bangkok. And I was on the way to changi airport. On my way to airport, I recieved her call and realized that she was denied from departure. She was crying and stressed in the airport and I totally helpless. Still communicate with her before I board the flight and I asked her to seek help over there. The flight for me seems like the longest journey compared to the usual time that I had before.
After landed in Bangkok, I called her and confirmed that she was grounded there. She bagged me to fly to Manila if possible. And I was like headless chicken moving in the airport for hours, and decided to go to the hotel to gain my consciousness. I was totally down even I was around patpong area, as the hotel is nearby. This was the only trip in Bangkok that I didn't even have an hour massage. On the phone most of the time and clueless. Very bad day one in Bangkok and drunk the first night in room, alone. Finally decided on the second day afternoon and searched for flight to Manila plus looking for accommodation over there. Spending all day online and finally all done. Took a 5am flight from Bangkok and arrived about 10am. I'm so bloody nervous over there as this is the first trip there, alone. Waited in the taxi pickup point and she came on cab. And you can imagine the scene when both met....

Nothing to highlight during the 3 nights stay.

On the day we need to part in the airport, we realized that her flight back home was denied due to incomplete journey. Fortunately I was there to pay for her ticket appox S$250 for her to get home. Imagine if I'm not there and stay in Bangkok till I'm back to sg...

I think this is faith if you think otherwise. And of course I made a second trip there 6 weeks later, before she is here the following month. Till now...
Old 02-05-2021, 02:14 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Now can fly to manila? I thought theres a lock down and only citizen can enter Philippine?
Old 02-05-2021, 02:29 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by everyday1song View Post
This is the story about the roller coaster virgin flight to Manila to meet the maid.

I think this is faith if you think otherwise. And of course I made a second trip there 6 weeks later, before she is here the following month. Till now...
Damn screw up but you're damn patient. It's either love, compassion or guilt... if its guilt, honestly, there are many more under-privileged or disadvantaged in Singapore. Just take a good look and see... It's not the money they need in Singapore but the precious care and time required but nobody to help.
Old 02-05-2021, 07:06 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Since we are talking about filipina, I'm meeting one for about 3months.

She has partner in ph with 3 kids. initially shy but still willing to try.

What shocked me was that she was so experienced in bed. She knew everything from deep throat, 69 etc

I hear hotels are cheap to rent in ph. I think the partner trained her well. Any other guys experience the same with filipina?
Old 02-05-2021, 12:41 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Be careful of "white Knight" wannabe. Be careful what you share here. Some joker can screenshot here, go search for your DH and then show her all that is happening around here.
Old 02-05-2021, 02:30 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by everyday1song View Post
20 years apart. No kids on list. Plan should be after 10 years from now. Wouldn't be staying anywhere for but an anchor point for me from time to time, if she settled back home. Will assists her to run an eatery since she can cook really well, like local food. Food business is quite safe if does it cheap and good way. Other thoughts maybe Thailand if able to get documents done. Trying my best to do something for her in any possible way. Unless unforeseen happened, then too bad.
I can't really tell why I'm doing this. But it just happens that way.
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Old 02-05-2021, 02:56 PM
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Last edited by dopeshit; 03-05-2021 at 10:30 AM. Reason: bad
Old 02-05-2021, 03:08 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by dopeshit View Post
Anyone up before?

Yah. 1000 times
Old 02-05-2021, 05:45 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by bababoo View Post
Yah. 1000 times
Another loser !!! 😂😂😂
Old 02-05-2021, 07:10 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by spyonspy View Post
Since we are talking about filipina, I'm meeting one for about 3months.

She has partner in ph with 3 kids. initially shy but still willing to try.

What shocked me was that she was so experienced in bed. She knew everything from deep throat, 69 etc

I hear hotels are cheap to rent in ph. I think the partner trained her well. Any other guys experience the same with filipina?
Bro..... if she has partner and 3 kids in the PH..... you are playing with fire.
PI does not recognise divorce and even if they live apart for several years.... he is legally still her husband.
He can file a report against you if he catches you sleeping with his "wife" and demand compensation. Knowing how the PI system works..... I am very sure the cops would gladly follow up on his report as they too would stand to gain by arresting you.

Think carefully and make preparations if you insist on going there to meet her.
Old 02-05-2021, 09:36 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

I have engaged Filipino helper for fetish before, I paid a random pinoy maid $50 to dominate me.

She came with me to the staircase (at a place where no CCTV), I took my pants down and she kicked me in the testicles.

This might sound like a joke, but its' real. You can look up 'ballbusting' online if you want, it's a real fetish.
Old 02-05-2021, 09:38 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by everyday1song View Post
This is the story about the roller coaster virgin flight to Manila to meet the maid.

With her few months before she decided to back for good. So thought that is just a short happening like everyone in here.
Met her the night before leaving and she was really sad to part, and could felt that is really from the bottom of the heart. Next day when she is at the airport before departure, was on the phone for hours and she cried like a baby. So touched.
Still in contact after she was back at home and everything was on the negative. To cheer her up, I decided to plan a trip to Bangkok with her. I arrange everything from flights to accommodation with her name to make sure she could leave her country due to the strict rules in php.
She left home the night before flight time due to the poor transportation system at the province, and spent the night in airport. She took the first flight from her place to Manila for transit to the flight to Bangkok. And I was on the way to changi airport. On my way to airport, I recieved her call and realized that she was denied from departure. She was crying and stressed in the airport and I totally helpless. Still communicate with her before I board the flight and I asked her to seek help over there. The flight for me seems like the longest journey compared to the usual time that I had before.
After landed in Bangkok, I called her and confirmed that she was grounded there. She bagged me to fly to Manila if possible. And I was like headless chicken moving in the airport for hours, and decided to go to the hotel to gain my consciousness. I was totally down even I was around patpong area, as the hotel is nearby. This was the only trip in Bangkok that I didn't even have an hour massage. On the phone most of the time and clueless. Very bad day one in Bangkok and drunk the first night in room, alone. Finally decided on the second day afternoon and searched for flight to Manila plus looking for accommodation over there. Spending all day online and finally all done. Took a 5am flight from Bangkok and arrived about 10am. I'm so bloody nervous over there as this is the first trip there, alone. Waited in the taxi pickup point and she came on cab. And you can imagine the scene when both met....

Nothing to highlight during the 3 nights stay.

On the day we need to part in the airport, we realized that her flight back home was denied due to incomplete journey. Fortunately I was there to pay for her ticket appox S$250 for her to get home. Imagine if I'm not there and stay in Bangkok till I'm back to sg...

I think this is faith if you think otherwise. And of course I made a second trip there 6 weeks later, before she is here the following month. Till now...
bro really very touching, wish both of you happy and peace ...
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Old 02-05-2021, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by funboi View Post
anyone wana claim this case?


i see the age of the girl hor wa the guy probably above 75yo liao now!
If the father is a bangala, find already go back India? They think old man has cpf, want to swallow all his cpf monies.
Old 02-05-2021, 10:44 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
anyone wana claim this case?


i see the age of the girl hor wa the guy probably above 75yo liao now!
Maybe go sell salted egg already? 🙄🙄
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