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Old 14-08-2006, 04:24 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by dc8888
all there... or you just change some 100 chip... hold it .. play with it the god of gambler.. they will come to you..
must be 100 chip.. 500 / 1000 .. you will hike the price..
150 to 200 depends on the size of the neh neh..heheh
hahahaha, oic, tks for the adv. Din't know the value of the chip held in hand also affect the pricing. U the can lah, even take note of all these details.
Old 14-08-2006, 05:39 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

you dun belief.. you try to do that with 5 buck / 25 buck chip.... see the PRC got time for you or not..
5 in a stack too little, PRc cannot see
10 will be just nice to hold and make some terak terak sound... more than 10 chip.. difficult to hold..
Old 14-08-2006, 06:36 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

i went to genting last time. you have to really bet big and they will come to you. it just like the theory of wanna big fish...
Old 18-08-2006, 01:07 AM
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Thumbs down Re: GENTING got fun bor?

ok ppl, after joining this forum for some time, i finally found the guts to try out my self.

well i went up to Genting this afternoon, was at the casino in First World, wonder around trying to look for mei mei. walk around like an idiot for about an hours but it was unfruitful. dam feeling hornier as each second pass by, then suddenly i saw this petite girl sitting by the slot machine all by her self, so i sit at the machine beside her and stay playing on the slot machine, after awhile, the girl turn to me and ask me if i wanted have fun and claim that she is good at massaging. i reply by asking how much, and she offered at RM220, i tried to bargain but she say busines is bad and that i am the first client so she will give me special treatment. At that time, my little brother was already very horny and doing all the thinking so agreed, and we walk together to her room. While walking i tried to hugged her and she didnt reject, so raba raba while walking to the lift until we reach the room, once reach the room she ask me to strip and and shower. told her that i have just shower, so she proceed with giving me a blow job follow by fj. Her attitude totally change once inside the room. But what the hell, its in the afternoon and my didi is dam horny so just quickly finish it, pay her and go off. overall, i would rate this first try of my as a waste of monny.

Name: Yan Ning
Age: 28
Face: 5/10 so so, but fair complexion
Boobs: A little big but saggy.
FK: Yes(very passionate)
BBBJ: 5/10,my first time, dunno how to rate.
French: Dont even allow to kiss her chic
FJ: 4/10
Damage: RM220

i rather use my hand to play with my brother
Old 20-08-2006, 06:20 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

The PRC at genting all rush job. I think go down KL better...
Old 20-08-2006, 11:15 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

jus came back frm genting wif my frens.
we went to the decent ktv there, be a star. but surprise surprise, after we checked in, 1 of the waitress asked us if we needed women company, we didnt take coz got 2 girls with us already. sian, wonde if any bro here encounter b4 ??
Just do it !
Old 21-08-2006, 11:35 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

serious bro ?! be a star also got provide chick company? i did saw lots of nic chicks there but dunno they are the type of gals or not? anyone got experience here before ?!
Old 21-08-2006, 11:43 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by justl00king
The PRC at genting all rush job. I think go down KL better...
I am so agree with you, i have tried few PRC at genting, most of them give u a rush job, as if like not expect you to take her again... KL is a heaven man....
Old 03-09-2006, 12:06 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by jerrystockton
I am so agree with you, i have tried few PRC at genting, most of them give u a rush job, as if like not expect you to take her again....
My friend and I drove up to Genting on Friday and we returned this morning.We were quite aware of the PRC FL there so really didn't want to do anything except to gamble.We were quite lucky on the blackjack table.It was 11.30 when we left the casino.When we were going down the escalator to the lift area, we saw this quite pretty PRC smiling at us.My friend returned her smile and told me she must tbe a FL.Sure enuff, the PRC approached us and asked: " you want some comfort?" My friend was quite horny and also he had won $$$$.

How much? $200 - everything,the full course , the PRC told him.He then asked where? Resort Hotel.My friend turned to me and asked " you interested?". I was very tired after the long drive and I told him to go ahead. He came back an hour's later scold fathers and scold mothers.I asked him what happened and then told me the fucking truth about this PRC.

" Her name Liow somethin from Shanghai.28 years old, not bad looking.She promised the full course.So happy went along with her.When we reached the Resort Hotel, she said. Not here.Theme Park Hotel.I toolan already.First Lie. Bohpian, followed her across the road to Theme Park. You go to 10th floor and wait for me! Bohpian went up 10th floor and waited.After 5 mins, the girl came and then led me to the room.One filthy untidy room with all the wet towers all over.Why like that? Oh I share room with my friends.Why so smoky? Oh my clients smoke. I don't smoke.Quite fed up already."

" I sat there for a while.She told me "what are you doing? don' t you want to have fun?" I toolan again. So I undressed myself. Then she asked for money.Don't mind pay first.So I gave her R200.Then she undressed and lay on the bed.Nothing to shut about.No nipplinig.No kissing the breasts.So painful.Not comfortable. No blow job? No. No frenching? No. No rabba rabba? No, I'm in a hurry.Got some more customers coming.So hurry.She quickly capped me and then lay down.No blow job.No tinkering.Put my capped didi into her love hole and then started pumping.I toolan already.Didi also cannot stand.Soft. Why like that? You want a handjob? No I pay for a full course.Pumped missionary for a while.Fed up."

"Ask her to turn doggie.She reluctantly turned round.Complained painful.Complained so long.Complained tired.Complained and complained.Wow you make my life miserable by pumping like this. I got fed up.Unloaded everything on her and finished it off. She kept on asking.cum or not? cum or not? Quickly lah.I got customers coming.Cum or not. I got more toolan and gave my last bolt and finished it off."

"I cleaned up.Quickly left the room.The girl asked.Why in a hurry? Any small fees for me? I so toolan already and quickly left.What a fuck!"

My friend returned to our room full of anger and full of complaints.The worst fuck ever he told me. He quickly took a bath and washed himself. Never take a PRC he swore! They are all fakes and cheats. I laughed and laughed. Obviously he didn't read Sammyboy.I laughed and laughed at his stupid fuck!

So brothers going up Gentings, please be fore warned.Don't be cheated by these PRCs.My humble advice: go and gamble and don't bonk in Gentings!!!
Old 03-09-2006, 12:51 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by bongster_88
My friend and I drove up to Genting on Friday and we returned this morning.We were quite aware of the PRC FL there so really didn't want to do anything except to gamble.We were quite lucky on the blackjack table.It was 11.30 when we left the casino.When we were going down the escalator to the lift area, we saw this quite pretty PRC smiling at us.My friend returned her smile and told me she must tbe a FL.Sure enuff, the PRC approached us and asked: " you want some comfort?" My friend was quite horny and also he had won $$$$.
So brothers going up Gentings, please be fore warned.Don't be cheated by these PRCs.My humble advice: go and gamble and don't bonk in Gentings!!!
Bro Bongster88,
Your frined really share my sorrow ler. After i read ur post, my anger really come so decided to share my bad experience with all bro here. I went up to Genting few months back with 2 of my friends. Luck was bad, donated RM 500to Uncle Lim, so were my friends. On our way back, 2 PRC were standing nearby the escalator. Smiled with us, then we smiled back. Asked for price, she offerd RM 250, after bargain price reduced to RM200, what else... on lor. Took me to the hotel, can't recall Genting or Highland Hotel. Reached the room, another PRC was fucking inside the room, i suggested to come down.She said better not as the security were tight. So, i sat on the staircase (emergency exist) for about 10 min. Customer came out, so my turn lor. Went inside asked me to undressed and told me no need to take bath as she is not going to give me bj, i feel unhappy and about to dress myself. She were begging and tryin to explained that she got sore throat and promised to give me good service on bed. So i said ok lor...
Once she undressed herself staright laid on bed like dead fish and asked me to do fuck her. I told her that she already promised to give me good service ??She said try missionary 1st, then doggie and so on. Very toolan, so i told myself to fuck her kau kau and gave her a lesson. After i fuck her a while asked her to changed position. She reluctant to do it and while we were fucking, her phone ringing and told me that one of her customer was about to come. bloody hell, i was very angry , once unloaded i quickly left the room and told myself never fuck another PRC in Genting.
Old 03-09-2006, 04:46 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by jerrystockton
Bro Bongster88,
Your frined really share my sorror....bloody hell, i was very angry , once unloaded i quickly left the room and told myself never fuck another PRC in Genting.
Thank you Bor Jerry for sharing your painful and sorrowful experience in Gentings. I hope Bros will take care when up in the sky there. The other thing I noticed : a few of these PRC FLs actually gamble,but very small stakes and their eyes roving around ,looking at your chips and looking at your winnings. I sat besides this rather chiobu playing roulette.She kept looking at my chips and my winnings.Not bad she said.You are in luck.When it's time for me to take my winnings, she smiled and asked.You want to be comfortable? I smiled and said sey sey.

You are right about the security.You don't find those FLs openly in the casino itself.They have gone into hiding.But even outside, they stand discreetly away.Some with OKTs. The escalators outside the casino are favourite place as you exit - win or lose, they take their chances.If you win, you tend to be a bit reckless and you think with your horny head.Then they get you.Promise everything from head to toe. They always say fool course.But when you go into their untidy room, you will puke.The unclean towels are all over! To wait for her roommate to finish fucking is really too much! That's enough to drive one crazy!

My impression is this: they can't be bothered with services.They take your money and that's it! You want it or leave it.And one word of advice: these PRCs I'm sure have protective OKTs.So don't mess with them.They'll not hesitate to make your life miserable.Not worth it.Pay up and disappear.

Thank you Bro for sharing.I hope Bros will be more careful in Gentings.
Old 05-09-2006, 08:15 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

i think i gotta 'die c0ck stand' already.
i will be going to genting with my wife next week. (both of us gamble, but different tables)
How am i suppose to have a 'pleasant release'?
I can't go to KL as i cannot dissappear for too long. (i might not drive there)
Any suggestions bros?
Thank you in advance.
Old 05-09-2006, 08:46 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

easy... go gamble half way ,tell her you want to go back to the room for something.. whatever lah.. your hand phone or your lucky gem stone... reach room gave her a call say .. jumpa kawan.. now go gamble in other casino.. you enjoy yourself.. than faster go and do a quick one..
Old 06-09-2006, 12:12 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

This is just like Macau and street style scene! Fast buck every min counts!

Chinese saying(LO FOO TIU HAI) Tiger mating! Couple of jerks and cum in sec!

Old 06-09-2006, 12:20 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Bro .... Bongster 88

Brother pity your friend .... if you have read me FR ... you would have rightly advise your friend not to waste $$ at genting....

All KL brothers.....

just return from Genting trip 29/04. A special halo to brother KLKOOL, Shiok1968, Dekuip.

Genting got fun bo ???? you all ask.

yes! one of my kakis pay PRC RM150 and he f..ked 3 times !

RM150, 3 times ???? so shiok ???.... wait a minute !!! let me con't....


Location of contact - first world casino jackpot area
Asking price - RM200 ... nego to deal at RM150, her room first world

Name : (something ...ling) my kaki don't wish to remember
Age : she say 25, look mid 20s - 30 (can't really tell, with make up)
height : below 1.6m
shape : a bit freshy
boobs : B+ soft
BBBj : less than 20 second w/cap
Fj : missionary only ! every thing cannot
Sound effect : None
GFE : haha ...... dead fish ...
RTF : she pay him RM150, he say he may consider.

(sorry no rating, my kaki do not know how to rate)

Where is the 3 times ????? ........


1st f..k ----- inside her room at first world, (my kaki say the room got aroma terapy but was of sprem fragance .... hahaha)
2nd f..k ----- came out of her room .... #@xyz%^KNNBCB
3rd f..k ----- came back to our room .......... abc@#% xyz$$%&*@3 ... my kaki come back "kan ka bo lark", for what i know he pay RM150 and minimium f...k 3 times !! hahaha.......

Conclusion & advise :
Go Genting, you gamble ! don't f..k !
if you need to f..k, take a cab down to KL HC .... cab fare RM60 (return RM120) only (for 4 pax), you get better quality bonk.

recommendation --- Spa de Palace or SkyRiver, (see threads)


* brothers .... pls don't PM me for the contact .... i do not have and even i have i would not recommend her to you. if not you end up have to f..k 4 times, the 4th times would be --- ME !

Brother .... Bob

*This Weekend going ... you know !
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