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Old 29-10-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

was at PT just now ard 1pm & boy.. it's started to get crowded alredy... went frm hse to hse with my hitlist, rina not working, Joyce room locked, Ann long Q... by 1.30pm, most WLs start to come & then at h14, saw a familiar face, violet!!! but she goin to toilet & caught me staring at her...

anyway, here's a short fr:

look: 8/10
body: 7/10
bbbj: 9/10 - slow & shiok, almost cum, cannot tahan..
ar : I dun wan...
fj : 7/10 - lasted only 5mins b'cos bbbj too good..

rtf : definitely...

actually the last time I had violet was many yrs back in the previous place. but frankly, she looked more chio now...
Old 29-10-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Bro Fornicator, I dont think of frenching her..

Just bonk and forgot. thats all. yes,she provide good sexual service even just for CAT30.

I like the one whom I had encountered this afternoon, (she is tall, and glared at me with a air of arrogrance when she stood by the door..nice body, 36C breasts...) Based on your FRs on that woman, she is one of top grade..
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 29-10-2010, 06:45 PM
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Talking H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50) > GL CAT80

As i last mentioned in my last FR that i think most of the available ex GL150 i tried.

It's time to move to the ex GL80...
Actually in my honest opinion. I believe some ex-cat150 cannot fight with ex-cat80. e.g Vivi...

So once again i pop by with an intention to find this Joey.
I last saw her when i went to find MJ to bonk her hard hard before she went on leave. I remember she's quite cute.. she got a round cute face with chubby cheeks and small petite lips.

A Short Fr on H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50)

Face: 7/10 (Sweet)
Body: 7/10 (Smooth, abit tanned)
BBBJ: 8/10 (Quite good in this, but limited style)
FJ: 6/10 (Quite boring, she gives the face that she in pain, not enjoying)
AR: 5/10 (I think she don't like it)
Cathbath: 7/10 (Above average)
Room: 8/10 (I seriously like her room, big and nice mirror)

Any bros out there is patronizing her frequently?
I feel that if her standard if really pump up, can fight with MJ...
Perhaps i keep rtf few more times... and see if she will improve.

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Old 29-10-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by ben69 View Post
was at PT just now ard 1pm & boy.. it's started to get crowded alredy... went frm hse to hse with my hitlist, rina not working, Joyce room locked, Ann long Q... by 1.30pm, most WLs start to come & then at h14, saw a familiar face, violet!!! but she goin to toilet & caught me staring at her...

anyway, here's a short fr:

look: 8/10
body: 7/10
bbbj: 9/10 - slow & shiok, almost cum, cannot tahan..
ar : I dun wan...
fj : 7/10 - lasted only 5mins b'cos bbbj too good..

rtf : definitely...

actually the last time I had violet was many yrs back in the previous place. but frankly, she looked more chio now...

Good Fr Bro... Upz U.. Cheers
Old 30-10-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50) > GL CAT80

Originally Posted by xiaobudian View Post
Any bros out there is patronizing her frequently?
I feel that if her standard if really pump up, can fight with MJ...
Perhaps i keep rtf few more times... and see if she will improve.
Yes, she is my regular. Keep on RTF. If she show you a lousy face. French her.
Did you french her?. I find her nice. She always remember me. So next time you not satisfy, pay her $50 and rape her.
Bro, when I regain my power, I will up you back. Thanks
Old 30-10-2010, 06:32 PM
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Re: H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50) > GL CAT80

Originally Posted by 0939 View Post
If she show you a lousy face. French her.
Woo bro good trick, but if she reject the frenching then how, forced frienching ?

Btw I really dont like to french those girls thinking they ar so many peoples there
Old 30-10-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Went to PT after work... Walked around and settled for H20R168's Mabel(CAT 30) since she assured me it's gonna be a good session. At first thought im gonna be very disappointed but wow the services are top notch(better than some CAT 50 to be honest). She's okay with many things, like 69 position and frenching etc.

Looks: 4.5/10(Think in her 40s already?)
Body: 5/10
BBBJ: 7/10
AR: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
Service: 9/10(Really really friendly and very very good service...)

Rtf: Probably not, because im a sucker for looks...(i dont know what made me to try her that day though lol...) But her service is definitely good!
Old 31-10-2010, 12:54 AM
youarechibi youarechibi is offline
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by XxSephirothxX View Post
Went to PT after work... Walked around and settled for H20R168's Mabel(CAT 30) since she assured me it's gonna be a good session. At first thought im gonna be very disappointed but wow the services are top notch(better than some CAT 50 to be honest). She's okay with many things, like 69 position and frenching etc.

Looks: 4.5/10(Think in her 40s already?)
Body: 5/10
BBBJ: 7/10
AR: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
Service: 9/10(Really really friendly and very very good service...)

Rtf: Probably not, because im a sucker for looks...(i dont know what made me to try her that day though lol...) But her service is definitely good!

Bro, since the services are top notch, the grade can be 8.0 or higher since she deserve it mah. Satisfied customer help her to sell KoYo since she up keep her skill mah. Description on how customer feel high will make others lanciao bigbig ready to have sex with her or buay ta han PCC immdiately leh.
Bro just suggestion only, fyi

Old 31-10-2010, 08:49 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
Bro Fornicator, I dont think of frenching her..

Just bonk and forgot. thats all. yes,she provide good sexual service even just for CAT30.

I like the one whom I had encountered this afternoon, (she is tall, and glared at me with a air of arrogrance when she stood by the door..nice body, 36C breasts...) Based on your FRs on that woman, she is one of top grade..
No worries Bro, if you don't think of frenching, it's fine as we all have our different styles or preference.

I am intrigued by this WLs you mentioned, " she is tall, and glared at me with a air of arrogrance when she stood by the door..nice body, 36C breasts...". Me FR on her? I don't even know who? Can share House and Room number? Ah May yes, I gort FR on her, she is ok.

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Old 31-10-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by XxSephirothxX View Post
H20R168's Mabel(CAT 30) since she assured me it's gonna be a good session.

Looks: 4.5/10(Think in her 40s already?)
Body: 5/10
BBBJ: 7/10
AR: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
Service: 9/10(Really really friendly and very very good service...)
well find bro, for Cat 30 seldom got BBBJ/AR services, worth the $$$.

How you compare her look with the H24R14 Cloud? that one also $30 and also provide very good services
Old 31-10-2010, 04:47 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience


I am intrigued by this WLs you mentioned, " she is tall, and glared at me with a air of arrogrance when she stood by the door..nice body, 36C breasts...". Me FR on her? I don't even know who? Can share House and Room number? Ah May yes, I gort FR on her, she is ok.


After finish session, he will go out the main door. There are only 3 WLs he should see, Carol, Ah Leng and Jolene. So which one got 36C?
Old 31-10-2010, 06:52 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

bro 0939,

I am not referring to gals at house 11.

After session, I walked around to see, see... Then WL from another house opened door, she gave me high and mighty look-(you wanna try me?) kind of look.

I will try her this week.
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 31-10-2010, 09:10 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Today was certainly not my day, sigh. Waited for more than 2 hrs (light was on) and at the end of the wait, the house closed that end of the corridor..........

Will come back tomorrow.......

She had that 2 hour saturday booking, wished she had switched off the light, so that I didn't have to wait so long, she is the only one I go for my service (for BJ and HJ she is the best in my opinion, slow & sensual)

Old 31-10-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by 0939 View Post
Latest news

Coco's murderer is still at large. He left behind some DNA and is in the Police database. As Coco used to rejecting Malays or Banglas. Probable revenge was the motive as her personal belongings were untouched. She was stabbed in the abdomen and her colleague saw a dark-skinned man walking briskly after the incident.
So any bros know which house & unit the murder took place?
Pm me to exchange points! min 4 pointers pls
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:24 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by nippon View Post
Today was certainly not my day, sigh. Waited for more than 2 hrs (light was on) and at the end of the wait, the house closed that end of the corridor..........

Will come back tomorrow.......

She had that 2 hour saturday booking, wished she had switched off the light, so that I didn't have to wait so long, she is the only one I go for my service (for BJ and HJ she is the best in my opinion, slow & sensual)

And who would this WL be? No indication of house or room number. Not even name, how we know who you are talking about?

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