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Old 05-06-2012, 08:04 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

i recommend you to spend at least half a day to visit the National Museum , newly renovated last year i think , it displayed china history 1,000 years ago till now , with both Chinese and English explanation , worth the time !! its located just next to forbidden city

enjoy !
Old 06-06-2012, 08:40 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Currently in bj, have any of you guys tried the outcall service from ctc cards thrown into the taxis?

What a way to promote their services. Lol.

Are these outcall services any good at all?

Called one of them to check. 1200+300(overnight fee). So expensive!
Old 07-06-2012, 09:12 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by max3759 View Post
Don't have a lot of post under my nick so decide to contribute a little, slowly..... =)

In Beijing for business trip and decide to try out Xiao Yu's services. Called her in the afternoon but found out that Lin Lin and Ying Ying both 'not convenient'......she recommended Dan Dan which I decided to try cos I think read a report about her somewhere in here.

She arrived about 50 mins later. First look, very pretty face, more of a elder sister feeling than SYT, but very friendly. She said she is from Chengdu, good place with pretty girls.

Once in the room, she gave a hug and went to shower. After that, everything is quite SOP, but she was very sporting and chatty, which was good. Only downside is that her body is a little saggy, which was quite a disappointment. But her good service and attitude made up for that.

Looks : 7.5/10
Body : 5/10
BJ : 8/10 (BBBJ not offered, before I know it, caps on)
FJ : 8/10 (accomodating to different position, made a lot of noises)
GFE : 8:10

Overall, the process is a little mechanical, which was a negative, but the GFE was not bad.

RTF : not sure, might try others first.
I agreed with you. Dan Dan do not allow kisses, let alone French. Covered BJ not BBBJ. For me she doesn't look attractive, a bit squarish face. Definitely not going to call for her again.

Not sure about Lin Lin and Ying Ying under Xiaoyu. Some good comments but yet to try to confirm.
Old 07-06-2012, 01:03 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Finlly found the place...北京七星岛
Went there last month tried a real Korean student with korea passport. Lots of russians as well.

Can some bro who is base in Beijing go recce and write a FR on it?
Lately heard the governement is reporting back alot of illegal immigrants especially the blacks roaming in sanlitun to their motherland. Dunno if the club still have stocks?

Got 2 location:


电话:010-65125588, 1781
Old 07-06-2012, 05:17 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by tamelio View Post
i recommend you to spend at least half a day to visit the National Museum , newly renovated last year i think , it displayed china history 1,000 years ago till now , with both Chinese and English explanation , worth the time !! its located just next to forbidden city

enjoy !
Thanks bro, just came back from the museum! it's awesome! Really worth the time.
Gonna explore the pick up bars later tonight. Hopefully have some good encounters to share.
Old 07-06-2012, 05:52 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

managed to contact amy as xiaojiao did not pick up her phone. will be seeing her tonight. FR to come
Old 07-06-2012, 06:02 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Just backfrom Beijing.

Here's my humble report

1) My client tried one of the outcall but he said was disappointed and just passed her a couple of hundreds to send her away. I ask her why, he said the girl that came was really not attractive, look and boob both 4/10, fell down from the sky after looking at those photos here..haha. So gave up we go dining.

2) Went to this place call "Mango". Not bad russian dancers , beautiful. Nice food as well.

3) "Maggie" a pub/disco with alot of peoples but mostly angmos. Girls quite chio, mostly mongolian and chinese.

4)" Chocolate " this place is nice. Big and impressive. Dancers at all corners and customers all mixed. Lots of russians and mongolian and chinese girls. I thik some may be Korean. Drinks about 30 yuan, quite reasonable.

Old 07-06-2012, 06:39 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

thanks for your honest report, bro noobiedick, up you my humble 3 points...

as there are so many OKTs, independent girls, sensual massage providers, old and new, and plenty of FRs, honest or dishonest on this board, appearently, for you bros who are not familar with all(or perhaps any) of them, it's becoming more and more difficult to choose one(or some) to your liking in a more efficient and economical way.

so i decide to spend a little time making a belief guide after having tried all the major OKTs. i think it can save your time and money in finding talent of your type. of course, if you have plenty of time and do not mind paying more cab fares, just ignore this posting, because the simplest way is to call up them one by one, talent will be sent to your room back and forth, until you find the right one...

=== two interesting things first ===

1. about picture

as we know, most OKTs have their websites, and many girls with their names and pictures will usually be listed on websites. unfortunately, they are all fake, especially when you are attracted deeply by the glorious beauty on the picture... and usually they don't have so many girls at all, as you'll know after calling several times for different girls...

so it's totally a waste of time to discuss whether the pictures of these glorious beauties are genuine or not... use your head to think a bit hard: is it possible to fxck such a beauty only paying 500+100 cab fare? but to my surprise, some OKTs, even some bros who put FRs on this board, claimed that they are definitely genuine... don't know why... maybe the only way is when you ask for the one on the picture, you will be told that she's not available at that time/this day/these days... WTF!

An interesting way is to send the picture of your type girl to a certain OKT and ask the OKT deliver a similar girl according to the picture you have sent, haha...

2. about OKTs' attitude and honest

fortunately, all these major OKTs on this board are usually service-oriented and honest. so you can feel free to change if you don't like, only paying cab fare... actually, they have to be honest and service-oriented. If not, we bros shall blame to them and down their reputation...

=== five major OKTs on this board ===

1. Lily, Fiona, Xiaoyu

actually, these three OKTs can be in a same category. they all have talent with great attitude and service but lack of looks, usually just average looks and a bit old, especially Lily and Fiona.

Fiona's talent is almost a mirror image of Lily's, but you'll pay extra 500 for each Fiona's talent... don't know why, maybe it's Fiona's market strategy- high price always means high quality!

Xiaoyu's talent slightly better on looks than Lily and Fiona's , but not as good as Lily and Fiona's on service, also slightly - usually Lily and Fiona's talent gives a good BBBJ, but Xiaoyu's only Covered BJ.

another downside of these three OKTs is they don't have so many girls to choose and change, especially Xiaoyu and Fiona.

so if you are looking for girls with great GFE and service, and do not care too much their looks and age, all these three OKTs are your cup of tea, alongside Maria's 500+100 cab quality talent.

2. Maria

Maria and Lily are the oldest OKTs on this board. she provides two kinds of talent: 500+100 next door girl, and model quality girl charging from 800 to 1500 or above.

Maria's 500+100 cab next door girl almost a mirror image of Xiaoyu's, usually above average looks, and provide Covered BJ. but some talent of hers like Yinzi provides great service and BBBJ as well, and looks tall and pretty, but a bit old...

Maria's model quality girls have wonderful appearance, young and tall, their net height all above 168 cms. but they are usually lack of service, in my opinion, their service just passable. and no overnight option for Maria's model talent. so if you are a service lover, please do not call for her model quality girls...

another advantage of Maria is there are a great number of girls in her hand, so seems you can always get your type girl after a good conversation...

3. Escort China

this is a very special providers, seems only pretty and young talent will be sent. one day, i even got a 15-year-old talent(real, i saw her identity card) with very nice body and tight pussy... some bros would be say it's illegal in the PRC law, haha...

if you are looking for a really pretty face and young body, and do not care too much about service, Escort China's 500+100 cab pretty& young talent definitely will not let you disappointed.

the downside is lack of service as well, just passable, even though these angels are often appearing with a sunny face and friendly smile... so if you are service lover, please do not call up this OKT.

besides, Escort China also provides high quality model girls, almost a mirror image of Maria's, usually charging 800 or 1000. both 500+100 talent and high quality model talent have no overnight option, and only serve Asian bros, for they little pussy can not handle western bros big cock, haha...

=== ctcs of all these five major OKTs ===

Lily: 13552885100
Fiona: 13581916890
Xiaoyu: 13651223962
Maria: 13911246512
Escort China: 15901557624

Originally Posted by noobiedick View Post
Been in Beijing for 3 nights now. Had 2 girls from Lily which is okay but nothing to shout about. She is a reliable OKT and so I tend to go back to her; unable to tell what a real FR and what's fake. If Lily really wants to beat the competitors, she needs to work on the looks department for her girls. They have great attitude and services but lacks the look and consistency.

Both girls average 6.5
Body 6.5-7 (first girl had great skin but funny smell...)
FJ 6 (passable)
Can even remember their name but $600 RMB category

I decided to try Xiao Jiao tonight. Lost Kim's contact so I could not get her girls. The description from both brothers are accurate in general but I would differ on the ratings.

Looks: 5.5
Body: 7-8
Boob: 6.5 (Definitely a C, real but not firm like those you see on young girls)
Massage: 6
HJ: 6
GFE: 6

Like what brother Hayashi said, she'll strip to bra and panties. She will also rub her nose and lips around your nipples (but not lick/suck it).

What I like about her is that she is funny, friendly and easily likeable. However, you will not have the urge to approach or fuck her if you see her in the street.

What I don't like? Rates are already high for an average massage at $600 RMB. GFE is at least 3 notches lower than Kim's girls. I ask her to remove her blouse and show her cleavage and she obliged... but... she said I need to pay another $500 if I touch her, she is willing to strip fully naked if I give her another $500 RMB and fuck will be another $500 RMB. She couldn't fuck tonight though as she has menses. WTF.

In the end, I get to touch her at no cost as I was deflated and couldn't cum. She said I can touch her so I would not be unhappy.


Two more nights. I'll try Escort China and Xiaoyu... keep you guys posted.

let's enjoy the pleasures of the here and now as the disaster of worldwide scope is coming soon...
Old 07-06-2012, 07:13 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

From my past work stints in beijing, i discovered that many massage parlour looking shops whose shop names say ___ xiu xi suo actually provide sex services...Some do not provide massage at all and straight away provide sex without massage... Very run down conditions though...
Old 08-06-2012, 03:02 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Tried the services of Amy.

Looks: 6.5/10 (But really grows on you)
Boobs: B+ (Would have preferred it a tad bigger)
Figure: 7/10 (I have a thing for fair gals which she is)
Massage: 6/10
HJ: 8/10 (Very hardworking and knows how to prolong the pleasure)

Damage: 300(massage plus HJ) + 100 (Take off bra) + 50 (taxi)

Hardworking gal. Total length of service was about 2hours. Good GFE, nice talking to her. Autoroamed her whole body except her V.

RTM? Maybe. Still yet to try a full outcall services. First time trying to have some fun overseas. LOL. But definitely would recommend it to fellow bros who are not looking for outright sex and just a sensual release.
Old 08-06-2012, 04:19 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by 2-0-1-2 View Post
thanks for your honest report, bro noobiedick, up you my humble 3 i decide to spend a little time making a belief guide after having tried all the major OKTs. i think it can save your time and money in finding talent of your type. of course, if you have plenty of time and do not mind paying more cab fares, just ignore this posting, because the simplest way is to call up them one by one, talent will be sent to your room back and forth, until you find the right one...

=== ctcs of all these five major OKTs ===

Lily: 13552885100
Fiona: 13581916890
Xiaoyu: 13651223962
Maria: 13911246512
Escort China: 15901557624
Thanks for the detail analysis...I always find all these FR on BJ confusing....
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Old 08-06-2012, 04:56 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

i am glad you like the museum !
please share your experiences on pick up bars , this is an area that I am not familiar with !!

Originally Posted by f00l View Post
Thanks bro, just came back from the museum! it's awesome! Really worth the time.
Gonna explore the pick up bars later tonight. Hopefully have some good encounters to share.
Old 08-06-2012, 07:39 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by Andry View Post
managed to contact amy as xiaojiao did not pick up her phone. will be seeing her tonight. FR to come
looks: 6.5/10
boobs: B
body: 7
massage: 7 (not bad, puts a lot of effort into it)
HJ: 7
GFE: 9

Her attitude really shines. Her sensual massage is nothing to shout about, I've had better elsewhere, but she really warms up to you. Also, found out I have the same birthday as she does, she even showed me her ID card with it. Very accomodating and friendly though

Damage: 300 + 100(top) + 100(taxi)

downside is that she picks up her phone halfway through the massage apologised profusely for it though

RTM: maybe try xiaojiao next time first

Last edited by Andry; 08-06-2012 at 07:58 AM.
Old 08-06-2012, 04:11 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by tamelio View Post
i am glad you like the museum !
please share your experiences on pick up bars , this is an area that I am not familiar with !!
Just back to hotel after a long "night",

in the end did not go to the pick up bars, went to some KTV instead.

A short FR for the bros here.

got the mummy's number from a local contact, called and booked a small room with a minimum spending of RMB 1200, mummy informed us the tip is 400-500, there's another place which she can book for us, room is 1000 and tips is 300.

Went there at around 11, saw about 20-30 girls, personally the looks can range from 4/10 to 7/10. After deciding 2 girls for me and my friend, started playing some dice game and sing some song.
According to the mummy the business not very good, and she only have 2-3 rooms, so she spend quite alot of time with us drinking and playing games.

The room is big enough for 3-4 guys, deco and sound system are good enough, we had beer the whole night and the girls really can drink, so we finished about 40-50 small bottles. And i think the beer is 畅饮, 1200 pretty much covers all the beer you can drink.

At the end of the night, the girls really dun want to go back my hotel (say they scare caught by gongan, and i am too lazy/horny to argue) so end up i went to her rented apartment.

Overall, the room + mummy, dj and waiter tip, RMB 2200.
Quite a good experience, but just that i over paid my girl just now, as i am quite tired after all the "exercise" and also i am not good at bargaining. Lesson learned, nego the price before doing the deed will make more sense. HA HA.

BTW, the dj is really cute, got her number, don't know whether got time to follow up or not.
Old 08-06-2012, 07:45 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

brother f001,
thanks for sharing
KTV in Beijing is not much fun , i been to a few, very expensive and the girls attitude is not as good as last time or in smaller cities !!

I just book Amy to try her sensual massage , will share with you all how it feel about her service overall
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