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Old 28-02-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

HCM City hospitals modernise
VietNamNet Bridge – Many hospitals in HCM City are now equipped with high-tech, specialised equipment for screening, diagnosing and treating patients, including complicated heart and brain surgeries.

Yesterday, February 26, Pediatric Hospital No2 carried out for the first time cardiac catheterisation on two patients suffering a congenial heart disorder. The catheterisation examines blood flow to the heart and tests how well the heart is pumping.

Doctors insert a thin plastic tube into a vein and from there it can be advanced into the chambers of the heart. This method helps reduce hospitalisation time and limits complications during surgery.

It leaves no scar, and takes an average of 30-60 minutes for each cardiac catheterisation. Patients can be discharged from the hospital after two or three days.

This method can be applied on children who are more than five years old.

The hospital on Thursday opened a centre for open-heart surger, with an investment of VND83 billion (US$4.3 million). It is the second such centre in HCM City. The other centre is located at Pediatric Hospital No1.

Thu Duc General Hospital this year has also invested in high-tech equipment to improve treatment quality.

It has used more than VND2 billion (US$104,712) in the Government's stimulus loans to buy two more sets of equipment for endoscopic surgery.

The hospital this year has also upgraded its emergency centre for multiple injuries, developed an intensive care ward and expanded neurosurgical wards in order to perform surgeries, including removal of brain tumours.

Nguyen Tri Phuong General Hospital has used surgical microscopes to operate on malformed blood vessels in the brain, brain aneurysms and brain tumours.

The hospital's 1.5 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner diagnoses and distinguishes traumatic brain and meningitis injuries.

Additionally, at People's Hospital 115, the Ward of Diagnostic Images has worked with the Ward of Diseases of Brain Blood Vessels in using equipment to take blood clots out of blocked cerebral arteries in treating acute cerebral infarctions, as well as using thrombolytic drugs.

According to the hospital, nearly 75 per cent of acute cerebral infarction cases are caused by carotid and midbrain artery occlusion.

The hospital's doctors said that 85 per cent of cases with acute cerebral infarction had been treated successfully by using this method.

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Old 28-02-2010, 02:25 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

HCMC office rents plunged 53 percent last year: report
After a number of years with positive rental growth, rents in Ho Chi Minh City fell dramatically in 2009

The cost of leasing offices in Ho Chi Minh City dropped 53 percent last year as the global slump forced companies to shelve expansion plans, according to real estate broker Cushman & Wakefield Inc.

The largest drop in the Asia Pacific region was also due to the sharp increase in the supply of Grade A space, the broker said in a report on Tuesday.

Rents for prime office buildings in HCMC fell 53 percent to US$39.02 a square foot last year, the broker said.

“As the global economic slowdown impacted in the first half of the year, many multinationals postponed or cancelled their expansion plans, significantly reducing occupier demand,” it said.

The pledged foreign investment for the city fell by 86 percent last year to end at $1.2 billion, according to the local Planning and Investment Department.

“Any immediate recovery within the HCMC market may be slow as a result of a large amount of space scheduled to be delivered to the market in 2010,” the report said.

Recent project announcements inform that a total of nearly 300,000 square meters of gross area – representing a one-third increase compared to the existing supply – are expected to go into operation in 2010.

New supply in 2010 will probably continue to be concentrated in District 1, which accounts for the majority of total new supply. There is also a predicted increase in supply in suburban districts, notably 4 and 7, due to the easy access they provide to District 1 and the high costs in the central business district area.

HCMC office market is least likely to see another booming period in the next few years until the huge FDI inflows resume and businesses consider expansion again, experts said.

Tokyo most dear

The Asia Pacific region recorded the steepest decline year on year, with rents falling on average by 16 percent. The overall fall in rents was mainly driven by sharp falls in the key financial markets in the region. Singapore, recorded a fall of 45 percent, Hong Kong, 35 percent, and Tokyo, 21 pct.

Declining at a slower pace, Tokyo replaced Hong Kong as the world’s most expensive office location. London’s West End was the second most expensive district while Hong Kong slipped to third.

The global recession prompted companies to lease less space, causing rents to slump across the

main business districts last year, Cushman & Wakefield said. The last worldwide decline in prime rents happened in 2003, according to the report. Companies also switched to cheaper premises and leased their excess space to other firms, hurting demand.

Global office rents will probably reach their low point this year as companies in some of the recovering economies regain confidence, the broker predicted. Rental growth is already being recorded in some districts, including the cities of London and Oslo.

This year “will not be without its challenges and risks, but it will be a year of recovery and cautious optimism for both landlords and occupiers,” Cushman & Wakefield said.

Reported by Thanh Nien staff
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Old 28-02-2010, 02:27 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

can someone explain how this game "mot-hai-ba... yo" is being played?
Old 28-02-2010, 02:28 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

can someone explain how this game "mot-hai-ba" is being played?

Old 28-02-2010, 02:29 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

No more power hikes in Vietnam this year, official says
================================================== =======
The 6.8 percent increase in retail electricity prices from March 1 will be the only power price hike this year, Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Do Huu Hao said.

The government only allows power prices to change once a year, Hao said at a press conference in Hanoi Friday.

He said the government was planning a new power pricing mechanism for 2012 with different price levels during the dry and rainy seasons. Electricity would be cheaper in the rainy season as hydropower plants can then increase their output.

Hao said the price hike next month was inevitable due to increasing production costs for the power industry.

“The 6.8 percent increase has been considered carefully to make sure it will not have a huge impact on consumers and the economy,” he said.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the manufacturing sector will have to pay an extra VND2.63 trillion (US$138 million) for power costs this year.

Manufacturers operating around the clock will see their production costs increase by 2.83-3.15 percent after the power price hike, while the increase rate for steel and cement producers will be between 0.2 and 0.69 percent, the ministry estimated.

Director of the Department of Price Management at the Ministry of Finance, Nguyen Tien Thoa, said the government would impose harsh penalties on businesses that raise prices to unreasonable levels after the power hike.

“Most essential products, including fuel and medicine, have their prices registered with the government,” he said. “The government will monitor prices carefully.”

Vietnam still has the lowest power prices in South East Asia, the Industry and Trade Ministry said. Electricity will retail at around 5.54 cents per kilowatt-hour starting next month, lower than prices in Indonesia (6.77 cents), Malaysia (7.6 cents), Singapore (13.07 cents) and Thailand (8.5 cents).

The hike would cost the country 0.34 percent in economic growth and would push inflation up 0.16 percent, the ministry forecast.

Reported by Kap Thanh Long
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Old 28-02-2010, 02:41 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Vietnamese laborers lack good jobs, ILO reports
================================================== =

Employment numbers are improving in Vietnam, but laborers are still having trouble finding decent work, said a report issued recently by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Looking at the employed population, several trends were mentioned by the Vietnam Employment Trend study. Vietnam is still very much a rural country, despite having several large cities, and thus, agriculture remains the most important economic sector.

However, the proportion of total employment accounted for by the sector receded by about 13 percentage points between 1997 and 2007 to about 52 percent of total employment. Some 23.8 million people were working in the agricultural sector in 2007.

This also implies that there has been growth in the industrial sectors of the country, with percentage gains in manufacturing, construction, and much of the services sector, said the report.

However, the rural nature of the country and the still heavy dependence on agriculture means that a very large proportion of total employment is self-employed or involved in unpaid family work. Taken together, somewhere between two-thirds and three-fourths of total employment in 2007 was in these two categories, which translates into a very high degree of total employment that is vulnerable, that is, at risk of lacking decent work.

The lack of productive employment is reflected in the large numbers of manual employees, which totaled 28.1 million persons in 2007, or 62 percent of total employment. Only one other group accounted for more than 10 percent of the total employed, that being skilled craft occupations, with 12.5 percent.

Data for Vietnam are collected for four categories: wage and salaried workers, employers, self-employed workers, and unpaid family workers.

Looking at the 2007 employment proportions, men had about two percentage points higher proportions of wage-and-salary employment than women, 23.6 versus 21.4 percent.

An interesting comparison is among the self-employed, where the male proportion of over 43 percent was markedly above the women’s of nearly 25 percent. Therefore, the dichotomy was reversed among unpaid family workers. Over 53 percent of all employed women were unpaid workers in the family business, compared with 32 percent of male workers.

This woman’s proportion is noteworthy because it means quite explicitly that more than half of all employed women in Vietnam did not receive earnings for the work they performed. What is not known is the extent of the family income derived from their work, said the report.

Reported by Bao Van
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Old 28-02-2010, 02:53 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

funny. why i got zapped for 2 points? i noticed it's for asking for translation for 2 sms. why zap me for asking for help? why? why? why?

Last edited by creeve; 28-02-2010 at 03:11 AM.
Old 28-02-2010, 02:55 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

any, zap or no zap, i still going to ask... please help with this sms which the girl replied after i asked whether she got go hotel or not:

E noi that voi anh la e kok co di khach san voi bat cu 1 nguoi nao ben day ca. Boi vay e chua tra het no cho ba chu e nua ne! Anh co tin e ko?

fwah... this is a long one and many many words i don't know.

please help.


Last edited by creeve; 28-02-2010 at 03:11 AM.
Old 28-02-2010, 03:28 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by creeve View Post
fwah... this is a long one and many many words i don't know.
Why not u translate those that u know and then we try to help by filling in the blank?

So how are u going to learn more VNese since u wanted to comm with a vn gal here? If u get to know 20 new words each day, then in 1 week u will know alot liao.

Try some of these:

Learn Vietnamese online for free! 陈凰凤越南语

??????????? - ??????
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Last edited by jackbl; 28-02-2010 at 03:40 AM.
Old 28-02-2010, 04:17 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Why not u translate those that u know and then we try to help by filling in the blank?

So how are u going to learn more VNese since u wanted to comm with a vn gal here? If u get to know 20 new words each day, then in 1 week u will know alot liao.

Try some of these:

Learn Vietnamese online for free!

?? --???????? 陈凰凤越南语

??????????? - ??????
ok, i try.

I say real with you is I kok have go hotel with bat cu 1 nguoi nao ben day ca. because i yet tra het no give lady boss me again ne! you have believe me not?

my guess is that she got go hotel with 1 person before for overnight because she haven't yet return finish money she owed her lady boss.

i know "tra" from "tra loi", but not "tra" alone. "het" means something like "run out" but "het no", I don't know.

i will take a look at the link you posted.
Old 28-02-2010, 10:08 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by creeve View Post
ok, i try.

i will take a look at the link you posted.
Not many of us here have the luxury of living / working in VN so I suppose the TV we have picked up was through sheer hard work, blood, sweat, tears.

It's ok to get some things translated, but you'll do yourself a lot of good in the long run by taking the effort to learn the language.

Only then can you count yourself in the ranks of a true blooded Viet scene cheongster.
Old 28-02-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by creeve View Post
ok, i try.

I say real with you is I kok have go hotel with bat cu 1 nguoi nao ben day ca. because i yet tra het no give lady boss me again ne! you have believe me not?

my guess is that she got go hotel with 1 person before for overnight because she haven't yet return finish money she owed her lady boss.

i know "tra" from "tra loi", but not "tra" alone. "het" means something like "run out" but "het no", I don't know.

i will take a look at the link you posted.
kok = khong
bat cu 1 nguoi nao den day ca = any people here
tra het no = return finish debt
Old 28-02-2010, 12:29 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by creeve View Post
ok, i try.

I say real with you is I kok have go hotel with bat cu 1 nguoi nao ben day ca. because i yet tra het no give lady boss me again ne! you have believe me not?
Originally Posted by gosume View Post
kok = khong
bat cu 1 nguoi nao den day ca = any people here
tra het no = return finish debt
Wow..... found another TV "expert" here in Bro GOSUME.
Pls come here often to lend a hand in translation.
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Old 28-02-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by creeve View Post
i will take a look at the link you posted.
If post the whole sentence and "HOPE" someone here will translation for u, then it is not my style that i will reply to u. But if u have done what i requested just now, try to translate some yourself and leave those unknown for someone to fill in the blank, i will definitely help out to my best knowledge. Also try to give us info like the context of the SMS.

From your translation, i realised your TV also can la... Is good enough to send some SMS to VB Hope u can self-learned and in 1 month's time, your knowledge will be widened...
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Old 28-02-2010, 12:43 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by creeve View Post
my guess is that she got go hotel with 1 person before for overnight because she haven't yet return finish money she owed her lady boss.
If u dun like gal that has go hotel with customer, and if u rate her well, i.e. has good feature, good attitude, etc... dun mind please intro her to me
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