again another fucking good day... got a fucking good massage in Bintan over the fucking weekend... fuck like lubbits in the fucking resort... played some fucking good 18 holes... now return to fuck the shit out of some fella...
Mr DYBJ aka Ah Seow... didnt see you around in Peace centre... dare not gothere here already...? hunter got hunted now... and Mr Olampar-Locks... we all know you are DYBJ aka ***o's dog.... bark along little farker barker...
okay... me got news late last night that Gila was at DC last night... KNN... cannot believe this fucker still around... I heard he bankrupt liao... go gayland sell backside... now got money again to play... not bad... 纯嘉 you no support...your ex-GF right?... you go support 小倩... so how many 皇冠s already...? you fuck piece of shit... heard that amongst the 4 musicians she top again... you da man... damn yaya boleh... 丫丫goes back China you out playing... fucking around behind her back... damn ccb lor you... got wife liao... still play... anyway you like angpai right?... i am sure you will get them... but i am sure with this post... you will meet many challengers from SBF to tekan you jialat jialat with 小倩... oh yar... you also nevermind one cos you got another backup... in 乐乐... damn eh sai you... i got no money to go up against this Gila... can you all help to whack the shit ego out of this Gila guy?... he likes to 拼花... very ambitious young fucker... I also know he is known as LDH here in SBF... identifty disclose liao... thats why recently in SBF so fucking quiet!... from him ...
Gong simi lunjiao? Keep toking so much lanjiao weh about me, you want me, i am here! What the fuck you wan? chow chee bai, lu beh un nua?
Gila was sure there last night... big group of them... gave his gal a again... sure hope the gal knows what she is getting into... dunno why you all think that Gila so good... so if you Mr XibeiSong knows ... do warn her that Gila is a jerk... hahahaha... he plays... he eats... he dumps... he goes... goodbye...
Told u liao your info is outdated. Ldh was with me n bro jacky chan last nite at lx. He has more than 1 singers there too. So please ask your intel to update u more intelligently.
Also mr hangflower, i notice u hv lots of zeal n energy on the movement of ldh, is it worth your effort? Why not spend more time n effort in positive contribution to this forum. Cheers.
Told u liao your info is outdated. Ldh was with me n bro jacky chan last nite at lx. He has more than 1 singers there too. So please ask your intel to update u more intelligently.
Also mr hangflower, i notice u hv lots of zeal n energy on the movement of ldh, is it worth your effort? Why not spend more time n effort in positive contribution to this forum. Cheers.
Alama bro xbs u pija my lobang , I purposely dn mention u and ldh there then let me威风一下n now u leak out bro ldh is there . My 100 is so peisei. Yesterday u two 抱的很爽嘛, took all the pretty gal n left me with no selection. Hehe
hey hey hey bro.. take taxi ah... omg.. be careful and take care you know bro.. dun one night you meet one Indian driver and bring you to serangoon to potong your lum-pa and cook indian curry - give you all the singers you also cannot Fcuk....
Walao a.. after the meeting at LX.. me become the legendary flower king man.. knn.. never know.. hanging 2k can become King.. if hang 20k can pull down the world LX gers..... hahahahahahaha....
No la.. better go hiding again..
So LX no more show.. on 24th ah... shark man.. go Hallelujah better...
bro k9696. I heard u mc today , how r u n your little bro, still functioning Bo? Haha
Bro JC.. tkq for your concern.. u better go hmg to take care of your ger there.. if not.. I go there and BOMB you ger then you say I no give face,, you dun forget I am the flower king now you know...
Bro JC.. tkq for your concern.. u better go hmg to take care of your ger there.. if not.. I go there and BOMB you ger then you say I no give face,, you dun forget I am the flower king now you know...
I wish u be there to bomb cos me can't even give her a crown Maybe she later will look for u Liao but lucky u don know which gal, tis time round not tualiap but small liap. Can u go over n bomb , let me know when u going so I can point out directly to u n u bomb correctly 。 i need sponsorship ..hehe
I wish u be there to bomb cos me can't even give her a crown Maybe she later will look for u Liao but lucky u don know which gal, tis time round not tualiap but small liap. Can u go over n bomb , let me know when u going so I can point out directly to u n u bomb correctly 。 hehe
brudder.. u sure u 1 me 2 go w YOU.. later u seeing me bombing the whole place.. you cry cry and send pm to all bros.. again and i kanna ban from them to bring me go out.. u know!
Guess i need to hide my identify if not.. all you know i amd the 4大花王