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Old 18-09-2018, 08:22 AM
hwahyudi69 hwahyudi69 is offline
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Is this the entrance to King Hing building?

Which floors are Russians?

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
King Hing is back in business...... current stock are mostly PRCs with a handful of Russkies (not really Russians but mostly from Ukraine and Siberia).

Old 18-09-2018, 09:00 AM
drunknmunky drunknmunky is offline
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Re: HK Happening

Nice! That actually helps out quite a bit.

Thanks for the google reference haha
Old 19-09-2018, 12:26 AM
zebrazeus zebrazeus is offline
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Re: HK Happening

I tried one of the street walkers in Woo Sung Street (Kowloon side). PRC with big boobs. Not bad service. Just HK$350 per shot including showering you clean clean before action.
Old 19-09-2018, 11:30 AM
hwahyudi69 hwahyudi69 is offline
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Re: HK Happening

Went to Fuji building at 381-383 Lockhart rd. Got several russians at low floors asking for $800/30min.
Saw 2 pretty chinese at 6A1 & super fair one at 20B2 asking for $500.
Old 19-09-2018, 10:48 PM
tangoshow tangoshow is offline
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Re: HK Happening

Hello bros,

Please share recommended chiong places in HKG.

Old 19-09-2018, 10:49 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by hwahyudi69 View Post
Went to Fuji building at 381-383 Lockhart rd. Got several russians at low floors asking for $800/30min.
Saw 2 pretty chinese at 6A1 & super fair one at 20B2 asking for $500.
Whats the concept like for Fuji?

Are they freelancers?

After a price quote, do they entertain bargains?

Old 20-09-2018, 12:17 PM
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Many places and buildings have the same concept.

Ring the doorbell.. See what you like and confirm the price then go in and do the job. If you disagree with looks and pricing, politely smile and walk away to next door.

Some buildings have photos of the girls just outside their door with a list of services.

There are places with CCTVs so just behave.

Originally Posted by tangoshow View Post
Whats the concept like for Fuji?

Are they freelancers?

After a price quote, do they entertain bargains?

Old 20-09-2018, 11:38 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by paulcum2sooon View Post
Many places and buildings have the same concept.

Ring the doorbell.. See what you like and confirm the price then go in and do the job. If you disagree with looks and pricing, politely smile and walk away to next door.

Some buildings have photos of the girls just outside their door with a list of services.

There are places with CCTVs so just behave.
Thanks, upz you.
Old 21-09-2018, 04:14 PM
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Re: HK Happening

It's all fast food service here for 141. Don't expect the full works.

And majority CBJ, so I have not been a fan.
There are many ways to shoot and score! Be the Libero
Old 22-09-2018, 05:15 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by bornslippy View Post
Recently relocated to HK and thought to provide some insights on what I have tried so far.

Fuji Building
Well-covered by other bros here. Basically you travel up to 22nd floor and slowly make your way down until you find someone you like. Small rooms (hit and miss on cleanliness; some can be very clean but I have enter rooms where the floor is wet even outside the toilet). Service is SOP - shower for you, you lie down on bed and she runs the show. Not much you can do with the lady, no kissing, fondle the breast, some don't allow you to lick/suck on nipples (may give excuse that they feel ticklish), capped BJ. Prices around HKD500-800 (higher end being the Caucasians).

I added close to 15 individuals on WeChat. Maybe because I live in an apartment (instead of their usual clientele who lives in hotels), they started asking me for proof of address, mobile no. and last name. When I gave them those details, they will call my mobile no and say can't get through (even when there is nothing wrong with my phone) and then ask me to book a hotel instead, which I refused. One lady even ask me to send her picture of my ID with name. In the end, nothing came out of it as I wasn't sure if this was a scam as a result of asking these personal information. Price quoted roughly around HKD1800-3000. If any brothers have better/positive experience or can share some insights, would appreciate your comments.

Sugar Babes
Played around with some websites and managed to meet a few local HK girls. Price range from HK3k - to 5k. Girls can ask for pay-per-meetup (ppm) or monthly allowance. Those whom I met were ok with ppm. I never tried this in SG before so there is nothing I can compare to. Up/down side, you see her picture and she see your picture. Up side, if you like less/non-transactional, this can be your poison. But at HKD3K-5K per pop, pretty ex if you looking for regular fcuk.

Other Thoughts
Couldn't find those local girls FLs who have their own hotel rooms. I know there is 141 website but not that good with reading Mandarin. There could be other better options than what I have now but just haven't explore it yet.

If any brothers got good recommendation, please share. Thanks!

That's all folks
bro pmed u, working in hk currently too
Old 23-09-2018, 10:48 AM
g_rider g_rider is offline
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by genehe84 View Post
2 PSAs:

PSA 1. For those who are looking for local hk girls, I just found an easy way. Goto Instagram, search for #ptgf香港. That's the term they use in HK: ptgf (part time gf). Instagram is actively deleting these posts and banning the accounts who post them but the locals are used to it. Some of them will post their wechat id so you can use that. Others don't use messenging app so you'll have to direct message them on Instagram and they'll reply quite quickly. Some will give you another instagram ID that they use for booking which don't post any pictures so it won't be banned. Prices generally range from hkd1800-hkd3000 per shot. So...about the same as locals in SG. Note that although the girls reply using Chinese words, they have to be read in Cantonese.

PSA 2: the legit girls will cover their faces. Some posts openly post their faces. They also say they won't reply on Instagram and post a hk number for you to WhatsApp them. Such openness was very suspicious to begin with. But one of the girls I saw was damn hot so I tried messaging her anyway. Eventually, she told me to go to Nathan hotel where there's a Bitcoin purchase machine in the lobby (seriously). When I got there, the girl got me to take a photo of the lobby to verify I'm there. Then she said her boss will call me to verify the price. When the boss called, he told me to buy (not transfer) x amount of Bitcoin. AFTER I've met the girl, then I'll hand over the receipt to her. The rationale is that the police is cracking down hard so handing over cash is dangerous. It sounded too suspicious to me so I refused. The guy then started threatening me but I just blocked his number. Honestly, I've not figured out how the scam works. If I buy the Bitcoin...they are still mine I guess...but it was just too suspicious. So be warned.
I'm curious has anyone actually had any success via IG #ptgf? Seems like there are tons of posts and if you try to initiate contact, you get a standard response about the price and it's always some excuse that they "just checked out of their hotel" -- i.e. you need to book one.

Once you book it, they will ask for your name and confirm the hotel booking.

Seem like most are scams -- any one else had any luck they want to share?
Old 02-10-2018, 01:02 PM
xxvincexx xxvincexx is offline
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
I'm curious has anyone actually had any success via IG #ptgf? Seems like there are tons of posts and if you try to initiate contact, you get a standard response about the price and it's always some excuse that they "just checked out of their hotel" -- i.e. you need to book one.

Once you book it, they will ask for your name and confirm the hotel booking.

Seem like most are scams -- any one else had any luck they want to share?
Yes i tried #ptgf before. Is definitely pure local HK girl. Just drop them a pm thru insta and they will get back to you as soon as they are avail. I think most of them holds regular job so they won't be avail everyday. Try to go for girls with blurred picture because if you search the reverse image thru google for some girl with full face photo, they are usually taiwan models. So my guess is probably it won't be the same girl.

Once confirmed, the girl will ask for your name and hotel room, and they will call your hotel room to verify the booking. I was quoted 2800hkd / 1 shot.

Pro: Girl is HK local and looks young. Looks 7/10, figure 7/10, gfe 6/10.

Con: The face of the girl is usually blurred out and you won't be able to see her looks before she comes to your hotel room. Price rather steep also.
Old 09-10-2018, 10:19 AM
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Dear Bros, can anyone advise a more reasonable KTV in HK? The one in last went is over priced. Think unspent all in about HK$10k for 2 persons . This is crazy compar2d to singapore. Help needed !!
Old 13-10-2018, 08:18 PM
genehe84 genehe84 is offline
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Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
I'm curious has anyone actually had any success via IG #ptgf? Seems like there are tons of posts and if you try to initiate contact, you get a standard response about the price and it's always some excuse that they "just checked out of their hotel" -- i.e. you need to book one.

Once you book it, they will ask for your name and confirm the hotel booking.

Seem like most are scams -- any one else had any luck they want to share?
Tried it twice. Works fine. Just don't be tempted by those beautiful model pictures. Those local girls doing this are very discreet and will only post blurred shots.
Old 14-10-2018, 02:51 AM
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Re: HK Happening

any bro has recommendation around hankow apartment at TST? i saw from 141 that there is a SPA there. any bro tried before? can PM me?

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