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Old 22-04-2017, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by wordless View Post
Black Page, thanks so much for your suggestions. I ate at coffeeshops on left side of Da Vienna boutique hotel and now maybe go massage again before i go drink.
If you haven't, try the Or Luak there. Friends I recommended to try it, most gave a big thumbs up.
Old 22-04-2017, 03:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
How could I agree with 500k for ST.. where I only paid 600k/n for girl fr booking join ?
Wisest word of all time, "friendS" tell me 100k HJ and 200k FJ in Batam. The only time i have to pay more than 1 juta for an overnight girl is during CNY time,hehehe...

Just a benchmark i learned and practiced from the old Batam thread.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Is it somewhere near Sedona?
I dont think so. The one near sedona is 700k,hehehe...unless i book 2 girls at one go,then it may be 600k-650k x 2.

600k one should be near to Windsor food court. It used to have 500k overnight booking too (dont know still have or not after the bought-over),but those 500k to 600k girls 100% not your type (700k to 900k still got chance to meet your requirement).

Most new booking joints over the last 2 year do not have such pricing anymore,only those old time surviving joint during your 1st few times in Batam many years ago still has those pricing. Once a while,there will be hidden gems emerging out from these old places, eg 800k Celebrity level-kind of girls,the place you found them is ONLY one of such places. Most of my friends like such places.

"600k to 900k girls,have them naked and run around my room for more than 12 hours already worth my while."

Just sharing but keeping some key points to myself (not hidden in this thread anyway and on my signature link too).

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Can direct where you book girls for 600k?
One of my main concern,these places will soon become EOL (end-of-life).

I used to think i could do something about it,but later learn that i couldnt really do much. Today i simply crave my own route,walk my own way,do my own thing,enjoy Batam in my own way. Becos the most suitable "one" for myself will be the best.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
... most gave a big thumbs up.
Thumbs up indeed!

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 22-04-2017, 04:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread


Ok, think I know which one you talking about. The days that I go, the type I go for, hard to find 600k booking. 500k for 2 shots still possible..

Nowadays, I also maintaining my own pool of FLs. ST or booking, they know how regular I'm in Batam, Will automatically discount for me one.

My ex-regular told me before. She could lose all her regular customers overnight. Yet, with the system in Batam, she will always have fresh flow of customers. So, just carve out or own rules when enjoying at the same time.

Didn't we have a bro here who's taking over a booking joint? Let's see what sort of pricing his joint charging.. lol..
Old 22-04-2017, 07:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Circled the entire Centerpoint and I couldnt find Happy Massage 8. Any bro can help?
Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Walk behind Center Point Mall (Center Point Mall is beside Formosa Hotel)...across Prima Asia Hotel is Happy 8 Massage.
Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Just walk out of kupuku and sri kandy

Kupupu quote me 1.3 juta 3 shot. I see the girls not to my taste so left.

Sri kandy also same story; 1.3 juta for 3 shots. Try to nego with the girl directly for unlimited shots and she quote me 500k for extra 2 shots.

Giving up and heading to happy massage 8
I saw what you posted as I was walking back from Kupuku/Sri Kandy and I totally facepalm sia because this was how I circled Centerpoint. So close yet so far lolz

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Old 22-04-2017, 08:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Starlight closed as of now. 1911 Batam Time
Old 22-04-2017, 08:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

FR Report on Virgin Batam Trip 20 Apr to 22 Apr with a IRL friend (and fellow samster)

Day 1:
Took 11.50am ferry (Batamfast), reach at 11.40 batam time
Went to buy sim card from the stand just outside the arrival area (opposite 2 money changer) and my eyes pop out when he quote me 100k (I read it was previously 10-50k, times must haved changed). In the end settle for 50k card with limited minutes and 500mb data. Used sim card to call silvercab, and was quoted 20 mins wait time

Went for lunch, halfway through ordering the food (chicken rice), silvercab call me and say the cab is coming, changed to tapao

Ended up cock up, reach taxi counter call silvercab ask where my taxi silvercab claim cab full (eh hello I book already and you say coming somemore), after 15 mins and a bunch of calls between me, the cabby and the silvercab operator, finally managed to get to cab and got to FOrmosa hotel

Ended up reach hotel, room not ready, so sit in Vienna Cafe, ate chicken rice and complimentary drink and got restless, let my friend jaga my stuff and go search (unsuccessfully) for Happy Massage 8 (see above post).

Finally 2pm got room, deposit barang barang and can go hunting together since rain stop

Walk to Kupuku and Sri Kandy and left empty handed.

Ended up seeing the post about Happy 8 and got a girl from there

Reach hotel with Girl#1 at about 4. Damage 1.1 juta (nego down from 1.3), back at my room, nego for extra shots and she quote me 500k for unlimited, which I agreed to, paid her 300k upfront and told her the rest tomorrow.

Body was okish, attitude was also okish, shower together, and got first shot out of the way. Cuddled a bit and she say tired so she nap and cuddle. 6pm tried again but can't cum.

The 4 of us (my buddy and his girl also) went to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall for A&W

Eat finish, go back room rest, 9pm try fuck again and managed to cum. After that sleep
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Old 22-04-2017, 08:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

My buddy's girl left at 8am, but I told mine the night before, morning fuck again and go breakfast and she ok. Fucked her at 8.30 and couldn't cum again. By this time her attitude totally degenerated and she act totally frustrated and foul mood, keep claiming tired. Ate buffet breakfast at 9 an Vienna and she left after eating (totally forgot about the 200K I owe her hehe)

After that hangout a while, my buddy call for King's Massage and I went to Nagoya Hill mall shopping.

Rally back at hotel at 12, called Silvercab (meter like 10k but have to pay minimum 25k + 2k parking) and went to Diamond City Mall for lunch

Mall was totally disappointing, lunch at the cafe at 1st floor (mee goreng was good, fried rice was terrible), visit supermarket and buy some stuff

Call silvercab again and went to Batam Star Hotel to look for Goldbird

Ended up cirle the area cannot find, fired up SBF and got more specific directions that it was directly behind Batam Star

Ended up my buddy cheongster instinct led him to it (we only passed it by like twice )

The words Goldbird are gone but the Karaoke word and the picture of the singer are still there

Went in and the mummy quite friendly, had my eye on one girl but was still undecided, ended another bro came in and the mummy ask me if I still want the girl, I say let the new bro decide first and he picked the one I was eyeing! Decided to fold my hand and as I was leaving the place he ask me if I also want that girl and I say nevermind la, it's ok (From Mr Orange to Mr Blue: You have good taste and I wish you happy bonking!)

Cab back to hotel and was a bit frustrated so i walk to Sri Kandy/Kupuku again alone (my buddy no mood)

Picked a girl from Sri Kandy (1.1 juta) and tried finding taxi, the guy sitting outside quoted me 100k then say 50k, I told him I cab from hotel to DC mall only 30K and he dunwan. Ended up call silvercab. While waiting my girl got fed up and she say dunwan work liao, so ended up pick another girl. Silvercab still didnt come in that time and people were geetting angsty, ended up pangseh silvercab and take another taxi where the driver agree to 30k

Similarly to day 1 reach hotel at 4+, Girl#2 I feel is hotter than Girl #1 but her attitude really not good because everything cannot. Clear first shot and she keep trying to rush me for 2nd shot. 6.30 try again but didnt cum. She keep asking me to tapao for her but i refuse and ended up go together with my friend to the Tea something cafe and eat dinner.

After dinner she just bo hue me watch TV, 9pm try again. After fucking I told her that she can leave (Because no point keping ber around, breakfast dun wan and I'm probably not getting any more rounds).

Hangout with my friend till 2am then sleep
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Last edited by leekwantew; 26-04-2017 at 09:41 PM.
Old 22-04-2017, 08:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Woke up went breakfast then call girl from King's Massage (#18 if anyone wants to know ) for 2 hour Thai massage

90 mins in she pop the golden question, and since she did do a good job with the massage I negoed fucking with her, initially she quote 100k for 1 shot and managed to bargain to 500K
Attitude wise she is the best of the 3 though she had tummy fats and was probably the oldest of the 3 also

Finished the deed and I didn't want to disturb my friend so ownself went to recce Permata Indah. They painted the building so I didn't see it initially, but there was only a big banner advertising the place so....

Reach hotel at 1, check out, and since I ran out of minutes (my friend plan totally no minutes) and hotel won't let me call silvercab or bluebird, ended up take 50k taxi to terminal for the 2.15 ferry
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Last edited by leekwantew; 26-04-2017 at 09:41 PM.
Old 22-04-2017, 08:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

@bro leekwantew,which girl name no good? i am going soon will avoid this girl, u can pm me thx
Old 22-04-2017, 08:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Points to takeaway:
  1. Prices for the girls seem a bit steep, maybe it's because my nego skills/strategy poor or because i not old customer
  2. Silvercab vs non metered taxi: Silvercab is guranteed 20 mins wait and saves you like $3, maybe next time will just be more liberal with cash and take those non metered taxi. Personally I don't feel safe in the non metered taxi so maybe Silvercab is an option if you can plan ahead
  3. Experience with the girls: To me only Girl #3 is good, maybe my expectation too high or my picking skill not good
  4. I think can write off Sri Kandy and Kupupu, they only failed us twice . Next trip (if there is a next trip) will be Goldbird/Permata Indah/Happy Massage 8
  5. The most selection are Happy Massage 8 and Permata Indah
  6. Malls are boring in general, Nagoya Hill Mall feels like a Malaysian mall and prices are not particularly cheap (maybe 75% of Singapore). Diamond City Mall is like Tanjong Katong Mall -_- Maybe should have tried Harbour Bay Mall but my expectations for these now are really lowered

Girl#1: 1.1 Juta + 300K
Girl#2: 1.1 Juta + 50k taxi
Girl#3: 200k Massage + 500k FJ
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Last edited by leekwantew; 22-04-2017 at 09:08 PM.
Old 22-04-2017, 08:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by lee123 View Post
@bro leekwantew,which girl name no good? i am going soon will avoid this girl, u can pm me thx
just avoid Sri Kandy like the plague
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Old 22-04-2017, 08:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Thank you Bro leekwantew for mentioning kupu2, sri kandy and happy about the 3 bonk and needing to pay extra if its more than that. I rest my case.

About sri kandy gals even thou they have a selections of ssyt and syt, most of them are into disco/karoake and if bros are not that type, chances are you have shit attitude by them.

Too bad u write of kupu2, I have one of my best experiences from them with 3 different gals, one man meat is another man poison. Wish u the best in your next batam trip if u happen to go again

Last edited by fde83; 22-04-2017 at 09:09 PM.
Old 22-04-2017, 09:08 PM
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agree forget sri kandy expensive and all just night party mind. i suggest u go happy 8 more girls but more expensive.
spend to enjoy more or save to suffer more, just my point of view!
Old 22-04-2017, 09:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Too bad u write of kupu2, I have one of my best experiences from them with 3 different gals, one man meat is another man poison. Wish u the best in your next batam trip if u happen to go again
I write off Kupuku not because the girls are bad, but because go there twice really nothing catch my eye.
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Old 23-04-2017, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post

Can direct where you book girls for 600k? Is it somewhere near Sedona?
bro NoNo hv helped me answered.
Thks NN
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