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Old 01-09-2009, 01:28 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

These maids are also human and they want to be "loved" we gotto be thankful for them to be here taking care of our home and elderly folks.

Btw I am also a semi-retired hunter and during my peak...I was bonking 2 to 3 maids every Sunday until I was "caught" by one of them at a hotel parking lot.
Those days....only a few hotels has "transit stay" eg Strand, Duke, City etc.
Then kena super long "lectured" by her...her crying and so on. After that,
I toned down my activities and stopped once they went home.

Only recently after reading all the stories about the screwing maid thingy, started to take notice again. Immediately....can feel the maids staying my places can reacted to my hum-sop stares hehehe. Guessed they can sensed that I am a hunter before, those seasoned hunters will understand what I am saying here. Now....back to bonking every Sunday and any time I want but frankly, what I have now are not the younger or prettier ones just super horny MILFs who can screwed my brain out hehehe and another thing to share, no need to "hang" out with them during Sunday too...just go "bonk" and go home.

Funny thing about screwing maids is that....once you can "bonked" one of them, their friends will somehow called or sms you to "make friend" behind her back but best to be careful with these. Maybe "sado" case..remember they can get super jealous.

Just my 2 cents worth of experience...thanks for sharing personal experiences here. Thanks to TS...bro The Lord!
Old 01-09-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by tenggiri View Post
The couple of maids that i have had the fortune to try, seemed to be clean with good personal hygiene. Is this the norm with the majority of maids or is it i was just lucky. Can more experienced bros pls enlighten?

Btw, i think gals should be referred to as 'Pinay' whereas boys are Pinoys right?
Thanks bro tenggiri,
You are right with the Pinay and Pinoy thingy. Thanks for correcting me.

Btw...just my personal experiences, they are generally clean but I have kena "STD" before from one. When I confounded her....she admitted that she was screwing with some cleaners at her working place. I was lucky...after a injection and 2 weeks of medicine I was okay and that my wifey was about to have her period, so no mood to screw.

Best to use "rain coat" for safety. So...there will always be risk and the odd is better than screwing pros!
Old 01-09-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by lglg666 View Post
Thanks bro tenggiri,
You are right with the Pinay and Pinoy thingy. Thanks for correcting me.

Btw...just my personal experiences, they are generally clean but I have kena "STD" before from one. When I confounded her....she admitted that she was screwing with some cleaners at her working place. I was lucky...after a injection and 2 weeks of medicine I was okay and that my wifey was about to have her period, so no mood to screw.

Best to use "rain coat" for safety. So...there will always be risk and the odd is better than screwing pros!
Guys, my experience so far have been the same .. pinas are very clean, and most of them use vagisil, and such, for vagina wash.

But remember, not all are same, and some girl dont even bother to clean after fuck, maybe they are tired, or just want to keep the sperm inside .. feeling shiok or whatever .. for me - that is a very big warning sign. Those clean one will shower immediately, listerine the mouth, and then use vagisil for wash some more ..

Also, generally, the clean pinas will not have much hair, and make sure they always shower before and after, and will not take chance on the stair case affair or car park affair ..

In any case - safety first .. you only get fucked up once, to destroy everything ..

those married bros - be extra careful - because some std never get diagnosed, and dont appear in the man, and can affect the next woman you up ..
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Old 01-09-2009, 03:32 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by lglg666 View Post

Best to use "rain coat" for safety. So...there will always be risk and the odd is better than screwing pros!
Paisei leh bro...i also here to learn and share . Yes, must always use the rain coat cos we don't want the nine-month headache.

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Guys, my experience so far have been the same .. pinas are very clean, and most of them use vagisil, and such, for vagina wash.
Agree bro, and generally they give the better bbbj i believe. hehe
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Old 01-09-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi Bros,

I got to know one pinoy from a bro, met her just now and we went straight to hotel..
Only got 1 hour.. so rush rush 2 shots and out we go...

Now i msg her, and she suddenly dont want to answer back??.. weird!
Old 01-09-2009, 06:07 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by werdnac View Post
Hi Bros,

I got to know one pinoy from a bro, met her just now and we went straight to hotel..
Only got 1 hour.. so rush rush 2 shots and out we go...

Now i msg her, and she suddenly dont want to answer back??.. weird!
Maybe she is now busy finnishing all the housechores before employer comes back as earlier she eat snake for 1 hour mah
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Old 01-09-2009, 06:11 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by werdnac View Post
Hi Bros,

I got to know one pinoy from a bro, met her just now and we went straight to hotel..
Only got 1 hour.. so rush rush 2 shots and out we go...

Now i msg her, and she suddenly dont want to answer back??.. weird!
Perhaps she felt you used her for bonking only and she was expecting something more like a relationship? just my 2cents but the maids I met dont like being considered as a fuck buddy, they always wanna add some feelings n romantism.

By the way, this Sunday was at OT and I tried Ipanema and Naughty G. Ipanema was cool but sound a bit empty compared to the Naughty G, but at least no banglas there.

I spent most of my time in Naughty G where I got several numbers = a pretty young (21 y old) indonesian chinese part time maid, a MILF pinay (around 35 I guess), a Thai student spending holidays here with her friends (she is leaving tonite and also got the number of one of the dancer, she was very exciting while dancing and I guess she liked me as we talked a lot outside and she gave her number, hehe will give it a try when ill have time.

I will meet the young indo Tomorrow evening if not too much work, shes staying very near my place, lucky me.

I smsed the MILF asking if she wanna meet me at hotel next time we meet and she is ok, sounds good...

By the way, these Tea dancing are rly the best places ever to hunt maids, I was sober and a bit shy but if Im tipsy as when im clubbing, I would have get 10 numbers nxt time ill try to go there tipsy.

Only thing still annoying are the banglas, it seems they dunno how to walk without punching people on their way, my french bro got hit 3 times and he was getting pissed off, in addition they rly looked bad at us.
One american guy told me they hate angmohs and locals as they know the girls will leave them for an angmoh or a local if they have an opportunity and thats probably true.
Just have to look around in these tea dances, around angmohs n chinese guys they are lotta pinays trying to atract them, and around banglas, only average pinays...

I cant attend next Sunday as I will be overseas but next next Sunday I will probably be there again as its still fun place to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Old 01-09-2009, 08:21 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

thanks for the guidance from all the brother here, i got to know a chio MILF maid from the HDB void deck last week, i got her number and we have since sms each other. I just try to be gentlemant say i wan to be friend with her cause i am lonely here..
last sunday she sms me say she don know how to use a notebook and ask for my help. What is she trying to imply? is it a ripe time to ask her for sex? which is my main intention.

Pls enlighten me, my mighty brother here...
Old 01-09-2009, 08:49 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by dummydummy View Post
thanks for the guidance from all the brother here, i got to know a chio MILF maid from the HDB void deck last week, i got her number and we have since sms each other. I just try to be gentlemant say i wan to be friend with her cause i am lonely here..
last sunday she sms me say she don know how to use a notebook and ask for my help. What is she trying to imply? is it a ripe time to ask her for sex? which is my main intention.

Pls enlighten me, my mighty brother here...
if your main purpose is Sex u shoud be more direct. Especially via SMS its not hard to talk a bit cock and check if shes up for it. U can tell her naughty sentences and at the end you add "haha" or "hehe" like that if shes shocked u still can say it was a joke.

A while ago, a pinay maid smsed me, I was rly surprise as she told me that its one of her friend who gave her my number telling m an angmoh looking for filipinas.

As I dont rly have lot of time lately, I went straight to the point and pretended that her friend told me she is good for BJ. And guess what her reply was "oh yes for sure Im good at it, hope you dont mind".

See, being straightforward can save u lotta time
Old 01-09-2009, 10:53 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

can you PM me some of your contacts? never had one for a long time.. thanks bro's
Old 02-09-2009, 12:49 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by werdnac View Post
Hi Bros,

I got to know one pinoy from a bro, met her just now and we went straight to hotel..
Only got 1 hour.. so rush rush 2 shots and out we go...

Now i msg her, and she suddenly dont want to answer back??.. weird!
mayb she doesnt like u? or she expected some 'monetary rewards' but which was nt fulfilled???

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Old 02-09-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by owen10 View Post
mayb she doesnt like u? or she expected some 'monetary rewards' but which was nt fulfilled???
Well said and insightful. Btw, when u gonna start scoring for Man U again? Dun tell me really retiring mood.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by lglg666 View Post
Thanks bro tenggiri,
You are right with the Pinay and Pinoy thingy. Thanks for correcting me.

Btw...just my personal experiences, they are generally clean but I have kena "STD" before from one. When I confounded her....she admitted that she was screwing with some cleaners at her working place. I was lucky...after a injection and 2 weeks of medicine I was okay and that my wifey was about to have her period, so no mood to screw.

Best to use "rain coat" for safety. So...there will always be risk and the odd is better than screwing pros!

Bro do you mind sharing whats the STD she passed to you? Quite lucky of you that your wife nv found out... scary man.
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Old 02-09-2009, 01:39 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Bro - re: STD, there are lot of women with Chylmedia .. and this dont show up in regular tests, only a swab test will show.

And sometimes, bacterial infection is more painful and itchy, and that can kill your fun for a week or two, and strong dosage of anti bio is the only way out ..

I know some guy, who only go bbbj with the pinoys, and lagi - he got bacterial infection .. until shy shy admit where he got it ..

Doctor said "just because the girl is not prost dont make it different. Actually, the pros refuse raw and bbbj, whereas normal girls / maids dont care"

be safe .. especially those married bros ..

As I said before, some infection affect the women, like Gonorrea and Chlymedia, and Herpes, and man is perfectly ok, while the women will start getting serious trouble up the vagina, and can create other complication.
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Old 02-09-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by tenggiri View Post
Paisei leh bro...i also here to learn and share . Yes, must always use the rain coat cos we don't want the nine-month headache.

Agree bro, and generally they give the better bbbj i believe. hehe
Confirmed...that they give a super BBBJ and will also CIM if you want to. Even for the 'green' ones...or "shy shy ones'...once they get started, bro you are in for a wild ride. The older they get....the wilder the ride!!! You just gotto close your eyes and keep your dick "hard and standing" hahaha.

Now..frankly more choices esp with Pinay service staffs ( these are usually younger, educated and prettier too but they need to be "kc" just like local girls ).

Happy hunting....just remember some of the good advices from the senior bros and enjoy.
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