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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-05-2014, 08:55 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Thk they r from china. They requested chinese speaking
Old 21-05-2014, 10:24 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Mistress Sayako has 3 more days left in SG.....

B 'n' Y
Old 22-05-2014, 01:27 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC!yo-6514/c11d8

Can anyone confirm is this above PRC the same person as last year 2013's Qiqi domme? (Or is it just look alike but is different person?)

I'm referring to the 2013 Qiqi and not the 2012 Qiqi becos I know in 2012 there was another younger very popular PRC domme by the nick of Qiqi
Old 22-05-2014, 08:36 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by SMGG View Post
ya bro very nice scene hehe
Wah surprise findings lol
$60 Ex Lava Near Somerset ☎ 8446 6234
Old 22-05-2014, 01:44 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hey bros,

I've been talking to 2 pro-dommes from guangzhou, china, who are contemplating on visiting SG. They have never been to SG and are looking for plenty of assurance that their trip would be worthy.

So, im posting this to have an interest check & also to gather any advice fellow bros have in tempting them to come. They are high quality mistresses IMHO based on their pics and reviews written for them in china. Not like the half past 6 PRC dommes that we see here,
working as FL and switching to SM just for the money.

They plan to charge around 300 per 1.5 hours(per domme), which i think is very reasonable given their quality, both physically (face, figure, LEGS, FEET) and experience. Double dommes will be available to, which i am definitely trying if they do come. With the fact that they are friends, i believe that would make things more fun

Here are the links below. u may need to register for free , and reply to the posts in order to view the images.



And lastly yes, i had enough with the lack of options/quality in the local scene, (only +ve experiences are with anya and kathy, the latter has increased her tributes and im not so keen to RTS at the moment)
im so desperate for them to come since i wont be able to make trips to guangzhou for this year, im doing all this without any benefits. Or maybe just special treatment from both of them if their trip turns out well
Old 22-05-2014, 02:33 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by vaxva View Post
Wah surprise findings lol
Bro thanks, I'm SMGG hehe
Old 22-05-2014, 02:35 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by chiesa View Post
Hey bros,

They plan to charge around 300 per 1.5 hours(per domme), which i think is very reasonable given their quality, both physically (face, figure, LEGS, FEET) and experience. Double dommes will be available to, which i am definitely trying if they do come. With the fact that they are friends, i believe that would make things more fun
bro that means 200 per hour, a bit steep and maybe cannot sustain hehe, provided they provide other services
Old 22-05-2014, 02:39 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by chiesa View Post
Hey bros,

I've been talking to 2 pro-dommes from guangzhou, china, who are contemplating on visiting SG. They have never been to SG and are looking for plenty of assurance that their trip would be worthy.

So, im posting this to have an interest check & also to gather any advice fellow bros have in tempting them to come. They are high quality mistresses IMHO based on their pics and reviews written for them in china. Not like the half past 6 PRC dommes that we see here,
working as FL and switching to SM just for the money.

They plan to charge around 300 per 1.5 hours(per domme), which i think is very reasonable given their quality, both physically (face, figure, LEGS, FEET) and experience. Double dommes will be available to, which i am definitely trying if they do come. With the fact that they are friends, i believe that would make things more fun

Here are the links below. u may need to register for free , and reply to the posts in order to view the images.



And lastly yes, i had enough with the lack of options/quality in the local scene, (only +ve experiences are with anya and kathy, the latter has increased her tributes and im not so keen to RTS at the moment)
im so desperate for them to come since i wont be able to make trips to guangzhou for this year, im doing all this without any benefits. Or maybe just special treatment from both of them if their trip turns out well
you are dead wrong.

Firstly, I feel there is nothing wrong with some PRCs FLs becoming dommes becos 1) they charge a much lower price at only $100 and 2)actually for pure foot-fetishists that do not enjoy whipping, caning, ass-torture, candlewax torture and other pain-related physical torture, it is totally meaningless and stupid to pay for the high prices charged by those Japs dommes. Example I had tried Japs dommes before and I will never find Japs dommes again becos I'm a pure foot-fetishist and I do not enjoy a single bit of those physical pain torture dished out by the Jap dommes.(meaning I do not enjoy the Japs dommes session and yet the Japs dommes charge at a much higher price) In comparison I actually enjoyed much more with a PRC domme stationed in Singapore than a Jap domme

2ndly, some PRCs FLs-cum-Dommes cater to a different market segment becos some SM clients especially those Pure foot-fetishists they prefer the foot mistress to be much more sensual in the session and sometimes the foot-fetishists clients after sucking/licking the foot mistress's feet , they would also love to have sex with this same PRC mistress in another session.(somemore they charge very cheap at only $100.) I myself had encountered this before, After I had a $100 foot fetish session with a particular PRC domme. that night I just had this irresistible uncontrollable urge to want to have sex with this very pretty PRC domme. Unlike the Japs dommes are always adopt a much more fierce and stern and less sensual in the session and the Japs dommes die die they don't allow sex with that same SM client(although we don't know whether will the Jap dommes secretly allow sex with a "special different catergory of clients at a different price without their normal SM clients knowing".)

3rd, We should not condemn/discourage/kill off those PRCs FLs turning to Dommes becos they do cater to a different segment of SM clients especially the pure foot-fetishists at a much lower cheaper price than those typical very strict fierce other nationalities dommes. Moreover pure foot-fetishists also enjoy these $100 SM sessions much more than those $250 to $400 SM sessions with very strict dommes that involve physical pain torture.

Last edited by fives; 22-05-2014 at 03:32 PM.
Old 22-05-2014, 03:26 PM
chiesa chiesa is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by fives View Post
you are wrong.

Firstly, I feel there is nothing wrong with some PRCs FLs becoming dommes becos 1) they charge a much lower price at only $100 and 2)actually for pure foot-fetishists that do not enjoy whipping, ass-torture, candlewax torture and other pain-related physical torture it is totally meaningless and stupid to pay for the high prices charged by those Japs dommes. Example I had tried Japs dommes before and I will never find Japs dommes again becos I'm a pure foot-fetishists and I do not enjoy a single bit of those physical pain torture dished out by the Jap dommes.(meaning I do not enjoy the Japs dommes session and yet the Japs dommes charge at a much higher price) In comparison I actually enjoyed much more with a PRC domme stationed in Singapore than a Jap domme

2ndly, some PRCs FLs-cum-Dommes cater to a different market segment becos some SM clients especially those Pure foot-fetishists they prefer the foot mistress to be more sensual in the session and sometimes the foot-fetishists clients after sucking/licking the foot mistress's feet , they would also love to have sex with this same PRC in another session.(somemore they charge very cheap at only $100.) I myself had encountered this before, After I had a $100 foot fetish session with a particular PRC domme. that night I just had this irresistible uncontrollable urge to have sex with this very pretty PRC domme. Unlike the Japs dommes is always adopt a much more fierce and less sensual in the session and the Japs die die they don't allow sex with that same SM client(although we don't know whether will the Jap domme secretly allow sex with a "special different catergory of clients at a different price without their normal SM clients knowing".

3rd, We should not try to condemn/discourage/kill off those PRCs FLs turning to Dommes becos they do cater to a different segment of SM clients especially the pure foot-fetishists at a much lower cheaper price than those typical very strict fierce other nationalities dommes.
1st of all, let me apologize if i have offended any fans of FL turned dommes. I 100% understand where u are coming from bro, i myself have engaged in FL services in geylang and looked for girls who are comfortable with foot worship play (Im a hardcore foot fetish myself), when im in the mood of normal sex with a mix of foot fetish. I also dont enjoy pain in a session.

There are though, times when i seek for a pure SM session (other bros as well im sure), wanting to feel and experience the process of being dominated by a femdom. And you just cant get FL turned dommes to do it right when u are seeking such kind of sessions. They are not the femdom kind in nature. Even if they act it out, u will still feel it. Having engaged in sessions with both FL turned dommes vs pure dommes, i can tell you there is alot of difference in this area. And Im much willing to pay more to get that sort of enjoyment i crave for.

I do agree with your 3rd point, each of us has his cup of tea. Maybe our similarities end with being foot fetishes, while i personally seek for humiliation mixed with it. The aim of my post was not to start a debate, but i still welcome your views on this.

Ultimately, i hope to see them both here, as it could be the 1st time that we can engage with 2 beautiful pure dommes at the same time. BTW, they charge 500/90 mins for double domme.

Cheers bro
Old 22-05-2014, 08:17 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Got 1 PRC-hater loser moronic scum just zapped me 3 points just now for my above post.
Old 22-05-2014, 10:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Any bros out here knows any FL who roleplays incest?
Old 22-05-2014, 11:38 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by chiesa View Post
Hey bros,

I've been talking to 2 pro-dommes from guangzhou, china, who are contemplating on visiting SG. They have never been to SG and are looking for plenty of assurance that their trip would be worthy.



And lastly yes, i had enough with the lack of options/quality in the local scene, (only +ve experiences are with anya and kathy, the latter has increased her tributes and im not so keen to RTS at the moment)
im so desperate for them to come since i wont be able to make trips to guangzhou for this year, im doing all this without any benefits. Or maybe just special treatment from both of them if their trip turns out well
I think 300 is a little steep, 250 is probably max for me for PRC mistress
I understand there's travel and accommodation cost, but in GZ, don't they charge just 500-600 RMB per session?

But still thank you for your efforts...
Old 22-05-2014, 11:45 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by fives View Post
you are dead wrong.

Firstly, I feel there is nothing wrong with some PRCs FLs becoming dommes becos 1) they charge a much lower price at only $100 and 2)actually for pure foot-fetishists that do not enjoy whipping, caning, ass-torture, candlewax torture and other pain-related physical torture, it is totally meaningless and stupid to pay for the high prices charged by those Japs dommes. Example I had tried Japs dommes before and I will never find Japs dommes again becos I'm a pure foot-fetishist and I do not enjoy a single bit of those physical pain torture dished out by the Jap dommes.(meaning I do not enjoy the Japs dommes session and yet the Japs dommes charge at a much higher price) In comparison I actually enjoyed much more with a PRC domme stationed in Singapore than a Jap domme

2ndly, some PRCs FLs-cum-Dommes cater to a different market segment becos some SM clients especially those Pure foot-fetishists they prefer the foot mistress to be much more sensual in the session and sometimes the foot-fetishists clients after sucking/licking the foot mistress's feet , they would also love to have sex with this same PRC mistress in another session.(somemore they charge very cheap at only $100.) I myself had encountered this before, After I had a $100 foot fetish session with a particular PRC domme. that night I just had this irresistible uncontrollable urge to want to have sex with this very pretty PRC domme. Unlike the Japs dommes are always adopt a much more fierce and stern and less sensual in the session and the Japs dommes die die they don't allow sex with that same SM client(although we don't know whether will the Jap dommes secretly allow sex with a "special different catergory of clients at a different price without their normal SM clients knowing".)

3rd, We should not condemn/discourage/kill off those PRCs FLs turning to Dommes becos they do cater to a different segment of SM clients especially the pure foot-fetishists at a much lower cheaper price than those typical very strict fierce other nationalities dommes. Moreover pure foot-fetishists also enjoy these $100 SM sessions much more than those $250 to $400 SM sessions with very strict dommes that involve physical pain torture.
bro, I find we have everything in common. My main fetish is feet and sometimes, I go with humiliation to get my feet. However if its too expensive, then its not worth it for me, unless mistress is super beautiful or her feet looks damm good.

so any recent PRC FLs who has good feet and is good with using them you can share?

My only problem with engaging PRCs is that most of them will try to finish the session in 20-30 mins and complain their feet is tired (from the footjob), totally unprofessional.

Donno what's your experience?
Old 23-05-2014, 12:20 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Keep me posted if they are coming.

Originally Posted by chiesa View Post
Hey bros,

I've been talking to 2 pro-dommes from guangzhou, china, who are contemplating on visiting SG. They have never been to SG and are looking for plenty of assurance that their trip would be worthy.

So, im posting this to have an interest check & also to gather any advice fellow bros have in tempting them to come. They are high quality mistresses IMHO based on their pics and reviews written for them in china. Not like the half past 6 PRC dommes that we see here,
working as FL and switching to SM just for the money.

They plan to charge around 300 per 1.5 hours(per domme), which i think is very reasonable given their quality, both physically (face, figure, LEGS, FEET) and experience. Double dommes will be available to, which i am definitely trying if they do come. With the fact that they are friends, i believe that would make things more fun

Here are the links below. u may need to register for free , and reply to the posts in order to view the images.



And lastly yes, i had enough with the lack of options/quality in the local scene, (only +ve experiences are with anya and kathy, the latter has increased her tributes and im not so keen to RTS at the moment)
im so desperate for them to come since i wont be able to make trips to guangzhou for this year, im doing all this without any benefits. Or maybe just special treatment from both of them if their trip turns out well
Old 23-05-2014, 01:22 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by fives View Post!yo-6514/c11d8

Can anyone confirm is this above PRC the same person as last year 2013's Qiqi domme? (Or is it just look alike but is different person?)

I'm referring to the 2013 Qiqi and not the 2012 Qiqi becos I know in 2012 there was another younger very popular PRC domme by the nick of Qiqi
Bro, yes this lady is actually the 2013 Qiqi. Definitely not the 2012 Qiqi though

Last edited by onsenmaster; 23-05-2014 at 01:35 AM. Reason: Correction
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