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Old 12-06-2016, 05:18 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Very addictive story!! Thanks TS
Old 12-06-2016, 06:10 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Love you update alot TS, pls continue
Old 12-06-2016, 06:27 PM
Daiso2 Daiso2 is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Superb updates by TS
Old 12-06-2016, 06:36 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

I wish I had such a Siao on fuck buddy like Felicia when I was younger!!!!
Old 12-06-2016, 07:34 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

After the short nap, We dressed up and went down to Toa Payoh. We took the train and when we reach the station, Jasmine and Ann was already waiting there. Felicia was happy to see Jasmine, she ran towards her and started talking. I could see that Jasmine was not really angry with Felicia, as they started holding hands and walked out of the station.

Jasmine, Felicia and Ann were walking in front, and I was isolated at the back. even when I voice my opinion on what to have for lunch, She will just asked the girls if they heard anything. And pass the remark that It must be a fly passing by, with left the girl chuckling.

We had our lunch and finally she told the girls she had her fill of the fun and shall stop isolating me. We spend the rest of the day shopping, while the girls were look at clothes, I remembered Christina telling me that she was doing her assignments this week, I started to make my plans for the week.

I leaned toward Jasmine while walking, and told her that I need to speak to her. Jasmine came to me when Felicia and Ann went to the Toilet.

Jasmine: What you want to talk to me about?

Me: I want to activate my servant request,

Jasmine: Now?

Me: Not now lah? now already what time.

Jasmine: you are not expecting 24 hrs are you.

Me: Then 12hrs lor.

Jasmine: 6

Me: 10hrs.

Jasmine: Deal!

Me: Report at Bishan MRT 8am tomorrow servant.

Jasmine: Tomorrow?

I can never forget that reaction from Jasmine with her eyes opened wide and she could not say a thing about it.

Me: yah.

Jasmine: I have to discuss with Ann.

Me: You can bring her along, I don't mind if she sees you being my servant.

Jasmine shot me a look but I just look up into the blue sky, life is wonderful.

The girls came out of the Toilet and I tapped on Jasmine's arm.

Me: Remember to bring Specky.

We ended the day at around 530pm, we left Jasmine and Ann after they board a cab. II took the train back with Felicia and I told her I would be busy tomorrow but I think we will meet on Thursday to continue our assignments.

I reached home at 6pm and took a bath, I was realised that I had a voicemail and I listened to it.

Jasmine: Ann will remain at home tomorrow, I will reach at 8am, don't you dare breathe a word about this. ( years later I am writing this on a forum, lolz.)

Last edited by Starter; 12-06-2016 at 08:17 PM.
Old 12-06-2016, 08:11 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

I stop receiving pages from Pris and I was having the thought that she has given up trying. I was in my room and my parent had came home after work, my pager beeped it was a voicemail

Pris voicemail: I am under your block and I want to talk, Please come down or I will go up.

This is the ultimate, I do not know if anyone here have encountered this before. but during my time if a girl comes to find you at home, Please be ready to go through some serious investigations by your parents.

I did not have a choice but to take my keys and wallet, and took the lift down.

I reached the void deck and Pris was waiting for me, It seems that she had went home as she returned with a different outfit. I walked towards her and I did no know what more to say to her.

Pris: Yang, can we talk?

Me: ok Talk.

Pris : Can we find a place where there is less ppl?

I copied Jasmine's "whatever" actions and we went to a nearby playground that has a seating area below (not Sure if any bro remember this but it loos like a attap house with 2 swings on the side)

I seat opposite her and I did not look at her, Instead I was looking at the table when we were there.

Pris: Yang, I am sorry.

Me: Pris there no need to, If you keep lying then there is no point talking.

Pris: Yang, I promise I won't lie.

Me: Pris you must understand, I cannot trust you anymore.

Pris: What do you want me to do, I just don't want to lose you.

Me: Ok, than you tell me what you lied to us about, all of it.

Pris: I can tell you but can you don't be angry with me?

Me: if you don't want to say then I go back.

Pris Ok, I say.

Pris: I did call Jasmine a bitch.

Me: Pris, can you one shot say everything, I really don't want to keep asking.

I saw Pris thinking about it and I just felt she might be lying again, I stood up.

Me: I am leaving.

Pris, ok the thing about the Ex that treat me like a slut was a Lie, but the things I said about Bernard is true. and........ Bernard was looking for you is because I told him you were looking for him.

I had a wide eye moment there, this girl made me go and get beaten for nothing.

Me: Why Pris? why did you do that?

Pris: I thought that if you went the girls will feel that you loved me and they will leave you.

Me: Pris, I could have died.

Pris start crying but I could not forgive her, I did not know what to do but I knew I was very upset. Felicia almost got raped, and me almost beaten to death just due to her lies. It was something I could not accept.

Last edited by Starter; 12-06-2016 at 08:33 PM.
Old 12-06-2016, 08:12 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Do you guys want me to write 2 versions of what happen next one to the story and one fictional?

Last edited by Starter; 12-06-2016 at 10:48 PM.
Old 12-06-2016, 08:27 PM
hurrayholiday hurrayholiday is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by Starter View Post
Do you guys want me to write 2 versions of what happen next on to the story and one fictional?
Anything, as long as got sexy details
Old 12-06-2016, 08:37 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by hurrayholiday View Post
Anything, as long as got sexy details
Sure .. Just do it !
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 12-06-2016, 08:38 PM
ris2099 ris2099 is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Yes, please do TS. That would make your storytelling more interesting. (Well, it is already very interesting.)
Old 12-06-2016, 09:42 PM
Johnnykhan Johnnykhan is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Pris should be raped and left to die in India....
Old 12-06-2016, 10:13 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

*Disclaimer: This is not part of the story but for the benefit of some bros that requested for it via PM I decided to pen something down as a alternative choice during this saga, Enjoy.

I stood up and I wanted to leave, there is not way I could accept being near someone like her.

Pris ran over and held me, with her tears were flowing. I did not stopped and I started to drag her through the sand of the playground, She kneeled down holding me back, Pleading for me to stay.

Pris: Yang, Don't go please... I know if you leave now I will never see you again.

I shook my head as I tried to pull her off

Me: I'll need some time before I decide if we can still be friends.

Pris: Yang, I really love you, Please don't do this to me.

Me: Don't LIE TO ME!!

Pris: Yang, I'm not lying! I swear!

Me: I don't think we can be together.

Pris: We can work it out. Please Yang.

The longer I dragged on with Pris, I got angrier. I started to think If it all happen, If Felicia really got raped and If I was really dead.

I gave Pris a cold stare.

Pris: Please don't Leave me! I'll do whatever you say."

Me: No matter what I want?

Pris: I do everything that's asked of me!

Me: I want a slut

I pulled Pris up and asked her to follow me, I brought her to a unmanned toilet in Bishan Central, and pulled her into the handicapped toilet.

I told her to strip herself and she follow my instructions, I watch on as she peels her clothes off showing her naked body in front of me.

I pulled her towards me and whisper in her ear: I want a Slut, are you a slut. Pris nodded and kneels down in front of me. She starts rubbing my dick with my shorts on with her other hand caressing her own breast.

She looks up at me: Show me your cock please I want to see it.

I smirked and told her that I would only allow her to pull down the shorts for now.

She Pulls the short down and I saw her rubbing her face on my briefs and trying to eat my dick through my briefs

Pris: It smells so nice, I want it please.

I watch on as she continues wetting my briefs and she was already rubbing her own pussy, and moaning softly.

I told her to carry on playing with herself as I move step behind and pulls my briefs off me

Pris looked on biting her lips

Pris : I want your cock, feed me..

I move forward holding my dick and feeding it into her mouth.

Pris took it into her mouth and used her face to press on my dick as she was licking

Pris: Mmmm.. So good, Mmmm Slurp Slurp... ah....

I held my dick and slapped her face using it, Pris opened her mouth and was trying to catch the dick with her mouth.

Pris stops fingering herself and licks her finger, She held my dick after that and rubs it on her breast.

Pris oh... I can't wait to put this in me.. Please can I?

I nodded and Pris stood up place her hand on the basin, She turns her head around and looks at me.

I move towards her and rubs my dick on her pussy lips.

Pris: Please out it in, I can't take your teasing anymore.

I insert my dickhead into her pussy and slowly pushed my dick inside her.

Pris Argh, yes finally yes.........

I start to thrust harder.

Pris: oh yes fuck me... Please harder fuck me harder....

Me: Who is the bitch now?

I hold her hips as I ram deeper into her

Pris: I am the bitch....

Me: Louder!

Pris: Argh I am the bitch!! Your slut!! Your whore!!

Pris start pushing backward as I thrust her.

Pris: Omg Omg , I am breaking I am breaking!

Pris's Pussy tightens and I felt it squeezing my dick

Me: You like being my toy?

Pris: Yes yes Argh..........

Pris came but I was not satisfied, I carried on ramming her till I feel like cumming , I pulled my dick out of her and pulled her to turn toward me.

Me: Kneel down.

Pris kneels down and strokes my dick and when she felt it jerking she opened her mouth.

I slap her face gently

Me: On for face!

I shoot my load and she placed my dick on her face I watch on as my cum flowed onto her face and down her neck.

I Pull on her hair

Me: Pris, this is how we will be from now on.

Pris smiled and licks the cum that dripped onto her mouth.

Pris: I think I found what I want, Thank you Yang.
Old 12-06-2016, 10:14 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Ok juicy fun alternative done, back to normal story.
Old 12-06-2016, 10:16 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Veron didn't quite like this part. It's too crude and does not suit your usual writing style.
But u r the author, so please enjoy writing. Cheers
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Old 12-06-2016, 10:20 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by Sgchiongster View Post
Veron didn't quite like this part. It's too crude and does not suit your usual writing style.
But u r the author, so please enjoy writing. Cheers
It will appear crude to ladies, since alternative the write to the extreme
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