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Old 08-09-2011, 10:20 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience


IMHO, you are not alone, me too love MJ so much

I wish i could enjoy her BBBJ and frenching again. Her BBBJ very nice. She suck...suck until i nearly cum and she stop beautifully just before i cum. Toa kong leh! Best is she BBBJ until i didn't notice she put on CD on my gun. Moreover she automatically initiate frenching and tongue fight with me where i like frenching so much.
Wah lao! If she don't come back, i sibeh sigh!

Yours sincerely

Originally Posted by slayerxdx View Post
Any Bros have MJ ctcs? I miss her TTM, but dontknow when she got work when she never work, always kena wasted trip -.-
Old 09-09-2011, 11:04 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Is it?!

Thanks so much Bro boy. This is vital information.

I was there last night but the backlane of H12 was chained and it was dark so I didn't notice. Or, it is only today that her room number has been removed! OMG!!!

There goes another ang pai!

yup bro confirmed removed but still can see the six impression still left behind .. so i m quite sure its six cus i stared it for abt 5 secs just to make sure its six!!
Old 09-09-2011, 11:54 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Uh-oh, that is not a good sign.

I just sms her, and message was NOT delivered. She may be out of the country already.

All the best to MJ.

Thanks Bro boy. I will arrange to ups your points once I regain powers.


Originally Posted by boy_ View Post
yup bro confirmed removed but still can see the six impression still left behind .. so i m quite sure its six cus i stared it for abt 5 secs just to make sure its six!!
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Old 09-09-2011, 12:02 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by Miscible View Post
anyone tried carol H7RM11 recently? i really had no idea whats happened to her, she used to be so good and accomodating. was there earlier this week, its like she took a 360 degrees change. this cannot tht cannot, funniest thing is i actually had 2 condoms on. one for blow, which it already pisses me off, she took out, put on another and ride me with a new one. And as she do she keeps saying about how dirty PT is, all the ah peks, and that all the other ladies also going on a mandatory no frenching even mentioning H4R10. I really don't understand why, its like giving 50 bucks to charity. So dissapointing.
Think its three condoms, one for blow job, one for AR and one for FJ...
The quest for AJ continues...
Old 09-09-2011, 07:05 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

no problem bro fornicator, u have provided too much info for me already.. too much more then we all here need to have a good time. haha, no offense but i believe u really help out alot of newbies and even some lau jiaos here..

anyway, here's my FR on mun mun,

she look very .. no feeling like that.. but once inside she was very friendly and polite. her catbath was above average compared to other girls, she even told me to let her know if i cannot tahan. haha. her figure is very smooth and quite good for someone her age.only a little tummy fats . dont really wana go into too much details but overall :

Looks : 6.5/10
Catbath : 8/10
Bj : 7/10
Fj : 6/10
GFE : 7/10
RTF : Maybe but will try the rest first..

PS : Bro fornicator, i PM u something quite important, please reply when u free thanks..
Old 10-09-2011, 12:41 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Been a while since I last visited PT. Just tried Candy H14R11 for the first time. Tried to touch her boobs during washing but she ordered me to put my left hand on the bedside. After washing, I lay in bed and wait for her. Started with catbath. Blowjob was ok. Was expecting AR since she washed my ass but not given. No licking of her pussy. Control your kissing using her fingers to focus our lips with tongue sticking out. Touched her pussy lightly but she pushed my hand away. Asked for cowgirl and she say cannot. Started with missionary, then requested for CIM but was rejected. Ended in doggie. During the bonking session, keep telling me to hurry up. Tried to make small talk with her but she doesn’t look interested.

Session: 09-09-2011
Catbath: 3/10 – SOP
Blowjob: 6/10. Good suction
Kissing: 3/10
AR: 0/10. Not given
FJ: 5/10. So-so. Fleshy ass for doggy
GFE: 0/10
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Waiting for their return upzz -->> Many

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Old 10-09-2011, 02:14 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

None taken, no worries Bro, you welcome!


Originally Posted by boy_ View Post
no problem bro fornicator, u have provided too much info for me already.. too much more then we all here need to have a good time. haha, no offense but i believe u really help out alot of newbies and even some lau jiaos here..
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 10-09-2011, 11:02 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
Bros, please be careful of what you post here....... not only samsters come into sbf.... AV oso browse here for information...... many of you complain the Ang Pais are quitting banana leg but I can assure you not all of them quit voluntarily.

The WLs have to comply with AV and MOH rules and guidelines....... and it includes No Raw, No BBBJ, No AJ, condom must be used at all times...... normally what happens behind closed doors only you and the WL know...... but when someone post here it become everyone knows including AV.

AV will call up the WLs for interview and issue warning regardless whether posting is true onot. ....... the real test is when the WLs go back for their mandatory break and return to work...... before starting work they have to go for medical and AV interview..... this is where many WLs kenna stuck cos AV dun wan to give approval.

We have lost gems like Diamond, Super, Inter, Violet and many more..... all these WLs have something in common..... they give BBBJ, CIM, special services etc....... dun tink AV dunno wat is happening.

Enjoy the WLs by all means..... if you get special services tats between you and the WL...... dun broadcast to the whole world ...... please send by PM to those bros interested.

Btw, I was in JB couple of months ago and went to Blue Wave HC..... met an ex-GL Cat150 cum ex-PT Cat50 working there...... she told me she preferred working in PT cos she earns more there..... but AV dun wanna approve her when she returned from her break...... so she lan lan work in JB and the biz there is worse than her GL days.
one brother comment on carol h7 about not doing bbbj. i visited her recently, and she said the reason is getting av approval. like what lone wolf said so well above. please try not to post bbbj here n get them into trouble, even for -ve reviews. jsut say bj, or if really need info, then use private message.

we donlt want to lose any gems.

Old 10-09-2011, 03:30 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by sc slayer View Post
Just tried Candy H14R11 for the first time.. ....Started with catbath. Blowjob was ok. Was expecting AR since she washed my ass but not given..... Control your kissing using her fingers to focus our lips with tongue sticking out..... Asked for cowgirl and she say cannot..... then requested for CIM but was rejected. Ended in doggie. ..... keep telling me to hurry up. Tried to make small talk with her but she doesn’t look interested.
It’s so very strange how vastly different experiences can be. I can understand WLs’ services and attitudes may differ slightly from one customer to another. It’s expected, WLs are human after all. And there’s that intangible thing called “chemistry/connection”.

But to differ that much!! Truly, I’m very surprised at how polarised poor Bro SC Slayer’s and my encounters are with Candy. It’s almost unacceptable.

To me, Candy is one of the chattiest girls in PT. Always cheerful, bubbly and smiling. In fact she herself tells me that she is a happy person. We will chat, tease and fool around for 5-10 minutes before getting down to the business. The sex is very good and it is Candy that initiates the frenching. Then, Candy gives me what I like most (again, won’t detail too much, but regular readers of my FRs will know what I like most). After the sex, we will again chat for another 5-10 mintues. It’s always a fun time with her.

Overall, I would rate my time with her a solid and good 8 (PT rating specifically). Almost coming up to H22 Michelle and Xue Er, and MJ.

To read Bro SC Slayer’s FR shows Candy’s severe service inconsistencies. Hopefully she sees that this can hurt her business and improve.

Having said that Candy remains on my PT rtf list, along with H2 Michelle, Janet, H22 Michelle and Xue Er, Miki, Vivi and Lai Lai (gosh, is that all!!??)

Old 10-09-2011, 03:46 PM
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Re: H11R09 Ah May

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post

H11R09 Ah May working, can hear from outside her door, she BBBJ with sound effects. I know because I have RTF her many times.
Maybe that is me, bro

Tried this hot cat30 milf last week, fantastic experience

Saw her door open, ask her if she amy, she said "yes, u friend recomm you", told her several my buddies recomm her, she happy. then hand over $30 to her, and she put the $$ in her pocket.

Then after washing, staeted catbath, then moving south and to AR and BBBJ, the sound system is the best so far and she suck my ball for quite some time, will not go to details here.

Catbath: 7/10
Look: 7/10 milf i like
Blowjob: 6/10. fantastic, best sound system in PT, the slurp slurp sound
Kissing: no (i dont kiss wl)
AR: 7/10. Nice
BBBJ: 8/10 good
FJ: 6/10. pussy bit loose
RTF: res, in backup list only

One thing not happy is, after everything finished, she said i didn't pay her, then i told her already pay, ask her to open her pocket, and point to the $30 she just put the there and told her that is what i just give her. So bros take note.

Overall good for $30 will only rtf when others in my list not there
Old 10-09-2011, 04:00 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Hi Bro U-Da-Man, yup this was my humble FR on Candy in the evening yesterday. Maybe it was my first time taking her or no chemistry and that was why she treated me that way? There were a few people looking her into her room when I went in...maybe that was why she hurried me. An uncle went in after me. I hung around in the corridor to check the timing. That uncle came out 7 minutes later Looks like I shall give her a miss next time...but she does have a nice fleshy ass and that was where I banged her hard and furious till I cummed

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
It’s so very strange how vastly different experiences can be. I can understand WLs’ services and attitudes may differ slightly from one customer to another. It’s expected, WLs are human after all. And there’s that intangible thing called “chemistry/connection”.

But to differ that much!! Truly, I’m very surprised at how polarised poor Bro SC Slayer’s and my encounters are with Candy. It’s almost unacceptable.

To me, Candy is one of the chattiest girls in PT. Always cheerful, bubbly and smiling. In fact she herself tells me that she is a happy person. We will chat, tease and fool around for 5-10 minutes before getting down to the business. The sex is very good and it is Candy that initiates the frenching. Then, Candy gives me what I like most (again, won’t detail too much, but regular readers of my FRs will know what I like most). After the sex, we will again chat for another 5-10 mintues. It’s always a fun time with her.

Overall, I would rate my time with her a solid and good 8 (PT rating specifically). Almost coming up to H22 Michelle and Xue Er, and MJ.

To read Bro SC Slayer’s FR shows Candy’s severe service inconsistencies. Hopefully she sees that this can hurt her business and improve.

Having said that Candy remains on my PT rtf list, along with H2 Michelle, Janet, H22 Michelle and Xue Er, Miki, Vivi and Lai Lai (gosh, is that all!!??)

Minimum Power4 to trade
*Include your nickname when u up

Waiting for their return upzz -->> Many

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Old 10-09-2011, 04:13 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Hi bro , jus came back from PT . went to H10 , saw r1 n r1A open . R1 very ba ba but R1A have de cfm face . her bj n breast fuck is gd . breast also very big . Not a time watcher . very shiok wen she bj u . At last cim in breast fuck position . Damage $40 .
Old 10-09-2011, 06:00 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by tkongkia View Post
Hi bro , jus came back from PT . went to H10 , saw r1 n r1A open . R1 very ba ba but R1A have de cfm face . her bj n breast fuck is gd . breast also very big . Not a time watcher . very shiok wen she bj u . At last cim in breast fuck position . Damage $40 .
that's Rina the brown sugar porn star you are talking about
good to know u had a great time
thank you to all the bros who have shared their FL contacts and written honest FRs. you all have done a fabulous job. keep it up.
Old 10-09-2011, 06:48 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by tkongkia View Post
Hi bro , jus came back from PT . went to H10 , saw r1 n r1A open . R1 very ba ba but R1A have de cfm face . her bj n breast fuck is gd . breast also very big . Not a time watcher . very shiok wen she bj u . At last cim in breast fuck position . Damage $40 .
Song Bo Bro ?

have a Nice weekend
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Old 10-09-2011, 09:34 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

went PT this afternoon, 1st trip in last 2 months.....surprisingly, saw lot of Cat 50 working today. My objective is ViVi, Pat or Xue Er.

H02R15 - Michelle - working, but not my choice to RTF today
H02R16 - Ting ting - working, but not my choice to RTF today

H11R05 - Roseworking, but not my choice to RTF today
H11R06 - Yen Yen - not working

H12R08 - Janet - working, but no chance to see her face today, one ah pek queuing patiently
H12R15 - Joey working, but not my choice to RTF today

H16R11 - Pat - working
H16R13 - Vivi - working, but her looks dont turn me on today, so no RTF

H22R19 - not working
H22R20 - working
H22R21 - Xue Er - working...

Finally, after walking for 20 minutes... I decided to go for Xue Er (H22R21), is my 1st time bonk her.

Looks : 7.5 (pretty compared to other cat50)
Age : guess about 30-32
Boobs : is real C cup... very soft and nice.... but I dont think she allow sucking of her nipple
BBBJ : 8.5
CIM : not sure if she provide... but look like OK... because she keep BBBJ.. and I think she hope that I can shoot out, and no need FJ
AR : 8 (only a short while)
FJ : 7
Frenching : 7 abit only
gfe : 6

overall : I find her pretty and nice boobs... but is a time watcher, very rush after FJ. Quickly want me to get out of room.

RTF : dont think so
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