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Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
tuan tuan semua, ada stok baru o tyl dari laos,, M1zuk1.. sa pikir jipun wkkww mcm interesting .. anyone sdh try mohon tulung up fr
Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
alalaaa, blm sempat try M@rie kna gnti sdh
Tdk jga handsomeboi bro hahaha mgkin dia suka yg ada janggut. Balik balik dia bilang janggut sy sexy 😂 tdk apa ba bro finn pun ok jga kan
mcm belum start ou tu
Port: T*L Name: M1zuk! Age: 24 (she said) Race: TomYum Face: 10/10 my type shes cute as hell..almost similar to pic, pretty cute cuma mungkin pic lama sbb now ada chubby2 sikit not slim mcm pic. Body: 9/10 short and chubby2 sikit cute (my type). White fair skin bro. gg sdap sapu2 kulit dia Boobs: 8/10 B cup i think (natural) Ass: 7/10 nothing special but in good condition Massage: - HJ: - BBBJ: 7/10 SOP. kurang rasa tpi cute la hahah muda masih kan.. DATY: cannot dfk, instead she ask me to eat her P. shaved, smells nice yummy. DFK: she lip kiss me only no dfk - she said sorry, bruh shes too kind ![]() FJ: 9/10 No rush, can do all position. vanilla type punya FJ. GFE: 9/10 She’s really kind. not fluent in english but still can communicate (google translate bruh). WIR: Yes (if no new stock) Ok so to start, I book her time but boss said she no work since shes in period but got update, she available at night. proceed to book her. got into her room, damn face a bit chubby compared to pic but hell yea shes cute af.. she treats her customers well. for service all standard one just shes extra cute and cooperate with you all the time which is nice. I just love her cute face, chubby body, and fair skin hahah, service nothing special actually but ok la maybe sbb masih muda ba kan.. |
Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
Extra FR for cheongster here. a bit interesting one
Port: T*L Name: N1p@ Age: 29 (she said). boleh nmpak la 29 Race: TomYum Face: 7/10 ada scar sikit muka dia.. mybe 8/10 similar to pic tpi mcm not my type Body: 7/10 tall got tattoo on her back. gelap sikit bilik x berapa nampak but her paha mcm ada some sort of bekas2 oh ntau apa. Boobs: 8/10 big but implant pejal sikit huhu Ass: 9/10 soft ass, great for doggy Massage: 9/10 she should open her massage shop lol. good HJ: 9/10 good stroke BBBJ: 9/10 idk what she put in her mouth tpi spicy2 terus my didi sial hahah. she sucks everything down there bro. ass rimming evryyhing.. DATY: not interested DFK: 8/10 you can do whatever you want with ur mouth to her FJ: 8/10 its like im getting r@p3 (will explain below) GFE: 7/10 she’s talkative but i dont get her humor lolll. she can speak chinese and thai only. so saya pun wopucetau ja WIR: NOO im traumatised HAHAH not for me So yea I book her for 2s..coming to my room kciwa sikit muka dia not that fair la mcm pic tpi biasa sdh. masuk ja dia trus pegang2 lolou sia. kitai ahhaha. trus dia push sa p katil mau amput. sa bagi warning ja la, bro sini yg x suka wild jangan try this girl konfem u traumatised owh HAHAH. mcm saya suka yg vanilla2 punya cheong ba. but this one ah mcm BDSM punya vibe. horny btul this girl oh. Tbh, i cannot explain everything here, im just too shocked HAHA. she fk u like crazy (she likes rough). after 1st shot, i told her im done, i dont care about paying for 2s, im too tired since its a bit intense and crazy ahahh. but she insist me to let her massage me ONLY. so i said okay massage sejala. dia pndai ouh kcaau2 didi kau smpai naik balik. then i fk her 1 more time sampai hbis time. 2nd shot she ask me to cim. mybe bcause i give her burger no need to pay her more. Idk man, its like im getting r@p3 by her lol. not my type la this kind of girl. but for bros here yg kinky, like bdsm or suka yg wild2 punya girl, then this is for you. cheers! |
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Kitai hahahaha punya siok.. bilang si Grimmjo inda mau pigi lagi.. hahahaha kitai.. but anyway thanks for the FR ooo.. mantapz sekali.. tapu kitai sia pokai sudah ni
Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
Hi bros, wanna ask around if anyone got contact for Local FL, CKT, NL , or Dusun.
terpaksa korek tabung tu bro hahah, try la bro.. mmg siok jgla🤣 tp saya mmg x boleh go ouh
Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
Bros T*L new line up also look fantastic, rasa mau try 3P Magic and Jinn OMG
Re: Sabah Kota Kinabalu ??
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small matter bro hehe. ya kalau natural mmg puas hati la, tp the girl mmg a bit wild ahhaha, sampai kerring tontolou
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