Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
I can confirm bro jefxxl did not sleep alone last night!
Am I right bro jefxxl? |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Something similar happened to Singapore. The lor 8 flower street went along for years with the authorities half blind. Then came 1 Time magazine article and the clamp-down came.
多情嫖客无情屌 |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Wow, that's the first I've even heard of such a thing in Singapore! Truly Impressed! SEAJ |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
seems like tonite you finally meet a woman that can transform you into Dong Fang Bu Bai......... now can't sleep after being crushed by 2 nuclear warheads......... |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Some of the gals there are really top grade quality gals. And all for the price of $100 per pop. Really a bargain.. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Me too!
Last week still saw afew, quality improved. haha, for a short rare chance, 2nd day disappeared again. must go at very correct timing. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Have been a few years since I last went for 'shopping' there.. This used to be my playground.. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Me too, except that the service quality is always suspect.
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
I'm there purely for their looks.. If got service it's consider a bonus..
If want service better off at HC or Cat150. It only cost $100, sometime even $80 further down the lor.. Can't ask for much.. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
CP weather forecast (08/08/12)
SN: Raining/Cloudy Most SN still not available, still need to be careful. For SN-lover still not good timing to visit CP. BBS/FL: Sunny/Cloudy Can go now , and deliverty also available. KTV: Sunny/Cloudy Mostly r ok to go, have 2 small flower st, less customers now, and most gals r nicer than before, I think they lack love and Mr.Mao~~ Go-Fly CP Hotel Rate on Aug 2012 at CP (5th Aug Revised) |
Beer Overload
Every time I see her sure must tekan her. Yah those 2 big head lights good or not? After what I saw you did in the KTV room I dare not use the ice bucket in the future liao! Hehehe. Tonight another party with the same guys. Contact me by WhatsApp or SMS for venue. |
Re: Beer Overload
Wah look like someone took a piss into the ice bucket
================================ Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's learning to dance in the rain. 拿得起,要放得下。。。 一场游戏,一场梦。。。 |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
多情嫖客无情屌 |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
. 本人相貌丑陋,三岁习武,七岁学文,上知天文地理,下知鸡毛蒜皮, 每外出行走,常引帅哥回头,美女跳楼,心地善良,和蔼可亲, 乐于助人,乐善好施不可枚舉,其优点多得有如滔滔江水 连绵不绝,又如黃河泛滥一发而不可收拾,实乃旷世奇才。 人在新加坡, 心在常平 中国美女那么多,可惜我人在新加坡
Beer Overload
Not so disgusting lah but still...
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