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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 10-02-2012, 09:57 PM
azalirahman azalirahman is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Went into the 1st floor pub around 7.30 looking for the BBBB but didn't see any. Just one fat guy looking at his phone and empty looks from 7 girls in the pub. No response whatsoever. Don't know whether they thought I was the police.

Didn't waste time. Straight away walked out and went to 5th floor, walked into the old pub, told the bartender I wanted a beer and headed straight into the smoky room. No smoke because I was the only one there. Decided to play Russian roulette and let the bartender call a girl for me without choosing first. Sexy Maha entertained me for the next half hour, frenching, groping, tits licking, pussy digging and a light HJ. She was wet and I could smell her cum juice.

I was determined not too spend more than $100 tonight. So after enough foreplay with Maha, got her number and headed to GL for the final release. 1 LD for a sexy pinay and 1 nice session with a BBBB pretty cewek.

Very satisfied and didn't burn a hole in my wallet.
Old 10-02-2012, 10:40 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

@ azalirahman: maybe because you're so early that those girls at 1st flr pub was caught offguard they were not yet on their "game face"...

at first i thought we had d same girl at smoky... i read wrongly just last tues, we went there also and just like you, my friends and i went to GL for the release - a mind blasting session, mind blasting i say! hahaha
Old 10-02-2012, 11:53 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Bro, i walk past Orchard Plaza, saw really nice pinoys @ ground level like Tokyo drift and poker. I just wanna know of those girls are avalible for takeaways, cos those in orchard tower's club cannot as they need to work till morning. Anyone lknow the damage.

Old 11-02-2012, 09:04 AM
azalirahman azalirahman is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

I know I was early so couldn't expect many girls at the pub. But the early bird catches the worm right? At least they're still fresh for the night and not gone through previous actions before me. She asked me to BF her before I left for a $300 3 hour slot but I declined.

Actually went to check the ones at CSC before heading to OP. The girls were already in front of the doors looking for customers at 7. And the 4th floor pub at OP had some nice ones sitting by the door.
Old 11-02-2012, 01:14 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hi my pinay loving brothers, how do I join the P list very interested to know more thanks bro
Old 11-02-2012, 10:04 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

hmm jus wanna check, does G**** show live telecast soccer match? LOL
Old 11-02-2012, 11:08 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by yandaokia View Post
hmm jus wanna check, does G**** show live telecast soccer match? LOL
bro, u can definitely watch some live balls there, infact they even let u handball. unfortunately only thing u cant do is kick d ball
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Old 12-02-2012, 06:37 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

This smoky room is in OP?
Old 13-02-2012, 01:58 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Im sori, didnt manage to see yr post in time as got called up for last min work. there will be a next time, im sure.

so did u eventually go?
Yes I did go there, and it was a wild night. I met an interesting guy at the same bar that night.
Old 13-02-2012, 02:36 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Here is my very late FR, sorry guys, been out of country in the past month.

So headed to my usual one at the now closed PSC. Was invited by my usual girl, the play-ability was only little in the beginning. But I had bought her a small gift for christmas. So she was really happy to receive the gift. While i was enjoying her, she introduced me to another 'close friend' of hers and asked me to buy her drinks. So i ended up buying LD for 30$ to her which ended up as a wise decision in the end. During all this met this another guy who happened to be sitting with another girl. I asked him to join my table and we shared drinks and were playing pool. And all the while i was having a very good time with her 'close friend' after buying the girls another round of drinks. During the conversations i got to know that she is leaving the country soon (Hint hint). When it was time to leave, the friend told me to wait for some more time. So I was waiting outside, having a smoke. She came outside and told me to that she wanted to go home with me. I was very happy, though I did not get the girl I originally intended. Took her home, spent some very good time with her.

Nothing is better than waking up to the smell of a cuddling pinay in the morning.

And it didn't stop at that. Few days later I got an SMS that she wants to come to see me before she goes back to philli and I entertained the same.

So as the legend goes, it is easy to score the girl who is going back to her home soon.

I have not visited any other place after that, because of work and other things. hoping to visit some other place now.

peace everyone.
Old 13-02-2012, 03:32 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Went last weekend to crawl Pinoy pubs. Started with CT in a pub recommended by bro counchpotato. Had good fun there. Place is very relaxed type ambiance. Girls are also laid back. Not too aggressive, not pushy for drinks. DJ spins nice fast songs. Responsive to requests to play a song of your choice.After getting a few drinks the girls start to loosen up. While coming out saw another pub right next to it. Wonder if it's also fun. Will check out next trip.

Later headed to BQ area. Went to a pub where I was reluctant to try but the door bouncer recommended me to go in and said I won't regret. A girl accompanied me to the table & asked me for my drinks but I didn't really fancy her. Asked her to call the girl in pink dress standing outside. Soon this girl joined me. She straight away could tell from my malibog face what I wanted. Took to me the more darker, more secluded part of the bar. She was super fun and gave me a Bee Bee Bee Jay there in my seat itself...Wow !!

Left for home fully sextisfied.... 2 firings in one night....tired but have the weekend to rest & recharge.

Bros, for the first joint , pls PM bro counchpotato as he may/may not want to share with you the location.

The second location is fairly easy to find in BQ area, the pub name has a sea creature in it.
Old 13-02-2012, 09:19 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Costs? Bro...

Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post

Left for home fully sextisfied.... 2 firings in one night....tired but have the weekend to rest & recharge.

Bros, for the first joint , pls PM bro counchpotato as he may/may not want to share with you the location.

The second location is fairly easy to find in BQ area, the pub name has a sea creature in it.
Old 13-02-2012, 09:37 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Bro, pls provide contact

many thanks
Old 13-02-2012, 12:29 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post
Went last weekend to crawl Pinoy pubs. Started with CT in a pub recommended by bro counchpotato. Had good fun there. Place is very relaxed type ambiance. Girls are also laid back. Not too aggressive, not pushy for drinks. DJ spins nice fast songs. Responsive to requests to play a song of your choice.After getting a few drinks the girls start to loosen up. While coming out saw another pub right next to it. Wonder if it's also fun. Will check out next trip.

Later headed to BQ area. Went to a pub where I was reluctant to try but the door bouncer recommended me to go in and said I won't regret. A girl accompanied me to the table & asked me for my drinks but I didn't really fancy her. Asked her to call the girl in pink dress standing outside. Soon this girl joined me. She straight away could tell from my malibog face what I wanted. Took to me the more darker, more secluded part of the bar. She was super fun and gave me a Bee Bee Bee Jay there in my seat itself...Wow !!

Left for home fully sextisfied.... 2 firings in one night....tired but have the weekend to rest & recharge.

Bros, for the first joint , pls PM bro counchpotato as he may/may not want to share with you the location.

The second location is fairly easy to find in BQ area, the pub name has a sea creature in it.
Hmmmz.. but yr FR only say one firing.

anything is that the pub u mentioned used to be my fav pub till my fb went back. I know that they don't do BBBJ or even BJ. at most only HJ and that is also very seldom unless u regular or the gal like u.

UNLESS things have changed once again.
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Old 13-02-2012, 12:53 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

now my turn for an FR.

Last night bored, so went down to this place in town 4 levels of different fun. msg one bro who pm me to go chiong together but in the end he too tired did not want to join. so i went alone.

Using our famed P-list, checked out the #26 first. Ordered a becks and choose a seat at the back which is dark. at first one gal came to me, normal introduction. another came. but they can c that i am not interested in them and the 3rd came. seems she more pushy, rubbing her booby on me but i can sense there is no action. I asked the other 2 to leave and chatted with the 3rd. she say no pvt room, no sofa, got live band and i can c no action and the rest of the place is bright. So i am bit disappointed. The gal did not push me for any LD or attempted to touch me. Except when she sit down, her white panty can be seen. I told her that this place is boring. She said should come on fri sat coz got live band. I say this place is another type of boring, and she got my hint. she told me to go 3rd floor.

Finished my beer and left. $10 for a mug of beer.

Went down to 3rd floor and walked past #28. loud music, lots of gals outside but i see CMI so i no mood to go inside.

Proceed to the other side, #25 to check it out.
A gal pulled me to a seat and started chatting. #2 gal came and started caressing my body, and #1 also did so. then proceed down to my little bro and they are good, nv got raba real good in pubs before. bought them 2 LD $50. they drink it very slow and keep on stimulating me. I enquired about the pvt room and sofa. sofa i can see is taken already. They told me minimum spending is $290 for pvt room, which is inclusive of the room and 2 big glass of Long island. Promised me BBBJ and will be totally naked in the room.
Purposely let them raba me then i rejected #1 coz i don't like her. Spotted a chinese looking and 8/10 petite gal. called her over and #2 and #3 we went to the private room.

Soon after action started, the 2 gals stripped naked and also slowly stripped me naked. used wet tissue to wipe and start their job. the sight of 2 pretty pinoys BBBJ u, sucking yr jewels, erotic. #2 told me that #3 nv do bbbj before, i can see she abit apprehensive. but when its her turn, the suction power is so nice. fingered them and they are wet and getting turn on.
but one thing sian, they keep wiping with wet tissue, not continuous blow so cannot cum. 20 mins later, little head tired, decided to sleep. i told them to blow properly, not keep changing and wiping. so #2 raised my flag pole once again, her tongue stud is nice. so she blow for 5 mins then #3 take over. As #3 is the prettier one and her suction is nice, i decided i will release for her. continous blow for 5 more mins, my soldiers came charging out into her mouth. purposely did not tell her so she got shocked but she continued sucking few more times. wah shiok to the max but very fast she spit my soldiers out.

wah already 2 hours to daybreak. relax for half hour more then proceeded home. got #3 number, c if can KC or not , like her BBBJ.

Total spending for the night - $430.
i think i must lie low for february liao..

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