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Old 15-07-2017, 12:53 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)


I was still not sure if I should go to Malio at this wee hour, at the same time watching Games of Throne on the TV. After much contemplating, finally decided to check out Malioboro even if its already 3 am....

Walk across the road using overhead bridge, and reached the Malio building in around 5-8 minutes. Can't find my way for the entrance and the security guy pointed at the rear entrance so before I knew it i was in the ground floor stripbar. Music was not too loud, but the once that immediately cought my attention is the naked ladies almost every where.... was greet by a mamasan Ronald If i hear him right (he's a gay and a very funny guy) told me they are closing at 4, its better i choose a girl so that in time before closing. Sat me down and asking the girls to line up.... not used to be in this kind of position but just go along with it. First row none suitable, then i asked where's the foreign talents mamasan said at this hour no more. So lan lan asked to find some slim beautiful ladies and off he go to arrange. Soon next batches comes, one seems to stand out but I hope there's some more batches and were told no more other ladies due to time. So i proceed to choose the sweet local lady Kaninya i think her name.

Ordered a beer, and she orders a cigarrate and a Long Island for herself. All the while asking for my permission before ordering so that's ok. After some hugging and chatting we moves to room upstairs. Chosen a standard room but once get into the room immediately realised its much different that then standard room in Alexis. Alexis is way better. The ones in Malio is just a raised bed on a wooden platform. Anyway not fussy about it. Chatted a while, she smoked again (i am not a smoker and her smoking is a bit of more than what I usually tolerant but in this case somehow I just play along as she has a radiant personality which I liked)

She's very slim, nice proportion, great smile, eyes, rack, and legs. Not too tall but good enough. Showed me videos of her singing, apparently she can sings and sometime performing in some occasions.

It's already 3.45 at that time so we quickly shower, and started the deed.

Not going into details but she is easily one of the best i have experienced so far, very sexy, wild, and thoroughly enjoys herself. After 20 minutes of actions i managed to released and then we proceed to wash up and exchange phone number before parting ways.

Paid up, and then walked back to hotel with shaggy legs

All in all, a good day (night) in Jakarta....

So Saturday i will be spending full day here in town, need to plan what to do next. I am no longer young so 1 day 3-4 shots is too much for my aged body need to plan properly.... any bros any recommendation ?

Else I might just go back to Alexis again as i like the atmosphere where you can just sit and sip and admire the girls

Will post some more once i get into some actions.

Old 15-07-2017, 12:56 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by KoreanAjooma View Post
Desmond, I went to Malio Club two nights in a row and unlike my pre-visit jitters, its really easy to fend off the LD requests. The key is to really be clear, and obvious with your rejections. For me, I like to cross my arms to make a huge, unmistakable "X", so both the waiter and the girls can see, despite the blaring music or English limitations or whatever. Also, contrary to what I heard about Malio being incessant with tip requests, I have never been bugged by anyone for tips there.
Well quite true, i was there later the night , which is Friday night as well, same as you just i was much later. The girls just ignored me when i sit down, most probably its due to almost knock off time everyone just thinking of finishing off timely...

Cheers bro, i gained lots of know-how from your posts.
Old 15-07-2017, 04:25 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by desmond_c View Post
. I was told to give him the half of payment (which is 2Mill) and then gal will send up. ....... fuck... now I realised I have been conned
Im speechless how you did not at this point realise it was a scam? First rule of any untested transaction in life is to SEE THE GOODS before payment. NO GOODS, NO MONEY. PERIOD.

Anyone with knowledge of this forum knows 50% of wechat/online ads are scam or bait/switch tactics. However, those who still wanna engage, know to request video chat, or real live pictures (specific pose) to proove the goods before transit. I know its only $200 lost, but this kind of carelessness propagate the stereotype that Singaporean are naive carrot ready to be chopped.

BTW, if you take a taxi and he refuse to use meter, just get out and waive the next taxi. Better yet use Uber or Grab. You sound like a walking carrot waiting to get chopped at every turn, so i hope u figure out how to harden up quickly.
Old 15-07-2017, 05:12 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Haha, i am speechless too.... lost rationale thought after little Brother taken over anyway don't worry no harm done to Singaporean image as i am not Singaporean, yet

Lesson learned and it makes me wiser, so that's fine


Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Im speechless how you did not at this point realise it was a scam? First rule of any untested transaction in life is to SEE THE GOODS before payment. NO GOODS, NO MONEY. PERIOD.

Anyone with knowledge of this forum knows 50% of wechat/online ads are scam or bait/switch tactics. However, those who still wanna engage, know to request video chat, or real live pictures (specific pose) to proove the goods before transit. I know its only $200 lost, but this kind of carelessness propagate the stereotype that Singaporean are naive carrot ready to be chopped.

BTW, if you take a taxi and he refuse to use meter, just get out and waive the next taxi. Better yet use Uber or Grab. You sound like a walking carrot waiting to get chopped at every turn, so i hope u figure out how to harden up quickly.
Old 15-07-2017, 05:14 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by KoreanAjooma View Post
Desmond, I went to Malio Club two nights in a row and unlike my pre-visit jitters, its really easy to fend off the LD requests. The key is to really be clear, and obvious with your rejections. For me, I like to cross my arms to make a huge, unmistakable "X", so both the waiter and the girls can see, despite the blaring music or English limitations or whatever. Also, contrary to what I heard about Malio being incessant with tip requests, I have never been bugged by anyone for tips there.
Quick question, are you sitting downstairs near the stage (high chairs) or are you sitting in one of the sofas upstairs? It makes a lot of difference... because when I sat downstairs near the stage, at most is dancers coming around asking for LDs . Anyway, enjoy yourself~
Old 15-07-2017, 05:41 PM
KoreanAjooma KoreanAjooma is offline
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Originally Posted by Setzer View Post
Quick question, are you sitting downstairs near the stage (high chairs) or are you sitting in one of the sofas upstairs? It makes a lot of difference... because when I sat downstairs near the stage, at most is dancers coming around asking for LDs . Anyway, enjoy yourself~
Usually, I move around the downstairs area, inspecting the quality on offer, and just looking at how other people have fun, as I am not that experienced being in a strip club environment.

But when I spot a Dancer I like, I sit in a chair next to the stage, right in front of the Dancer that I want to take.

For me, doing this got her to notice me. Just make it very clear that you are waiting for her. Having a Mamasan AND a Papasan there to help me out (for instance, asking for her name in case she disappears after her routine) also helped to ease things.
Old 15-07-2017, 07:18 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by Setzer View Post
Quick question, are you sitting downstairs near the stage (high chairs) or are you sitting in one of the sofas upstairs? It makes a lot of difference... because when I sat downstairs near the stage, at most is dancers coming around asking for LDs . Anyway, enjoy yourself~
The girls try target the big spenders on the Sofa. Same with waitstaff. Solo ranger or those at a table assumed to be more thrifty spenders and will get less propositions.

But the main point of the club is to have all the hot dancers come to you for rubba rubba. Those that get annoyed by this, stay home and masterbate in peace
Old 16-07-2017, 12:48 AM
KoreanAjooma KoreanAjooma is offline
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Day 5

Since the point of my trip is to gauge my 'best fit' out of the many different entertainment options in Jakarta, I headed out to KC to check out the 3rd Floor Lounge (even though I found the GF and 2F quite lacking), because apparently, that place is the reason why people enjoy KC so much.

Place: King Cross, 3rd Floor

Price: Vietnam Girl (1.325mn) + Room Charge (457k) + Red Bull, 30% Tax (52k) = 1.782mn ( - Room Charge)

Selection, Quality:

Ok so in the entire KC, there were only 5 import girls, all from Vietnam. Everyone else there are local girls, divided into 4 tiers, 350k, 750k, 900k for the Freelance groups, and 1.6mn (including room) for the Dancers.

There were quite a few high quality gems among the Locals, though I found the Viet girls  to be more attractive. Initially wanted to try out the Dancers there, but upon seeing them up on stage, quickly erased that thought from my head. Also they were smoking way too much.

Friendliness & English:

I always try to be very nice to the Mamasans, in hopes that they would be nice to me too.

After I made my selection, the Mamasan repeatedly told the girl to "give good service" and "make [my name] happy."

The staff there are all quite friendly. They cheer you on as you head into the room, offering high fives and stuff. Found it to be quite weird though.


3F Lounge seemed slightly more spacious than GF, probably due to the set-up. Also, because there are no Freelancers waiting on benches here. The female DJ is also very pretty, though the music wasnt loud enough.

Girl: V3 S

Taste in looks can be subjective. To give a little context - I am a bit of a health freak, so I prefer slim girls, with flat abs, skinny waste and thigh gaps.

Look: 10
Body: 5
Service: 2
GFE: 2

I should have expected that every other girl after Yuri last night, would feel like a major downgrade, but this was too much.

Face was pretty much perfect. Almost identical to one of the Korean singers I really like. I even showed the girl the singer's photo and we both agreed that they look quite similar.

BUT, clothes off, and her body was not up to the standard. Not only in comparison to Yuri, but she had belly fat, sagging breast and all. Adding to my confusion was her near-perfect, long skinny legs. wtf is going on over here...

Service was terrible. Decent start with some unexpected AR, capped BJ with good power, BUT she pulled off that, "I am tired, why dont you finish" shit, barely 15 minutes into the gig. What's more, she got angry, and started cursing in Vietnamese repeatedly. I finally said fuck it, we're done, and went to shower without finishing.

Got dressed in like 2 mins, and was about to storm off, when the bitch had the audacity to ask for Tips. LOL. I said I am going to speak to your Mamasan. She kept on asking  Why?, but gave no shit anymore.

I bitched at the Mamasan about the terrible service, and the fact that, even though I had paid for 60 mins, 1 shot, I ended up with 30 mins, 0 shot. As I was getting so visibly pissed off, she brought me to some manager-looking dude, who offered to waive off the room charge from my bill.

Upon leaving, the fucking security had the guts to tell me, "Boss, next time dont forget to Tip." Told the guy - I dont get intimidated to Tip for shit service. And left.

Now that I have experienced all 3 floors at KC, I can quite confidently say that I will not be returning to this place in my future Jakarta trips.

If you guys do go, stick to the Locals, and keep an eye out for the hidden gems.
Old 16-07-2017, 01:36 AM
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Regret to hear quite a few negative experiences by bros here.

I have received mediocre to pretty good service from the lounges so far.
Maybe the ceweks see that I am Uncle approaching Ah Pek status so pity me and give chance lah.
Ceweks maybe give you all young handsome men a harder time hahaha.

But seriously why don't you guys just loosen up more and stop being so confrontational?
Use Taichi and Zen strategy.
Sometimes it works to your advantage by taking a step back but when you retaliate the damage is doubly hard hehe.

If management or ceweks try to pull a fast one on you.
Just laugh out loud and act hilarious.
You will catch them off guard.
It's a physcological game.
They want to piss you off but it backfired so they will go back to defensive mode.

Do not create a scene and be cool.
This is to prevent yourself from being arrested if you act thuggish like most westerners.
What they lack is time if things drag out because they want to do more sales.
Most importantly please be polite to the papasan/mamasan because a lot times they may not know what really happen.
Just explain to them patiently.
At this point of time you need to have someone on your side.
Acting angrily doesn't help and it will make yourself look bad instead.

My strategy to have a good mongering time is to only eat local dishes.
Just don't complain about the taste being different when you eat Pho Bo in Jakarta when you should be trying Bakso instead.

Last edited by TonyCheong2; 16-07-2017 at 01:50 AM.
Old 16-07-2017, 12:00 PM
KoreanAjooma KoreanAjooma is offline
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

For those who may not be aware - UberX "adjusts the upfront costs if time and distance travelled are deemed to mismatch."

aka. the "fixed prices" that you see on the Uber app when you make your booking, may not match the amount that is deducted from your bank acct. Especially bad, considering that you are almost guranteed to get stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.
Old 16-07-2017, 03:38 PM
desmond_c desmond_c is offline
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

2nd day in Jakarta.

While day sleeping and trying toto recuperate, aging Is real shit ordered room massage and came a therapist which is normal avg looking girl, massage was soso, asked me if wanted ++ services I politely declined. Cost about 220K for 60minutes massage. Nothing to shout about except you got to relax in your own room.

At night, being reading about FL in CJs and X2, thought of trying out X2 first since I also like great music and beards more youngsters there. And I thought if X2 cannot get any FL I can go to CJs. Took a cab to plaza selayan that driver also blur, my gps also bonker the position keep changing I ended in the wrong place. Too lazy to walk around to find as shitty gps, so get a cab and lanlan go to Hotel Julia where CJs located.

Call me suagu but the first impression of the hotel is damn posh. Classic high class sort of hotel. CJ Is located on 1st floor you can walked up from the stairs in the lobby and turn right.

Need to buy beer or drinks for entrance, I got myself a corona and paid 200k for it.

First impression of the pub is great, love the airy feel and great air circulation even someone smoking you don't really felt like you going to get lung cancer anytime soon. The live band is great, very nice songs and know how to bring up the atmosphere. Love them!

Now the girls..... I was there at 11pm and I can see still girls are coming in. Ratio wise I think about 4 men to a girl. I think mostly are FL as they keep walking here there and establishing eye contacts. I would say at that time the quality of the girls are about 6-7 ish and some baby elephant in between too. Age wise I reckon around mid 20 to late 30.

After 2 hours I have ordered some more corona and enjoying the live band, while try to see if any new comers suits me. After a while saw a group of early 20 girls came in and one in red caught my eyes. Didn't make my move as I am not sure if she is FL or with friends, so just lay low and observe first. They moved around the floor and finally was standing beside me, although not the girl in red but her friend. So I politely offered them drinks, and asked her friend whether the girl in red is available. She says yes and swap position with her. Have a chat with her, she says she's a university student and after some chats she asked me if I wanted her for the night. I said yes and ask how much, settled for 2mil long time, as I think worth it for her look, slim body and damn nice hair and smells . She said still a bit early so we hangout for a while, while hugging and hand holding. Then I went to the loo, came out found that a local guy looks like knowing her and try to catch up with her, after a while she came back to me and I thought all is cool.

After while he came and asked her for a drink and being in foreign land I act cool and then thing went south.... lost sight of her and last I know from her friend she left already and I thi'm is with the local guy.

I sort of disappointed as it's 2+ already and I was left high and dry. Try to check out others but nothing catches my eyes. Anyway I came around that disappointment pretty quickly as I know that's how thing works so be it. Enjoy the last bottle of my corona and the live band went nuts which is fantastic!

Then left the hotel, pick up and bluebird and go back hotel self service. Sort of disappointing night but then again happy to found a decent place with great music and crowd, and that 2 mill still sitting happily in my wallet

Hope this give some heads up for the bro wanting to try CJ. I was there alone and I felt I can enjoy it, so you should be fine too.

Lesson learned is that stay cool, but act fast

Sorry if lots of spelling issues, still trying getting used to android keyboard

Old 16-07-2017, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
Regret to hear quite a few negative experiences by bros here.

My strategy to have a good mongering time is to only eat local dishes.
Just don't complain about the taste being different when you eat Pho Bo in Jakarta when you should be trying Bakso instead.
my usual strategy even though now i know enough berhasa...
is just to use my status as foreign.
smile n pretend dont understand.
u r sooo right.
in indonesia...friendliess gets u far more than being forceful.
even when know kena scamm..just suck it up smile n move on.
nothing goods come from confrontation.
we are in their backyard.
Old 16-07-2017, 04:32 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
But seriously why don't you guys just loosen up more and stop being so confrontational?
Use Taichi and Zen strategy.
Sometimes it works to your advantage by taking a step back but when you retaliate the damage is doubly hard hehe.
Originally Posted by smallplayer View Post
in indonesia...friendliess gets u far more than being forceful.
even when know kena scamm..just suck it up smile n move on.
nothing goods come from confrontation.
we are in their backyard.
I agree with you guys 90% of the time, but there are some instances you really need to be an asshole to get things done, make your point, or show you are not to be taken advantage of, especially with scamsters. My motto is Nice Guy 90% of the time, Asshole 10% of the time. I try to behave most of the time, but people need to know there exists a badass lurking inside which you don't wanna provoke or mess with

Old 16-07-2017, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by KoreanAjooma View Post
For those who may not be aware - UberX "adjusts the upfront costs if time and distance travelled are deemed to mismatch."

aka. the "fixed prices" that you see on the Uber app when you make your booking, may not match the amount that is deducted from your bank acct. Especially bad, considering that you are almost guranteed to get stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.
Just use Grab. It's really easy-to-use.
Old 16-07-2017, 09:16 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by KoreanAjooma View Post
For those who may not be aware - UberX "adjusts the upfront costs if time and distance travelled are deemed to mismatch."

aka. the "fixed prices" that you see on the Uber app when you make your booking, may not match the amount that is deducted from your bank acct. Especially bad, considering that you are almost guranteed to get stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.
why not just pay cash instead? I tried uber / uberx in jkt without any discrepancies when it comes to billing. Last took on 01 July 2017.
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