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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-11-2022, 08:49 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Just a quick qn… Is Nan xing a syt . Thank you
Old 28-11-2022, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Machomad View Post
You very funny Bro, left right also die 😅, die in happiness, Experience ML will know, sometimes they will check where did U go yesterday or with who.
Just curious, how would or will they bother to know who we are with before we visited them, we are only their customers, they got no feelings for us only we will have feelings to them, they had tons of customers, they only make sure we are legit customers and not some newbie, newbies are always a high risk. seriously we are nothing to them, eg, do you think they will still wanna have contact with u after they go back, I will 100 percent says they don’t, they just want someone who willingly to do errents for them as they have no one to look to when they are out of town, they will just buy u a 200, 300bucks meal as a trade off. we can’t even fit a place of friendship with them compared to their besties. I had one for 6yrs during 2002 times, I was out of her list the minute she went back, anyway the trade was over, she passed me to her friends who came here but none wanna make it out with me, can see how practical they are, new ones do not want someone else “boyfriend” either, so that is where I found my chance to quit , I can remain as a very good friend but will just stop there even today I had friends in this trade but I will neither upsell their service, just clean friendship, they have their own clients
Old 28-11-2022, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Newsasap View Post
Today is the 6th meet with my milf, as usual massage with the same services as my last visit. Still unable to fully unlock her. 看来有点行不通。

She said if she offer fj to her regular after a few rounds the regular will turn away becos men gets tired of same old dishes. Men always looking ahead to explore new bodies, big boob especially . 这是男人的本性。

She said she never trust any men and never give in easily, even if the men truly loves her also need to provide full financially support to her and her family.

The first courtship gift must be a Rolex watches, expensive gift to show his sincerity. Next is she wants to have an apartment back in Homeland to house her parents. She will not eye for handsome men. She observed many men did owned european cars but many of them can only afford to pay through installment plan,
Means not much spending power.

Then I ask her you have many regulars and she said 看不上眼, 全部是其子。

When a lady talk this to me what does she means?
When a lady buy me dinner what does that mean?
Looks like I am in the KC ring now.
Met the same lady today on our 7th meeting. While paying the entrance fee I noticed from the check-in book that there is a customer booked her for 3 sessions before me, seems like she is popular 红牌 in the shop。
As usual ask for shoulder massage and chat whatever we can, suddenly someone keep calling her and she doesn't want to answer, she explained this customer always call but doesn't want to come down for massage. to me,I think this man already kena her KC trap and badly fell for her.
Maybe no more spending power so the only way he can do is call. This type of kaki will sure come down to see her if his pockets allowed.

After these session I observed this ladies had got some habits.

1) she doesn't like to chat to customers, she only reply and leaves the phone on the table for charging. I think she is clever becos if anyone wants to talk with her will have to come down and talk. This will fill up the slots and change into earnings
2) she always leave the shop for meal break, either saying makan or go temple.
She will come back to work later.she takes this apportuinty to meet customer showing care and friendly, actually building relationship. KC game.
3) everytime when I about to leave I will pay her for the special, she will always ask for an extra blue note. The closer I get to her the nearer she reach to my wallet. She becomes more daring as I am no longer a stranger to her

She is smart in a way but she is also playing with fire. Only experience lady can handle multiple partners.

The game is on, she had moves to habit 3
Her moves are sweet making me leaves happily.

Last edited by Newsasap; 29-11-2022 at 03:43 AM.
Old 28-11-2022, 10:17 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Even if the ML, she eventually quit this line. To be able to still contact her; is already something. And I am referring to those PR, or turned SG citizens; don’t even need to RTC
Spending time with ex MLs no longer in this trade is another type of feeling. But then they might still be selectively seeing some ex customers. So where is the feeling?
Old 29-11-2022, 12:14 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by Newsasap View Post
Met the same lady today on our 7th meeting. While paying the entrance fee I noticed from the check-in book that there is a customer booked her for 3 sessions before me, seems like she is popular 红牌 in the shop。

3) everytime when I about to leave I will pay her for the special, she will always ask for an extra blue note. The closer I get to her the nearer she reach to my wallet. She becomes more daring as I am no longer a stranger to her

She is smart in a way but she is also playing with fire. Only experience lady can handle multiple partners.

The game is on, she had moves to habit 3
Her moves are sweet making me leaves happily.
You self KC more than she KC you. As long as you are happy. It's obvious she sees you as a push over. It's your money. Waste it anyway you wish to.

Just do us a favour. Tell her you are Malaysian.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 29-11-2022, 01:33 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by Johnyop View Post
I just did, can see my post in another thread. Sure u can unlock everything a normal couple can, and it was steamy. But when other customers give her gifts, you can tahan? When other customers pay her to bring her overseas, you can tahan? Even she say it's all work only? When other customers can help her in other ways that you can't, can you tahan? So in the end just accept the lesson and move on. Really word of caution and coming from experience : Don't fall in love with ml or FL
Honestly I fully agreed with this. Any customer can buy gifts, buy food, buy tickets for her. If she don’t accept, she will lose customers but she will tell you that she don't accept any gifts from customers.

However you should know that there are many hidden things going on in her WeChat when you’re not with her.
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Old 29-11-2022, 01:40 PM
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MaxTea has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

i buy i14 for my ML
Old 29-11-2022, 01:48 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Hahaha all these hoes really live up to their skills and professions
I hope all u samsters play smart and don’t let these women make a mess out of you
Old 29-11-2022, 05:11 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

No matter how well you treat them. Once they rtc, they will discard the WeChat and disappeared.
Old 29-11-2022, 05:38 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by Laofuzi8888 View Post
No matter how well you treat them. Once they rtc, they will discard the WeChat and disappeared.
yup, to them we are just a money tree or sugar-cane
squeeze as much, use finish then throw away
Old 29-11-2022, 07:04 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

I have seen ML getting tens of thousand of dollars from not one but 3 person that 保养 her. But she continue to work and earn that $200 for every fj. One month easily 30k-40k which can be someone’s 1 year salary assuming you earn $3k a month.

Just curious… how can someone tahan every month give $10,000 just for a ML also knowing she fuck 4-5 other guys per day?
Old 29-11-2022, 07:21 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by OngGiaThoung View Post
I have seen ML getting tens of thousand of dollars from not one but 3 person that 保养 her. But she continue to work and earn that $200 for every fj. One month easily 30k-40k which can be someone’s 1 year salary assuming you earn $3k a month.

Just curious… how can someone tahan every month give $10,000 just for a ML also knowing she fuck 4-5 other guys per day?
Must be some rich old lonely fellow.
Old 29-11-2022, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Laofuzi8888 View Post
Must be some rich old lonely fellow.
The mix is a business man that have wife and kids in his late 30s, a uncle in his 50s-60s with wife and even grandchildren, and another early 30s single man that is son of rich man.

So no… not all is cpf taking old man 😂
Old 29-11-2022, 07:29 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by OngGiaThoung View Post
Just curious… how can someone tahan every month give $10,000 just for a ML also knowing she fuck 4-5 other guys per day?
Am curious as well. No idea. I believed there are some MLs who still fucks behind the back of the person who 包养her. So ish not exclusive to that particular person.

Guessed that person is just lonely or tiko down there. Else he just enjoys the feeling of fucking her anytime if she is available. The ML also no choice, have to put her “owner” as priority and turns down other guys asking her out to fuck or have the intention to up her
Spending time with ex MLs no longer in this trade is another type of feeling. But then they might still be selectively seeing some ex customers. So where is the feeling?
Old 29-11-2022, 08:49 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

99.99% of ML are out to juice you dry like sugar cane. They make sure you feel sweet by sugarcoating their words. Making you feel exclusive and more important than other customers. But that is if you fit their profile. Those>30yo ML are usually more savvy.
They know how to segregate 1) disposable batteries,2) rechargeable batteries,3) Power bank and 4) Power plant. See below illustration No. 1 to No.4
1. Willing to spend on them
2. Willing to spend more on them.
3. Willing to spend even more on them.
4. Willing to spend much more on them.
Disposable batteries are those that comes 1 time and probably never return again.
Rechargeable batteries are those that comes once or twice a month but will not buy stuffs for them
Power bank are those that comes twice or more a month. Tips generously above market rate and demands more attention from the ML.
Power Plant are those that visits regularly, bloody rich, can go visit ML daily and tips generously or even give ML a monthly allowance if they like the ML a lot.

ML usually size the customer up by talking to them. Find out about their occupation, working hours. Whether they go massage regularly. Shower the customer with attention to get their attention so that they get hooked. Those ML might start giving in to more advances by the 3rd visit if they feel that the customer is a FAT CARROT or start to reject advances from the customer if they are just disposable batteries.
To hook Power Plants, ML plays the mind game, maybe committing to FJ after a long pursue but ML will sugarcoat the power plant when power plant starts to drift away.
In short, experienced ML's 情商 are usually high and will not be at the losing end of the KC Trap. In the first place, they are here to earn money for buying apartments back in their home country or supporting their family. 怎么会跟你谈真感情? So wake up from our dreams and pay for the services. Don't get involved emotionally.
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